Acting on Impulse
All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause
offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are
offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal
age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction
and are not based on anyone living or deceased.
Acting on Impulse
My heart is still thumping in my chest, and my stomach is still all
churned-up. What a morning this has been, and all because my husband
has a roaming eye. What am I going on about? Well I’ll tell you.
Bloody men!
My name is Sandra but everybody calls me Sandi, I’m thirty-three
years old and have been married to Roger for twelve years. I’ve
always had a well paid job, earning nearly double Roger’s wage. But
we just had our first child three months ago, a gorgeous little girl
called Rebecca, and I gave up working to look after her. But this has
drastically reduced our combined income. This didn’t hit us at first,
but now its getting on for six months since my last pay cheque, and
things are getting tight.
Last night was our wedding anniversary. And although Roger did
remember, and took me out for a meal, not to an expensive restaurant,
but a simple meal in a pub which would have been sufficient, but what
got to me; was that Roger spent all night ogling two girls that were
sitting at the bar. Talking to him was like talking to the wall,
in-fact, I think the wall was paying me more attention. Then when we
got home, he was flirting with the young girl who’d been babysitting.
Luckily she only lives a few doors away, as I don’t think I’d have
trusted him to have given her a lift home.
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Then to really ruin thenight; when we got into bed, he immediately fell asleep, leaving me
getting more and more frustrated.
So this morning when he’d gone to work, I was in a really foul mood.
And I decided to do something to get my own back. I’d bought no new
clothes for ages, because we were cutting down on our spending. But I
thought to myself, if he’s going to be looking at other girls, then
I’m going to get other men, to look at me! First thing to make a girl
feel sexy; is sexy underwear. And good sexy underwear doesn’t come
cheap. There are no really good underwear shops in our local town, so
I’d have to go some twenty miles or so to the nearest city.
But here again our money problems hit me. Only last week my beloved
Laurence failed his MOT. Laurence is the name of my big old Land
Rover truck. I’ve had it since I was twenty-one. It’s slow, noisy,
thirsty, drafty, but has never let me down in all the twelve years
I’ve owned it. When I’m driving it; I sit up there so high, and feel
so safe. And the MOT he just failed? Well in England to get your
annual road tax, if your vehicle is over three years old, it needs a
road worthiness test in a garage, we call it an MOT. Well my Laurence
failed; so no MOT, no tax.
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No tax means you’re not insured. And anyone of the three things means you can’t take it on the road. We
couldn’t afford to have the garage fix the car, so Roger was going to
get one of his friends to look at it for me. But this was something
else he hadn’t done.
Well fuck the road tax! Fuck the insurance! And fuck their silly old
MOT! My Laurence has always got me where ever I wanted to go in the
past, and he wouldn’t let me down now. So I got the baby ready, with
all her stuff, and bundled her into the back of my trusty Laurence. I
dropped her off at my moms, and off I went to get some drop-dead sexy
I knew which shop I was heading for, it was a small exclusive place.
Everything in there cost a bomb, but what the fuck! There was only a
little parking space in-front of the shop, with enough room for about
four cars. I swung Laurence into one of the parking bays and jumped
out. Now if Roger had seen me he’d have nagged me all day long, he
always insisted on my reversing into the parking space. But today
Roger could go-fuck-himself!
Now to go shopping I’d wanted to look my best, but with no new
fashionable stuff, I had to go back to basics. One thing that will
always be in style is showing lots of leg, bust, or flesh in any
area. And that was something else that Roger had let me down on! He’d
given me a target weight and waist size when our Rebecca was born,
and he’d promised that when I got back down to my original nine
stone, and twenty-two inch waist, he’d buy me a complete new outfit.
Well I’d reached this target two weeks ago, and there was still no
sign of him taking me shopping to buy it.
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Anyway, as I say I’d got ashort skirt and a tied blouse. So I was showing lots of leg, bare
tummy, and plenty of cleavage.
I walked into the shop, and straight up to the centre counter, where
the man who owned the shop was standing. Then bold-as-brass, without
trying to make sure nobody else could hear. “I’m looking for some really sexy underwear. ”“Well you’ve come to the right place. Because that’s all we sell
here. But what kind of sexy do you want? Frilly? Skimpy? Silky? Old
fashioned lacy? That’s really back in fashion now. ”“I want something that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. ”“In that case, our skimpy range is mainly over in that area of the
shop. Once you find what you want, there is a changing room at the
back of the shop. If you need any assistance, just come and ask. And
I hope you don’t mind me saying, that I think you’re making the right
choice. With a body like yours, it would be a sin to cover it up. ”
I felt myself blush as he made his remark, but I turned away without
answering him, and made my way to where he’d pointed.
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The stuff wasso nice, it was difficult to know what to pick. I’d been browsing
around for about ten minutes, when suddenly. “Do you mind if I pick a few things for you to try?”I nearly jumped out of my skin as the shop owner spoke from directly
behind me. “Err. No of-course not, I’d be glad of your assistance, there’s just
so much to choose from. ”“Even if I do say so myself, I’m a pretty good judge of what style
suits what type of lady. ”“Ok then, tell me what style you think would suit me. ”
“Well you’ve got such a sexy little body, you don’t need anything
fancy, or overstated. I’d suggest a thong, and a half cup bra. Here
try this set, it’s almost transparent, but it will certainly show you
off to best effect. Then there’s this set, still very revealing, but
silk material. And then there’s this lace one, not my choice, but
maybe you’ll like it. If you want to go and try them on, the changing
room is vacant. If any of them take your fancy, you should find me
around the shop somewhere, but I’m expecting a delivery to my
store-room at the back, so if I’m not about, just pick up the little
brass bell on the counter, and give it a ring. ”
I tried on all three sets, and was in love with all of them, but with
price tags starting at around ninety pounds, this little lot would in
total exceed three-hundred and fifty pounds! Now pissed as I was with
Roger, I couldn’t spend that kind of money.
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Even the cheapest set atninety, would cause us a lot of financial pain.
Then and idea hit me, I looked out of the curtains, and the manager
of the shop was still milling about, so I started putting the
underwear on, one set on top of the next. All the time I kept having
a quick peek through the curtains, to check where he was. Then as I’d
just put my own underwear back on I was having a peek, and I saw him
disappearing into a door to the side of the changing cubicle. I
assumed this led to his stock-room, and he’d gone to take care of the
delivery as he’d said. Now I was panicking, I had to pull my skirt
and blouse on, and get out to Laurence as quickly as I could.
I made my way from the cubicle as quickly as possible, but trying not
to arouse any of the other customers’ attention. I was about ten feet
from the door, when I heard a voice behind me. “Was there nothing suitable?”It was the shop owner, who was stood by the cubicle, with his hand
just about to open the curtain. “Err. No thank you. ”I replied as I looked back whilst opening the door. I could see he’d
now pulled the curtain back. As I stepped out, I heard his call. “Hey! Stop! Where are the outfits?”
I ran as fast as I could, jumping into Laurence, and turning the key.
