
Email to Val


When I came, God, it was like Endeavor blasting off. (Did I tell you that my cums are very explosive?) I felt as though I could wave to the ground and say "Cum in Houston. I got no problem. " (Giggle)Before I start, do you still see your cousin? Is she still bi? Has she had you again since that time?You have set me a hard task to follow your experience, yours was so good and so well told. I only hope that mine will be as good for you. My Daddy was in the military and spent a lot of time abroad, so when I was a very young teen I was sent to a private school as a boarder. It was an old country house, the ivy on the wall type. I don’t mean it was "exclusive" like the rich girls go to but it was very nice with big grounds. On two sides of the boundary of the school were quite thick woodlands. Anyway, I had a crush for one of the almost 18 year-old girls in her final year. Her name was Martine and she was French. She wore discreet perfume and seemed so exotic and beautiful. Slightly dusky skinned, completely unlike my English pale whiteness and short hair, naturally curly to her shoulders. She was really beautiful. She had everything going for her, dark nearly black hair and soft brown eyes; I just fell in love with her. Again, looking back I'm surprised nobody said anything to me.

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   The teachers you know. I just blushed and stuttered when I was around her. I suppose in a cloistered situation, teachers knew that emotions would be stirred up. All those adolescent hormones twanging away!! I bet they had a few smiles. Even though Daddy was in the military, funnily enough I never ‘cottoned on’ to doing things with boys (or girls - unthinkable). I was a really naive girl, very slow to learn in those matters. At my school, the girls would get into little groups, someone would say something obliquely referring to sexy things and the whole lot would double up in little shrieks and giggles all except me. Then I would ask one of them to explain and they would say something like "You know Kay. Putting it in you" or "You know Kay, how a boy sticks out in front. " And I would say "Oh yes" and giggle with them. But I wouldn't really understand. I didn’t really know what I was giggling at. My Mum had of course told me the 'facts of life' but although I knew the technicalities of boys and girls, I didn't know about the emotions and the feverishness of it all. During the final term that Martine was there, we had a House competition. Each House had to solve puzzles and to find things in the grounds collecting points when they were correct.

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   The girls were in pairs to find the clues, then to solve them. (Good initiative and team training, hey!!) I couldn't believe it when I was teamed with Martine. But first, just a few girls were chosen to hide the clues. (Sorry if you are finding this tedious, Val, bad way to start perhaps. ) Martine was the one chosen for our House and I of course tagged along as her lap dog. Only one pair was out hiding clues for however long it took, so the other House pairs couldn't be aware of where we were putting things. Not much longer Val darling. Sorry, I should have missed out all the blather. I think you say 'cut to the chase'?We reached the woods with our satchels full of clues, and Martine seemed to be in a rush to get things in place. When we had done, she suggested we sat in a little glade we had come by, amongst the trees. Out of her satchel she pulled a large towel and laid it down so we could sit and rest. She was talking softly to me, and saying things like "you have been so sweet to help me" and "I could kiss you for it" and other nice complimentary remarks, this to a girl already head over heels for her. Imagine how I felt, her being so sweet to me. Placing an arm around me, she gave me a hug; I shall never forget her bending her head to my ear. I could feel her warm breath on me as said, "Would you like me to give you a kiss little Kay?"Her breath tickled my ear and shivers started running up and down my spine.

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   When she kissed my cheek and the corner of my eye, I really began to tremble. She must have felt me trembling because she said, "Are you alright Kay? Kay, can I kiss you? May I please?" I couldn't speak. I just looked into her brown eyes and nodded. She kissed me so softly, with such gentleness. She took her lips away and I wanted her to do it again. I closed my eyes and felt her pulling me flat to the ground. My mouth was so dry my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and I wanted to keep licking my lips. Then suddenly she was kissing me again, my lips, my cheeks, my eyes and her delicate fingers were gently brushing on my neck, just at the side. I wasn't shivering anymore, I was shaking. I felt her light touch as she stroked down my neck and then started to trace the edge of my bra through my school blouse. Fingers were tugging at my buttons and I knew she was pulling my blouse apart then, a hand on my naked tummy. It wasn't so much like a touch but, much lighter, more as though a tiny breeze were caressing me. "Take this off for me my little Kay," she said, slipping my blouse over my shoulders. She held me sitting forward while she unclipped my bra. The coolness of the air, oh God Val, it was unbelievable how good it felt.

