The Crew reviews

The Crew

Membre depuis: 22-03-2012Pays: TurquieVille: Istanbul Envoyer un MP


  • Londa_AF reviews 18-04-2012
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    2012-04-18 1 hour Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec la langue
    Oui, le recrache
    Seins naturels
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    Londa_AF - escort review from Turkey Aller au profil
    Aphrodita nın daha önce görüştüğüm escortundan çok memnun kalınca yeni gelen kızlardan Iren ve Londayla gorusmek ıcın ajansla tekrar ıletısıme gectım. Iren musaıt olmadıgı ıcın Londa'yla 1 saatlık bır gorusme ayarladım. Sunu soyleyebılırım Londa resımlerınden cok daha cekıcı ve guzel resımlerı bence onun guzellıgını yansıtmıyor cunku asırı makyaj ve bıraz photoshop var. Londa bu işi kesinlikle zevk için yapıyor yada yaparken kendi alıcagı zevkı cok on plana cıkarıyor cunku ben ılk defa benden daha ısteklı bır escortla beraber oldum. Goz temasını bır an olsun bırakmadan yaptıgı oral sonrası seansımızı normal ılıskıyle tamamladıktan sonra 2ncı seansımızda yaptıgımız anal deneyımı suana kadar benım ıcın en ıyı anal deneyımıydı dersem yalan olmaz cunku sızın hıcbırsey yapmanıza gerek kalmadan kendısı durumu cok guzel yonlendırıp ıdare edıyor. Kısacası kesınlıkle cok mutlu oldugum bu deneyımden sonra tekrar Londa'yla mı yoksa farklılık acısından Iren le mı gorusmek konusundan cok kararsız kaldım.
  • Vitalina_AF reviews 11-04-2012
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    2012-04-11 1 hour Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec la langue
    Oui, le recrache
    Seins naturels
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    Vitalina_AF - escort review from Turkey Aller au profil
    Vitalina'yla ajansın bana geldiğini haber vermesi üzerine bugün görüşme fırsatı buldum. Açıkcası resimleri beni görüşme öncesinde heyecanlandırmaya yetmişti ki karşımda resimlerinden daha seksi bir bayan bulduğumu kesinlikle sölemeliyim. Beni çok şık dar mini bir elbiseyle karşılayan Vitalina yüz güzelliği olarak da en az fiziği kadar iddialı ancak en önemli nokta kendisinin sıcak kanlı ve samimi olması. 1 saatlik görüşmemiz boyunca benı her anlamda mutlu etmeye çalışan ve bunu yaparken kendisi de mutlu olan bana tam bir gfe deneyimi yaşattıran bu güzel kız kesinlikle görüşülmesi gerekenler arasında zirvede yer almalı. Yaklaşım ve performans olarak beni oldukça tatmin ettiği için Vitalina'ya ve yardımcı olan ajansa teşekkür ederim
  • Lori reviews 23-03-2012
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    2012-03-21 1 hour Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec la langue
    Oui, le recrache
    Seins naturels
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    Lori - escort review from Turkey Aller au profil
    Eva is really an amazing young girl who knows to please you well due to her experience. I was planning to meet earlier week but I couldnt be available because of business trip.
    First of all Eva is more beautiful than the pictures. She has a baby face with gorgeous eyes. She has a sexy dress and allowed me to take out them slowly. Her body is fresh and smells like a flower.
    She is active during sex and knows how to make a man happy. I didnt feel I am a customer, I felt like I visited my girlfriend in her hotel room.
    On the other hand, one must to say that Lori needs to change her pictures here she is much more beautiful than the pictures sure. She has a soft skin with a balanced body. Although less experienced than Eva, it was a real girl friend experience with her and my chance was to try a duo with them. We tried several positions with these 2 girls in duo service during sex. We had great and urforgettable time together with both. If you like skinny and long girls I highly recommend these 2 girls as duo. You should have meet these 2 girls.
    Last words to agent: Agent is very kind and helpful.

  • Eva Smolina reviews 22-03-2012
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    2012-03-21 1 hour Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec la langue
    Oui, avale
    Seins naturels
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    Eva Smolina - escort review from Turkey Aller au profil
    Eva is really an amazing young girl who knows to please you well due to her experience. I was planning to meet earlier week but I couldnt be available because of business trip.
    First of all Eva is more beautiful than the pictures. She has a baby face with gorgeous eyes. She has a sexy dress and allowed me to take out them slowly. Her body is fresh and smells like a flower.
    She is active during sex and knows how to make a man happy. I didnt feel I am a customer, I felt like I visited my girlfriend in her hotel room.
    On the other hand, one must to say that Lori needs to change her pictures here she is much more beautiful than the pictures sure. She has a soft skin with a balanced body. Although less experienced than Eva, it was a real girl friend experience with her and my chance was to try a duo with them. We tried several positions with these 2 girls in duo service during sex. We had great and urforgettable time together with both. If you like skinny and long girls I highly recommend these 2 girls as duo. You should have meet these 2 girls.
    Last words to agent: Agent is very kind and helpful.