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He burst into life as usual, and I crashed the gear stick into
reverse. Then dropping the clutch, I floored the throttle pedal, and
pulled a handful of steering on. We shot off backwards, and there was
a jolt, and an almighty screeching sound. I had been looking behind
me, but as I swung my head to where the noise was coming from, I
could see my front bull-bar had swung into the side of the car parked
next to me. I kept my foot hard down, and Laurence just pushed the
car sideways out of his path. It was a brand-new Jag, and as we
lurched free of it, I could see we’d ripped the side open from front
passenger door, along to the back bumper.
We were reversing from the parking bay, back up towards the door of
the shop. I turned my head back to see where I was going, before I
crashed into anything else. I could now see the shop manager coming
running out of his door, only to be met by Laurence’s back end
rumbling its way towards him. He stopped in his tracks, and jumped
clear, I rammed the stick into first, and we were off. We were in
second gear before I'd left the little car-park. I kept my foot hard
down not attempting to slow down as I joined the road. Luckily the
traffic was light, and apart from some horn blowing, we were away
without incident.
I didn’t head for home; instead I drove around the city for a while
to see if we were being followed. Then after about fifteen minutes
driving around, I made my way back home.
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I didn’t pick-up baby, mynerves were too shattered. So here I am, sitting here a nervous
wreck. What happens now? Well one good thing, Laurence pours out
black smoke, so the whole back end of him is filthy. There is no way
you could read the number plate even stood up close. So I felt
quietly confident that I’d got away with it.
“Ring ring, Ring ring. Ring ring,”The phone, I about jumped out of my skin. I didn’t want to answer it.
But why? It could only be my mum, or a friend. “Hello. ”“Hello. Is that Sandra Hall?”“Why, who wants to know?”“This is Mr Armstrong here; I’m the proprietor of ‘Silks & Satins’. I
just wanted to inform you that I will be handing your purse and
handbag over to the police when they arrive. I expect you’ll be able
to pick them up from the station when they arrest you. ”
My heart sank, I’d been in such a state, I hadn’t even missed the
bloody handbag.
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With all the rushing to get dressed and out of thecubicle, I must have left it hanging on the peg in there. What the
hell could I do now?“Please don’t call the police. ”“And why ever not? You’ve not only stolen goods from my shop, I have
a customer here, whose beautiful new car has been torn to shreds.
He’s just sitting down in a state of shock. ”“Please I beg you; I’ll bring your stuff back. ”
“My dear, I wish it were that simple. Even if I decided not to
prosecute, what about this gentleman’s car? He’ll need the details of
your insurance. ”Now I knew I wasn’t insured, so the bill for this guy’s car would be
out of my pocket. There was no way we could pay out for a car that
must have cost about forty grand. “I’m not insured. Sob sniff. That’s why I didn’t stop. Please don’t
phone the police, I’ll go to prison. ”“You are in a mess then. Don’t move away from your phone, I’ll ring
you back in a minute.
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”So I sat there waiting, wondering what he was doing at the other end.
Eventually, the phone rang. “Hello. ”“Right my dear, I don’t like talking about this kind of thing on the
phone, so I'll be very brief. You be the same, just a simple yes or
no. If your answer is no, I’ll ring the police, and we'll just let
matters take their course. Here is my proposition. I’ve just taken
delivery of a complete new range of swim wear. I would normally hire
a model for the day. If I bring my camera, and the stuff to your
place, and you model it, I won’t prosecute. The gentleman whose car
you demolished is prepared to claim off his own company insurance,
and not go to the police. Providing you let him join us, he'd like to
watch you while you do the modelling. ”“But what are the costumes like?”“I said I wanted a simple yes or no. If the next word you utter isn’t
yes, then I’m putting the phone down, and phoning the police. ”I had no real choice to make, it had to be yes.
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“Yes. ”“Ok my dear we’ve got your address, it’ll take us about thirtyminutes, that’s time for you to have a shower, and get yourself in
the right frame of mind. ”“Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. ”The phone went dead as he’d dropped his receiver.
So now I had two men coming to my house, to photograph me in? In what
I didn’t know. I went upstairs, and removed the layers of underwear,
the cause of all my problems, and then I ran myself a hot bath. As I
lay in my bath, I began to re-run the mornings events through my
head, wondering just how I’d got myself into this bloody mess. As
normally happens when having a bath, time passes before you know it,
and I was still mulling the morning’s disaster through my mind, when
I heard the front door bell. “Shit!”I hauled myself from the tub, and put on a bath robe, then made my
way down the stairs. My stomach was full of butterflies, as I opened
the door.
“Excuse me miss. Sorry to have disturbed your bath. Parcel for you,
can you sign here?”“Oh yes. Oh its ok, I’d been in there too long, I was turning into a
prune. ”He took the slip I’d just signed, and gave me the parcel.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying, if the prunes we had for school
dinners had been like you, then we’d have all been going back for
second helpings. ”With that he turned on his heals, and was off up the garden path.
I put the parcel down in the corner of the hall, and suddenly
realised that I’d still got his pen in my hand. Now it wasn’t a
diamond studded or real gold one, but it was a relatively expensive
pen. I wasn’t dressed to chase after him, so I put it on the hall
window sill. I rushed back upstairs, and was about to throw off the
robe, with the intention of getting dressed, when the door bell rang
again. I turned around, and I was pulling the robe together as I ran
back down the stairs, thinking the postman had returned for his pen.
As I opened the door, I picked-up the pen and handed it forward. “Here it is. Oh! You're not the postman. Oh sorry. ”
As you’ve probably guessed, it was the shop owner, and a man I’d
never seen before. “Thank you for the pen. Do I call you Sandi or Sandra?”“No, sorry that's not for you. "I said as I took it back from his hand, and put it back on the window
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"Sandi I suppose. Err. I suppose you’d better come in. ”“Which room, front, back or do you want us to do it in your bedroom?”The shop manager had a big holdall on one shoulder, and a silvermetal suitcase thing in his other hand. The other man had two large
bags, which looked like my Husbands fishing rod bags. “Back room, I think. I’ll just nip upstairs and get dressed; I’ll be
down in a moment”
“Hang-on, you might as well take a costume up with you, just give me
a second to open my bag. ”I followed them both into my back room, and the shop owner, who I
later found out was called Ted, put both his case and bag on the
floor. Then he searched around inside the bag, and pulled out a
bright yellow swim suit, which he handed to me. I took it up to my
bedroom, and was soon pulling it on. It was a really nice costume,
not over the top skimpy, but a very sexy cut. It was the kind of
thing that I’d wear on holiday, to go down to the beach.
I plucked up my courage, and down I went to see these two men. As I
walked in the room, they’d been busy setting out the gear they’d just
carried in. In one corner of the room was a screen, three cloth
covered panels, similar to the type you can find in a doctors
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Then there were four big lights, each on its own stand. Andthe big silver case was laid open, and it contained all types of
camera equipment. They’d also set-up a clothes rail, and hung out a
selection of costumes from his big holdall.
