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He shoves his naked sexual servant down on the bed, forcing her to sprawl across it on her stomach. To make sure she doesn't movehe acts quicky and mounts on top of her. Sitting on her back he pull open her ass cheeks as she submissivly opens her legs to him. He runs his fingers from her pussy to her ass taking care to make her very wet and squirmy. He gets up and orders her to roll over and stick her legs up in the air, spred very wide for him. He tucks a towel up under her butt and retrieves the bottle of trusty lube from the dresser. He pulls back the hood of her clit and takes care to flick and pat at it till it is hard and making his bitch squirm and moan. Holding the hood back he drips slow agonizing drops of cold lube onto the tip. He drops more across her pussy, making sure thatample amounts reach her asshole. When he is done with the lube he leans in and rubs her from ass to clit while he watches her getvery hot and worked up. He leans down to her ear and whispers, "I'm gonna fuck your tight little holes raw until you beg for me to cumfor you".
Leaving her half way to ecstasy he gets up and retrieves the massive toy from the dresser. Still with her legs in the air now holding on toher own ankles for support she watches him bring the toy over and put it at the entrance to her pussy. Bracing herself for its entranceshe closes her eyes and tilts her head back. He pushes the massive toy in her pussy but only an inch or two, then withdrawls it and rubsit up and down her slit, smacking her clit with it a couple of times before returning to stroking. She pushes her ass up in erotic responseto the things this toy is making her feel.

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   Taking this as a sign he moves the enormous head down to her ass and applies pressure.
Not there she thinks to herself. Despite how good the pressure feels she knows her tiny asshole cannot take that ungodly huge monster. She is relieved when he starts to rub it back up and down her slit again and starts to relaxe some more. She is half way to her orgasmwhen in a swift motion the engorged head of the toy is back at her tiny hole. Before she can even protest he starts to push the head ofit in her ass. "Just getting your ass ready for later trick". Her master grins up at her. She lets go of her legs to lower her ass and try to escape her torture. A rough slap comes straight across her clit and pussy lips causing her to freeze. "Get your ass back up in the airyou fuckin whore". Knowing full well what may happen if she doesn't follow orders she obeys and grabs her ankles once again.
Her master continues applying more pressure to her asshole with the massive cock toy as she wriggles and squirms trying to get theblood back to her legs. Rubbing up and down to get as much lube to her ass as possible her master slowly inserts the head of theridged toy. Holding just the head of the toy in her ass he slowly turns and twists it while applying more pressure.

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   Only when she starts towhimper does he stop inserting the beast. He pulls out the toy and inserts the little black plug into her ass and orders his slave to roll over.
On her belly once again she is order to get her hand ready for rubbing her clit. She moves her fingers under he mound and slowly startsto rub her swollen button. He parts her legs slowly and positions his cock at the entrance to her pussy. One quick pump and he burrys his thobbing cock into her as far as it can go. He holds it there for a second as she rubs her clit building herself to the orgasmshe has been waiting for. About 20 second later he starts to pump, slow and steady but hard and deep unforgiving blasts. She canfeel the outline of the plug rubbing against the inside of her ass heightening her pleasure.
He pulls out of her pussy with a wet pop not caring if she reached her goal or not. He picks up his massive accomplice once againand puts it as far in her pussy as possible, balling the remainder of the towel up beind it to help keep it in place. He then slowly removesthe plug from her ass and sets it aside. He lubes up his 4 fingers and deposits a few more drops on her asshole. Slowly he works in one,then two and three, and soon all 4 of his fingers in her tight ass. Close to tears now but still feeling too much pleasure to stop she willingly submits to her masters wishes.

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Seeming to be pleased with the well lubed and ready hole he removes his fingers and positions the tip of his cock just inside her. As heleans forward putting all his weight on her back she can feel his throbbing cock slide deep in her ass. His chest rests against her back,he has put his unlubed under her to play with a nipple and his lubed hand is now wrapped around her neck making it hard to breathe. He jerks his hips a few times keeping her aware of his still invading cock. Leaning right down into her ear he licks along the edge of itand whispers in a demanding voice, "You like my cock in your tight little ass cunt"? "I'm gonna fuck your ass hard and raw till you beg for me to cum deep in you".
He releaser he neck and nipple and props himself up. Checking once more to make sure is partner in crime is still lodged as deep aspossible in her pussy he starts to pump her ass. He hole clenches around his cock, milking it for him, making sure he is pleased. She lets out soft moans as her own orgasm builds. She feels so full from the huge toy in her cunt and his big cock pumping her ass. Shetries to hold off her orgasm, as it makes her ass hurt more after she cums. But to no avail her body betrays her and she is sent intoorgasmic convulsions. Her body now weary but pleased she removes her hand to brace herself for the rest of the fucking till hermaster decides to cum.
It couldn't have been but even a minute before she felt her tears welling up again from her ass being ravaged by her masterswonderful cock. Balancing on the edge of pleasure and pain she starts to pant and moan more, moving her hips and slighly buckingback against his unforgiving thrusts.

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   Finally she manages to mutter, "Cum for me, fuck me hard and cum deep in my ass, I need yourcum deep in me". Her master speeds up and she can feel his hot breath on her back as he pants and moans from the feel of her milking his throbbing cock. He shoves one last time hard into her as far as his cock can go and she feels his hot burning cum depositdeep in her ass.
She feels his spasms subside and his cock starts to relax. He head is suddenly jerked back by his hand in her hair. "You're such a goodlittle cunt for daddy, I love you". He whispers to her. "I love you too master". She whispers back. And they fall into each others arms.

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