Topic: A SEXUAL ONE OFF After about twenty years of marriage,this was new and so arousing.
We both enjoyed this happening. Subsequent sounds told us son did as our married life we slept in the buff (naked) tonight was no exception. Our eldest son was not a drinker as such but on trying beer he was in the novel stage of coming home a bit tipsy at the weekend. When younger he would come and lay in with us if he had a bad dream or something. Cuddling in on his mum's side,off to sleep he'd go till the morning,usually.
This had been a while ago. Tonight was a little different in that where as he always on being tipsy crept in very quietly and just went to his room and that was it till the morning. He arrived a little while after getting home at our bedside. "Mum my head feels all funny,can I climb in with you,that ok dad"? As we'd been asleep for a while he got a mumbled 'yeah,alright' So in he gets and we all drifted off to sleep.
I awoke,just as the early dawn light penetrated through our curtains. I admit I felt horny and moved my hand to feel my wife's tit only to find another hand already holding it. Realisation dawned,it was our sons hand,he was sound asleep so didn't know he was holding it. Of course as I said,I felt horny and seeing this made me even more randy. I eased away a bit to get a better look at her tit being held. God it was sexy,his fingers were letting her nipple squeeze between them and it was hard with what I could see of the oreole all crinkled up.
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It dawned on me that my wife was probably having a sexy dream. I decided to help her as I thought. Very gently I put my hand to where here pussy was and started to touch her clit through the hood. For a while nothing happened,then she started to almost imperceptably respond. I could feel her clit stiffening and just the tiniest of to and fro movement. After some time,her eyes peeped open slightly and in an extremely quiet whisper, 'stop,you're making me wet,he'll feel it' I smile and keep doing it. Looking now slightly shocked, 'He's naked I can feel his pubes on my bum,his dicks against my bum as well but its soft' I smile and wiggle my tongue at her. 'Don't be so disgusting,its our son you dirty bugger'
Realising she could have turned,thus stopping me rubbing her,I pointed to his hand on her tit.
'Stop now,my bums making him start to go hard' I expect he's having a wet dream! 'Stop you bastard or I'll cum' I have a hardon up to my chin,there's no way I'm stopping now. 'Stop for gods sake,his thing,its slipping in between my legs along my pussy slit,stop it now,he'll wake up you swine' Defiantly I keep up my fingering. My cock gives a jerk as I sense a pushing between my wife's legs against her hood. Its a rather large hard cock rubbing her clit. All in one my wife has covered her face with her hands and peeping through her fingers, 'I told you not to,he's doing me' Let it go in, 'No that's filty' He's asleep,he wont wake up till he cum's,go on do it.
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'NO'I note his hand on her tit is squeezing now and I wonder whether he is in fact awake. His breathing is still steady and taking a glance I suspect he is asleep and in the middle of a wet dream. Wife's hands half come down from her face, 'Fuck,its slipping in me,what shall I do'? Enjoy it was my response. Face covered again I have my fingers feeling the action,sure enough his knob had gone from her clit and the slight pushing I could feel was most definately a cock up her.
I know she's loosing out to lust as her bum starts to fuck him in earnest. No loud sexual sounds eminate from her lips as when i fuck her,but the quiet gasps tell me he's about to bring her to orgasm. Looking at her front,his hand now grasps into her belly and the runting sounds of a man about to cum tells me he's fucking and awake as he jabs harder with his first shot of spunk going high into his mothers belly. My wife is now making no secret of cumming as I watch her thrust back at her son, 'Harder,fuck me harder' then with a long groan and much grunting accompanied by some really fast fucking motions,she drained his young balls dry.
They both lay still now,then after a minute or two,our son saying quietly, 'Sorry mum' slid out our bed and quietly hurried through the door to his own room. 'Fuck,I can't believe I let him do that to me' Was it good though? 'Shut up,YES,if you must know,my belly's still tingling,fucking hell,I just let him shoot his spunk up me! What if I'm pregnant'? You could go and wash it out but you'll loose that feeling he've given you in you quim. Just leave it in,you wont get pregnant with just one lot of cum up you. 'Its alright for you,it wont be your belly swelling up' She lay back and left her pussy full of her sons jism.
After about ten minutes as she came down from her experience I rolled on top of her and added my cum to her incredibly slippery pussy. This being after I checked to see how much of our sons sperm was leaking from her slit. There you are,it matters little who'd have made you pregnant now,if it did happen.
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A couple of hours later after we'd all snoozed we appeared in the breakfast room,everything was as always and not a word was said about our happening. But me and the wife were as horny as hell especially when on each following night we heard the wanking sounds coming from our sons room and clearly the woman at the centre of his exotic world was always called mum.I still wonder if it all was by accident? If it wasn't whose the one that planned it? - bye.
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