As I walked in, they both spun around, and Ted said. “Oh yes! I just knew you'd look stunning in that. What do you think
Les?”“You weren’t kidding. She’s got a cracking little body. ”“Come-on then my dear lets introduce ourselves. This is Les, and you
can call me Ted. We already know your name, but let’s just make sure
you don’t mind us calling you Sandi. ”“No, Sandi is ok. And please let me just say to Les just how sorry I
am, for what I did to his car. ”
“Is that really true? Will you show Les just how sorry you are?”“Of course I’m sorry, but what do you mean? How can I show him?”Well by now, Les was sitting in the centre of my big three-seater
leather settee, and Ted was kneeling on the floor, messing with his
camera. “Well in my book, you can sometimes say sorry with a kiss. I’m not
sure if that would do it for Les?“It would certainly be a start.
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”“I am really sorry. ”And with that I walked towards him, and bent down to give him a kiss. “Wait a minute. Let me get my lights and camera set-up first. ”“What! You’re going to take a picture of me kissing him?”He busily positioned his lights all around, and turned them on,
illuminating the whole room. Then with his camera in his hand, he
rolled across the floor to a position behind me. He was laid on his
back pointing the camera’s great big lens upwards towards me.
“I want pictures of you doing everything. Ok, step back over me, and
then come forward like you just did. But this time, lean forward to
kiss Les, as you’re stepping over me. I want to see your lips
meeting, framed by a shot taken through your legs. ”“You can’t be serious?”“What do you mean?”“What if anyone recognises my face?”“These pictures are just for me and Les. No one else will ever see
them. When I take the ones for the display cards, I’ve got a
masquerade mask for you to wear. It covers the eyes, nose and cheeks,
so it still allows your pretty smile to be seen.
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”“But you still want me to let you take a picture from down there,with my legs open, wearing this costume?”
“So that wasn’t a genuine offer when you said you wanted to make it
up to Les?”“It was, but I never expected you’d want to take that sort of picture
of me. ”“So, you’re going to behave all childish about this? Well in that
case I guess this isn’t going to work. We might as well get this lot
packed up, and let the law deal with you. ”“No don’t be like that! But are you saying that unless I want the
police involved, you’re expecting me to let you take that kind of
picture?”“Yes. I would have thought that would have been obvious. Surely you
can’t think that’s a high price to pay? You’ve just stolen nearly
four-hundred quid’s worth of gear, and written-off a forty-grand car.
A few pictures of you showing the gusset of a swimming costume
doesn’t seem much to ask?”
“But when you phoned me, you said I’d just be modelling the
swimwear. ”“I don’t think I did. I asked if you’d model swimwear, and you said
yes. But I never said that would be sufficient to pay us off for you
stealing from me, and damaging his car. ”“But I thought that was why you’d come here, just to take simple
photos of me wearing your costumes. ”“We’re going around in circles my dear. It’s quite simple. Are you
going to let me take the shot, or are we leaving?”
“Well ok, you can take this one, but I’m not stripping. ”“I haven’t asked you to.
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Now stand with your left leg there, and yourright leg over here, and lean forward to give Les a kiss. ”I put my legs in the positions he pointed to, and bent forwards. My
hands rested just above Les’s shoulders, on the back of the settee. I
pursed my lips, and we kissed. “Hold that pose, don’t move. ”Ted was clicking away, moving from under me, to my side, and all
around. But Les was taking his opportunity, to push his tongue into
my mouth. I didn’t like the thought, as both these men were at least
forty years old, maybe even fifty. But considering my situation, I
didn’t resist too vigorously, for fear of upsetting them.
“Ok. I’ve got that one. Now sit across his knee. ”I stood up, turned, and backed myself onto Les’s knee, laying myself
back into his right arm, which he wrapped around my back, resting his
hand on my hip. Then his left hand slid under my knees, and he lifted
them up and onto the settee. He then took his hand from under my
knees, and wrapped it around my back, joining his other arm in
pulling me to his chest.
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He then started pushing his tongue back intomy mouth. We were in this clinch for at least three minutes, wet
kissing, while Ted was wandering about taking pictures from all
Then I felt Ted’s hand on my right ankle, he lifted it from the
settee, and pulled it across placing it on the floor, hence pulling
my legs apart. I was held tightly to Les, and his wet kissing
prevented me from making a verbal protest. I lifted my leg and was
about to put it back onto the settee. “Sandra my dear. Don’t be awkward. If I put your leg somewhere,
that’s because I want it in that position. Now put it back quickly. ”I did as he said, and returned my foot back to the floor, thus
allowing him a clear view of my crotch. Then I felt his hand on my
other ankle, and he was lifting that one up over the back of the
settee! Now I was not just open, but spread wide. I could here him
clicking away, but Les was keeping me busy with his French kissing.
“Ok Les, let her get up now. ”As soon as I heard him, I pulled my leg from off the back of the
settee, and pulled myself free from Les. “Right Sandi, how do you want to do this?”“What do you mean?”
“Well you see that rack of costumes; I’d like to get all of them done
before we go.
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So the less mucking about, the sooner we get finished.We’ve put up a little screen in the corner of the room; it will save
loads of time if you get changed behind it, instead of going out to
your bedroom. If you start at one end of the rack, taking a costume,
and then when you’re changed, put the one you’ve just been wearing
back at the other end of the rack. There’s five different poses that
I want to see you model, with each costume. When you’ve got the first
one on, just come out here and I’ll talk you through the different
poses. Oh here’s that masquerade mask, just slip the elastic around
the back of your head to keep it in place. ”
I took the mask, put it on, collected a costume from the end of the
rack, and went behind the screen. I started stripping the first
costume off, but I was having to be very careful, as this little
screen they’d set-up was only about a metre wide, and provided cover
from about two feet off the floor, up to about shoulder height. I’d
soon pulled the one costume off, and the next one on. As I walk from
the screen, he was kneeling to one side, and he took my picture.
“Very nice. That’s one of the poses done. That was the full costume
front view. See that's this shot. "He showed me a small printed card, the type that is used to accompany
the costumes on the display stand.
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This card was about 5 by 8 photosize. On the left top side where he was pointing, was a full body
front facing picture of a girl wearing bra and panties. To the right
was the same type of shot taken from behind. Then under these two
larger pictures were three little square pictures, maybe about one
and a half inches square. Then below this was the printed description
of the item for sale.
The three little pictures were all close-up shots. One taken from the
front low down, models legs parted, showing details of the gusset.
Next was taken from the same low down position, but showing the view
from behind, and the model was bending forwards, legs still parted.
The last was the bust, model leaning forward, showing in this case,
her nipples as they pushed over the top of the half cup bra.
“God!”“What’s wrong?”“The pictures. Do they need to be so close-up?”“What’s wrong with them? All the gear you were looking at in my shop
had display cards like that. ”I guess now he’d said that, I think they did. But you just glance at
them to see how much the knickers cover up, and never think some poor
girl has had to model for the picture. “I suppose so; I just never thought you’d want pictures like that. ”“Well it’s not much point taking your picture in a rain coat if I’m
selling swimming costumes.
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”“No it’s just the close-ups of the panties, I never thought. ”“But did you think they looked over-the-top when you were in my shopthis morning?”“I guess not. ”“And did you use the close-up insets to tell you what style of
knickers you were looking at?”“I suppose so. ”“Well I think you’ve answered your own question. So shall we get on
with the next pose?”
