
Erica's First Time


Theparty was in a relatively small house on the south side of the city.   This particular suburb was not quite asaffluent as the one she lived in, but Erica could care less.   Another week of school was past; anotherweekend of loneliness had begun.
Herhigh school sweetheart was close to three years older and had joined the Navyright out of high school.   His dutiesallowed him to visit her only twice a year for a week, so Erica was often inneed of something she couldn’t have.
Don’tget me wrong, Kevin was a great guy.   Hewas fit, handsome, intelligent, and a wonderful lover.   Not to mention he was her first and only thusfar.   This only made it harder on her,even with their ‘arrangement. ’
Kevinhad told her that he wanted her to have fun.  He suggested that she should ‘try’ other guys.   She was very surprised to learn that hewanted to share her with another man.
Thissort of stuff did not make Erica feel better.  They spoke often on the phone, when he could, and wrote regularly toeach other.   Neither one of them had yettaken advantage of the arrangement.   Ericadidn’t want to…mostly.

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Sheturned heads wherever she went, provided she dressed for it.   Hell, sometimes guys went after her when shedidn’t.   Erica’s look seemed to say, ’I’mbeautiful, want to sit with me?’
So,despite being at a party and surrounded by many guys and girls who may havebeen interested, Erica remained alone.  She sat quietly on an easy chair in a corner, sipping a beer.   Occasionally she had to fend off some drunk,but mostly people left her alone.
Ericafelt so alone and so horny.   It had beenfive months, three weeks, two days, and…let me see…. . thirteen hours since she hadher last orgasm.   As she finishedcalculating this figure, Erica found she was not alone.
Hewas handsome standing there, in a wolf in grandma’s clothing kind of way.   His black hair slicked back with gel, hisblue jeans a bit ratty looking, and his collared shirt a bit too clean to matcheverything else.
“HeyDalton,” she murmured over her beer as he stood before her,just smiling like a cheshire cat.
“Heysexy, why are you sitting here all alone?”
Ericalooked at him a moment, thinking about her response.   She didn’t really like or dislike this guy,who tried a little too hard, and she did have a hankering for company.

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   (Not tomention a desire she had only begun to suspect. )
Shesmiled slowly while looking into his eyes, “There is nowhere for you to sit Dalton. ”
Hissmile broadened as he took a swig of his beer, “If you stand up a second, youcould sit on my lap and we could talk. ”
Ericathought about this carefully too, and figured it couldn’t do any harm.   She was wearing blue jeans after all.
“SureDalton,” she stood and stepped aside for him to sit down.
Ashe slid past her to sit Dalton put a hand on her hip andslipped it up, under her shirt, to her bare mid-section, before pulling it outto sit down.   The whole process was meantto be a little erotic, Erica knew, but instead it made her feel…slutty.
Normallyan obvious caress like that would have brought a slap from her, but instead,Erica smiled a bit and slowly sat in his lap.  She knew he wanted ‘it’ from her, but the part of her who needed justthat from him had overridden her instincts.  More primal instincts had taken over.  She was actually a bit perplexed with herself, but Dalton never gave her much chance tothink about it.
Onceshe was seated and comfortable, it was apparent Dalton was sporting a hard on, thoughnot a large one.   Her boyfriend’s wasimpossible to ignore, where as his was merely a ‘bump’ under her ass.
‘Apleasant bump though,’ she thought to herself as he began talking to her aboutsomething she did not care at all about.

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Asthey chatted he constantly maneuvered his cock around, trying to arouse her shethought.   Normally this would not get toher, especially with a guy like him, but tonight she was flushed, breathingdeeply, and her nipples were small stones on the tips of her breasts.
Now Dalton was no idiot.   It may have taken him longer than some, buthe did pick up on her predicament.   Hedecided that instead of refills on their drinks, they needed something else more.
Settinghis empty beer bottle down, he put his arms around her waist, under her shirt,then kissed her forcefully.   Erica was aloss, unable to do much except respond.  Her boyfriend was far from her mind as she ran her fingers through Dalton’s greasy hair, not caring thathis hands were now under her bra, feeling whatever they could.
Hewas a little rough, but she liked it.  Erica would not have believed it of herself until that moment, but shewas ready to fuck this guy who she not only hardly knew, but didn’t even reallylike.   So, when his left hand made itinto her panties, she could only gasp.  Of course so did he, once he realized that she was clean shaven.
Acrossthe room, another party goer noticed the party was getting a bit private innature and turned down the lights.   Ericaseemed to think this was some kind of signal.
“Doyou have any condoms?”
Dalton felt like he had just won thelottery as he fished them out of his wallet and started unzipping herpants.

