
A honeymoon in Africa


Honeymoon in AfricaMy wife, Kate, and I became lovers at college.  We were both studying anthropology at the time.   She was very beautiful, a tall, long-legged brunette with the face of an angel.   She looked a million dollars in a dress, and when she matched it with high boots, which she often did, she was magic.   This was coupled with a smile to melt the heart of the coldest.   I remember being so proud when she became my girlfriend.   She was such a beautiful and gracious lady, she turned heads wherever she went. We were both passionate travelers, and being students of anthropology, enjoyed many adventures together to remote parts of the world, mostly Australia and Indo-China.   We particularly enjoyed meeting indigenous people and learning from them.   Taking a year out of college to travel the world, we backpacked through many countries, seeking out the most remote places and people.   We enjoyed ourselves so much that the year turned into two.   Eventually, of course we knew that we had to return to normal life and finish our studies.   We got an apartment and settled back to study.   It was hard at first but we agreed with each other to persevere until we graduated.   We were deeply in love and decided to set ourselves a target - we would get married when we both had graduated.   Well, the day finally came when we both graduated.

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    The wedding occurred shortly afterwards and we were the happiest couple on earth.   My father offered to pay for the honeymoon, wherever we wanted.   We were delighted and had no problem agreeing where we wanted to go – Africa.   It was one place we had never been, yet both wanted so much to see.   It was, after all, the birth place of the human race. When we arrived, we found Africa to be all we hoped for.   The sights were breathtaking and the people traditional and very friendly.   The service in our hotel was second to none - we felt really at home there.   On the second day we took a safari trip.   This was fantastic and Kate and I filled our cameras with pictures.   The guide in charge of the trip, Mula, was a very tall, very black African, with a smile that would be the envy of any toothpaste ad.   He was very attentive and helpful at all times, and was also an abundance of information and knowledge for inquisitive tourists like us.   During the course of the day I had a long discussion with Mula about the local tribes and customs.   He was pleased at my interest and was very helpful – eventually offering to take us to see a very remote tribe, away from the usual tourist trail, if we so wished.   I was thrilled with this unexpected opportunity and arranged to meet him the following day, after he was finished his safari tour.

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    I tipped him generously. The following evening Mula collected us at our hotel.   We drove off in a rather dilapidated old car, Mula being as talkative as usual.   Kate was looking gorgeous in a short white skirt which accentuated her long tanned legs, and a tight yellow top.   It might sound provocative but the evening was very warm.   Her face was flushed with the heat, and the excitement she also felt at the forthcoming adventure.   An opportunity like this was not to be had every day by your average anthropologist, and she knew it. After about an hour’s driving, the last twenty minutes of which were on little more than jungle paths, we arrived.   The village was small, about twenty huts, set in a beautiful clearing which banked onto a stunningly blue lake.   All around it was dense jungle which stretched for miles in every direction.   The only break was the track by which we had come in. The evening was very warm but the lake made the heat more bearable, though Kate and I had to apply generous amounts of insect repellent to ward off the first wave of welcoming native life forms.   The second wave was the children.   They seemed to come from everywhere at once, their eager smiling faces radiating their excitement at our presence.   We were soon surrounded by a crowd of mostly naked, screaming children.

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    Fortunately we had expected this and had brought candy and other items to give them.   When the children had dispersed we met the adults.   They came out to greet us with leaves containing various fruits.   They appeared more reserved than the children but, nevertheless, graced us with their now familiar brilliant, if slightly shier, smiles.   We graciously accepted their gifts and were quickly drawn into the group.   There seemed to be a lot of excitement and Mula explained that they had arranged a feast in honour of our visit.   We were absolutely thrilled – this was proving to be beyond anything we could have wished for. As we were hustled into the center of the village I was noticing the people around us.   Their skin was so black it was almost a deep shiny blue.   They were all dressed in traditional dress and half walked, half danced along with us.   I was immediately aware of all the bare breasted females around me.   Some were older but many of the younger ones were proudly displaying pert breasts and bodies to match - their asses were seriously rounded and they seemed to know instinctively how to move them.   The men on the other hand all seemed to be quite tall and athletic looking, almost threatening were it not for the intrigued, smiling way they constantly glanced at us.    I could see the sparkle in Kate’s eyes as she also enjoyed the lively display of their hospitable welcome.  We were next presented with a local drink.

