Father, Forgive Me For I Have Sinned
About the only thing I can say in my defense, is that there was no ingrained "intent" on my part Not only did circumstances present themselves that day, the young girls in question were most decidedly willing participants.
Historically, it had not been not unusual for my sister-in-law to deposit her twin daughters in the family creche for a few hours, while attending to some unforeseen obligation. With four kids of our own, what difference a couple more anyway? Fact is, I rather liked Nicole and Kirsten. Polite, manageable and decidedly cute - even during their pre-school days - it was no hardship having them over.
The evening in question, and this was a good few years later I should add, we had just cleared away after dinner, at least I cleared everything away…my four having developed a Ninja-like cloak of invisibility when it came to washing-up. My wife was out of town staying with friends as it happened, when whatever video we were watching, was interrupted by an abrupt knock at the front door.
"Look, I’m soo sorry," gushed Kathy, "Something really important has come up. Could you guys keep the twins here overnight? Brett and I have to go see some people south of the Harbor and we won’t be back till 2. am, if then. "
Giving me little time to make reply, she ushered both girls from behind her back. Dressed in knee-length nightdresses, both were shivering in the cool evening air. I sent them straight-on in to the lounge-room to join my four.
Turning back to Kathy I said. "Well I don’t know about "us guys" Kathy, there’s only me here tonight. Julie had to go out too and won’t be back till mid morning sometime. Kathy looked mortified.
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"It’s OK sweetie," I re-assured her. Lucky for you I’m the country’s most efficient father. If I can handle my four kids…three of them girls…. another couple isn’t gonna make much difference is it? Off you go now. You can tell Brett they’ll be fine. "
"You’re a life-saver," she muttered, before slipping me a kiss and heading back to the Odyssey at the far end of the driveway.
By the time I made the lounge-room, it was bedlam. TV off, games out and a healthy wall to wall decibel rating. I figured I’d retreat to the den and have a JD and ice.
I had however overlooked one somewhat relevant fact. Being the country’s most efficient father really counts for little when you’re talking a smallish three bedroom house with suddenly seven people yawning their heads off. Natalie and Kylie, then ten and eight respectively, commandeered one room. Aside from our master bedroom, Chris had his own room and Jenna, still only seven then, had a fold-down day and night in the computer niche.
"Where’s Kirsten and Nicole going to sleep dad?" asked Natalie, looking up at me quizzically.
"Good question cheeky-face," I replied.
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I was thoughtful for a minute or too. Our King size bed was colossal, more than enough for the twins who couldn’t have weighed much more than 150 pounds between them. No sooner had I made mention of this option than Kirsten and Nicole made haste to my room where we found them moments later sprawled across the water-bed."It’s soo comfy isn’t it?" Nicole was chirping excitedly to her sister.
"Are they going to sleep with you tonight daddy?" Jenna asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. Kylie and Natalie exchanged wide-eyed giggles. "Make sure you tell them a bed-time story dad," Nat added, linking arms with her sisters and backing out of the room diplomatically. Chris had already gone to his room.
Sending them to the bathroom to brush their teeth I sat on the edge of the bed and for the first time took stock of the precarious situation. Nine, almost ten in fact, the twins were quite mature for their age – both physically and emotionally. Whilst initially thinking of them as just the cute little kids I’d known since birth, I found my mind uncontrollably wandering to darker areas I knew I really shouldn’t be encroaching upon. I was still disciplining my hormonal stirrings when both girls returned, closed the door behind them and jumped up on the bed with me. Having changed into my own winter PJ’s during their absence, Spring being at least a month off, the immediate presence of these two slim and extremely pretty young girls was at the outset – disconcerting, to put it mildly.
Probably nothing would ever have happened had not Nicole discovered the electric blanket that I had turned off but moments earlier. Already beneath the covers the far side, she began wriggling about and with what might in an older girl, have been a wickedly rehearsed script, looked me squarely in the eyes and said "Don’t need these do I?" Next moment her patterned nightie was tossed on the floor the far side of the bed.
