my first night as his slut
The evening began like those before, sitting on the sofa, enjoying the high definition of the flat screen. The themes were shifting slowly, from news, to sports, to mindless comedy, forgettable cable movies, and back again, on a steady rotation.
The conversations were the highlight, as they evolved I noticed the proximity, the body language, growing closer and comfortable, the lingering looks. The strange warmth, my eyes occasionally, then consistently, scanning his massive body. Resting every now and again squarely between his legs.
Getting caught, I would abruptly shift my eyes, catching not a look of disapproval but a pursed, contented semi-smile. Then from the corner of my eye seeing the same silent treatment from him.
One night, he slid in a DVD of a forgettable porno, featuring big C-list breasts and overanxious guys with enormous cocks. Nervous laughing and shifting to conceal our eventual hard-ons. My eyes rested on the bulge of his pants, contemplating for several seconds…it was never apparent, or maybe I had never noticed, but the mass between his legs wasn’t just a lump, but a mound. My mouth watered as I pictured it, thoughts alternating between the voluptuous slurping actress on screen and myself enraptured in a similar wild feasting.
It was a night like that again, with that weird electric feeling of tension rising. I had thought earlier that day, “I’m giving in. I don’t know what to expect but I have to find out. ”
A few minutes into the movie, we were hovering closely, our arms touching like before. The ache between my legs was unbearable.
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I glanced down at his lap at the mound, thinking, “tonight’s the night. and I’m going to absolutely love it. ”I touched his forearm, and rubbed it firmly. His arm was loose, prompting me to lift his hand and rub his thick fingertips across my lips. One finger, then two sliding in and out of my mouth. My tongue curled and wisped around the digits, flicking softly as I pulled them softly out.
I leaned over, pausing just over his ear, whispering, “I’m going to suck that big dick down there tonight. ” I paused a moment. “Please. ”
Our eyes met, and he mouthed slowly, and lowly, “Yes, you will. You’re going to do all the things both of us have been thinking about. And if you don’t, I’m going to make you. ”
I slowly licked my lips. “You won’t have to make me. I’m going to be a slut for you tonight.
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” My other hand brushed over his leg, resting slowly on the mound. It was warm, firm, and I could make out the member across the width of my hand. Thinking about it inside me was driving me insane. Imagining the soft, yet taut skin melting on my lips, tongue caressing the bulging veins, wrapping my mouth around the massive head.“Tell me what you’re going to do. I have to approve. ”
Words I hadn’t imagined poured out of my mouth, and I found myself throttling him. The words formed around the images that had been dancing in my head and bout to become reality. “First I’m going to take off my clothes, so you can see how my hard dick is about to rip out of it’s skin. Then I’m going to get on my knees and fuck you with my mouth. ”
“You’ve thought this through, haven’t you? What else? It sounds good so far, but you’d better make sure you please me fully.
“I’m going to suck and fuck you until you come. The first spurt I’ll swallow, then I’m going to pull it out so you can shoot all over my face. Then I’m going to lick it off my fingers.
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My other hand is going to have three fingers inside my ass, stretching out for you. ”“Then I’m going to wait for you to fuck me. ”
“Well then, get to it. ”
I deftly took off his belt and unzipped his pants. I reached in and pulled his immense cock out, and pulled down his shorts. The thick piece of meat sounded a thud as it fell back on his abdomen. I then quickly stripped, needing to free my own big dick before it chafed any more inside my pants.
I lower his pants and set about voraciously. His cock was a massive tube, straight, disappearing at the base beneath a thick mat of hair. His balls lay loose, hairy and also massive. I smothered my face in them, licking every square inch, brushing my tongue across the thick patches of hair. I inhaled his musk, with each breath licking and sucking faster. I gripped his enormous shaft, stroking it with my fingers as I pulled it down to my face.
I looked up at his face as I slowly wrapped my lips around it. I wanted him to see the how badly I needed him to fill me.
