Semester Break
"Jason," Zoey yelped happily, "when did you get home!?!" "Just about and hour ago," he replied while sitting down on the edge of the bed, "and I must say you two are looking good, so please, don't let me interrupt you, go back to what you were doing!!!" Both girls giggled at Jason's play on words, but before she could comment, Zoey moaned loudly as Sky's hot mouth pressed hard into her drooling slit, causing her to gasp while bucking her hips forward!!! Jason sat by quietly while Sky sucked on Zoey's hot pussy, but his attention was momentarily diverted when the door swung open and Mrs. Cameron slipped inside while saying, "I told you these two were going at it hot and heavy," Julie Cameron chuckled, while plopping down next to Jason and caressing his dick through his pants, "why don't you get that big thing out of there and let me have a little taste, okay!?!"Jason was more than happy to take Mrs. C up on her offer, because from past experience he knew that she was a cocksucker deluxe, and while some men may have been able to resist her advances he certainly wasn't one of them!!! "Oh my, Jason," she sighed as his dick popped out of his shorts, "you've grown since the last time I sucked you, college life must agree with you!!!" "Yes ma'am," he sighed as the forty five year old cock hound inhaled his hard pecker, "mmmmmmm, you are a true cocksucker, Mrs. C, I guess it must run in the family!!!" "I heard that," Zoey chuckled, "you wouldn't be talking about me behind my back would you!?!" "Of course not," he said laughing, "I didn't say behind your back at all, I said it right up front!!!" Sky lifted her head away from Zoey's gooey hole, and with a wink at Julie Cameron offered, "Whataya say we suck these two loud mouths off and shut them up for good!?!" "That's an excellent plan, dear," Julie Cameron replied, "let's make 'em scream!!!"Both Sky and Mrs. Cameron absolutley went wild as their mouths literally engulfed the genitals of the two young college students!!! "Oh my god," Zoey panted, "I-I'm so close, please, oh yes, right there on my clit, yes, yes, yessssssssssss!!!" Jason rolled his head to the side and stared with glassy eyes as Sky sucked Zoey's cunt to a stunning orgasm that left the poor girl quivering while her pussy convulsed wildly out of control as a series of vicious contractions tore through her!!! "Now it's your turn, Mrs. C," Sky whispered, "hurry up and suck him off!!!" "Mmmmmm, yes," she answered softly while licking his eight inch memeber from top to bottom, "I just love young cock, it tastes so fucking good!!!" Jason closed his eyes tightly as the middle aged sucktress did her dirty work, but when she took his nut bag into her hand squeezing it tighter and tighter while twirling her tongue around his mushroom head, well it was just too much to take, and seconds later his whole body stiffened as he unloaded a gusher of burning hot cum into the old bitch's hot mouth, nearly gagging her to death!!! Both Zoey and Jason lay there shell shocked from the vicious assault their organs had just endured, but when Sky whispered softly, "Come on Jason, climb on and fuck her," the urge to fuck his old girl friend brought his pecker back to full strength, and in only a matter of seconds he was back in the very familar positon of being between Zoey's pretty thighs with his pecker buried deep inside of her!!! "Oh Jason," she sighed softly, "I've missed your penis something terrible, mmmmm, just keep doing it like that, nice and easy, mmmmmmm yes, in and out, in and out, it makes my pussy feel so fine!!!" Both Sky and Julie Cameron looked on with contented smiles on their faces as Jason fucked Zoey's tight little pussy with loving affection!!! "You can tell she really loves his erection, can't you Mrs. C," Sky sighed soflty!?! "Of course you can,dear," Julie replied, "her vagina is like a highly tuned sports car and requires a great deal of maintenance, but I'm sure that Jason's hard penis is up to the task, after all, he's been fucking her for over a year now!!!" "He certainly has a lovely prick, doesn't he," Sky commented!?! "Mmmmm, yes," Julie replied, "next to Mr. Cameron I don't think there's anyone I'd rather suck off, he's really quite large for his age!!!"It was becoming increasingly evident that Jason planned on making this a marathon fuck session as he periodically would slow down the pace of his stroking to keep from ejacualting his load in Zoey's pretty little vagina!!! "I think he's giving her a love fuck, don't you," Julie asked Sly softly, "just look at him, he's riding her like a horse with his pecker in the saddle!!!" "God it looks so sexy watching that huge penis sliding in and out of her tiny cunt," Sky sighed, "I just love large erections, don't you!?!" "Oh my, yes," Julie replied quicly, "there's just nothing quite like watching a man remove his shorts while exposing his stiff member, it is one of life's little joys, don't you think!?!" "Uh huh," Sky answered softly, "my mommy has daddy show us his penis all the time, his is even bigger than Jason's!!!" "I know," Julie replied thickly, "a couple of months ago I was having coffee with your mother and she had your dad show me his penis!!! "Did you suck him off," Sky asked!?! "You know I did," Julie replied with a laugh, "your mom would never leave a friend hanging like that!!!" "That's just mom," Sky replied smiling, "she thinks of everybody but herself!!!"As the two women sat and watched while Jason pistoned smoothly in and out of Zoey's cunt, Sky asked Julie hoarsely, "A-are you aroused, I'm absolutely on fire!?!" "God me, too," Julie Cameron replied, "wanna do something about it!?!" "Oh yes," Sky replied softly, "please let's do!!!" After both women had quickly stripped out of their clothing, Sky asked thickly, "W-what do you wanna do, Mrs. C!?!" "We both seem to have extremely puffy vaginas don't we," Julie observed, "so why don't I lay down on my back and you can climb on top of me and press your clitoris into mine!?!" "Oh yes," Sky panted, "and our breasts will be squished together at the same time too, right!?!" "Of course they will, dear," Julie replied while taking her place on the carpeted floor, "now come to mama and "fuck" her clit!!!" "Sky slowly positioned herself on top of Mrs. Cameron's lush body, making sure that that their breasts and clitorises were pressing firmly together!!! "Oh my, that feels wonderful," Sky sighed, "do you mind if I kiss you!?!" "Not at all," Julie replied while pulling the young woman's mouth to her own, "suck my tongue and do my clit!!!" Sky sucked Julie's hot tongue into her mouth, while at the same time grinding their clit together until both women were on the edge of huge orgasms!!!From the other side of the room could be heard the insistent moans coming from deep inside Zoey's chest as the tsunami like climax began to envelope both her and Jason!!! "T-there gonna cum," Julie groaned, "my little girl is getting her pussy absolutely reamed out by that monster pecker, such a soft little vagina getting torn apart, oh, oh, I'm gonna cum with her, my little girl's pussy is so full of giant cock, I-I'm fucking cumming!!!" Hearing Jule Cameron panting and groaning while talking about Zoey's little pussy was more than any of them could take, and almost as if by magic, all four of them shuddered together as vicious orgasms rumbled through them like a commuter train through a deserted station, leaving them all totally and completely wrecked from the endeavor!!!"Good grief," Zoey cooed softly, "that was unreal, just unreal!!!" "It almost makes it worth going away and coming home for the reunion," Jason chuckled!!!THE END
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