
Slaved Away


    I highly admire Joey; he is very charismatic, has a brilliant mind, is kind to all, extremely random and absolutely beautiful with his brown, wavy hair cascading over his brown eyes that are hidden in a cherubic face, held up by a lean and muscular build. I met him through the internet and have only spent time with him once. There has been a strong connection, but it seemed we would just stay friends or so I thought. . .
    It was a Saturday evening and as usual I had no plans to go out. I was forced to stay home and watch re-run horror films aired on the television, but for once I had the house to myself. The family decided to visit relatives out in Pittsburgh, leaving the responsibility of caring for the animals up to me; it helped that I was paid for my so called pet-sitting, so I did not mind.     As Hannibal began to dissect the brain of Agent Starling’s friend, the doorbell rang. Jumping from the sudden occurrence of noise, I went to answer the door confused as to who would be stopping over when they could be out clubbing or drinking their sorrows away.     When I opened the door, there standing on the doormat was Joey holding wires amongst other weird attachments and cords.
“I finally had the opportunity to help you out with recording, I hope I did not come too late. ”    I was flabbergasted that he was even standing right in front of me at that very moment while all of my family were gone. Was this a dream? Would I actually have a chance to show him what I have been hiding. As I continued to contemplate, I went into a complete daze and forgot about Joey.


  . . Alana you high or what?
“Ha, no. Sorry, I was just surprised you stopped over. Come in. ”
    Just as I expected, once Joey entered the living room he immediately laid his belongings down onto the ottoman and went straight over to my dog Snowball; petting and scratching her all over while muttering, “Good doggie, whose a good doggie?. . . you are, yes you are,” every few seconds. I giggled and joined in muttering along with Joey, “good doggie, good. ”
    Once I was sufficiently satisfied with providing Snowball with attention I decided it was best for us to attempt my lessons on recording. With the flick of a wrist I guided Joey downstairs to the computer. All in all the whole ordeal was easy to understand, but just from my incessant need to move 24/7, I became tired and frustrated.
“I understand the basics. Let’s do something more eventful.

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“ I have an idea, but close your eyes. ”
    I was startled and a little concerned , but agreed and trusted Joey’s decision even though his actions seemed off and the whole idea made me worry more and more.     With his left hand, Joey grabbed hold of my right hand and drug me upstairs into the living room, he let go of my hand and then he disappeared. As fast as he left, I felt his soft, tender lips press up against mine, his right hand gracefully pulling my chin in toward him as he used more pressure behind his kiss. From his slight affection my entire body flamed up. I knew if I continued on I would loss control and the last thing I needed was this situation to blow up in my face, but before I could speak a word of protest Joey had me on my knees, turned away from him, having my back arch towards him as he held tightly to my wrists with his right hand. Taking his left hand he pushed aside the bothersome blonde hair from my left ear and bent down until I could feel each breath he took on my bare shoulder.
“You will do all I say and I will make sure to take good care of you, but don’t think you are not going to be in pain. If you do not cooperate with my orders, I will make sure your life will be non-existent. ”
    I could not believe what I was hearing. This sweet and innocent man that I perceived to be the next thing to perfect was threatening my life if I did not listen to him. This was absurd. I was not going to let him tell me that I must abide by what his demands were, even if the thought sent thrills to me, I needn’t get myself caught up in such an abusively sexual way of life.
    I tried to shake free, but I couldn’t even budge none the less stand up to try and get the upper hand. I had no idea where he got his strength, but it absolutely frightened me and through my fear of what was to come, I continued to fight and tried to squirm my way from this perfection that held tight.

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  “You find this fucking funny! We will see how funny it is when you are lying dead on this fucking carpet and you wasted your life away just because you did not fucking listen to me. ”
    As I shuddered from his screeching, I felt his left hand grab hold of my neck, lift me up and around, thrusting me against the wall. I tried to break his grasp, digging and clawing at his hand, but he just tightened his grip. I needed to breath. While gasping for air I decided to do what he demanded, I had no other choice; I will do what he wants, I do not want to die like cough*. . . . ”
    With that I fell to the ground, holding onto my neck trying to take all the air that was constricted out of me. He just stood there like a god, waiting for his meager slave to gather themself so he could put them off to work.
“If you are finished, I want you to come to the center of the room and strip all your clothes off. Now!”
    Just as he commanded, I gathered myself and walked to the center of the room; slipping off my tank top bearing my taut nipples, dropping my jeans down, exposing my clean-shaven cunt that was drenched from the anticipation of what was to come. Instinctually, I parted my legs slightly, wrapped my hands together on the top of my ass as I arched my back, ready and waiting for his orders. Though I was scared, it seemed my body was ready and strived for just such attention.
“You might be a better selection than I had anticipated.