“I guess so. ”“Now we’ll, do your crotch area taken from behind. Once we get you in
position, we can also take the bust shot at the same time. So if you
come over to this chair, bend forwards, and place your hands on the
arms of the chair, with your legs slightly apart. Here, I’ll place a
couple of coins on the floor, stand with the balls of your feet, one
on each coin. ”I walked to where he’d put the two coins, putting one foot on top of
each coin. My legs were spread about two feet apart, and about two
feet away from the chair.
“That’s good. Now bend forward, hands on the chair arms. ”I leaned forwards, placing my hands where he’d said. This felt a very
revealing pose to take.
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“Ok Les, do you want to have a quick look before I take my picture?”Les didn’t answer, but I saw him dive down onto the floor behind me,and I could feel his hot breath on the cheeks of my bottom. “Ok, let’s get my shot, we’ve got loads more of these to get through,
and some of the others will be a lot more interesting. ”
Once again Les didn’t answer, but he got up and stood to one side out
of camera shot. Ted took two or three shots, and then he came around
and stood behind the chair back, facing me. “Ok head up out of the way, push your bust out. ”I lifted my head, heaved my bust forward, and he clicked away taking
several shots. “That’s a shame. ”“What’s wrong?”“I’d hoped you’d get aroused when Les got down close to your crotch.
Never mind, we’ll do the front crotch shot; maybe that will stir up
some action. Ok you can get up now. ”
I stood up, and he walked around to the front of the chair. “Right seeing as we’ve got that lovely big chesterfield, the best way
to do this, is for you to pop your bottom onto the edge of the seat,
dead centre of the settee. I’ll tuck a load of cushions behind your
back; you lie back and get comfortable. Then lift your legs as wide
as you can. I don’t suppose you can get your legs to full splits?”“Are you serious? The picture you just showed me wasn’t taken with
her legs that wide.
”“I know, I complained to the agency about her, she was supposed to be
a genuine pro, but she was useless. Anyway, let’s get you in
position. ”
He held my hand and took me across to my settee, and as I sat my
bottom right to the front of the centre, he placed cushions behind my
back, until I could lie backwards fully supported. My legs were still
dangling on the floor in front of me. “Ok Sandi; now let’s see just how wide you can get your legs. ”I spread my legs until my feet were on the floor about four feet
apart. “Is that it? Surely you can get them wider, or at least lift them up
higher. ”I didn’t answer, but I lifted my feet from the floor, and tried to
hold them at about a foot high. “Hang on; let your feet down a minute. ”
As I let my feet drop to the floor, he walked across the room, took
hold of a dining room chair. He brought it across, and placed it at
one end of the settee, facing it inwards towards the centre. Then he
turned, and fetched a second chair which he placed the other end, in
a mirror image position. “Ok girl, let’s have your left foot. ”As he spoke, he bent down, taking hold of my ankle, and helping me to
spread my leg, and resting it up on the seat of the chair. “Ok next one.
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”He now took hold of the other ankle, placing it on the other chair,thus spreading my feet at least six feet apart, and stretching my
crotch fully open.
“There, that’s more like it. What do you think Les?”“Is this really necessary? It’s so embarrassing. ”“Well I don’t know if it’s necessary or not, but she looks fucking
amazing with her pussy spread open like that. She’s given me a
fucking hard. ”“Well it looks like Les likes it. And yes it is necessary. I hope
we’re not going to get you being all prudish at every new pose I put
you in? If this is what this session is going to be like, maybe we
should give up now?”“No please. I’ll do it. ”“Ok I still want you aroused for the bust picture; I need your
nipples to be pushing the costume. I’ll let Les kneel down and get a
close look at your crotch, maybe that will excite you. ”I didn’t reply, and next second Les was kneeling on the floor, his
face inches away from my crotch, instead of it exciting me, I was
feeling scared, and thought I’d pee myself. “Hey Ted, I can smell her cunt. ”“No need for that kind of language. Ok Les, I think you might as well
get up now, its not having the desired effect.
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I’ll get some crotchshots, then we’ll have to try another method to excite her. ”
Les moved away, Ted started shooting, and took maybe six pictures,
all very close-up. “Are you very nervous?”“Y yes. ”“What is it, having your legs open?”“Yes, it’s so embarrassing. ”“Come on then, we’ll try another way. ”As he spoke, he was lifting my legs back to the floor. He then helped
me to my feet, pushed the cushions along the settee, and sat himself
down in the middle. He was still holding my hand, and he pulled me
back to sit on his knee.
“Ok, your legs are closed, and nobody is going to hurt you. But I
need you excited, aroused, or what ever you want to call it. We can
kiss, I can stroke your legs, I can stroke or suck on your nipples,
it’s your choice. But one way or another, I want your nipples to be
standing proud. So let’s be grownup about this, you’re not a little
girl, you know what turns you on. ”“I guess if you stroke my breasts on the outside of the costume, it
will do what you want. ”“Good girl.
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Like this. ”He was using the palm of his hand, and gently stroking across first
one breast then the other. I’d expected my nipples to perk-up
instantly, but although it was sending shock waves down my navel, my
nipples remained soft. He now had my breast cupped in his hand, and
was gently squeezing on my nipples. “Oh god! Ah ooh. ”This made me squirm on his knee, and the shock waves got intense, but
my nipples remained soft. He continued for at least five minutes, but
although I was boiling up in my lower tummy, my nipples refused to
“Well my dear, looks like we need to go one step further. Would you
like me to start sucking on your nipples through the costume, or if
not I can get Les to stroke your legs?”I didn’t want him sucking my nipples, but I wasn’t sure exactly what
Les stroking my legs meant. “Where exactly do you want him to Stroke?”“Just part them slightly, and let him stroke you around stocking top
height. ”“If I let you do this, you promise he won’t just grab me in between
my legs?”“Come-on Sandi, don’t be silly. We’re here to get some pictures, the
sooner we can get you worked up; the sooner we’ll get this job done.
But just for you. Ok Les, you heard her, the idea is to get her
worked up, and I’ll keep working on her tits. You stroke her legs,
but only on the flesh that her costume doesn’t cover, no going
inside, or stroking the gusset.
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Ok Sandi, are you happy to go forit?”“Yes. Thank you. ”
“Come-on lets get you more comfortable. ”He sat up, lifting me with him, and turned around laying me back
along the settee. Then he kneeled alongside my upper body, and
started back on my breasts. I was about to question this new position
that they had now got me into, but Ted intercepted my words, by
gently placing a single finger on my lips, and whispering. “Ah. Ah! Just lie back, and once we get you aroused, we can get back
to taking pictures. ”He then resumed his manipulation of my breasts, and at the same time,
I felt Les putting one of his hands on the inside of my knee. I
opened my legs to let him stroke me. As his hand cupped my knee, he
pulled my leg towards himself, and off the edge of the settee,
letting my foot drop to the floor. This opened my legs wider than I’d
anticipated, but although I didn’t like how far this was going, I
made no objection. Now with Ted using two hands to work both my
breasts, and Les stroking around my leg, and his hand getting ever
higher, the feelings of anxiety were building to a climax.
Then as Les’s hand reached the top of my leg, he used his free hand
to lift my left leg from the settee cushion, up onto the top of the
settee back, spreading me wide. The fear was now so intense I once
again was worried that I would pee in my costume.
