Totaal bekeken: 21119 (Deze maand: 150) Gemaakt 12-11-2023 (Gewijzigd: 15-11-2024)


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Escort girl from Cyprus -  Misha, her sexy photos, read reviews and comments, information
Live Webcams Live Chat
Lengte175 cm (5'9" ft)
Gewicht65 kg (143.3 lb)
Borsten typeNatuurlijke borsten
SchaamhaarMeest geschoren
RokenIk rook soms
Taal: Engels  English
  Estlands Estonian Estonian Estonian Estonian Estonian
    Russisch  Russian
Privé Ontvangst    Privé Ontvangst: Privéhuis / Appartement
Outcall    Outcall: Alleen hotel bezoeken
Sexuele orientatie: Biseksueel 
Afspreken met: Beschikbaar voor mannen  Beschikbaar voor mannen   
Duo Liza
Over mezelf

Welcome to my page!
My name is Misha and Im Very Qute Lady from Estonia. 
First time in Cyprus. Incall and outcall possible. For booking text me by WhatsApp...

Check-in to a private apartment in a good area.
Meeting with me is amazing!

My photo is 100% real!

Sorry, discounts are not possible.

Please do not ask about it.

I send the address and location on WhatsApp. Please do not call, only write.

For additional services I will send on WhatsApp.


TijdPrivé OntvangstOutcall
30 min100 EUR
45 min120 EUR
1 uur150 EUR200 EUR
1.5 uur250 EUR
2 uur300 EUR300 EUR
3 uur450 EUR500 EUR
Hele nacht1000 EUR
Contact informatie
Basis stad:Nicosia 

Schrijf recensie View Misha reviews
  • david69 13-11-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    13-11-2024 60 Nicosia
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
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    Met tong
    Zonder condoom
    Spuugt het uit
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Meerdere keren
    Echte foto
    Έχει ένα πολύ ελκυστικό πρόσωπο κατά τη γνώμη μου. Ήταν καλά μακιγιαρισμένη. Έχει καλό σώμα και φανταστικά βυζιά. Με υποδέχτηκε με ένα λεπτό μεταξωτό φόρεμα και με οδήγησε επάνω στην κρεβατοκάμαρά της. Είχα ζητήσει ρούχα γυμναστικής. Είχε από κάτω σορτς Lycra και crop top που μου άρεσε. Έδειχνε υπέροχη. Μόλις μπήκα μέσα της ζήτησα να ξεκινήσει με απαλό μασάζ το οποίο ήταν υπέροχο. Προχώρησε σε κάποιο γρήγορο OWO αλλά ένιωσα ότι επρόκειτο να πυροβολήσω πολύ γρήγορα και έτσι στη συνέχεια της έδωσα στοματικό. Αυτό συνοδεύτηκε από ωραία βογγητά από αυτήν. Στη συνέχεια έβαλα σακούλα και την πήρα σκυλάκι στο κρεβάτι. Αυτό ήταν ένα υπέροχο θέαμα και δεν κράτησα πολύ.
  • amiramir 11-11-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    11-11-2024 60 Larnaca
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
    Meerdere keren klaarkomen
    Met tong
    Zonder condoom
    Spuugt het uit
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Meerdere keren
    Echte foto
    I liked what I saw, so I sent her a message and arranged a call to discuss the booking. Comms were very clear. I arrived and was let up on time, again comms clear and easy throughout. Bathroom is clean, shower is decent . She is very pretty, obviously everyone's taste differs but I would definitely look twice if I passed her in the street. Was very pleasantly surprised when she opened the door and let me in. Lovely figure, nice and soft skin, smells (and tastes) great everywhere. She clearly looks after herself and knows how to play to her strengths. Amazing legs. I won't go too much into this as, again, everybody has their own tastes so there isn't much point. The meeting itself was a high, high positive for me. For the most part I usually prefer the GFE type of escort booking. She is very easy to talk to, attentive and complimentary, made me feel completely at ease from minute one. That said she was also very capable of showing her cheekier and more seductive side. I won't do a play-by-play of the meeting, it's just not my style - as with appearance, everyone likes things their own way when it comes to sex so I don't see much point. Like everything else, it felt like I was seeing a GF. Very good kisser, good with other techniques too. Likes to touch and be touched, which is just what I like. Left the meeting with a smile.