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Not often I have ever been lost for words. Managing a strangled "Nicole!" she just handed me the cheekiest smile and whispered. "It’s OK Mr Baker, I still have my panties on. " Snuggling-in alongside Nicole, Kirsten piled on the agony by ridding herself of her nightdress which like her sister’s, took up residence on the carpet.
"That leaves just the light girls," I said, burrowing beneath the sheets myself, somewhat keen to see how this played out.
"I’ll do it," replied Nicole, scrambling from the bed and if I didn’t know better, keen to use the opportunity to tease me unmercifully. Now, being fully acclimatized to seeing my own three daughters naked, well at least up until a few years previously when I had been in sole charge of bathing, hair-washing and blow-drying operations, you might think I’d seen it all. In all honesty, not once during those years of drying and dressing them, did I ever have the slightest incestuous thought towards any of them. Not even when it befell my obligation to apply genital creams, during periods of thrush and such-like was I anything but clinically detached towards the whole thing.
time though, privileged to witness Nicole’s shapely little rear end jiggling beneath those tight little polka-dot panties as she leaped from the bed, one arm in time-honored femininity covering her chest, but realistically covering nothing, I was far from "detached. " The near nudity of someone else’s daughter was an entirely different ball-game. In the three or four seconds it took her to reach the wall-switch, every aspect of that girlish figure was thrust into prominence. From the barely-concealed cleft of her beautiful taut bottom to those puffiest of little nipples – no "breasts" as such to speak of – it was all good news. And another sweet-smelling cloned replicant lay beside me, not three feet away. Despite my best intentions, my testosterone was gaining the upper hand…in majorly serious areas.
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"Goodnight girls," I muttered, turning on my side away from them. "Sleep well,"
There was a brief hiatus during which I heard a couple of soft giggles. "Aren’t you going to give us a cuddle before we go to sleep Mr Baker?" It was Kirsten this time. "Was she fucking serious?" I thought to myself.
"We always have a cuddle before we go to bed," said Nicole matter-of-factly.
I turned round and discovered that Kirsten’s hot little body, either by accident or intent, was now considerably closer to my side of the bed. Holding her rather awkwardly I gave her a squeeze, keeping marginally at a distance, lest she felt parts of my anatomy that no nine-year old should be made aware of. Even so, just the intimate contact with so soft a young body was no friend to my cause let me assure you. Simply the feel of her soft skin and the smell of her hair in such close proximity was nightmarishly tempting.
"My turn" said Nicole, wasting no time in crawling over her sister’s body and into my arms. I knew even then, I was a lost cause. Holding her to me, I was unable to prevent my erection from pressing into her belly. I felt her gasp but she clung to me, evidently far from bothered. My hand slipped down her back to the very top of her elastic waistband. She made no attempt to move it or resist.
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Trading on my luck, I allowed it to slip lower until my hand was fully cupping her bottom cheeks.In the dark as it was, it neither felt nor acted like a nine-year old I was kissing. Something genetically entrenched in the female of the species usually lies dormant until teenage years, but it is there and in circumstances such that I was experiencing, it can be kick-started. Beginning now to rub her bottom as I kissed her, Nicole was making soft little noises and becoming more compliant by the second. Kirsten had moved up close behind her sister and clearly was aware of the reality of the situation. As I continued fondling and rubbing her through those skimpy briefs, I felt the back of my hand brushing the soft cotton fabric of Kirsten’s own panties…I suspect at the very front. If I didn’t know better I might have thought she was deliberately thrusting her hips forward to better facilitate contact in that area.
A bedtime story was definitely out of the question.
Having discarded my own top I was instantly afforded the pleasure of having Nicole’s puffy little nipples pressed hard up against my own chest. Now when I say she had "no real breasts" to speak of, believe me when I tell you that by passing your hands in the dark across the upper chest of even a nine year old body, the owner’s sex becomes crystal clear. So it was this night, and with no further restraint possible, I allowed my hands the luxury of gently fondling those most beautiful of tiny developing mounds. Now this really had her wriggling hard up against me as she proffered her hot little mouth for further kissing. Completely unhinged by the opportunity of feeling-up so immature a young girl, I groped her gently with a mixture of lust and compassionate appreciation for so wondrous a collection of living tissue.
