
my best friend


This story happened during one school holidays.
I was getting bored one day. Then i decided to go to a mates house.
About him: About 5' 8" short brown hair tipped with blonde, 7 inch cock, and he is fairly athletic.
About me: About 5' 8" short brown hair tipped with blonde, 8 inch cock, and very athletic.
When i got to his house, he was the only one home. It was a hot day so we went out side for a swim. I need to go to the toilet, but i couldnt be bothered going all the way inside so i just went in the garden, i didnt do anything to hide my dick. Im pretty sure he saw it. Then i jumped back into the pool. When i got back into the pool, we started play fighting. Then a stray knee went staright into my balls. It hurt alot, then i made my way to the edge of the pool and just sat on the edge. Then my mate came and stood in front of me, asking if i was ok and stuff. Then i was shocked at what happened next. He started rubbing my cock, trying to make it feel better.

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   Then he undid the tie you my boardies and pulled my cock out.
He then lent in and kissed my balls and asked if that made me feel better, and i was like hell yeah it does. Then i lent in and gave him a passionate kiss, our tounges exploring each others mouths, it was very sloppy but it was good. Then he went down and started sucking my cock, i started moaning, as he got faster my moans got louder. After about 10 minutes of him sucking my cock, i was about to cum. Then i blew my whole load into his mouth and then he swallowed it all.
I stood up and took my boardies off and just chucked then on the grounded then jumped back into the pool. I walked over to my mate and started kissing him again. Then i grabed his cock. Then he got out of the pool and took his boardies off and then sat down. I walked over and grabed his cock and started sucking on it. This was the first time i had ever sucked a cock but i had seen it enough to no what i was doing. His moaning was getting louder, then his body started to tence up. I new he was about to cum, i braced myself, i wanted it in my mouth. Then he just exploded in my mouth.

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   I swallowed it all, love the taste of cum.
 Comment. If you like it part 2 will follow shortly :)

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