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    Erica tried to be a littlediscreet, not letting her jeans go below her knees as Dalton was extricating his ownprivates.
Shebit her lip as his condom covered cock slipped into her moist folds.   She could barely contain a deep moan as hismember penetrated to its final destination and sat there unmoving.
Aftera moment, Erica realized she was on top.  She began to move slowly at first, then faster as Dalton shoved her jeans past herknees.   With her eyes closed, Ericaopened her legs and half-stood to ride the cock that was in her cunt.
Afteronly a couple strokes, Dalton showed why few girls dated himlong.
“Ohyeah, oh fuck, there it is,” he gasped into her ear as his fingers pulled onher nipples and his cock filled the condom.
Whathappened next was brutal for Erica.   Dalton pulled out, stood up (droppingher on the floor), and dropped the condom on her foot.
Ericawas shocked into silence as she watched him leave the room, his cum oozing ontoher foot.
Hearinga moan to her left, Erica saw another girl getting hers and burst intotears.   There she was, sitting on thefloor, jeans around her ankles, cum all over her foot, and she hadn’t evengotten to cum!  If only her boyfriendwere here…
Ericastood up, grabbing the used condom and walked out the door.   She dropped the condom into a trash can bythe front door and tried to leave, still holding her pants up with her lefthand, but the door did not want to open.
Lookingup, she saw a large, dark hand holding the door shut.

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    Erica turned to face the man halting herescape, but found she would be screaming into the middle of his chest.   In awe of his size, she stepped back, hermouth open.
Hesimply smiled at her, then bent down and pulled her over his shoulder.   Erica hardly noticed where she was going asshe saw she could trace every muscle in his back.   It was not until she was tossed on the bedthat she realized that being alone with a huge, heavily muscled black man maynot be a good idea.
Butthey were not alone.
Theman who carried her into the small room did not seem to care about theaudience, seemingly ignoring them as he took off his pants and briefs.   Erica was wide-eyed, looking around at thethree other black men in the room.   Theywere all normal sized guys, even their cocks seemed normal, except for theobvious.
Ericahad heard the ‘myth’ about black cocks, so she was not much surprised until hercaptor cleared his throat.
Shewas stunned.   She had heard that allmyths have some truth deep within them, that single grain which started it all,like an avalanche on a Colorado mountainside, but this was…incredible.
Don’tget me wrong, Erica had been exposed to as much porn as any typical nineteenyear old girl, but this was by far the largest cock she had seen inperson.   Standing out from his body asolid eight or nine inches was a black towel rod about as big around as herwrist.   The shaft was straight, withfewer noticeable veins than her boyfriend’s.

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   The head was not unlike those small mushrooms you may have bought in acan at the grocery store, except that it looked thicker than her wrist.
Stunnedas she was, when the man commanding that huge dick motioned her to him, she satup and moved to get a better look.   Upclose she could see more veins and that it was not thicker than her wrist,perhaps only slightly thicker than her well-endowed boyfriends.  Hypnotized with curiosity, not lust, Ericareached out and grasped the thing.
Shesqueezed it hard, not really noticing the moan of the man it belonged to as shetested its rigidity, as if this was her own personal sex laboratory.   As she thought, it felt like steel to hersmall hand and she began to stroke the shaft, wondering how far she would letthis go.
Theother three men seemed obedient, just sitting in chairs around the room,stroking their more average sized cocks.  Erica wondered if they were cold, sitting their nude, as she wrapped herlips about the mushroom before her.
Notingthat he did not taste any different than her boyfriend or the few other men shehad given blowjobs to, she decided this might not be too bad and looked up atthe large man.
“Excuseme,” she said, getting his attention, as his eyes had been closed, enjoying themoment.
“Yes. ”
“Doyou have any condoms?”  She said thisexpressionlessly, a girl asking where the beer had been moved to in the conveniencestore.
Suddenlyfour three packs fell on the bed around her, leaving her smiling as she pickedthe purple one up.
“Magnum,”she read, “for larger men. ”
Noone commented as she opened the package and unrolled the latex onto the largestcock she had ever seen in person.

