Turning mom into a Prositute Part 3
Moms working so well as a prostitute,she has regulars that stop by 3-4 times a week just for a quick blow job or quick fuck,the shop owner stops by just about every night after work for a quick fuck or suck,sometimes I let mom do him for free,tell him to take his time and ride her good and hard,he had mom sucking fucking and humping
real good and hard,some of the mechanics that work for him stop by once in a while for quickie,on night offered
the 5 of them mom for 6 hours for $1000.00 they jumped on her like white on rice,told them to fuck the shit out of her give a good old fashion gang bang,pull a train what ever they wanted,I,v done it with her with a few of my friends,they agree and went into the bedroom,I asked if they mind if I watch,they said sure if you want to,then I figured what the hack offered them 200 dollars back to take part in the fun they said OK sure,we had her suck all of us filling her mouth with our cream threw in bed and fucked her pulling a train as soon as one finished the other started,tilted her head a little so as one of fucked her the other could shove their cock in her mouth and fuck it too.We stood her up bent her over the bed and started fucking her ass,ramming our cocks in her watching her large floppy tits bounced all over,we then took turns sucking on those large juicy tits of hers,then we broke into to groups of 3s and fucked all three hole together,she got fucked 9 times in one session and nine times again
a total of 18 fucks oral anal and vagina two sessions.They left showered mom let her rest for a while then 3 of my friends stopped by and we fucked her for a while,of course they paid ,but we all had fun,She,s working so well
my little slut whore cum bucket hooker mom,broke one of my cousins in will write about her next time bye for now
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