Willow and the Widow Chapter 2
Willow and I had been dating for several weeks now. She was changing from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, a plain girl into a woman. We always had a blast when we went out I would never allow Willow to remove her panties and I would never touch her vagina. Told her it was a safety valve that would set in motion a fire that would consume both of use. She would show her sadness but would agree.
Her mom was giving me the evil eye and tried the third degree every time I stopped by. I would barely give her the time of date. It was a Saturday night and I was dropping off Willow , it was earlier then usual when I drop her off but still dark. We had not gone to the lake that night but still had fun.
My routine was to walk her to the door and kiss her good night. But as I was returning to my car I heard Betty and seen a faint glow from a cigarette. Betty always got to the point. “Did you Fuck Her?” I went straight to her in a faster then normal pace. It was time to see who had the biggest balls, and I was determined to win. I slapped Betty right a cross her pretty face. She was sitting down and when I hit her she fell over on her side.
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She was not prepared for it and I was not going to let her regain composure. I grabbed her by her hair stood her up and slapped her back down. I grabbed her hair again and drug her over to my car and made her face me. I yelled Bitch how dare you say that. I should kick you ass right now. Willow is the most important person in my life, she is my friend more than that, she is my true love. Betty was scared and I was pissed, I ripped her emotions out of her when I was done Betty was crying. I was not done so I gave Betty a chance to say some thing. I was towering over Betty as she lay upon the ground beside my car. Again how dare you Bitch! She started to babble, you have taken my daughter away from me, my friend told me you bought my home and business I have nothing left.It was time for the final strike, she had a point I did own her home and business, Willow would do what ever I wanted. My next step, I pulled Betty up to my face, with fire I let it go. Bitch, yes I own your home and Business, but no body owns Willow , She is a woman and will chose her own path now. And as far as you having nothing left, an evil grin and I bent her over my car, her firm butt was facing me I held her down and lifted her dress with my free hand then ripped off her panties. Then she knew what was coming and started to fight like a wild dog, hell I loved it, I was so fucking hard.
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Then a soft voice pierced the night, it was Willow and she placed a hand on my shoulder saying, “Not here Joe, some one may see you”. Betty and I looked at her in total shock, Willow said take her in the house. Betty was gone she had been beaten not by my actions but Willow ’s words. We made Betty go into the house. It was small, a two bedroom flat, and no frills. Betty’s room was at the back of the hall, as we passed Willow ’s room, she stopped an kissed me good night, and said have fun and I will see you two tomorrow.Greek Escort
She said you want me pregnant? With my child hell yes! You bastard!! Yes Betty I am and soon you will be my BITCH.This was not going to be pleasant, no niceties only pure fucking and rape. I through my self on the bed and pined her under me. She was struggling but not a match for me. I lined my cock up to her pussy and started rubbing it along the lips of her vagina. She was hot and wet and she knew I knew it. I said to Betty put it in!! No! Yes!! no! YES! and her hand slowly moved down between us as we started dry humping each other. Once she reached my cock she started stroking me. Her face was turned away from my so I whispered in her ear. Betty when I first seen you I knew I wanted you as my lover. She then looked at me, you did all of this including use Willow just to fuck me? It started out that way but now I really care about Willow . She asked then why did you stop fucking Willow ? A small smile Betty, Willow is still a virgin. With out another word Betty thrusted my cock in her. We both gasp and I took over, I slide my cock up her very tight pussy until my balls laid on her ass. She went rigged and rapped her arms and legs around me and squeezed.
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I could not move in or out. Betty was gasping louder and cussing. “Oh Mother Fucker your cock is so wonderful and fucking big” her hand grabbed my ears and forced me to look in to her face. You wanted to fuck me? You want to knock me up? Well then get it done STUD.She loosened her grip and gave her self to me. As I driving hard in to her then pull back then in again slowly at first then faster and harder. Betty was keeping pass with me first with moans then commands of “FASTER” HARDER” and that’s it KEEP DOING IT, OH GOD I CUMMMMMMMIIINNGGG. I found out then Betty is a screamer, you will knew when she has an orgasm, she must have had several during our interlude. Betty was a HOT ride I can not use words to describe being with her. I can easily say once you get her going hang on and be prepared to be dominated. She kept up with me I was on cloud nine. Betty was now yelling “Oh JOE I got mine cum and get yours daddy! I knew you love my HOY pussy, is it burning you dick? Blow you NUT I want it, fill me up, Knock me up Mother Fucker”. I could hold off no longer my balls got tight my cock was on fire. I yelled you want it Bitch her it cummmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!! I held my cock deep in Betty and shot after fertile shot went into her. She pulled me into her caressing me loving me and the moment.
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I said now who’s your Daddy? Oh god Joe you are! We held each other and kissed with passion. She was going to give me a child! We fell a sleep in each others arms.During the night I awoke to see Betty sitting in the box window, she was sill nude. What is it Betty? Joe I am old enough to be you mother, why do you want me to give you a child. You have so much and I have nothing. I joined Betty on the ledge and pulled her to me. So Betty you do not want to have my child? Oh no Joe I do, I Will, then you love me? I guess I do. Where do we go from here? How about back to bed? you got me hard again Joe can I get on top? My god Betty is hot.
The next morning I heard Betty say come on in. I opened my eyes Betty was laying across my chest with one of her firm leg draped over mine. It was Willow with a look of shock on her face. What did you think would happen when you gave me to Joe last night? Mom are you pregnant? I heard you last night. If not now very very soon right Daddy Joe? What happens now? It was my turn We are going to build a big house and all of us are going to live there and raise our family. With sadness and wander in her eyes I asked what is wrong Willow? Are you and mom getting marred Joe? No Willow you mom is my mistress if she will have me? Betty said Oh hell ya. Willow had a question but was afraid to ask.
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Willow spit it out, I demanded, She jumped in shock, What about me Joe? I am glade you asked. Betty was getting up and now stood naked next to Willow . Willow will you marry me? Willow and Betty both repeated it. Well? Oh god yes Joe then she started to take of her clothes. Willow what are you doing? With a devilish grin you ARE going to have my CHERRY BLOSSOM NOW!! Betty started laughing loudly What are you laughing about? Betty was in the door way and turned looking at me as Willow climbed on top, Well STUD you started this!!! I always finish what I start.Continue >>>>>.
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