my friend and I
Topic: it feltt goodThis story happened like 3 months ago true and its true.One day after school my friend ask me if he could come to my crib because he worked in 3 hours and didn't want to go all the way to his house I said ok when we got there no one was home we went straight to my room {we were both in gym uniforms since we had that class last} he took out 2 dvds from his book bag and I saw they were porn {straight porn} and he told me to pop one in {we always watch porn together but just to see if they were good or not} later on like 20 minutes I was so horny my dick was visible through my shorts I rub it a little then I turn and saw my friend with a big ass bulge in his shorts and I told him damn dude u got a big one he just laugh and said hell yea and took it out I was in shock I never thought he will do something like that he right away started masturbated I just stay there in shock until he grave my hand and guide it tours his big 8 inch thick dick I didn't let him but he told me to help him out and I just though why not and jack him off he just felt on his chess and great abs he had until I stop and took of my shirt and told him your turn dude and without a pause he reach inside my shorts and took out my 7 1/2 inch dick out I lay back on my bed while he jack me off I was moaning it didn't take more then 10 minutes until I shot my load on his hand and my six pack.. I then got up and finish him up he shot his load on my hand his shorts and my abs some of it landed on my lower neck.. we are both straight but this happen again to times which ill post up later ... lolz
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Singapore escorts are well-known not only for their attentive service but also for their attractiveness, charisma, and wit. Many of these friends have extensive experience and knowledge in their respective fields, making them ideal for any scenario.One of the best things about having an escort is that they are convenient and flexible. Whether you want a dinner date, a tour guide, or a night of passion, escorts can give you the right experience based on what you want. They are also professional and private, so your privacy will always be observed.
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The flexibility to personalize your evening out is a great perk of hiring an escort. Your escort service, including the duration of your booking, can be tailored to your specific needs. You can customize it to your specifications, avoiding any unwanted additions.The females are trained to provide a variety of services, including company, massage, and more. They're flexible and ready to give in to your craziest thoughts and wishes. If you tell them what you want and how you want to be treated, they will do all they can to make your visit exceptional.
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If you're looking for escort girls near you in Singapore, you're in luck. Singapore is known for its busy evening and lively entertainment scene, and there are many beautiful and skilled girls who can help you make the most of them.Escorts are individuals who charge a fee to give company and amusement to clients. Some examples of these services include going to social gatherings and parties with the client or giving intimate services. In many nations, using an escort service is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged.

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Hiring an escort girl in Singapore also gives you privacy and discretion. These girls are pros who know how important it is to keep personal information and actions private. You can have fun with them without thinking about anyone finding out.The privacy that comes with using an escort service in Singapore is a major perk. Professional escorts know how important it is for their clients' anonymity to be preserved, thus they take special precautions to do so. Because of this, escort services are frequently used by celebrities who prefer to keep a low profile.