Totaal bekeken: 12781 (Deze maand: 66) Gemaakt 06-09-2024 (Gewijzigd: 26-09-2024)


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GFE brasileira
Escort girl from Griekenland -  Dani, her sexy photos, read reviews and comments, information
Live Webcams Live Chat
Lengte164 cm (5'5" ft)
Gewicht65 kg (143.3 lb)
Borsten typeNatuurlijke borsten
SchaamhaarVolledig geschoren
RokenIk rook niet
Taal: Engels  English
Privé Ontvangst    Privé Ontvangst: Hotelkamer
Sexuele orientatie: Biseksueel 
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Over mezelf
Olá queridos, sou a Dani, uma brasileira de 24 anos, 1,64 de altura, 65 kg, pele macia, corpo atlético, bumbum redondo, lábios carnudos, corpo todo natural.

Te convido a curtir uma experiência única e quente comigo! Gosto do estilo namorada, com muita safadeza é claro! Sua satisfação é meu maior prazer 😘

Venha me conhecer, atendimento somente com hora marcada. beijo 😚

Contact informatie
Basis stad:Chania 

Schrijf recensie View Dani reviews
  • Lexarius 21-09-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    21-09-2024 1 hour Chania
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 8.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
    Meerdere keren klaarkomen
    Met tong
    Zonder condoom
    Natuurlijke borsten
    Meerdere keren
    Echte foto
    I visit her today in a Appartement nice and discret.
    She opened the Door in sexy black lingerie that suits her perfect.
    Her Red Hair are nice and makes her Look perfect! Please do not change, thats one of your uniquenesses!
    As a welcome she hugs me and gaves me sweet kisses. After Shower i gave her the payment and a wonderful hour began.
    We startet with Kissing and touching each other. Her sweet kisses (with tongue) are wonderful like she is my girlfriend. The blowjob start slow and softly and getting wilder.
    Oh man she know what to do with her tongue and that makes me more and more horny.
    We changed in 69 and i tasted her nice pussy. The taste was very good and it seems that she liked it.
    In sex she is really active a we maked every position i wanted.
    Between my 2 orgasms we talked a little bit via Translation App. Her english is not the best but it worked. Most time she understanded what i want without words.
    The second orgasm i cum on here nice small tits. Man i love her small tits. I love her complete body, her look and her kind personality.
    Men she es a really nice girl please be kind and respectful to her. I can really advice her to every man who want a wonderful "girlfriend" time!

    Sweet Kisses

    Stefan from Germany