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Kirsten I could sense was anything but the shy observer back there, and at the point I reached across Nicole beneath the covers and located her sister’s curvy little hips and bottom, I most definitely caught a soft giggle. So tight-up against her sister was she, I imagine her own unformed breasts were pressed up against Nicole’s shoulder blades. A man could go mad dwelling on such eventualities.
Perhaps given my success up until that moment, perhaps being simply an adherent of the old maxim "strike while the iron’s hot,"…. maybe I just wanted to press my luck. Whatever, I called ‘time-out" to those sweet-tasting lips and nuzzled my way south until my own lips came into contact with two quite perceptible though ultimately soft swellings, each topped with a surprisingly erect hardness. Taking her left nipple into my mouth I felt Nicole gasp in surprise and pleasure. The softest of girlish moans brought me to the edge of sanity. I suckled her and she wriggled with unforced delight. Sucking deeper still on her right breast I felt her small hand burrow deep between her own legs. Her hand brushed the front of my pyjama pants in passing and another definitive gasp ushered in a whole new playing field.
"Am I making you hard Mr Baker?" the cute little temptress whispered. Behind her, Kirsten let out a shocked "Nicole!!!" followed by several flirtatious giggles.
"Well since you ask Nicole," I replied, "As if you don’t already know the answer to that one, yes, you do have me in a rather delicate condition. " So saying, I slipped my hand down to her panties…at the front this time, where having withdrawn her own fingers from the confines of those tight little panties, I was free to rub her the full length of her virginal pussy.
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Even through the soft material, the swelling of her vulva was disarmingly evident. Not only had her respiratory rate moved up to join mine, she had begun to moan quite audibly. As she thrust against me, I rubbed her harder, feeling the labia separate beneath my touch. I suckled her yet deeper. Even facing twenty years in the slammer – I have to say it would have been worth it!It was at this point, Kirsten began pulling her sister’s shoulders backwards whilst demanding, "C’mon Nicole…. let me have a turn. " Reluctantly I felt my hand withdrawn from between her legs and Kirsten quickly swapped places with her sister.
Just as tasty, equally curvy and lacking none of Nicole’s sense of adventure it seemed, I had my hand inside her panties before you could say "jailbait. " As smooth as the proverbial baby’s bottom, Kirsten’s pussy was a repository-in-waiting, a half-way house for fingers in need, the sexiest little cleft this side of her sister’s cloned portal. Had those panties down in seconds and I could feel Kirsten parting her legs on fully automatic pilot, as I partook of the forbidden fruit whilst licking and suckling those delightfully puffy little breasts. As far as the male tongue is concerned, the sensory delights to be had by gently kissing and nuzzling the flatlands between a pre-teen’s nipples is simply heaven before you die. Fuck the psychologists who would have you incarcerated as a "manifestly off-centered sicko" if ever there was a case of "try it before you knock-it," this is it!
Regretfully fully aware that there was no way I could ever consummate this three-way tryst, after all, taking two nine-year old’s virginity might definitely be construed as "overdoing it," between licks and single-digit penetrations, I was forced into making a brief speech.
"Now look girls," I somehow got out, between kisses and respiratory distress, "We really shouldn’t be doing this. You understand I could go to prison for a long time if anyone ever found out about this. Your mom and her sister would never speak to each other and I would probably never see my children or you two again either.
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""We won’t tell anyone Mr Baker," Nicole chirped, her hands around her sister’s waist holding her tightly.
"That feels soo nice," Kirsten put in, wriggling about now as the rhythmic pressure I was applying to her clitoral area, kick-started a multitude of pleasant feelings for the young cutie.