   I see I am going to enjoy myself. ”
    Joey began to stride around my nude body, slowly inspecting me as if to check for imperfections to make me unworthy to be bestowed the blessing of his body. I trembled for his touches to come, but I desired them just as much. I knew that once this was finished, I would be longing for him no matter how hard I tried to avoid pleasure.
“You are beautiful like this. ”
    As he came up behind me, he took both his hands, wrapped them around and took hold of my breasts, caressing and pinching my nipples. His touches were heaven, I could not help, but be pleased. “Mmm. . . . Uh. . . ”
“You like that don’t you.

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  . . . ”
    Joey raked his nails deep into my skin, furiously gripping at my breasts as he bite ferociously at my neck, as if releasing an animal full of lust and I was his It hurt terribly, but he just continued to dig his teeth into my neck. I could feel him puncture through the skin and the blood begin to trickle down my chest. As it reached my right breast, he began to rub the blood over it. The intensity of his touch, I couldn’t help my body from creating tremors from the pure pleasure that he was giving me; couldn’t help the juices flowing out of my cunt that trailed down my legs. He flipped me around and took my right hard nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking upon it so hard that it felt as if we were trying to tear it I could not contain the yells the pain was unsustainable, but thrilling. I could not help thinking of how much pain I would be in once he fucked me, the thought sent chills of heat through out my body. The idea of his hard cock thrusting into me viciously was arousing and more juices began to spurt out of my longing cunt.     As if checking to see if I was properly prepared, Joey took his left hand and caressed my pussy lips. All I could think was just how much I wanted him to fuck me right there; I wanted to be worthy of his glorious cock.
“You are soaking wet. ”
    Suddenly, he pushed upon my shoulders with intense strength, forcing me to my knees. “You want my cock, don’t you.

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   You want it real bad. ”
    I could not contain myself. I wanted him and I wanted him right then and there. I reached out to his pants, unzipping his pants, letting them hang around his ankles along with his boxers as his full erected cock was bore right in front of my face. It looked to be at least 7 ½ inches and his  thickness was an incredible width that I could not even comprehend. I could see the pre-cum glistening off of his head. I wanted to take it in my mouth, make him shoot loads of cum into the back of my throat. As I came towards his cock ready to take him in, his right hand grabbed hold of the back of my head, taking a large clump of my hair into his fist. “. . . I don’t understand. . ”
“You think you are worthy to take in my cum, bitch? You think with the way you acted today you should be blessed with my cum?”
    As I struggled for him to release me, he began to rub his cock with his left hand in front of my face. Torturing me, taunting me, I could see his eyes fluttering as he was on the verge to cum.

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   I wanted to eat his cum badly. I wanted that cock in my mouth. Why was he doing this to me? After another couple of seconds he let go of his load and shot at least 5 times onto my face. It seeped into my eyes, but I didn’t bother with the burning I just concerned myself with cleaning myself of his cum, taking in as much of his glorious cum as I could.
“You look very hot with my cum all over your face. You were made for this. ”
    I smiled a sly smile. I didn’t want to crave him, but I was fearing that it would not be so easy. I could not help what my body felt, even if he forced me into this position. “You are lucky I gave you the opportunity to taste my cum. Maybe if you please me next time, I might bestow one of those holes with my cock
.     There wasn’t going to be a next time. I may have enjoyed myself this evening, but I can not do this. No matter what he does to me, I will not give into this man the next time if there truly will be a next time for him.
“If you refuse me, I will not refrain from beating you helpless.

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   I will have my way with you no matter what. You will not know when I will be coming for you, but you will be longing for my cock. You will not be able to resist it I can guarantee that to you. ”
    As he spoke the last word, Joey gathered his things and walked right out the door. I sat there shaking in fear and anticipation of when this God would come back once again.

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