Young whores pt4 Daddy comes to L.A
Young Whores . part 4 Daddy comes to L. A.
Dan swift, Ashley's father had arrived in town a little over a week ago. He tracked her to L. A by the greyhound bus terminal Ashley left from in Kansas. Dan decided to ignore Ashley's note saying she would turn him into the police for molesting her. He rented an old house in Riverside . He'd been trying to find his daughter on his own by walking the streets himself . But had no luck then he hired a private detective to find her . The detective went out to the usual places teen runaways would end up . It was late Friday when he got a lead on Ashley from one of Jimmy's young working girls. She told him that he could find her at Keisha's apartment in Compton but when he got there. It was to late Ashley and Trudy had already left two hours before. Now its Saturday morning and the detective asked Dan to come to his office for a meeting.
"I came up with a hot lead on your daughter Ashley mister Swift, .
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Said detective Sanchez "But your not going to like what I found out" . "Oh please don't tell me she's dead" . Replied Dan swift. As he sat his six foot three,Two 230lb. body down in an old chair. In the detectives office. He slumped over expecting to here the worst. "Oh no sir she's very much alive, But like a lot of runaways in this town, They can't find work due to their age, "Sir this's hard for me to tell you , "But she's became a prostitute"."No you've got the wrong girl, My Ashley's a good girl, "She'd never whore herself out to common strangers"
. Dan said . "I'm sorry Dan but I know I've got the right girl, I talked to some hookers in Compton, "When I showed them a picture of Ashley, They told me she was one of, Jimmy John's girls ,And that she was livingat theCompton estates in apartment 230, . "Well where is she ,Did you talk to her,"Why isn't she here with us now". Sanchez could tell that Dan was getting angry by the way his brown eyes grew darker . And the way the big farmers fingers gripped the wooden arms of the chair .
"Dan I thought I was going find her,But When I went to the apartment she was supposed to be at, I found out she and a friend, named Trudy had left about two hours before,I talked to a Young black women named Keisha,
"But when I asked this Keisha where they went to, She clammed up and threw me out, "Now I could go there and do a stakeout if you'd like, But it'll cost you" .
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"No thanks mister Sanchez, I'm just going on back home, . Said Dan he slid the detective a check for the work he did then stood and reached his big hand over the desk to shake Sanchez's hand .
"I guess she'll come home, When she realizes that a good girl like her doesn't belong in L. A".
But Dan had other ideas about how to find his little girl . Now he had the address of Keisha's apartment .
"I'll get that whore Keisha to tell me where my little girl is, I'll beat it out of her if I have to". Fifty year old Danial Swift hadn't always been a Kansas farmer . He'd also been a member of the army special forces . He was trained ininterrogation techniques. Twenty years ago he was one of the best at doing things the US government said they don't do. He went to a local farm and feed store. And bought some rope and a cattle prod . He had ahunting knife and his favorite chrome plated 45 pistol under the seat of his blue ford F150 pickup . Then Sunday night he went to Keisha's apartment .
Jimmy had sent two new teen age girls to take Ashley and Trudy's place. Keisha and the girls were spending that evening watching TV . When they heard a knock at the door . One of the new girls ignorantly opened the door . And Dan pushed his big tall body in to the apartment ."Hey what the fuck, Keisha screamed out as Dan pushed his way in then grabbed the seventeen year old Latino girl named Alishia around her chest then held his forty five to her head. "If you scream bitch,I'll blow your head off". Said Dan . Keisha then asked in a low frightened voice . "Please don't hurt her, What do you want" .
"I want you to tell me where my daughter Ashley is, "And I want to know now". Keisha then remembered what Ashley had told her about her father . "I don't know where the fuck she's at asshole" . Keisha said defiantly. "I think you do know, You're the one they call Keisha right " .
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Said Dan as his dark brown eyes stared at Keisha she knew he meant business . Keisha noticed his graying light brown hair and weatheredskin. He had deep crows feet wrinkles around his eyes . From hours of hard farm work . He wore a green John deer ball cap and a plaid western shirt . Blue jeans and cowboy boots . And he was very tall and muscular . "I want you two younger girls to lay down on the floor on your bellies . Then he took two long strands of cotton clothesline rope out and threw it to Keisha ."Do as he says Alishia and Amanda ,Hurry up dammit" . Both girls did as they were told but started to cry as Keisha bound their hands behind their backs . "Hog tie them women ,Tie their feet up to their hands".
Dan ordered then he threw Keisha two bandanna's . "Gag'm with these" . She then forced the the gags into each girls mouth .