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I felt his fingerto one side of the gusset of the costume. It was on my flesh to the
side of my mound of public hair. He slowly drew it down, following
the outside edge of the gusset. The gusset material tapered from
covering up my mound at the front, to a narrow ribbon that rested in
the crevice of my bottom. So with my legs stretched wide apart, as
his finger traced the edge of the costume, it rubbed the outer lip of
my pussy. Then as he touched the perimeter of my hole, the terror
suddenly turned into a rush of excitement. My hips gave an
instinctive jerk up and forwards, this forced his fingers inside my
costume, and it entered my pussy.
I gasped, “Oh god!”He immediately pulled it out, and then he lifted it up towards Ted. “Look at that, that’s what I call wet. Looks like my ends ready. How
are her nipples coming along?”“That’s it; looks like you’ve found the magic button. These things
are rock hard now. Ok Sandi, let’s get the picture. ”With that he was lifting me with an arm around the back of my
shoulders. He sat me up in the centre of the settee, pushing the
cushions to support my back.
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I was sat in a reclining position, withboth feet planted on the floor about a couple of feet apart. I just
let him manoeuvre me without any resistance, in truth, I seemed only
“Ok lean forwards, and push your tits out. What’s wrong? Are you ok?
Do you want a drink or something?”“I I’m alright, just give me a minute. ””Well ok, but I need to get the shot before your nipples go soft
again. ”The last thing I wanted was to have them repeat this last episode, so
I mustered all my resolve, and leaned myself forward, and tried my
best to push my breasts out. “Is that ok?”“That's a good girl, just hold that a second. ”With that he started snapping away with his camera. Ok Sandi, up you get, and I’ll take the back shot as you walk back to
the screen. Now you know what's involved, maybe we can get a move-on,
and they'll soon be done. ”
I got unsteadily up to my feet, helped by Les, and I heard Ted
snapping away, as I walked the few paces to the screen. I was soon
changed, and walking back out. As I did, Ted was down at floor level
taking the front full length shots. I walked across to the chair,
placing my feet on the coins that still lay on the floor. I bent
forwards, and Ted snapped away from floor level as before.
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“Ok Sandi, we’re on a roll now, but your nipples have eased off abit, so we’ll do the front facing gusset shot next. Just get on the
edge of the settee, and get your legs up onto the chairs again. ”
I sat my bottom on the edge of the settee, and lay back, lifting my
feet onto the chairs that were still positioned either side. In came
Ted, camera clicking away, his lens almost touching my pussy. Then as
he backed away, I was just about to drop my legs. “No, don’t move yet. I’ll just get Les to work the magic spot first. ”Before I could move or reply, Les was kneeling down in between my
thighs, and a milli-second later, his finger was running along first
one, then the other of my bulging pussy lips. This drove my pussy
wild, and like last time, when he ran his finger end alongside my
hole I gave an involuntary push. Now this was only one push, and the
amount I moved was only very small. But Les used this as an excuse to
push his finger into the side of the gusset, and up my hole at least
an inch.
“Oh god! No les. Please. Not inside the costume. ”I said as my hands darted down grabbing his wrist, and trying to pull
it from my gusset.
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“It isn’t me. I’m only stroking you; it's you pushing yourself ontome. ”He had got his finger pulled out by now, and Ted brushed my concerns
away with a simple. “Come-on then Sandi, don't worry about that now. He’s got your
nipples perked up, so you can put your legs down, and give them tits
a good push forwards for me. ”It was as though nothing had happened; all he wanted was to get on
with the photos. I dropped my legs, and pushed forwards again.
Then as I was getting up to do the walk away shot, I asked. “Does he have to get his fingers in so close to me? That’s twice he’s
had his fingers inside my costume. ”“I’m sorry luv, but it’s the only way we’ve found to get your nipples
worked up, rubbing your breasts didn’t work. ”I was now changing into the next costume, but I wasn’t looking
forward to Les with his wandering finger. “Can't you try rubbing my nipples on the outside of the costume
again? Now they’ve already been worked up, maybe it might work now?”
“Ok when we get to that shot, Les can give it a try, but if it
doesn’t start responding quickly, I’m not wasting time, we'll have to
go with the spot we know works. Is that a deal?”“Yes I guess so. ”In what seemed like no time at all, we’d done the first two poses,
and I was again sitting on the edge of the settee, and lifting my
legs for the close-up front gusset shot. This was soon accomplished,
about six quick clicks of the camera, some with his lens almost
touching my crotch.
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Once again, I was about to lower my feet to thefloor, but Ted stopped me.
“No keep your legs up, Les can kneel in between them, and reach up to
stroke your nipples. That way if they don’t respond, you’re in
position for him to work on your pussy. ”Like last time, Les was immediately on the floor, but now leaning up
my body, and his fingers rubbed around my nipples. He rubbed for
about thirty seconds. “No reaction here. ”“Well Sandi. There’s one more thing we can try if you don’t want him
stroking your crotch. ”“What’s that?”
“He can suck on your nipples; maybe the warm wet feeling will excite
you?”“Yes. I’ll try that. I’d rather have him sucking my nipples, than his
finger inside my gusset. ”“Ok just pull the shoulder straps down. ””Shoulder straps? What you want the costume pulling down?”“Of-course. We’re getting your nipples worked up so I can photograph
the costume. It would look silly if it had two big wet patches where
your nipples are.
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”“Oh god, I never thought you’d want my top uncovered. ”“Well like I said, I’m not prepared to muck about, are you gettingyour tits out, or shall I get Les to start back on your pussy?”
I reluctantly slid the shoulder straps off, and pulled the costume
down, exposing my breasts. “Oh yes, that looks good enough to eat. ”“Well don’t just sit there looking at them, get stuck in and start
tucking in. ”Les didn’t need telling twice, he sucked first one then the other,
rapidly changing sides, his hands were massaging my breasts as his
mouth sucked, and now started nibbling. This was really getting me
going, and I felt my pussy starting to pulse. I thought ‘my nipples
must be hard by now’, but he was still nibbling from one to the
“P please. God please. ”“What’s wrong?”“S stop please. ”“How are they coming along?”Les took his mouth from my nipple. “They’re like fucking acorns, and I’m fucking sure I can taste milk. ”Then he immediately started sucking again. “Come-on then Les, fairs fair. Help her to get the costume pulled
back up.
”Les removed his mouth again. “Why? She isn’t in any position to stop me. ”
“Cos I say so. Don’t go and blow it. Just let me do this my way. Be
patient. ”Les moved away, and sat sulking on one of the chairs at the end of
the settee. Ted put his camera down, and started to help me pull my
costume back up. “Come-on Sandi, lets help you get straightened up. Tell you what. It
looks like we’re gona’ have to get you worked-up for every costume.
We’ll be at this lot all day, and you’ll be a nervous wreck. I’ll do
you a deal. ”Even though I was only slowly coming back to my senses, I’d
understood what he’d been saying.
“What kind of deal?”“If you’ll model the three outfits you stole from my shop, then we’ll
call that a day.