In terms of "pleasant feelings" I have to say, my own reproductive system was suffering hormonal anarchy, my erection unashamedly pressing for inclusion in the games underway.
A sudden series of "Ohhhs," were irrefutable evidence of Kirsten’s now on-site orgasm. Her little body fairly quivered at the behest of my applied ministrations. Probably an inappropriate comment to make, but there is something inherently sexier in bringing a very young girl to an early climax than is the case with a sexually proficient woman. Perhaps the "forbidden" factor, but more I feel the very newness of it to so innocent a young body. Sharing in her experience of what is obviously uncontrolled sexual release is something you don’t forget easily.
I would like to say at this juncture that I am no advocate of under-age sex as such and to inflict one’s adult sexual will on a child is reprehensible in the extreme. Arguably self-justification I realise, but when two sexy little poppets hop under the sheets with you in just their panties, you can fairly deduce they want more than simply a kiss goodnight.
Even with her sister lying there on her back now, legs slightly apart and from what I could make out in the gloom, clutching her genital area tightly, Nicole deftly clambered over her and straddling me, gave every indication she would appreciate being taken down the same road in the shortest possible time. I heard her gasp with surprise as she became aware of the rock-hard phallus pressing hard now against her abdominal area. I am prepared to swear on a stack of bibles I felt her grind her small hips against my procreative interface.
"Stop that Nicole," I muttered. "You are way too young….
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we shouldn’t even be messing around like this. ""Don’t you even want to take my panties off?" she whispered teasingly. Now that was a dumb question. Slipping my hands beneath her waistband, I tugged her briefs as low as I could get them…way down her thighs at least. It took her less than two seconds to then kick them off altogether. With my hands encircling her wriggling bottom, those erect little nipples causing the most pleasant of sensations on my chest and her hair falling across my face, I would be lying if I told you I had anything on my mind but fucking her senseless…nine-year old virgin or not.
My resolve held fast though and getting her to spread her legs wide as she lay astride me, access to her hot and incredibly tight little pussy was easily facilitated. Applying much the same pressure to her clitoris that I had recently bequeathed to her sister’s, only with the gynaecological benefit of greatly more spread legs, I had the young girl on the edge and whimpering within a minute. Wanting to be kissed, she raised her head – running now on a purely inherited sexual template, nothing learned…. something ingrained from the moment of conception.
Spreading even wider as my rhythmic applications spread her labia yet further apart, her clitoris even at that age fully distended, Nicole unexpectedly reached beneath her tummy and slipping inside my boxers like a practiced whore, grasped my erection which she began to pump with what could only have been pre-programmed knowledge.
"God Nicole," I muttered, "Do that much more and it could get messy,"
The sensation of being thus masturbated by so cool and tiny a young hand was the catalyst for probably the best orgasm I ever had…. well, up to those that followed in the next few hours anyway. Oblivious to whatever Kirsten may have been doing (and I have my suspicions), Nicole let out a cry of extreme pleasure at precisely the moment I managed to spurt an inordinate amount of overheated sticky stuff up and across the young girl’s tummy. This appeared to spur her on and despite being wracked by her own orgasmic shockwaves, she kept sliding that delicate little hand up and down my now somewhat sticky shaft.
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Pulling her hand free, she brought her fingers up to her mouth and seemed proud of her achievement as she brought the remnants of my seminal outpourings to her lips.I kissed her once more. "Well sweetie, they don’t teach you that in 5th grade do they?" She shook her head, still a little stunned by what had just taken place I imagine.
No great point in detailing what followed, anyone with a modicum of imagination can figure that out for themselves. We actually dozed off for a while, both girls still completely naked and hugged up against me on either side. I recall partially waking up after one of them jumped a little, probably during a REM stage and just taking in the beauty and scent of their young bodies. Switching on the bedside light I looked at Kirsten with her arm across my chest sleeping so prettily, and Nicole with her leg across mine, both hands under her head, her hair in total disarray.