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Then she looked up at the big man . Dan looked down the hallway that led to the bedrooms . Then he ordered Keisha to help him drag the young girls into her bedroom . "We can get'a little more personal in there"After laying Alishia and Amanda down on her the floor he aimed the gun at Keisha . "Now you strip,All the way,
"Then lay down on the bed on your bellie, . "Hey man like I told you I don't know where Ashley is,That's the truth"
Said Keisha. Although she was giving Dan one of her best acting jobs. She new both girls had gone to Malibu with Mike on Friday just before that private detective came to visit . This made him angry and he gave Amanda a swift kick to her ass. That was now exposed due to her short cotton nightie that was pulled up . showing a pair of pink bikini panties . "Oomph". The pretty young black girl let out a muffled scream from her gaged mouth.
"Your fucking lying ,Now take your nightie off and do as I say ,Or I'll shoot this bitch right her" . He then stooped and placed the barrel of the gun to Amanda's ear and cocked the hammer back .
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"One. . two. . ,Come on hurry up,Unless you want her brains on the floor" . This made Amanda's eyes open wide and she began to cry louder ."Ok. . ok. . please. . I'll do as you say" said Keisha . She was wearing a long white cotton nightie. As she pulled it over her head exposingher firm twenty one year old nude body to Dan.
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He said "Well. . well, You look hot for a whore". He hadn't had sex since Ashley ran away and he was totally turned on by Keisha's light brown skin and firm breast . She thought he might just have sex with her and leave . But Dan had other ideas for her tonight . When Keisha didn't move fast enough Dan quickly stood and punched her in the face . And she fell down on the bed dazed by the blow to her right cheek .As she laid on the bed Dan quickly used some more rope tying her wrist and hands to the brass beds head-board . Then he took a red bandanna out of his pocket and forced it into her mouth and tied it firmly around the back of her head . Then he rolled Keisha's body onto her belly. He than tied her feet to the brass rail at the foot of the bed . Now Keisha lay spread eagle with her back side exposed so he could use the cattle prod on her ass and back . She woke up quickly when she felt the first zap of the prod between her butt cheeks .
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. eeeouch. " . He watched with demented joy as she pulled on the ropes andand her body jerked she kept shaking her head back and forth and trying to tell him to stop through the gag but he didn't stop and the torture seemed to go for ever. He most-have shocked her about fifteen times. Then he stopped and pulled Keisha's head up by her long black hair . He rolled her face towards his and asked snarling at her and shaking her head around . "Where's Ashley at whore ,Tell me now because this can go on all fucking night" . He gave her another shock . Then finally Keisha gave in . "OK. . OK. . I'll tell you" she mumbled out through the gag.σεξ στην αθήνα
She was crying as he took the gag out of her mouth ."Ok then tell me,Now bitch,Because I won't stop until I geta strait answer". Dan said pulling her head up by her hair.
"Ok just stop and I'll tell. . . You. . what. . you want" She said as she cried "Theirs a Guy named Mike Jones,He owns these stores in the area called Teen fashions, He came and picked Ashley and Trudy up on Friday . "Where does he live". And he put the prod on her one more time between her shoulder blades "Zap" . "EEEEouch . .
Oh.Oh please. . All I know is they live in Malibu". Dan now realized he was sexually excited by torturing Keisha .
He began to rub his fingers along Keisha's skin . Slowly letting the tips of his fingers slide along Keisha's soft light brown skin . "I want to fuck you up that ,Fine looking ass of yours Whore" . "No please just go,Get out of here,Haven't you done enough to me" . Keisha was trying to be tough . But it was no use Dan began looking through her drawer's
for some condoms . He pulled on Keisha's hair again
"Where do you keep your rubbers, I don't want to catch AIDS from your dirty ass". Then he found one condom . He quickly kicked his cowboy boots off and then dropped his blue Jean's to the floor and stepped out of them . He was already hard so he rolled the rubber down on to his seven inch cock shaft . Then he decided he didn't want her screaming outwhile he defiled her one more time.
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So he forced the red bandanna back into her mouth . Then he climbed upon the bed . Keisha was crying hard now and trying her best to pull her wrist free from the strong cloths-line rope but when she did this it just made the rope go tighter on her wrist until it bit into to her flesh .Then she heard Dan spitting into her ass crack . She felt his saliva running down and over her bare cunt . "You see I'm not such a bad guy,I'm even lubing you up,Before I fuck you" . Then he guided his cock towards her asshole and rammed himself in hard . "This is for whoring my little girl out,You fucking bitch" . Keisha Screamed out loud through the gag . It felt like she was being ripped apart . Even when she was a full time prostitute she never allowed any man to do her in the ass . "Eeeouch. . . umph".