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”I processed the two alternatives through my head. The outfits I’dstolen were all skimpy, one of them not just skimpy, but what
material was there, was see-through. But on the other hand, it was
only three. The costume rack must have had at least thirty hangers on
it. I’d tried to put it out of my mind, but I’d noticed, some of the
ones near the other end, were made of that thin stretchy material,
and I could tell they were also very revealing. And if I was going to
have Les alternating between fingering my pussy and sucking my tits
for every costume, then I guess the three panty/bra sets would be the
best option.
“Well Sandi, have you decided?”“I’ll put one of the outfits on, providing I choose which one. ”“But you stole three. ”“Yes but you know how revealing they are, you selected them. ”“That’s right, I did. But I think I want to see you in all of them. ”“I’ll do two of them, but not the see-through one. ”
“Ok we have a deal. Go and get into one of them, and bring the other
one back down with you. ”I was helped to my feet, and wobbled my way out of the room; my legs
were having a job to carry me.
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I put on the lacy set, and made my wayback down carrying the silk ones in my hand. “Oh yes! That is something! Come-on in here and let us get a good
look. ”“Look at her tummy, god I can’t wait to smother her in kisses. ”“Steady-on Les. Don’t freak her. Come and sit down. And you might as
well get that mask off now; these pictures won’t be for public
display. ”
I sat myself down, and as I was taking off the mask, Ted put his
hands behind my back, and I felt him loosen my bra. “Hey! What are you doing?”“I assumed you’d prefer Les sucking your nipples to stroking your
pussy?”“But surely you don’t need my bra right off?”“Why not, we’ve seen your tits already?”Well by now he had removed the bra in question, and thrown it across
to one of the other chairs. Ted eased me back into a reclining
position, as he said to Les.
“You sit at that end of the settee with your legs hanging over the
end. Then lean back and work on her tits. That’ll leave me a clear
view of her crotch. ”He was now lifting my ankles onto the chairs, thus spreading me wide
open. Les was now laid down on his side, facing me.
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His left arm wasunder my right arm and wrapped around my back. The other one, was
over my left shoulder, and he pulled himself to me. His mouth was
suckling on each nipple in turn, sending my body wild in seconds.
“That’s great, keep her going. I’m getting some super shots of her
pussy as she writhes about. ”Yes he was right, I was squirming around, my body was on fire. Before
I knew what was happening, he was telling Les to stop. “Oh yes. Her pussy’s pulsing open. You've definitely got her going
now, leave her tits, and come and look at this. ”Les was still laid on his side, but now he turned away from my face,
and had his head above my tummy, looking down at my crotch. He
reached one of his hands down, and placed a single finger end into
the valley at the top of my legs. As I felt it make contact, I let
out a gasp.
“Oh ah!”But worse than that, I lifted my hips. “You like that.
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Don’t you?”“No please. ”“But you said I could stroke you anywhere, so long as I don’t go intothe costume?”“P Please. I I’m b begging you. ”His finger end was once again stroking my pussy lips, and I had no
way of controlling my instinctive reactions. “Begging eh? But begging what? I think she’s asking me to work her
pussy. ”With that he pushed his fingers into my eager pussy, and gave me a
quick frigging. I didn’t speak; I put my hands down onto the back of
his head to push him away. But all I succeeded in doing was to push
his face into my pussy as I heaved my hips up high. Well even though
I would have said stop if I could have got my words out, my body was
so in need of sex, and it didn’t appear to matter who with.
“That’s good, start working her clit. ”Les must now be using both hands, as I could feel my gusset was being
pulled to one side, and my clit was being stroked, sending me even
more crazy. Then as I once again heaved myself high, I felt his wet
tongue, as his mouth locked itself to my crotch.
“If I stop Les working you up, and I’ll let you get up from that
embarrassing position. Will you do something for me?”“W What?”While this talking was going on, Les hadn’t stopped; I was now
heaving my hips in an uncontrolled manner, and I couldn’t stop
myself. Les was sucking at my clit, his tongue manipulating it to
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His fingers were working away up inside my pussy, and Ihadn’t got the will to fight him. “Will you hold his dick for him?”“Oh My God no! Are you serious?”
“Ok, it’s up to you. I just thought that maybe you’d rather hold his
dick, instead of him fucking you. Cos the way you’re humping, we both
know you’ll soon be too far gone to stop him. ”“Please, tell him to stop for just a minute, I can’t think straight. ”“Ok Les. Just give her a minute. While she’s thinking, we can try the
last pair of panties on. ”
Les stopped, and climbed off the settee. I lay there legs still wide
open, and still heaving my hips. Ted took hold of an ankle and
lowered it to the floor. Les copied him lowering the other one. They
brought my legs together, and I thought they were about to help me to
my feet. I was about to ask for another minute, I didn’t think I
could stand up yet.
Then as Ted leaned towards me, his hands went under my back at waist
height, and he lifted my weight from the settee.
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“Slip her knickers off. ”“W what are you doing?”“We’re just changing the panties. ”“No please. ”“Don’t be silly. You’re in no state to get up yet. Anyway your legsare closed, so we can’t even see as much as we could before. ”Well by now, the knickers had gone, but instead of putting the next
pair on, I was lowered back down.
“What about the next pair of panties?”“Don’t worry about them yet, let’s just get you sat up. You can keep
your knees together if you’re worried. ”They helped me to sit up, moving the cushions out of the way. I held
my knees tight-together like a little girl waiting in the queue for
the school doctor to give her the first puberty check-up. “We can put these last panties on, but the gusset is so narrow, it'll
just move to one side as soon as we start playing with your pussy,
like the last ones did. Ok Sandi; have you made your mind up? Are we
going to take some pictures of this last pair of panties, or will you
hold his dick?”
“I I don’t know. ”“It’s time to choose little girl. Come-on it’s not much to ask, you
said you wanted to make it up to Les.
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”I considered my options, and thought holding his dick is gona be lessdangerous than getting them skimpy knickers on, and les working on my
pussy again. “Ok, I’ll hold his dick. But I want the panties to put on. ”“Don’t be awkward Sandra. Just keep your legs tight together. Now do
we have a deal?”“Ok. Tell him to get it out. ”
“Don’t be silly, we need to do this properly. ”“What do you mean?”“Ok Les, stand up. And you Sandi, I want you to strip him naked. ”“Oh no. You only said I had to hold him. ”“Don’t argue, just get him naked, and it'll soon be over for you. But
start playing awkward and I could start getting nasty. ”His tone of voice carried a threat, and I didn’t think I ought to
find out what he meant by ‘getting nasty’.
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I got to my feet, but asmy legs were still wobbly, I only managed this with his helping hands
on my naked waist. Then stood naked in front of Les, I started
unbuttoning his shirt. He’d removed his own shoes and socks, and soon
I was removing the last item of his clothes. My fingers were in the
waist-band of his underpants, and as I slid them down his big dick
was stood there to attention.
“Good girl. Ok now me. ”“I only agreed to hold Les. ”“Ok. So Les won’t report you to the police. But I don’t see why I
shouldn’t. ”“But we only agreed, I’d hold Les. You never said anything about
holding you. ”“Well I have now, so either get me stripped off, or I’m out of here,
and you’re in deep shit. ”What choice had I? I turned to Ted, and started to strip him. All the
time, I had Les’s hands stroking all around my body.