Allowing myself the luxury of pulling down the coverlet, I could see their tiny breasts, nipples no longer erect but still puffy and as beautiful a sight as God has seen fit to yet create. I softly caressed both girls as they slept. Bring on anyone who cares to tell me that a leather-featured pole-dancer with oiled-up cellulite and top-heavy silicone implants is one sexy vision and I will show you a person of questionably poor taste.
It may have been hours later that I was woken by Kirsten being excessively naughty. I felt her hand exploring that which her sister had earlier applied her digital magic. She was mortified to discover me awake.
"Ohhh, I’m sorry," she whispered.
"Don’t be sweetheart," I reassured her.
"I like you doing that," So saying, I slipped my hand down between her legs and began to gently rub her soft little hairless mound. She began to breathe heavily. "You see, you like it don’t you?"
"Yesss," she admitted, allowing her hand to once more caress my now fully erect penis.
With a sudden urge to kiss her intimately, I orchestrated things such that Nicole was gently moved the far side of the bed, still soundly asleep, while I manouvered Kirsten until she was straddling my chest, facing me. I asked her if she would mind if I put the bed-side light on and quite bravely I thought – she didn’t.
what I had only previously experienced via my dexterous applications just about blew my conscious thought processes. So perfect was that little slit, not eight or nine inches from my eyes, I could have needed a defibrillator. Encircling her bottom I pulled her forward and kissed her softly on her labia. She let out a small gasp and by tossing her head back momentarily, her beautiful little breasts-in-progress jiggled in their tempting all-femininity. I kissed her there once more and she squirmed in youthful pleasure.
Figuring I would go for broke I pulled her legs even wider and licked the full length of that forbidden ingress. So shocked was she, she just stared down between her legs as I repeated the action.
"Do you like that?" I whispered. She didn’t need answer.
There is something about a pre-teenage girl moaning like a slut that simply cannot be denied.
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Upping the ante by gently pulling on her nipples as my tongue intruded between her labia for the first time, Kirsten was fully given over to the pleasure. Completely abandoning herself to the experience, you could say I was in pole-position to witness her fully unhinged orgasm. Her cries, though muted, were enough to wake Nicole, who seeing her sister seated in so exposed and suggestive a pose, brought to her own lips a gasp of shock. Being the practical little tease she naturally is though, I had her astride me, legs fully as wide not three minutes later.Now this one really did know how to make the most of an opportunity. Thrusting her hips forward as I licked her, she even began subconsciously pulling on her own nipples. Inherited behavior really is a wonderful thing!
It took all the willpower I didn’t have, not to rape both of them…. for hours! Worse still, I have no doubt they both wanted it and would have permitted it, had it come down to the wire. I think though, they sensed this could not be and more than "made do" with the servicing they did receive. At some point later in the night, I discovered Nicole straddling my torso once more and her then permitting me to just rub the head of my erection up and down her cleft until I could take no more and spurted whatever cum I had left, all over that delightful set of inbound curves.
Last thing, around 2 a. m. I seem to recall, I had both girls put their panties and nightdresses back on, not especially wanting my kids bursting in first thing in the morning and wondering why their cousins were naked in my bed.
Don’t think though that this stopped me from indulging my every whim so far as those sexy little bodies were concerned during those fading hours of darkness.
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Every time you travel to Holland, and you come to this marvelous city called, Amsterdam, keep in mind that you can improve your time spent by surfing the https://netherlands.escortnews.com/escorts/amsterdam services. It’s easy and highly reliable, intimate and most advanced for any sort of sexual demand. Your secret wishes can become real with the help of these chicks. Feel free to explore the category and date the lady you please. Experience the highest levels of stimulation with some really amazing models. Teen, MILFs, thin, chubby, with large breasts, with large butts, brunette, blondes, ebony, Japanese, you name it. The selection is large and the choices are numerous. All you need to do is navigate the escort Amsterdam section and see for yourself. Such adorable models are hard to find else where, and their level of experience will dazzle even the most demanding of men. https://netherlands.escortnews.com/escorts/amsterdamhentai porn sites - e hentai
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