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The tight fit of Keisha's anus was really turning Dan on . He liked the grunting screams of the young black women as he rammed himself harder and harder into her rear ."I'm coming bitch Oh. . ahhh. . ahh, . Dan laid there on top of Keisha until he finished his orgasm . Then looked around the bed room at the two young teens still tied laying on the floor . They were looking back at him with tears in their eyes wondering if one of them would be next . Then he pulled out of her anus . And went over to his back pack and pulled the long bladed hunting knife out . He thought to himself
"I can't leave any witnesses, If I leave them alive, they'll tell the cops,And I'll never bring Ashley home" .
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. . . . .It's now 7 A. M Monday Morning back In Malibu
Mike And Trudy were making breakfast when I came into the kitchen . Ashley looked up at me and came over to mewith a fresh cup of coffee . "Here baby this should get your motor running, . She handed me the coffee . "Thanks sweetheart, . Then Trudy spoke up . "Shit Ashley, The way you two made that bed creak this morning, His motor was already running".
Mike cut in . "Yeah buddy you ought'a be a little quieter ,You two ended up getting us in the mood".
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As he stepped up behind Trudy and placed his Arms around her he gave her a kiss on the cheek . Then started fondling her breast . Through the light blue cotton spaghetti strap midriff top she had on ."Oh come on now, I think you and Trudy are always horny anyway". Said Ashley
Today Trudy was dressed in light blue spaghetti strap top. For a dress she wore a short black velvet skirt that hung about six inches above her knees . On her legs she wore thigh high black nylon stockings . On her feet she wore short heeled sandals shoes. With her toenails painted red as usual to match her fingernails and lips .
"Hey guess what Trudy's almost fully dressed today she put panties on this time". Said Mike jokingly . Then Trudy lifted her skirt as if to prove it . "There my favorite panties". She said with a smile as she did a sexy little turn so everyone could see red silk thongs she had on . "Well what did you put on today Ash".
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Said Trudy as she stepped over to her young friend as she sipped her coffee ."My lucky blue bikinis and a matching bra . Then Ashley lifted her shirt exposing her sexy bra . It had white lace at the top of the cups and it also it pushed up her breast to enhance their shape. Then she lifted her tan skirt to show us her skimpy bikini panties with white lace at the top around the waste band . "Mm very nice". Trudy said as she stood close to Ashley and then ran her right hand down along the silky blue fabric. Until her fingers slithered down to Ashley's crotch rubbing against her camel toe . "Hee. . hee,Oh Trudy you're such a perv,But That's why I love you". Said Ashley Then she gave Trudy a quick kiss on the lips.
We ate a quick breakfast then while the girls went to use the bathrooms . I pulled Mike aside and told him about Ashley's father And even the dream Ashley had . And the fact that I thought we should arm ourselves .
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"I'm taking my glock with me, I think you should take your thirty eight along with you, "Just in case".
"Oh come on Jack you're freaking out about some crazy dream,OK I'll take my gun, But I'm putting it in my brief case". Then he went in to grab his pistol . We all left for work Mike and Trudy rode in Mike's red corvette. And took the store that he manages in West Hollywood . Ashley and I took the Inglewood store that I managed . I had my radio Playing as we drove in . I've been so desensitized by the everyday crime story's of L. A. . That I barely noticed the story of a triple murder that happened in Compton last night . The reporter told the story.
"Police are now investigating a triple murder in Compton,Where a women and two teenage girls were found brutallymurdered. "We're still investigating, And we cant let the names of the victims out until the next of kin are notified". Said a police spokesperson .
I changed the radio station to a music channel"I hope Keisha's doing OK, Said Ashley when she heard the story about Compton it just seemed to spark her memory of where she used to live at . Then she looked over at me and noticed a
lump sticking out from under my dress jacket . She reached over and pulled the lapel of my jacket open . "Why are you carrying a gun Jack, . "Well as you just heard honey, This ain't junction city Kansas" .
"No Jack I think you have a gun because of the dream I told you about this morning". Her blue eyes looked right into my sole and I confessed . "OK so maybe I believe in women's intuition, And what I do know is your father's obsessed with you, And I'm not taking any chances" .
