Ψάχνεις για γυναίκες συνοδούς και call girls στην Θεσσαλονίκη?
Γνώρισε την "Katrin" το νέο καυτό Call Girl του Escorts Club. Μια νέα χυμώδης και πολύ σέξι κοπέλα.
Ναζιάρα με σαρκώδη χείλη και ωραία γκριζο-πράσινα μάτια η "Katrin" είναι μια παρουσία γεμάτη ζωντάνια.
Με ένα λαχταριστό κορμί, με καυτά οπίσθια, πλούσιες καμπύλες και τέλειο στήθος.
Διαθεσιμότητα: Δευτέρα - Κυριακή 13:30μμ - 04:30πμ
Κόστος Eur In-Call:
30 λεπτά: 90
1 ώρα: 140
1,5 ώρα: 210
2 ώρες: 280
3 ώρες: 410
4 ώρες: 550
Out-Call Eur:
1 ώρα: 140 + 20 (Taxi)
1,5 ώρες: 210 + 20 (Taxi)
2 ώρες: 280
3 ώρες: 410
4 ώρες: 550
Extra υπηρεσίες: Τελείωμα στο στόμα +20eur
Λεσβιακό +20eur.
Escorts Club Θεσσαλλονίκη - Συνοδοί & Call girls
Βασική πόλη: | Θεσσαλονίκη |
Συνάντηση Διάρκεια Πόλη Παρουσιαστικό Υπηρεσίες Επικοινωνία 18-06-2019 1 ώρες Θεσσαλονίκη : 9.0: 9.0: 8.0Φιλί
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Το 10% έχει καθοριστεί στο Photoshop
First conversation via WhatsApp with the agency. Due to a failed planning with another lady I'd have liked to meet, we placed a spontaneous meet up with Katrin. And I didn't regret it!
Katrin looks like on the pictures.. face-wise, Bra-size fits. I really liked her bum a lot! I personally loved her tattoos, the gorgeous skin and her beautiful feminine curves.
She's tasting awesomely good. Her lips.. Up and down.. A touch of parfume.. Just perfect.
The way how we started kissing - which she initiated - heavenly.
Via the agency I asked for a shower together, which she joined after I asked her directly again. I would have loved to get an each-other soaping.. But since she didn't start it, I didn't ask and the quickly cleaning - chance not taken.. Maybe my fault.
In bed she's great. She liked it to be seduced - at least it felt like for me.
She was pleasing me then with her outstanding oral skills.. It was great!
In general I loved it how she took over the control sometimes to please me and made me comfortable, but also reacted on requests I'd asked for. Which was everything okay for her. But I guess because there was nothing special I requested.
I would just ask the next time for some massage oil to use on her beautiful body :)
She's a superb woman, great to talk to (English is perfect), not hurrying and taking care of her guest.
Repetition factor: 120%