Totaal bekeken: 32852 (Deze maand: 37) Gemaakt 06-07-2018 (Gewijzigd: 25-10-2024)

Seductive Aisha

Your Angels
Escort girl from Griekenland -  Seductive Aisha, her sexy photos, read reviews and comments, information
Live Webcams Live Chat
Lengte170 cm (5'7" ft)
Gewicht54 kg (119.05 lb)
SchaamhaarVolledig geschoren
Taal: Russisch  Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian
  Engels English English English
Privé Ontvangst    Privé Ontvangst: Hotelkamer
Outcall    Outcall: Hotel en Huis bezoek
Sexuele orientatie: Hetero 
Afspreken met: Beschikbaar voor mannen  Beschikbaar voor mannen   
Beschikbaar voor koppels  Beschikbaar voor koppels    2+  2+   
Over mezelf

Seductive Aisha

Are you looking for female Escorts and Call Girls in Athens Greece?
This is "Aisha" the new sensational and ultra erotic Escort from Your Angels.
A very beautiful and sensual girl, with a hot velvet body and perfect natural breast.
"Aisha" is really a special presence, the ideal woman if you need a real Escort.

All photos are 100% real.
Availability: Monday - Sunday 16:00pm - 06:00am

Cost In-Call EUR:
30 minutes: 100
1 hour: 140
1,5 hour: 210
2 hours: 280
3 hours: 420

Out-Call EUR:
1 hour: 140
1,5 hour: 210
2 hours: 280
3 hours: 420

Extra: Lesbian extra+20€ - Cum in mouth +20 - Anal +50€

Your Angels - Hot Sexy Escorts in Athens

Contact informatie
Basis stad:Athene 

Schrijf recensie View Seductive Aisha reviews
  • Massimo 16-08-2018
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    30-07-2018 60 min Athene
    : 8.0
    : 8.5
    : 8.5
    Klaarkomen in mond
    Meerdere keren klaarkomen
    Met tong
    Zonder condoom
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Meerdere keren
    Echte foto
    I have had the pleasure of meeting Aisha for one hour yesterday evening. Pictures are legit and I found her to be even more attractive in reality. She has a beautiful smile and a great body. Her breasts are not big but I found them quite charming. She is a little quiet at the beginning (first meeting so it is only natural) but if you treat her kindly she will let go and then you're in for a treat. Same thing for kisses that are a little timid at the beginning but get better quickly if you do not rush her needlessly.Her little introduction dance was a very good start and the rest was really great. There are indeed worse ways to spend an evening. Highly recommanded.