
I want some chocolate


Let me start by describing myself. I am petite, about five foot two and one hundred pounds, perky breasts--too large for an A cup, to small for a B--mousey brown hair down to my shoulders. Almond-shaped green eyes, blue framed glasses rectangular shaped about the same size as my eyes. My boyfriend, Chris, is much larger then me. Standing about six foot even with an average build. His hair was about the same color as mine, though, with a little more red in it. He has very striking liquid-brown eyes. Both of us have very pale skin. . . we don't get out much. As far as his manhood goes, he's pretty average a little over six inches long and maybe one and a half to two inches thick (though it seemed much bigger the first time a really used it on me. . you know pratice makes perfect).
It was the winter when The Two Towers came out on DVD. Chris and I had been talking about how boring our sex life had become.

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   Before this point we had sex constantly, and it was starting to become stale. We decided that we want to expirience sex with other people, since we were both virgins before our relationship. We decided to have a threesome because I didn't feel comfortable doing anything sexual without chris. We started thinking about girls that I knew then might be interested in this. After an hour of furitless though, we had gotten no where and decided to start thinking about possible guys.
About half way through this conversation, Chris got online and started talking to and ex-boyfriend of my who we still very good friends with. He was a little smaller then Chris, but had a more muscular build, dark skin and short black curly hair. The more we talked, the more I felt that Brandon (the ex-boyfrined) was a good candidate, I asked Chris what he thought of that, and his response was, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. " At this point the conversation died off. I wasn't sure, but I'm fairly certaine that Chris set it up with Brandon to fuck my brains out.
Two days later, Chris had invited Brandon over to watch some movies with us. We were laying one Chris' bed watching a moive, I was in the middle Brandon was to my left and Chris was to my right with my back to the wall. I was wearing a skirt and it was very cold in the bedroom, so I pulled a blanket up to my chest for warmth. I pulled the blanket from the other side of Brandon so he was partialy under it with me.
About half way into the movie I feltt a had creep up the inside of my thigh under my skrit to my panties.

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   I thoguht it was Chris trying to tease me. He did that to me alot. The fingers lightly traced my slit, slowly following the crease in my panties. Slowly the fingers aplied more pressure to my panties, pushing them further into my slit. They seemed almost shy. . . like they weren't sure of how far they should go. This ment nothing to me--I was becoming more and more excited byt the minute--I was being teased by my boyfriend right next to one of my bestfriends (who I also wouldn't mind having sex with).
After what seemed like hours of teasing, I felt the fingers move to the elastic leg band of my panties and pull them aside. He then started exploring my slit, untill he found my pussy, then he slid one finger up inside me. I gasped then turned eight shades of red hoping Brandon didn't hear it. After being teased for so long, having something enter my pussy felt amazing.
I focued on the pleasure coming from my pussy. Then I realized something strange about the way Chris was fingering me.

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   my panties had been pulled aside from right to left. Then it hit me--Brandon was the one fingering my pussy, not Chris. I got extreamly nervose, and I tensed up. My pussy my have clamped down on Brandon's finger because it wasn't moving as much as before. I was worried that Chris didn't know what was going on so I pushed the blanket off of us making it very obviose what Brandon was doing to me. I was expecting a huge battle to erupt when Chris leaned down and whispered in my ear "Having fun there?" I must have had a mini orgasam right there.
I smiled at him and said "Yes. " and spread my legs more. Brandon had shifted so that he was holding my panties aside with one hand and pumping two fingers of his other hand in and out of my pussy. I got the feeling that he was a virgin because of his nervoseness, and becuase he wasn't ver creative. Not sure of where to start, I went ofr something familar. I unbottoned Chris' pants and pulled his dick out and started to stroke him. Shortly after this, Chris leened down and whispered "Focuse on Brandon more at first. "
I nodded and sat up, pulling away from Brandons overzealous hand, and knelt down in front of Branded and said "I want some choclate". This was in refrenace to a running joke we had about his dick being named by a bunch of our guy friends.

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   Nervousely I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. I was greated with a nice hard virgin black cock. It was almost exactly the same size as Chris' but Brandon's was black and was much straiter. I leaned down and wrapped my lips around the big purple head, letting my salivating tounge caress the sesitive underside. If he was any harder, i probubly would have burst. Instantly my mouth was being filled with precum, Brandons dick producing much more much quicker then Chirs ever did. This was ok though, I like the taste of cum. However I decided Chirs' was sweeter.
I was greedily devouring Brandons dick, savoring his taste. I was pushing him deep into the back of my throte, enjoying the moans of pleasure this elictted from him. I was hoping I could finish him off like this. I decided that I really wanted a big think load of his cum, and, if I did, I wouldn't have to go through with letting him fuck me--I wasn't sure if I really wanted to go through with that. Thats when I heard Chris say softly, "I bet Brandon would like to put that thing somewhere else. "
I pulled hid dick out of my mouth and looked up at him and asked, " Do you?" He nodded. So I climbed back onto the bed, getting on my hands and knees, my pussy towards Brandon.

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   Then I waited. At first Brandon just fingered my pussy, He seemed very nervous. Chris pulled his dick out and placed it in frount of my face. So I obliged him and buried it into the back of my throat.
"Are you going to make good use of that? Or just rub it raw?" Chris said rather mockingly to Brandon. I felt Brandon get up on his knees behind me. I felt his dick push against the outside of my pussy. He fumbled around a bit, trying to line up his dick with my entrance. The tip of his dick pushed against my clit a few times, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I'm sure this was not intentinal. After what seemed like forever, I felt him slip inside.
I was in heaven.
The feeling of having two dicks inside of me was more then I could handle, and the orgasams started to roll on. Brandond, the overzealous virgin, was furiously pounding away at my pussy, while Chris had his hand on the back of my head forcing his dick into my throat. I felt Brandon's dick flex inside me then heard him grunt as I felt my pussy fill with the warmth of a few thousand cromasomes.

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   He thursted into me four or five more times, shooting a few more jets of cum into me. He then slumped back againnsted the wall.
Chris then said "Turn around, my turn". I ended up exacty oposite to what I was, my face near Brandons softening cock. For lack of something better to do, I grabbed it and placed my lips around it. I cleamed the cum from it, while savoring the taste of our combined juices. I felt Chris get up behind me and shortly after the sensation of his dick penetrating my pussy. I heard the obseane noises I made while he fucked my cum filled pussy. Another orgasme hit while I felt Brandon's dick hardening in my mouth.
Chris lasted about twices as long as Brandon before pumping me full of baby-making jucie. My pussy was so filled with cum, it was running out of me. Chris said he was going to get something to drink and left the room. In my mouth, Brandon's dick was ready for round two, and not wanting to leave him hanging, I decided I'd finish by sucking him off. I wanted that load of cum after all.

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