"Jackmy father hasn't always been a farmer, My grandfather gave him our land and our farm,After he got out of the Army special forces, He's a real tough guy, . "There was an incident, That happened last year, Our cattle broke the fence down, And wandered into one our neighbors corn fields,
"When the farmer came to our house angry,And wanting dad to pay him for the damages, Dad started a fight with the man, The man was twice his size but Dad used his combat training, And the big farmer didn't have chance against him, "I think he would've killed the man if I hadn't begged him to stop, "And what really scared me that day was, My father really enjoyed beating the man up".
I looked at her and joked "Well now you tell me how tough he is" . Than I patted her on her soft upper thigh and said "I'm pretty tough to, And he can't fight a nine milometer bullet". Ashley went silent after what I said.
I knew that she didn't want her father hurt . Or me either for that matter .
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. . . . . . .Meanwhile on Mike and Trudy's drive . Mike decided to ask Trudy . "I remember something you said last Friday,
"That once you get to know us better that you'd tell us about your life, "Well I've been thinking, After hours of intimacy with me this weekend, And the fact that I really do care about you, "Do you think you can tell me about how you ended up in L. A from a beautiful place like Mount Shasta". Trudy smiled at him then said .
"Oh Mike you're so cute when you're serious, Well OK here's my story,
"At first my family was a perfect a family,"My mother was deeply in love with my dad, I was the only child and daddy and Me were very tight, "Well not as tight as Ashley and her perv dad was but close you-know,
"Well anyway, . Than Mike noticed a slight change in her voice when she told the next part .
" When I was fourteen, I wanted to learn how to drive, So I talked Dad into letting me drive home from the ski resort we were working at, "I was doing good until I got the car going a little to fast down the mountain, I hit a patch of ice and the car slid out of control, Then we ended up rolling over, "I'll never understand why I wasn't hurt "But my.
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. . Dad. . . . He was killed instantly, It was the first time Mike had ever seen her cry."Oh honey I'm so sorry, You need to understand, It was just a freak accident, "It wasn't your fault baby" . He reached his hand up and caressed her curly red hair .
"Yeah now tell that to my mother, After the accident mom changed, She seemed to blame me for what happened,And I guess she had a right to do so, Also she had to start working extra hours at the resorts bar to make ends meet,
"A little over a year ago mom found herself a new man, His name was Keith, He moved in with us,
I liked him he was nice to me and he defended me when my mom bitched at me, But first he was just a friend,One night when mom went to work,Keith asked me if I liked to smoke weed,"Well you know how I like weed" ,He didn't have to twist my arm, He got me real stoned and we started making out, Then making out turned into sex, "He took my virginity that night" ,That nighthe said he loved me,From then on every time mom went to work,Me and Keith would fuck, He turned me into a sex addict, I just couldn't get enough sex,
"One night we started getting it on a little two soon, And mom came back to the house,She caught Keith fucking me doggy style on the living room couch, "Well needless to say mommy was a little pissed"
"She threatened Keith with statutory rape charges, Or he could get out of town,
"So old Keith took the get out of town", And then I had to face my mothers wrath, "In almost fifteen years she'd never hit me,But that night she punched me right in the mouth,Then she told me to get out of her house,
"So that's what I did, I packed my shit and took off to the City of angels"
"Mike are you sure you want to hook up with a trouble maker like me". She said with tears in her eyes
"Oh baby I like your troublesome ways", I promise I won't leave you, "you can stay with me forever, If that's what you want, "Now you just lay your pretty head on my shoulder, And have yourself a good cry". He wanted to say he loved her. But the "L" word was always one of the hardest words for Mike Jones to say . But in his heart he knew he loved her . Trudylaid her head on his shoulder she said "Mike I really care about you to, The first time I met you, I thought you were so much like my dad, You have his sense of humor and even his good looks, I think I'll stay around you a little longer, "Just to see what kind of trouble,We can get into baby".
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. . . . . . .Dan Swift had spent the night behind the Teen fashion store in West Hollywood . He took notice of Mike Jone's personal parking spot that had Mike's name stenciled on the back of the building. He came here after he murdered
Keisha and the two teen aged girls . The last information that he was able to get from Keisha . Was that Mike drove a brand-new red corvette. And that Trudy was a redhead . So he pulled his truck in behind the store late Sunday night and went to sleep . Dan began dreaming of Ashley and the first time he had sex with her .
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"Oh baby your little pussy taste so good"
"Oh daddy I like what your doing,What did you call it again". Said thirteen year old Ashley to her father as he licked and sucked on her almost hairless cunt.
