Perfect Shower
***If youve read my other posts before then you know if you want to comment me then email me at XSeductiveVampyr@aol. com and that please dont IM me without emailing me first and seeing that its okay. Thank You. This one is kinda cut short cause the other guy simply just died on me lol so I hope you enjoy wat little I have [10:02 PM]: As you enter your home, the sound of the water being turned on in the back shower reaches your ears. Curously you venture towards the watering sound. The door to the bathroom is creaked open revealing the bright light within. You peer in to find a womans clothes heaped on the ground. XSeductiveVampyr [10:05 PM]: You push the door carefully wider to get a better veiw of whats going on. To your great surprise, the tanned silohette of a full grown woman can be seen through the transparent shower curtains. A soft humming comming from her soft sexy lips as she bends down to rub soup onto her legs giving you somewhat of a veiw of a perfect tight ass XSeductiveVampyr [10:06 PM]: Sencing someone near she stops and stand upright and pulls the curtain a little to the side. Seeing you. . . some how recognizing you she smiles. " Hey. .
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. . youve come just in time to take a nice hot shower with little ol me" she giggles. XSeductiveVampyr [10:14 PM]: As she then disapears behind the curtan once again, you feel the bulge in your pants begin grow. You hurry to take off your own clothes, stumbbling into the shower, your eyes meeting the perfect woman of your dreams..