Me and My Cousin
I'm 17, my names Trey. I live in NY, but once or twice a year me and my family drive down to Florida. Yeah, I know, it's some drive. But it's never really that bad. Anyway we drove down to Florida right before christmas eve. My parents recently bought a cheap apartment in north miami, and we decided to go check it out. Now let me tell you about my family. I have a BIG family. i really don't know how many cousins i have because every year i learn about someone new. There is one cousin, however, I've known for at least 6 years. 6 years ago Eve came up to New York for the first time. As soon as she walked in i thought she was cute. I really wasn't of age to think anything sexual, or at least I don't recall that being on my mind. But I definetely thought she was pretty. We basically hit off pretty well, with no difficulty. She followed me around everywhere I went, interested in everything i did.
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I don't remember too much back then, because my memory isn't that great. All I know is that every year following the initial aquintance, i would always hang out with her. As I grew older, I became very active with masturbation. I'd jack off ALL the time, and to any porn in front of me. It was only a matter of time until I started to fantasize about Eve, who by then i have already aknowledged hot. She's fucking sexy, she has the perfect curves, perfect ass, perfect lips, perfect, perfect, perfect. And I'm really not exaggerating, a girl doesn't have to be perfect to be sexy. I would always try to be around her alone, not so that I could try something, but so mayb she could. It was obvious she didn't just see me as a cousin either. Anyway so here I am, I just got to Florida, checking out my new apartment, when Eve calls me up:"are you there yet?! are you there yet?!" I almost dropped the fone, damn was she excited. . . "wutup yeah we just got here, i'm gonna unpack and then i'll pick you up n we'll do something" I don't know why but anytime i'm on the phone with her, my voice shakes slightly"(sigh) well hurry up, i have a surprise for you""alright i'll be there in an hour peace"A surprise? hmmmm.Greece Escorts Directory - Ellada Escort, Athens Escort, Thessaloniki Girls, Outcall, Incall, High Class Escort, EscortNews, Escort Agency, Escorts Service, Escort Elite, Ladies Tours, Hellas Escorts, Ellada Escorts, Escort Directory, Greece Girls, Greece
But no seriously it's not what you think. She just paid for both movie tickets herself. So I pick her up, we go to Aventura Mall. On the way there (30 min drive from her place) she started talking to me about how her school is starting out for her (shes my age) and how her boyfriend came out of the closet just two days ago. This was pretty bizzare. . . if i was a girl i'd be offended to find out my boyfriend was in fact gay all this time and ditched me for some asian dude. but anyway she didn't really seem to care, so i didn't break the mood. We finally got there, got into King Kong, and she immediately pushes up the armrest and sits close to me, her arm around my waist. She basically handled me like an overgrown teddybear. I've never seen her behave like this before, but i figured she's just physical like that (not that I minded, her shirt was extrodinarily revealing, and i had a perfect view). About an hour n a half into the movie, you know, when something actually happens, she starts to hold me tighter with fear. I've been staring at her tits for all this time and the scent that came up to my nose when she pulled herself tighter to me made me feel hot. My cock was growing inch by inch.Athens Escort Greece Athens Escort,Athens Escort Greece,Athens Escort Service Only Real high class escort service in Athens,Independent escort in Athens and entire Greece Ellada Escorts Escort Elite Athens,Ladies Tours,Hellas Escort Girls in Athens,City T
15 minutes later marked a turning point in my life. Randomely, without warning, she started to unzip my fly. I did nothing. I could not move. She unzipped it and slipped her hand inside, gripping the bottom of my shaft. She then smiled about something in the movie and made some sort of comment that i didn't really pay attention to. She started beating my cock up and down reeaal slow, so it feels more sensual than it does satisfying. I went over what was happening in my head, and i was so horny, i just let out a soft moan. as soon as she hears this, down goes her head. The moment i felt my cock sliding inbetween her puffy, creamy, wet lips, a whole other side of me took over. I grabbed her hair by her pony tail and force-fead her my cock. I made her take it allll the way down. . . .Escort, Bayan Escort, Escort Bayanlar, Escort Kızlar, Escort Bayan İlanları, Bayan escort, escort bayan, bayan escortlar, escort bayanlar, eskort bayanla
. . she. . . did. . . not. . . gag. Listen people i'm 9 n 1/2 inches, and no girl has sucked my cock like this without gagging. She seemed to be enjoying herself, because as soon as i let go of her hair she changed position. She got on her knees in front of me and started to take my cock in again, only this time i looked into her eyes.Greece escorts. Athens independent escort services and agencies ...
The theatre was dark, but somehow her eyes were as bright as a blue sun. I picked her up, zipped up my pants before i came. I took her hand and led her outside the theatre into the parking lot into my car, in which we automatically started making out. I undressed her, she undressed me. She started to suck my cock agian as i started the car and sped back to her place. I already knew before hand that her parents were in keywest for 4 days, so we had nothing to worry about. While she slowly slid her mouth up and down my cock, I reached over her beautiful ass to her pussy. She was shaven, and leaking all over the seat. I began to play with her clit, while shoving a finger, then two. she moaned loudly this time which got me realllly hot. 15 minutes (i'm telling you i sped) and 2 orgasms on her part later, we arrived. I picked her up, both of us naked, and we went right up to her room. "trey,uuuggh, baby i loved sucking your cockkkkkuughgg, i really wanna make you cum, ooohhhhh, please i want you to cum. . .avrupa yakası bayan eskort avrupa yakası eskort bayan eskort bayan eskortlar elit bayan eskort elit eskort elit eskort kızlar Eskort eskort bayan eskort bayanlar
. "I said nothing. I simply positioned her on her hands and knees and entered her hot pussy. She was so wet, i practicly slipped inside. I fucked her harder and harder, we changed positions, i kept on holding off my orgasm. . . . it was overwhelming. Then, all of a sudden, she pushes me away. I finally look at her face and see her eyes full of hunger and lust. . . . .Outcall Incall Escorts Serviceİstanbul Outcall Agency TurkeyAntalya İzmir Ankara Eskortları Bayan Eskort İstanbul İstanbul Escort Agency Bayan Erkek Partner İstanbul
. She then tells me. . . . . TO BE CONTINUED: if i get good comments i'll write the sequal. If i get bad comments I'll still write the sequal, except i'll write it before i jack off. .Escort girls
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