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    As I could no longer see Mula to find out what it was, we had to drink it on faith.   It was reasonably pleasant with a sort of liqueur taste. Enjoying it, we drank it down only to find it to be immediately replaced with another by our observant and attentive hosts.   Everybody, apart from the children, were drinking this potion and they seemed to be quite happy and excited.   At this stage the older women took the children away to the huts as dusk was approaching.   We were left with the younger adults, among which I now saw Mula drinking with a small group of men.    Taking Kate by the arm I approached them. Mula introduced us and we were immediately offered more drink.   We were so enchanted by this unexpected evening we went along.   There was then some chatter in their language and Mula explained that we had to move away from the huts as the children were gone to bed.   We moved further down towards the edge of the lake.   It was out of hearing of the huts and was magical.   The dark shadows of the jungle stretched off to either side while the emerging moon cast a ray of hope across its dark waters, providing a pale brightness against the encroaching darkness of the night.   On the grass near the edge of the lake there were a number of tree trunks positioned loosely around in a circle, serving as seats.  At the centre there was an area covered with a sort of coarse grass which seemed to glimmer in the light thrown off by several fires that began to spring up along the edge of the lake.

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   The jungle was only thirty meters away in either direction, and it felt like this was a haven of life and happiness in an otherwise empty universe of darkness.   I put my arm around Kate’s bare shoulder as we both gazed out upon the beauty of the lake, listening to the sounds of the jungle all around us.    This was heaven for us.   Then a drum began to beat, slowly and low at first, then gradually rising in both tempo and volume.    I could now discern a number of dancers in the centre of the circle, young men and women gyrating to the rhythm of the drum.   There were also a number of people sitting on the logs, just two meters away from us, smoking, drinking and watching the hypnotic movements of the dancers.   Suddenly Mula interrupted us, offering freshly rolled cigarettes.   He explained that this was locally grown weed and was very good.   At this stage the drink was having an effect on both of us and we were slightly happy and in party mood.   As we had both smoked weed at college we were not too hesitant in accepting a joint.   We puffed a bit and were soon both giggling a little, astonished at our good fortune. By now, of course, any ideas of making scientific notes were long gone and we were just having a great time.   But it was our honeymoon after all - we were madly in love and we both wanted the magic. Needing to relieve myself I headed towards the nearest trees, stumbling a little on the way.   When finished I returned to join the group of men standing with Mula.

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    This was smaller now, only four remaining, and I noticed that Kate had moved to join two women sitting on one of the logs.   I could tell she was a little wasted because she was talking to them animatedly even though neither side had a clue what the other was talking about.   But I must admit that I was also a little woozy by now and any concerns I might have entertained were gone with the smoke. I stood for a while listening to the men chatting, with Mula sometimes translating what they were saying, out of politeness, to me.   I was only half listening anyway, my mind intoxicated by the evening in every sense.   More and more my eyes were drawn to the dancers, their bodies glistening with sweat, moving sensuously it seemed now, in the light thrown off by the fires. I watched the swaying breasts of the dark beauties as they stamped and turned in the increasing ecstasy of their dance.   The young men danced close, thrusting their hips forward, in time to the beat of the drum, towards the bodies of the dancing maidens.  It was truly hypnotic to watch.   It was then I noticed one of the young men taking Kate by the hand and dragging her up to dance.   I watched in slightly stupefied interest as she allowed herself to be coerced into dancing with the man.   However, she was soon in time with the rhythm and seemed to be enjoying herself.   I had another smoke meanwhile and just watched them.   I was a bit jealous but too stoned to be bothered.   I could see that Kate was stoned too – she was dancing to the rhythm, eyes closed most of the time as though hypnotized.

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    While watching Kate dance my vision seemed to tunnel and for a while it seemed there was no one but her.   Her white skirt and yellow top stood out clearly against the all consuming darkness surrounding her.   Slowly I began to discern a darker shadow around her.   He towered over her and moved in time with her body.   She was facing me as she danced in the firelight with her eyes closed.   He was behind her.   I could see that his arms were around her waist as he held her to him, both swaying to the soft rhythm of the drum.   I tried to think but it was difficult, I could only watch them, as Mula and his friends chatted quietly next to me.   Most of the people seemed to be gone now, I noticed.   Besides Mula’s small group and the drummer, a couple sitting on one log and a handful of dancers were all that were left.   I focused again on Kate.   She seemed to be more aware now and was gently trying to break free of the grip of the huge African behind her.   All her efforts were, however, to no avail.   His sheer size and obvious strength made her feeble attempts to free herself pointless.   I knew I should do something.

