Totaal bekeken: 75527 (Deze maand: 50) Gemaakt 04-02-2011 (Gewijzigd: 21-08-2019)


Lengte170 cm (5'7" ft)
Gewicht55 kg (121.25 lb)
Taal: Engels 
Privé Ontvangst    Privé Ontvangst
Sexuele orientatie: Hetero 
Afspreken met: Beschikbaar voor mannen  Beschikbaar voor mannen   
Over mezelf
<----RATES IN EUROS----> 1h/200 <---SERVICES INCLUDED-----> Relaxing massage, deep french kiss, owo deepthroat, sex multiple times in different positions, cum on body.

Contact informatie
Basis stad:Boca Chica 

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  • JohnyWalker 11-05-2011
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    11-05-2011 1 hour Athene
    : 10.0
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    I left before some hours from her with a big smile and thats why i create profile to write one review for meeting like i promised her. She realy much more better in reality and from photos and from video. Very nice athletic body very polite and warm behaviour. Fantastic services. No extras for cim cif and very good kisses. All sperm want to take it in mouth and she dont try to waste time. Social time too much humor. I ll maybe see her again in future. Stratis
  • IgnatiosT 10-05-2011
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    09-05-2011 2 uren Athene
    : 10.0
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    Meeting with diana yesterday was a real dream. The girl is maden to do this bussines and like she said she is going to continue for long time. I will try be honest and keep my enthuasiasm of 5 times cumming in 2 hours and write analitic my experience.

    She open door with watress costume after my request and welcome me with a hot kiss and very polite and gently took my jacket and show me the direction to the shower... Coming out and going to the room in which she was waiting me with two empty glasses and asked me what i want to drink. After perfect social time with her fluently english language and some touches we started kissing.. Deep frensh and really hot kiss full of passion really perfect.. Wet and sensitive gfe blowjob with hard tryies to put it all in and 69 with her perfect sculpture ass in my face.

    We started to do sex in diferent position with too much participation and real passion from her side. I didnt feel at all that i am with a professional and my cumshots were going the one after the other... After a cigarete 10 minutes after every of my cum she was trying to make me hard again with soft touches and deep kisses... She wanted to make me feel that i am her boyfriend.

    Very positive that she doesnt chanrge extras at all... all included in price and when i asked her why she answered me that she enjoy to do it and thats why she dont charge it like other girls...

    Negative for me it was that i was trying to book her 4 days and this is not good for someone who want to be constand client as i have already also met al the other girls "friends" of her.

    Anyway diana respect her money and she try to not disapoint you at all.. her basic skills are gfe and next time i ll try her with policewoman costume so to make her wild caracter come out a bit and check if she can also offer pse..! Bravo Diana.. You are perfect!!! fellow

    Your hot lover ignas! wink
  • Ekalisportclub 14-02-2011
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    12-02-2011 1 hour Athene
    : 9.0
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    Είδα το "new" στο προφιλ της και λέω να πάω να δοκιμάσω αφού κριτικές δεν υπήρχαν και η τιμή παραήταν χαμήλή για ίνκαλ. Ομόλογώ πως δεν το περίμενα. Οι φωτογραφίες την αδικούν. Από κοντά είναι πολύ γλυκια και ο χώρος της πολύ διακριτικός και καθαρός. Στο κρεβάτι δεν μου χάλασε το παραμικρό χατήρι αν και περίμενα οτί με τέτοια τιμή θα είναι "έπιπλο" αλλά εκτος πρωκτικού που δεν κάνει είναι καταπλήκτική σε όλα τα υπόλοιπα και τρελένεται να τα παίρνει στο στόμα. Έκπληξη λοιπόν η μικρή και vfm φυσικά για τα κυβικά της.