"Its cunnilingus,Or better known as pussy eating,mmm. . umm, He mumbled up from his task . Then he started licking and sucking her thirteen year old cunt into a major orgasm. "Oh. . yes. . Daddy that feels so good". She said in a trembling voice. Her slender young thighs tightened up around his head as she came . "You liked that didn't you Ashley he said as he stopped and slowly raised his tall body up from his kneeling position on his bedroom floor. Then he looked down at his beautiful young blond haired daughter .
"Now Its time for me to turn you from a child, To a young Lady baby,Are you ready" Dan said as he looked into his little girls bright blue eyes . She hesitated a little she knew it was wrong . She just wanted to make daddy happy . She knew he was always so sad since mom died. And if this would make him happy then that would make everything right again .
"Oh yes daddy. . . I'm. . . ready" She said in a little girls voice . Then he lowered himself over her she looked so fragile. She reminded him of the first time he made love to His wife Sarah a long time before he married her. She wasn't much older than Ashley when they slipped into her fathers barn one night .
Sarah was the love of his life they'd been childhood sweethearts.
"I love you so much Ashley" then he reached his hand down and guided his hard cock into his little girls virgin sex. And then with one swift thrust he penetrated her hymen . "eeeeouch. . . Daddy. . it hurts oh please stop,Oh please"
"Just relax honey everything will be OK, The pain won't last,"And every time we make love after this it'll feel even better" . But the dream was ended when Dan was woke up from the rumbling of Mikes exhaust pipes.
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. .Trudy and Mike didn't notice the blue F150 pickup sitting back along side a dumpster . Trudy was busy redoing her red lipstick . She gave Mike a quick blow job when they got stuck in a traffic jam . Mike was now able to zip his fly when he came to a full stop . "OK are you ready for your first day at work, . "I am now that protein drink you gave me has me all revved up". They were both laughing at Trudy's joke when they climbed out of the car .
But they were both startled a little as a stranger spoke to them from behind .
"Well howdy there Mike and Trudy". Both Mike and Trudy looked over at Dan as he slowly approached them .
"Can I help you, Mike repliedto the man in the john deer ball cap . He noticed the man was dressed like a farmer. Complete with a car heart jacket and a western style shirt blue Jean's and cowboy boots.
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"Yes you can, Dan stepped closer and showed Mike and Trudy a picture of Ashley . Mike was now feeling a little stupid for not wearing his thirty eight in his shoulder holster . So he tried lying to Dan "I'm sorry sir but I've never seen that girl before, . Dan then showed the picture to Trudy "Now I know you most know her Trudy, Shit Keisha told me you're Ashley's best friend, . Trudy decided to confront the man but lie to him also.
"Yeah your Ashley's child molesting pervert father", Yes she told me all about you, But I'm afraid she left Town this weekend she went up to Oregon ,She said she wanted to get as faraway from you as possible, Then she began thinking she should've kept quiet when she noticed the chrome plated 45 pistol Dan had shoved into the waste band of his jeans . Mike then spoke up "Hey Trudy that wasn't very nice, . He also saw the gun but he decided to try and cool things down a little . And just maybe he could trick the man into letting him open his briefcase .
"I'm sorry sir I really don't want any trouble here, She gave me an address where we can reach her at but its in my briefcase, I cant remember what it was off hand but, I wrote it in my address book, . Then Mike undid the locks on his case and opened it trying to be sly . But Dan was quick on his draw he pulled his forty five out quick . And fired off one shot that hit Mike in what looked like to Trudy right in the heart . The impact sent Mike spinning around and he fell face down on the pavement near his car. The cult snub nose fell useless on the ground along with the contents of Mikes briefcase .
Erkek Eskort İstanbul
"Oh no Mike oh god please" . Trudy screamed out her heart sank as she saw Mike fall to the ground . With the thought that she'd just lost someone she loved again ."What have you done asshole he didn't deserve this, "Oh please Mike don't die, she yelled out
Trudy began to race around to where Mike fell . When she came around to his side of the car she saw a puddle of blood flowing out from under Mikes body . She started to stoop down and see if she could help him. But Dan quickly grabbed her by her right arm and pulled her to him . As he pulled her to him he placed his strong fingers on her neck and squeezed a pressure point until she passed out . He than threw her unconscious body over his shoulder and carried her to his truck . He quickly tied her hands in front of her and also her feet. Than he placedTrudy into a sitting position on the floor on the right side in front of the passenger seat . Then he covered her up with an old blanket and drove off slowly . "Sorry about the boyfriend, Young Lady but he shouldn't have went for that gun, "Now you and I have some talking to do". He said as he pulled the old truck up onto I-10 east heading for his rental house in Riverside .
End of part 4 .
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Now go to part 5 if you like the story.