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    I stepped forward and immediately stumbled, not sure whether I was pushed by those around me or the effects of the alcohol and weed.   In any event I found myself face down in the dirt, luckily avoiding hitting my head on the tree trunk seat in front of me.   The African’s who had been chatting with Mula immediately came to my aid and helped me up by my arms.   However, when I was on my knees they placed their large black hands on both my shoulders, preventing me from getting to my feet.   I tried a couple of times, but each time they would apply gentle pressure on my shoulders while giving me their brilliant smiles.   I heard Mula in the distance telling me not to worry, just relax.   Unable to get to my feet I refocused on Kate.   The black giant was still holding her by her waist and dancing slowly to the rhythm of the drum.   He seemed to purposefully hold her in a position which had her directly facing me.   I watched as his right hand moved down over her white skirt while his left arm held her firmly just under her breasts.   She was tall but in his shadow that did not show.    I watched, hypnotized, as his right hand reached the hem of her skirt, where it seemed to pause for a while.   They were both swaying with the rhythm, though Kate was clearly uncomfortable.   Her eyes showed her fear.   On the other hand I had the impression that his eyes were focused on me.

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    They seemed to bore into me, backed by his gleaming smile.   I struggled to free myself at this stage, realizing that things were getting out of hand.   My efforts, like those of Kate, were to achieve little.   They held me tighter, without any outward signs of antagonism, their brilliant white smiles perpetually in place.   They just did not seem to be threatening.   However, they managed, with ease, to prevent me from getting to my feet. I have to admit they were all taller than I and, I dare say, stronger and fitter.   Being rather wasted didn’t help me either. I continued struggling pointlessly until I felt a hand grasp my hair.   I was already in a kneeling position with my arms held, now my head was suddenly jerked into direct line of sight of my beloved Kate.   I knew we were in trouble.   I was helpless and being forced to watch a very erotic dance involving my bride and a black giant.   His hand grasped the hem of her skirt – she could not stop him.   I watched as he slowly lifted her skirt up, continuously moving with the rhythm of the low drums.   It was truly hypnotic and I found myself enchanted by the scene.

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    I honestly could not do anything at the time, as anytime I moved, the hands holding me got firmer, including the hand in my hair, which held me watching the scene in the circle.   There didn’t seem to be any point in crying out.   I just watched. Slowly Kate’s skirt was raised.   I could now clearly see her panties.   He eyes were wide but her body was moving with the dance.   He tucked the hem of her skirt under his left arm, pinning it beneath her breasts.   His right hand then began to explore her pussy, rubbing gently over her panties.   He seemed to glare straight at me as his hand probed the most intimate part of my beloved.  I knew I was powerless to influence events, and the recognition dawned suddenly on me that I was about to watch Kate being raped. I was right.   Another black African appeared dancing close to her.   He danced in front of her, while she was held from behind by the first.   All three seemed to move in unison, answering to the low beat of the drums.  For a moment I had a vision of a piece of white chicken in a black bread sandwich.


    The erotic dance with Kate continued.   My emotions at this point are impossible to describe so it is probably best to just continue with the story as I experienced it.   His right hand was now massaging her pussy, he moved the fabric aside and allowed his long black fingers to explore her deeply, continuously staring at me.  Suddenly, the man dancing in front of Kate grabbed her by the hair and pulled her forward towards him.   As she was still held at the waist, her head was dragged down towards his tummy.   I could now see that he had his cock out and it was basically in Kate’s face.   I struggled anew but in vain.   I did not have any idea how many men were holding me but I couldn’t move, couldn’t even turn my head away from the scene unraveling before my eyes.   Kate called out to me then, a heart rending cry for help.   It cut to the core of me, but, for some reason, I didn’t respond, knowing I could not help her, and basically being resigned, as I was, to the inevitable.    I could now see that the guy holding Kate by the hair had his cock in her mouth.   It was long and I saw that she was struggling to cope with it.   At the same time the guy behind her lifted her skirt completely and basically ripped her panties off.   He handled her rear for a few moments before he too produced a very large cock.   He then guided it to her pussy using his right hand.