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I slowly took it in, sucking, wrapping his thick, plush head around my wet lips, whipping it with my tongue, then started sliding down my throat.I gorged myself, massaging his retracting balls in my hands and I slid deeper and deeper with each pass. I took a break to spit on my fingers, my mouth watering to no end. His enormous cock glistened, veins raging as I rubbed my face up and down his length. His balls were now almost fully retracted, and I gazed in wonder at his long, bulging shaft. A drop of pre-cum dribbled forth, which I immediately licked off, savoring it as I licked my lips and descended again.
I reached behind myself and fingered my asshole, sliding them in as well. Once I started to loosen I fingerfucked myself, barely realizing that with each thrust I was approaching his base. His hand clamped down tightly around my head, and I then noticed our moaning, his of delight, mine of desperate relief. I gurgled as I felt his dick thrust against the back of my throat.
He stood up, cradling my head in his beefy hand as he fucked my mouth. I raised up on my knees, wrapping my hands around his thick, hairy quads and firmly clasped his ass, pulling myself deeper and deeper. I let him out and looked up at him. His immense cock in the forefront, he stood mightily asI worshipfully licked his stout dick, swirling my tongue around his shaft. I took a deep breath and shoved his cock down my throat, moaning as my lips stretched.
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Once it rested against the back of my throat, I undulated slowly, and felt a spasm in my mouth, followed by a warm flood. I gulp the first dose, then jerked his pulsing staff for more hits. I looked up as he showered my face, mouth agape, tongue hanging down, daring him to shoot me in the mouth…it didn’t matter since I was going to lick it up anyway. A few random streaks hit my chest, which I rubbed into my taut nipples.
“That’s a good little slut. Lick it all up. ” I complied, happily sucking it off my fingertips as I sat on my hand, tickling the inside of my ass with my fingertips.
I laid back, spreading my legs, using his last drops of come to lube my raging cock as I stroked myself. He sat back on the sofa contented, and I noticed as he lost his erection that his dick was still quite massive as it rested between his legs.
A few minutes pass, I wanted to stay hard and save my orgasm for fucking. “You can’t wait to get fucked, can you?” I laid there and moaned, mouthing the words, “Yes, please fuck me, fuck me” over and over again.
“Make me hard again and I will, you dirty little bitch. ” I laid on the floor, and he descended from the couch, kneeling on top of my face. His dick swung over my face, and I arched up, softl licking his wet, hairy balls. I saw his cock become engorged again, and I spread my fingers, readying myself to be entered.
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“Flip over and take your hand out, and stay on your knees. ” I fumbled behind me to find his cock, and rocked back and forth while I gripped it, feeling it growing in my hands. I felt him pull a hand away and twisted my wrist, feeling a warm liquid oozing onto my hand. He placed my hand back on his now hard cock and I pulled it, rubbing his wet head against my puckering hole.
Suddenly, I felt his thick, deft fingers enter me. At first two, then three, probing inside me and softening me inside with lube. I grasped his cock, feeding my hungry pussy with the head, then swinging my arms forward to brace myself.
He slowly, firmly penetrated me, and I felt my ass melt around his throbbing, enormous cock. I had practiced this before with various toys but this time was infinitely better, as I molded around his warm, firm cock.
My insides shuddered as I swallowed him entirely. My knees buckled, so I steadied myself by reaching my legs back and clenched behind his. Then it began. Thrusting, then pounding, I felt like my lower body was on fire but my grip got tighter and tighter and I breathed deeply and wriggled as I swallowed him deeper. I moaned and screamed as I shook, begging him to fuck me, to come inside me, to fuck me like a bitch and fill my ass with come. I felt final deep, powerful thrusts and squealed as his come flooded my insides, legs locked tightly against him.
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We collapsed, spent, and I felt his sweat drip across me. He withdrew, and I could feel air tickle my insides in as I stayed open, gaping. His masterful fingers again entered me, massaging my wet insides as he throttled my cock, which was about to explode.
I finally released and felt my warm come splash against me, and slurped happily again as he shoved his wet, sticky fingers into my mouth. The woman onscreen above me writhed and shook in delight as she came, pounded by the pornstar, and I knew exactly how she felt.
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