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    Nowthe man was holding eye contact with her as she shed her jeans and pantiesseductively, baring her hairless pussy to all the men present.   Some began stroking faster.   Her man stood there, waiting for her tofinish.
Ericasmiled as she turned around slowly, assuming the doggy position in front of herlatest lover.   That would be the lastsensuous thing about this fine evening of fucking.
Thisman had not brought her up here for her pleasure, but rather so that he mayextract pleasure from her body, as much as he could, then leave the rest to hisboys.   She would figure this outimmediately.
Grabbingher hips, the man guided his cock into her very wet pussy, not waiting for herto get used to his girth.   Her pussyobviously had experience with large cocks, he noted as he slipped in to thehilt without a peep from her.
Exceptfor her orgasm that is.   Erica alwayscame whenever a guy hit her cervix, no one knew why, but for her it seemed tobe an erogenous zone, granting her the most intense orgasms.   So there she was, cumming her brains out witha complete stranger filling up her vagina completely.
Hercunt had become a vice as he began to move, but it did not matter to him, hesimply grabbed her by her long, brown hair and started slamming into her nice,round, white ass.
Oneof the other men watched her face as the enormous cock was sunk into her pussyinitially.   Her eyes rolled up and hethought she was going to pass out, but instead she bit and held her lower lipbetween her teeth.

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    He could tell hisbuddy was making her cum already…she was his kind of slut.
Hemoved swiftly, but smoothly, slipping onto the bed unnoticed as Erica wasenjoying her fucking.   He made eyecontact with his bro as he settled in front of her and nodded.
Thehard lunge made Erica cum very hard, opening her mouth in a scream.
“Fuck!. . . . Yes!. . . GodYes!. . . Oh y,” suddenly she was silenced as another cock was unceremoniouslystuffed into her mouth.

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    Shocked atfirst, Erica did not know what to do; the man simply looked into her eyes,licking his lips as her wet mouth warmed his cock.
Theonly man Erica had ever finished a blowjob with was her boyfriend, and that wasonly once.   She did not really like doingit and her boyfriend’s cock was just too big.  Thinking about this, Erica had to decide if she wanted to let thishappen.
Hercunt decided for her.   She could notignore the orgasms and could not ignore one simple fact: she was not repulsedby the idea that ALL of these men wanted to fuck her; in fact it turned her on.
Theman in her mouth soon found that while she was not much good at this, she was definitelyinto it.   He felt good, so he let herdecide how deep and how fast, knowing that his big buddy would soon be out ofsteam and that he would get her ass next.
Ericacould not believe what she was doing as the two cocks pleasured her.   The occasional nudging of her cervix, thepulling of her hair (that was new), and the cock in her mouth all had her in astate of bliss unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
Unexpectedly,she felt the big man slow, his strokes getting more forcefull, he was ready tocum.
Andcum he did…
After,Erica thought she would take a breather…she was wrong.
Asthe big cock slipped from her pussy, the man in her mouth also pulled out, pullingoff her shirt as he left, leaving her in only her bra as another man stepped upand put his cock in her mouth!  She couldnot believe it; they didn’t even have the decency to offer her a drink inbetween cocks.
Soonshe felt a man slip underneath her, his hot body rubbing against hers as hecame up to where he could slip his cock into her pussy.   He was not a very big man, but he woulddo.

