


"No! Of course not. Why would you ask me that?" She could tell I was lying, but I didn't care. "You got a real bone in your shorts, buddy. Not to embarass you or anything. " She looked down at my enlargement, and I couldn't help but follow her gaze. "Oops! Sorry, Kristine, but you're really hot, I've been thinking about you for the longest time. " I couldn't believe I had just said that! Oh well, I thought to myself. "What a coincendence, me too. I couldn't help but wonder about you, and your smooth, muscular body. You have the nicest ass, did you know that?" She giggled a little there, then started to rub my chest. "Uh, so do you," I managed to stammer. "Listen, I've dreamed about fucking you for the longest time, James, and was wondering if you'd like to make my dream come true?" Shit! It was really happening! She wanted to fuck ME! This is incredible, I thought to myself. "Uh, sure, why not?" "Great, let's go into my room, huh? My parents just left for the mall, so we'll be alone for awhile. " She winked rougishly at me, then gripped my pulsating cock and led me into the house. My first thought when entering the house was where's a condom when you need one? My question was immediately answered by the little bottle of pills on Kristine's dresser, marked plainly Birth Control. I was in heaven! Kristine was now stripping down, and I immediately followed suit.

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   We were both naked now, and now she got on her knees and took my six-inch cock into her mouth. She was pretty experienced, unlike my girlfriend, who sucked dick like it was something from the X-Files or something. Kristine's tongue forced me to cum in her luscious mouth, and she took my sweet load with a small grunt and a smile. It took only thirty seconds before my limp cock grew again. This time I needed no blow-job to get me ready for the fucking that I was about to deliver. Kristine now laid down on her goose-down bed, playing with her pussy idily as I approached her, cock stiff out in front of me. She led it into her dripping cunt without even a pause. As it entered, she let out a soft moan of delight. I started to pump her ferociously, showing her cunt no mercy as she yelled and screamed in ecstasy, urging me to fuck her harder. "Ohh, James, pump me! Fuck me as hard as you can! Dammit, cum in me you big balled fucker! Ohh, I'm comming!" She screamed into my ear as she gripped my shoulders, still thrashing about like a giddy schoolgirl who had just recieved an A on her final. "Oh, James, keep it up! Come on, I wanna be fucked in my pussy! Do it James! Harder! God, here it comes again!" She again screamed and bit down on her lip, and this time I knew that her cum would soon be mixed with mine. The inevetable was coming, so I let my juices flow into her pulsating cunt, mingling with her own tasty liquids. We both sprawled onto the bed and sat there, gasping for breath. She was good! "Jesus James, that was fucking fantastic! Let's do it again! Please? I wanna feel it in my cunt again! Come on James, please?" I could tell she was horny still, so I decided that three orgasms in thirty minutes wouldn't kill me. This time she got on top of me and started riding my cock.

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   It was heaven! Her pussy was gripping my cock like an snake with it's prey, and I was the one moaning. "Ohh, James, this is so fucking good! Ohh, my God, I'm cumming again!" She shuddered as she orgasmed, and as soon as she recovered her mom walked into the room. "What the hell is going on here?" She yelled into the bedroom. Shit! I was caught! "Mrs. Edwards, please, I can explain. . . " How the hell was I going to explain her daughter riding her cousin like a fucking cowgirl? But my distress was calmed, however, when Kristine's mom decided to join us. She stripped in much the same fashion as her daughter, and I couldn't help but notice her huge tits and her hairy pussy. It looked so fresh I wanted to get into it! Now Mrs. Edwards was on my face, and I was licking at her cunt like a drunk would a bottle of whiskey, and daughter and mother were mouth-fucking each other while Kristine still rode my cock, which was still going after two gruesome yet stimulating orgasms. Now Kristine got off me and her mom got on. God, she was even better than her daughter! This was great, I thought, and after only five minutes I blew my load in her pink cunt, and my cock was spent for good. We laid on the bed for a long time after that, playing with each other, doing the after sex thing, when I asked Mrs. Edwards "why did you want to join us?""Because, I knew that Kristine was on Birth Control, and she talks about you constantly.

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   She loves when you come to visit, and she wished that she could fuck you. SO, I made up an excuse to get out of the house for awhile, and here you two are. I guess I was so horny after seeing Kristine ride your massive cock-and it is massive, I assure you, two inches longer than my husbands. That was the best sex I have ever had. ""Wow, Mrs. Edwards, you sure know how to make a man feel special. " After that, Kristine and I visited each other a lot more, and I mean A LOT more. More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtTRUE INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER.

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Πέρα από τις εντυπωσιακές υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι μαγευτικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν ξεκάθαρα να σας προσφέρουν εκπληκτικές υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
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