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   She lay me down again, and I felt that feeling, that almost impossible feeling. My breasts were quite small, but they seemed to swell under her touch as she fondled them. She grazed her nails over them and over my nipples and then she bent kissing them. Ohhhhhhh Val I didn't know feelings like that were possible. It was only when her hand dropped to the hem of my school skirt that I realized what was happening between my legs. Both of my breasts felt ready to burst and just the tips felt almost painful. But now I knew she was going up my dress. Not pulling it back, just slipping under and up. When she got to my knees she tugged and my legs just parted as though they were disjointed. I remember that she pulled a knee up and then to one side, and I just flopped straight open, spreading myself open for her. When she riffled her fingers along my panties I know I yelled out. I don't know how loud, but I couldn't stop the noise. Bending her mouth to my ear and said "SSShhhhh my little Kay. It is all right. I shall not hurt you.

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   It will be so nice for you and I shall love you. " She kissed me on the lips again, little kisses, but continuously. Perhaps to keep me quiet, I don't know. All the time just her nails were grazing up and down my slit. Just like you darling Val, I thought I was wetting myself. There was all this wetness down towards my anus. Her fingertips were finding their way under the edge of my panties and I felt her tugging at the gusset to give herself more room. There was coolness as the heat from my sex was released and that cool air was again intensely erotic as though a breeze were touching me. The backs of her fingers now were brushing up and down my slit and I was making continuous noises, a sort of high-pitched nnngghh, repeated and repeated. My panties were coming down. I knew she was stripping me of them and I was lifting my hips to help her get them off so that she wouldn’t stop. I lay there before her, half beneath her, naked above the waist and with my dress round my middle, my panties thrown to one side. And her fingers, oh God, her fingers were parting my lower lips. For the first time I felt as though there was something solid low down in my tummy, it felt heavy there. She was sliding her fingers up and down my slit and it seemed as though her fingers were coated with the thinnest of creams.

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   Only after did I realize it was my cream. One of her fingers was teasing around my girly hole and I felt it pushing for entrance. Then, my God, it was in. ‘Woweeee,’ for the first time, something was moving up and down in my pussy hole. She moved her mouth from my lips to my nipple and nuzzled on me. My whole body was burning. Every nerve seemed to have grown out of my body and wanted to be touched. Nothing could be better or more satisfying at that moment than to be touched. Her thumb brushed on something I didn't even know I had, she was rubbing softly on a lump that had grown from nowhere. I screamed, I know I screamed because the lump in my tummy seemed to expand and blow up. I was shaking my hips onto her fingers, crying, throbbing and she was saying, "Kay, my darling. My lovely Kay, cum for me, darling. Kay, my angel my sweet………………. "Then she held me, held me tightly and the tide ebbed back. My tummy and pussy were pulsing and throbbing.

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   I felt her arms relax and I said, "Hold me Martine. Please hold me. Please. " She did and I calmed in her loving arms. She let me rest until I felt peace again. Then another first, an unforgettable first, it was to feel the intense throbbing receding, and little butterflies fluttering into my tummy and between my legs. She didn't do anything else. She didn't ask me to do anything to her so I never knew her body, but Val, I'm sure she did love me that afternoon. We never did it again. A few weeks later, at end of term, she returned to France. And it broke my heart. Talking to you like this, I've relived that afternoon, and I feel a little sad now. Like "the little death" you know after intense emotion, the little death. She was my first love and I often wonder where she is and what she is doing now. Does she ever think of me?This wasn't merely a girlish diddle (or a Jill as you say in America).

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   It was as if a bloody great door had been smashed open for me. But it wasn’t brutal, it was sweet, gentle and loving and if I’d started late, it was a wonderful way to start. I’ve tears in my eyes as I remember that precious moment in time, I must pull myself together. Val, I will tell you about a few other diddles I have had in another email. Now cum on it’s your turn my lovely, long-haired, beautiful Val. Are you going to send me a sexy photo that will cream me?If tonight you feel fingers in your sweet place, my darling, they are mine. Doesn't MATTER who is with you. Boy or girl those fingers are mine. With my deepest loveYour English friend Kay x x x x x© Susan England July 2003The author at englander1961@yahoo. co. uk would welcome comments and criticisms.

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