
Sex with my sister-1


Topic: Sex with my sisterNote : This story is completely fictional!
My name is Raj aged 29 now. Thes story is about me and my sisters relationship when we were young. At that time i was 22 and she was 18. Talking about rani, rani was full of womanhood. although she was average in built. she was sexually so intimidating whenever she passes through. I always used to think about her when i am jerking off. we are a family consisting of six members and we used to have 2 rooms to sleep and we were often close to bed. One time  my sister happened to sleeping near to me. In the half way of my sleep she put her thighs around hip part. As all you know what will happen if a lady put her thighs above our thighs and her knee touching our bellys. the same happened. I was so erected and for the time bieng i was not able to do a single thing.
We are having our beds in front of television and we always used to see the telivision laying in the bed. On this particular night, my family members have gone out to attend a social gathering and we two were alone at the home. We as usually was watching TV.

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   After sometime rani fell asleep and she without knowing put her hand on my boomerang. it erupted like a volcano. I was wearing a kurtha and slowly without moving her removed the kurtha which was covering my boomerang. ! and for the first time it has been touched by a lady. iwas overjoyed in the situation and that made me keep her hands for somemore time. after some time as she moved she released her hand.
After that she turned around in her sleep and put her thighs over my hips[the same thing that happened the last day]. but on this time i decided to do something. I slowly but steadily moved my body towards her especially the Hip part. the boomerang was so erect that it toucher her body without me completely moving by body. I slowly opened my kurtha and allowed my nude boomerang to touch her thighs and slowly with one leg, i pulled her thighs inside my legs and her knees was almost touching my balls. at that posture i laid for sometime. Then i grew with confidence. i went out to lock the door to ensure no one was coming in.
When i came back i saw rani laying in her bed showing her butts.

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   I was curious that if she weared a panty or not. She was using a light skirt and i slowly pulled up to see. Alas. she was wearing nothing. I with the courage i gathered from the previous attempt decide to push my boomerang with her ass. I firstly pushed it from behing with the kurtha. then i slighly opened my boomerang and pushed then also there was no response from my sister. I pulled off my clothes and put my knee above her Knee. and my bommerang behing her ass and slowly tried to penetrate. i slid thru her thighs to bottom i was feeling the warmth when i passed thru her pussy.
I pushed slowly and this havent made her awake. I slid behing her ass and started pushing back and forth. and i was now completely behind her and when i was going to leave her my sister turned back. In the next part i will be saying you something exciting than this. !

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