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By the time Tedwas naked, my pussy was throbbing. This was as much a reaction to me
stripping two strangers, as it was to Les stroking my breasts and
inner thigh.
Come-on Les, we’ll sit down, and Sandi my love, you can get on your
knees on the floor. They both sat on the settee, and I got onto my
knees. Although getting on my knees could be considered demeaning, at
least my body, or more important, my pussy was out of their reach.
Les parted his legs slightly, and his big hard dick was standing up.
I took hold, and was about to reach over to Ted. “Its ok Sandi, I can wait my turn. You just concentrate on one dick
at a time. ”I was holding it, and cupping his balls with the other hand. “Come-on Sandi, I’m sure you can do better than that. ”“What do you mean?”
“Well you aren’t gona’ milk his spunk just sitting there nursing it. ”“But that’s what I agreed to. I said I’d hold it. ”“Don’t be so naive, you knew I meant you had to wank him.
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”But in truth, I stupidly didn’t, I thought he’d meant just hold it. “I I thought you only wanted it holding, honest. ”“Well now you know different, so come-on. Lets see you get his spunkrising. ”“But I never agreed to. ”He cut me short. “So you’d rather we go and call the police, or maybe just develop
some of the pictures we’ve already taken, and post them to your
“No please. ”“Well get on with it then. Come on, try licking it. ”I reluctantly put my mouth down, and ran my tongue across the top of
it. It shook its head, as it stiffened even harder. I’d been licking
around the end for only a few seconds. “Sandra my dear, are you trying to get me annoyed?”“No. I’m licking him like you told me to. ”“Don’t play the school girl.
Get yourself down on that dick, and get
him to spunk, otherwise you’ll regret it. ”
I opened my mouth, and put my lips over his bell-end. Then I felt his
hands on the back of my head, and he forced me down onto his shaft.
Next second he was holding me either side of my head, lifting me up
and down, easing it in and out. I saw Ted to one side of me, and he
was clicking away taking pictures. After a minute or two, he
disappeared from view, and I felt his hands on my nipples. As his
hands cupped my pendant breasts, his mouth sucked one of my nipples.
Les rammed me onto is dick, forcing it into my throat. “Fucking hell! She’s fucking swallowing my dick. Oh fucking yes!
She’s fucking hot. ”Then as my hips started jerking, with a thrusting action. I felt what
must have been Ted’s fingers rubbing my clit. This only made me
thrust all the harder, and his fingers found my pussy. So I was deep
throating Les, while Ted sucked from nipple to nipple, and he now had
two fingers ramming my pussy. Then Les jerked his spunk into my
throat, pumping once, twice.
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In all I counted eight deliveries. Thenhis jerking stopped, and he lifted my head from his shaft.
Ted now got back to the settee, and beckoned me to him. I obediently
took my mouth to his dick, and pushed myself onto his shaft. Now it
was Ted ramming my head up and down, but before many seconds, Les had
got his hands on my hips! I feared the worst, and as his feet edged
my kneeling legs apart, I got ready to take his dick. But to my
surprise, I felt his tongue, lapping around my bottom, and into my
pussy. My body reacted by ramming back onto him. We were in this
position for a few minutes, before I felt the telltale signs of my
impending orgasm. As I felt Ted shooting his cum into my throat, my
pussy erupted like a volcano, squirting sticky cum into Les’s face.
I’ve never squirted in my life before, and this orgasm left me on my
back, writhing about on the floor, legs wide open. This went on for
some minutes, with my two instigators looking on, Ted also snapping
away with his camera.
“Well my dear. You’ve certainly come out of your shell now. ”Said Ted when I eventually calmed down. “Come on let me help you up.
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”Ted helped me to get myself to the settee and sit down, stillof-course naked. “Do you feel ok?”“Yes. I just feel so embarrassed. ”“I don’t know why. Your performance was exceptional. ”“Can I get dressed now?”“Course you can. If I was you, I’d nip up and have a quick shower,
while Les and I put this gear away.
I did as he’d suggested, and now I was walking back downstairs,
showered and fully dressed. “Ah here she is, our little super star. How’s that feel now?”“Better thanks. ”“Why? Didn’t you enjoy that little session?”What can you say to that? They’d got me so hot, I’d orgasmed like
never before, but I could hardly tell them that. “It was alright. ”“ALRIGHT! Jesus girl, if that was just alright, I’d love to be
involved with you when you have a good time. Now come-on Sandi, tell
the truth. Surely coming like that isn’t an every day occurrence?”“Well no.
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but. ”“But nothing. Tell the truth, you really enjoyed that, didn’t you?”“Ok. I did, but I feel so ashamed now. ”“Ashamed of what?”“What I just let you two men do with me. ”“But we all enjoyed it. You were outstanding. And nobody got hurt. So
why feel ashamed?”“I’m married, and three hours ago, I hadn’t even met either of you. ”“Look Sandra, if you want to feel ashamed, think of what got you into
this mess. You were the one who drove her car without any tax, MOT or
insurance. Then you stole goods from my shop. Then you destroyed this
mans lovely new car, it was less than six months old. A forty grand
motor car! Now that is something you should feel ashamed about. But
what you just did with us; was nothing, just harmless fun.
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As forbeing married, your husband never needs to know, so it won’t hurt
him. But if you hadn’t given Les his blow job, then your husband
would be really hurt, he’d be paying for the rest of his working
days, to cover the cost of that car. So in my book, all you’re doing
is trying to make things easier for your old man. ”
“I guess what you say is right, but I still feel like I’m cheating on
him. ”“Well let’s just assess your situation. You stole from me. Would you
agree, it was about £350 worth of gear you stole?”“Yes. About that. ”“And we already know you’ve written-off Les’s car, and that’s at
least forty grand. ”“I know. But it’s done now, and I can’t undo it. All I can say is
sorry. ”“But that’s not true, you can do more than just say sorry. You’ve
already shown Les you can do him little favours to make amends. ”“Well yes, but I don’t want to do that again.
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”“Oh I see. One blow job, and you think the slate is wiped clean. Hecould get a high class pro to give him a blow job for £50, and you
think that makes up for forty grand’s worth of damage?”
“What do you mean?”“Surely you didn’t think Les would be satisfied with just a quick
blow job? And that he’d walk away singing and dancing?”“But that was what you asked me to do. ”“Yes, and like I’ve already said, you did a good job. But you must
know it will take more than that to settle this debt?”“So you want me to do something else for Les?”“Too right! And not just Les, I think you owe me more than a blow
job. ”I knew the next step was to let them fuck me, and in truth, his
reasoning was right, I had only sucked their dicks. And although he
reckoned this was only worth £50, to me, I felt like I’d earned the
full forty grand already.
“Ok. What do you want me to do to pay my dues?”“Like I said to you before, you’re not a school girl. You know what
we want. ”“Ok, if I let you, then that’s it? My debt is paid?”“You’re as bad as Les. A little patience would go along way. Why
don’t you just take one step at a time?”“What? Even if I let you fuck me, you’d want more?”“Did I say that?”“No but. ”“But nothing. Lets just see how good you are in bed, then we’ll see
if you’re all paid-up?”“So if I do good, and please you both, you’ll be satisfied?”“We’re getting nowhere again.