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    She was busy with the cock in her mouth and seemed to jolt when the head of the other cock touched the lips of her pussy from behind.   The next is the strange bit.   The guy entering Kate from behind didn’t plough into her as I expected.   Rather he was quite gentle.   He held her hips firmly in his massive dark hands while he carefully and slowly entered her.   He only allowed the head of his cock into her pussy before he withdrew it again.   He repeated this for a while, with a very slow tempo, never penetrating deep.   I soon realized that he knew what he was doing.   Slowly but surely, and to my horror, Kate began to thrust her butt rearwards to meet him.   He smiled hugely at me.   Kate was now sucking vigorously on the big black cock in her mouth, while, at the same time, doing her best to get as much of the other large cock into her pussy as was possible.   Her rear lover was not going to be rushed however and he slapped her, quite hard on the ass, when she appeared to be too eager. Too my growing horror I could see immediately that Kate changed her behavior, as though to please him.   He continued to slap her ass severely, but his words seemed gentler as a result.   Both men were continuously talking to her as they slowly and gently fucked her, but I did not understand any word of what they were saying.

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    The guy at her rear was now clearly picking up pace.  His thrusts were going deeper and faster.   I could see the reflection of the firelight in the sweat of his black brow.   His concentration on what he was doing was spelled out in his face.   He was deliciously enjoying each thrust of his giant cock into this beautiful white female.   I have to admit that I too was taken with the beauty of the occasion, despite my internal struggles.   Kate, I could see, was now completely enraptured in the primitive sexual play in which she had the leading role.   She was sucking and bucking for all she was worth.   I was shocked, as I had never seen, or even imagined, the likes of what I was now witnessing.   Kate was coming repeatedly before my eyes. It was about this time that I felt a push and found myself chest down on the tree log.   I was held tight while someone tied me to the log by my hands and neck.   I honestly cannot recall my thoughts at this point but do remember looking desperately at my beloved Kate being serviced at both ends by giant black natives, and she was  showing growing appreciation to her rapists.    This was my horror. It was then I felt my own trousers being undone.

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    A hand was undoing my belt, then button and zip.   Suddenly I found myself tied face down on a tree trunk with my trousers and shorts down around my knees, while watching my bride enjoying being raped and humiliated by natives.   I tried to call out to her then but I couldn’t. A finger probed my ass.    It was oiled and was both a shock and a relief to me.   I remembered how gently they had raped Kate initially, and now hoped my rape would be equally so.   It was.   Having oiled my ass liberally I felt an equally oily cock head touch my rim.   I squirmed.   But it persisted.   Pushing gently but firmly it entered me.   Arms clasped themselves around my neck as warm panting breath coursed my right ear.   He was heaving on me now, getting more urgent by the moment.   His initial restraint was ebbing as his thrusts into me got deeper and harder.   It was hurting.

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    I did my best to relax and accept it.   The dope helped.   But, nevertheless, I was beginning to experience something new, something phenomenal.   I saw for a moment my bride, lustfully accommodating two dark giant cocks in the firelight and at the same time experienced a sexual high, as I too was being raped. Sickening as this was it continued.   To my horror my rapist reached a hand around and grasped my now firm cock.   He started to wank me in time to his thrusts, still keeping things slow.   The pain in my ass was now gone and he was deep in me, well past my sphincter.  I knew I was aroused and was filled with a conflict of disgust and primitive lust.   I knew I was one of them.   My orgasm was approaching fast.   Behind me, he fucked me harder and harder.   I could feel his cock thickening inside me as his breath in my ear became shorter and shorter.   He exploded inside me – I couldn’t help myself, I came all over his black hand. I saw Kate now with three men fucking her.

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    She was straddling one black, another was in her ass and she was sucking a monstrous phallus with delirium.   I had completely lost control of the situation but was still in a sexual high.   A large black cock was suddenly presented to my face and without any thought I had it in my mouth.   He fucked my mouth viciously until he came, filling my mouth with his dark African sperm.   He held my hair until I had swallowed it all.   Another raped my ass while this was happening. In the morning Mula dropped us back to our hotel.   We did not speak on the journey.   Just before paying him I asked if he actually knew what happed last night.   He smiled that maddening smile they have and said, “My people have traditions, ancient traditions.   You white people think you can study us and understand us? You never will, but I helped you in your search, did I not?  You wanted to see traditional African culture and you have.   Mula always gives his customers what they want. It took a long time for Kate and I to come to terms with what had happened.   But, over time we did with the help of counseling – we learned to talk about it, and that was healing.   Our talking about it, however, more and more led to us having sex.

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    That is why I don’t name the area where this event happened.   Kate and I now visit every year.  

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