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    His fast upward thrusts spoke of anathletic body, capable of going for hours.
Suddenlycum started gushing down her throat.  Erica gagged, but avoided the worst by swallowing most of it.   Just as she was going to protest, her lovergave her another orgasm.
Ericathrew her head back and sat up, riding her partner.   As she did this, others were commenting…
“Neversaw one so into it…”
“Lookat the cum on her chin man…”
“I’llbet her titties are amazing…. ”
Lookingdown, she saw that her man had given up on keeping up with her and was lettingher do all the work.   Placing her palmson his muscular chest, she clawed him hard.
“Fuck!  You bitch,“ he yelled as she smiled down athis dismayed face.
“Shutup and take your fucking like a man you bitch!” Erica could not believe whathad just come out of her mouth.
Someone,she did not notice or care who, removed her bra and began fondling her ccups.   A moan escaped her lips as shepicked up the pace.
“Fuck!  This whore’s cunt is like a vise!”
“Iwonder what her ass is like?” One of the men thought under his breath as hepulled out a small tube of lube.
Walkingbehind Erica, watching as she bounced up and down on his buddy’s cock andenjoyed having the man behind her pulling on her nipples, he knelt down andslowly began to lube her ass.
ThoughErica was coming down from all the alcohol she had consumed earlier, she hardlynoticed the man rubbing the lube onto her asshole.


    She did feel something unusual down there, ashis finger penetrated once or twice, but nothing else.   The only thing she cared about was comingagain on this awesome man’s cock.
Thehands on her breasts moved down her sides to her hips, then someone pushed herforward, where the man she was riding could get onto her nipples…this stoppedher.   That was when she knew somethingwas up.
Atthe first nudge she tried to escape, but it was no use, the four of them heldher still as the man behind her slipped his, thankfully not too large, cockinto her anus.   The big man was beforeher again.
“Don’tworry honey, we won’t hurt you any more than necessary,” his voice soundedsincere as he handed her a shot of clear liquid.   The cock was half into her.
Takingthe shot as one does bad tasting medicine, Erica dropped the glass onto the bedand was turning to say thanks when the big man’s cock was put into hermouth.   It was about then that she cameagain.
Thestory is that some women can cum if the outsideof their g-spot is stimulated.   Erica’sboyfriend would later point out that this is why she loved the anal sex,despite the pain.
Onlythe man behind her moved, pumping his cock in and out of her virgin ass.   She worked carefully on her new lover’s cock,relishing the feel of being double penetrated.
Itwas not long before the man in her ass announced his orgasm and Erica spit outher large companion’s member to tell him to cum on her back.

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Andcum he did…
Thecondom landed next to her face just as she felt the first gush of cum hit hershoulder blades.   Erica always loved thatfeeling, the feeling of hot cum pooling on her back.   Her latest lover seemed to cum a bucket full,completely filling the small of her back with his cum.
Ericasuddenly orgasmed.   The man in her cunthad driven deep, hitting her cervix, and triggering a massive cum.   As she sat up and screamed, he startedfucking up into her.   It wasn’t muchlonger…
Shefelt him cumming into the condom as she calmed down, looking deep into his darkeyes.
“Littlewhite bitch has been good to us boys,” the big man began, “I think we need togive her all that we can give of what she wants. ”
Ericadid not know what that meant exactly, but it did not take long to findout.   Her last lover got out from underher, but she was forced to remain in the doggy position.   Suddenly a latex covered rod slammed into herpussy as the new man grabbed her hair, jamming her face into the mattress.
Overthe next two hours, Erica was fucked just like this.   Face down in the bed; her pussy was fuckedraw at least once more by each man.   Shelost track of her orgasms and at some point passed out.
WhenErica awoke, she was alone in the room, her clothes folded neatly at herside.

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    She felt sore all over, not tomention sticky in some areas.   As she gotup, she felt what must have been half a gallon of semi dried cum oozing downher back.   This made her feel very dirty,but not as much so as the fifteen used condoms on the bed next to her.
Shemade her way out of the house, noting that she had to find a way to take ashower before going home.   Erica did notwant to go home smelling like cum, no matter what her roommate said.
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