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It’s quite simple. Are you going tofuck or not?”
I turned around and walked to the door. “I assume you want me in my bedroom?”“Yes, you lead the way. Come-on Les, looks like the little lady’s
ready to do the business. ”So as I climbed the stairs, I had two strangers following me, and I
knew I had to fuck both of them. Now in the bedroom, I turned and saw Ted had swapped his camera with
the big lens, and now had a large video camera, with a built-in frame
that carried two big lights.
“Hey! Come-on! That’s not fair. ”“What do you mean fair?”“Look I’m letting you both go to bed with me. Please don’t film it as
well. ”“When will you grow up? You’re up here to be fucked, and the least
you can do is let us have something to remember you by. Tomorrow,
this will all just be a memory. Ships that passed in the night. But
with this, we can re-live it. Now get yourself stripped off, Les is
ready to go. ”He was right; Les was stripped and lying back in the middle of my
bed, a semi-hard dick in his hand.
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As I started stripping, I felt the heat as the big flood lights shoneon my back, and then as they got ever brighter, they lit-up the whole
room. I did my best to ignore the watching eye of his camera, and I
was soon stripped naked. I climbed onto the bed, and got my mouth
onto Les’s dick. He reached to my hips, pulling me around to the
sixty-nine position. In no time he was hard, and trusting at my
windpipe. Whereas I was heaving my hips, which rubbed his tongue the
full length of my slit.
“Come-on Sandi, get yourself onto my dick. ”His hands were now manoeuvring me around, and I was soon astride his
hips lowering myself onto him. I was dripping wet, and it just slid
up effortlessly, until my crotch met his brush. I leaned forwards,
and he took one of my nipples into his mouth. So here I was humping
for all I was worth, with Ted filming every detail of the action.
When Les spoke up. “Ok. Hold up a minute. ”I stopped my heaving.
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“What’s wrong?”“Nothing. I just want you on your back. ”So he wanted a change of position, no problem, I got up, and as he
moved away, I lay back in the middle of the bed. He took hold of my
ankles, spread them wide and Ted brought his camera in for a
close-up. Then he lifted my ankles up towards my shoulders. “Here, take hold of these. Keep them way up high. ”I took hold, and he pushed his dick back up my pussy. Holding my legs
like this, I was not able to do the fucking, and I’d expected him to
get right back into a thrusting action.
But instead, after his slow push up my pussy, he pulled it back out.
Then he was rubbing his bell-end up and down my slit. Caressing my
clit at one end, then going down as far as my bottom at the other and
circling it around my hole. This produced three separate hot spots,
each one sent a different type of shudder through my body. But all
three made my hips instinctively thrust upwards. He’d been doing this
for some seconds now, and my thrusts were getting more violent, as
though I was impatient to get his dick back inside me.
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Every time Ithrust while he circled my clit, it sent the dick towards my pussy.
Every time I thrust as he circled my pussy, it entered. So I guess it
makes sense, that every time I thrust while he circled around my
bottom, the end pushed its way inside.
Now as he’d been instantly pulling it back out, I had just accepted
this as an arousal technique. And in truth, the invasion of my bottom
was arousing me as much as either of the other two areas. So as my
thrust got more violent, his penetrations got deeper. Then on one of
his penetrations into my bottom, instead of pulling back out, he
thrust deep. His wet dick slid right up, and he rammed hard and fast.
I first instinctively let go of my legs, and was about to protest.
But as he lay his weight down on top of me, and pumped hard and long,
I just wrapped my arms around him, and let him take his pleasure. He
had only been fucking my arse for about a minute, when he again
“Ok girl, up you get. ”He’d pulled out, and sat himself up towards the edge of the bed. I
got up, and he lay back down, on his back where I’d been lying. I
started to get down to mount him again, but he took hold of my hips,
and started to manoeuvre me around.
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“Not that way. I want you facing upwards. That’s it; now loweryourself back down onto my dick. No no. Up your arse. That’s.
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Μη διστάσετε να ελέγξετε τους Συνοδούς στην συνοδοι Αθήνα και να αισθανθείτε πως είναι πραγματικά η ηδονή, ενώ σας προσφέρουν εξαιρετικής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συνοδών.
κανε σεχ Αθήνα - Τι Πρέπει Να Γνωρίζετε
Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο πολυάσχολες χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια πλούσια ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο ελκυστικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ζωής.Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην Αθήνα πουτανες θα είναι ένα από τα πιο εκπληκτικά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο διάσημη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που απολαμβάνουν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Ωστόσο, θα μείνετε άφωνοι όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να παρουσιάσει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Προετοιμαστείτε για κάτι ξεκάθαρα ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον εντυπωσιακό κόσμο Συνοδών στην! Ο καλύτερος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους άντρες που γουστάρουν να εμπλουτίσουν τη ζωή τους με συγκλονιστικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε 100% ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις υψηλής ποιότητας συνοδούς που θα ανακαλύψετε στην εσκορτ Αθήνα.
Μόνο στην μπορείτε να περιηγηθείτε σε πανέμορφα πάρκα, επιβλητικά μνημεία, γραφικά κτήρια, και άλλα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος. Να αισθανθείτε τη μοναδική κουλτούρα, τα γευστικά φαγητά και γλυκά. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι η Αθήνα συνοδοι είναι γνωστό ότι προσφέρει στους ενήλικες όλα τα είδη διασκέδασης.
Τι θα λέγατε αν επισκεπτόσασταν όλα αυτά τα κορυφαία μέρη μαζί με μια πανέμορφη γλύκα; Θα σας κρατάει συντροφιά ενώ επισκέπτεστε τα διαφορετικά μέρη, θα δειπνήσει μαζί σας, και θα σας ακολουθήσει στις αποκλειστικές εκδηλώσεις, σόου, πάρτυ, και σε πολλά άλλα. Θα τραβάτε την προσοχή όλων επειδή αυτά τα μωρά από την εσκορτ Αθήνα ξεκάθαρα ξέρουν τι ονειρεύονται οι άντρες. Μόνο στην πορνες Αθήνα θα μπορείτε να κάνετε όλες τις φαντασιώσεις και τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα.
Τι Θα Πρέπει Να Περιμένετε Από Την Αθήνα εσκορτ
Η κάθε καυτή γκόμενα μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. Κάντε περιήγηση ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να ρίξετε μια ματιά αυτά τα εντυπωσιακά κορμιά με πιασίματα και τα γοητευτικά πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας παρουσιάσουν τα μοντέλα μας.Πέρα από τις εντυπωσιακές υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι πανέμορφες συνοδοί μας μπορούν χωρίς αμφιβολία να σας παρέχουν αξέχαστες υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι γοητευτικές καλλονές από την πουτανες Αθήνα προέρχονται από διάφορες τοποθεσίες. Έτσι, θα είστε σε θέση να διαλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τις δεξιότητές τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Γραφτείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις πληροφορίες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με καλλονές συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας διάφορες κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και ανακαλύψτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως ρούφηγμα πούτσας, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, γαμήσι στον κώλο, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, όργια, ανάλογα το μέγιστο προϋπολογισμό σας.
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