
Bombs Away


It's 1941 London, England. The Nazis are using there superior air power to try and bring Winston Churchill and the people of England to there knees. The only thing standing between Hitler and the total conquest of England and the rest of Europe for that matter, was a relatively small contingent of fliers known as the RAF. Flying their Spitfire fighters against the powerful German Lufewaffe, the brave English pilots prevented the invasion of their island nation, but could not halt the massive destruction caused by the London Blitz. It was during these bombings of London that a little known phenomena presented itself. It was discovered that for many women, the feeling of terror and the shaking and thundering of the Nazi armament caused many women to experience intense sexual gratification. As the bombings intensified, the excitement increased proportionately. Monica Stonebridge was one of those women. Still a spinster at thirty eight, Monica didn't hold out much hope that she would ever marry, and while it wasn't that she was unattractive or dull, it was more that the few beaux that she did have just didn't quite work out. A rather buxom blonde with an earthy sense of humor, Monica had a hot sexual streak in her, that usually required a daily bit of masturbation to take off the "edge" as she liked to say, but with most of the eligible men enlisted to fight the war, it was almost impossible to get a date, let alone start a meaningful relationship. For these reasons, Monica was more less resigned to self gratification! Living in suburban London, Monica at first didn't feel too threatened by the nightly explosions she heard coming from the central city, but instead felt a tinge of excitement when she felt the slight tremors from the 500 pound bombs. On the occasions when a stray bomb would land near her apartment, Monica would be seized by terror, but also feel and exhilarating rush that came when one realized they had escaped real life threatening danger! It was during these times that Monica had to admit to herself that during these moments of absolute terror, that her vagina would spontaneously contract and give her intense sexual enjoyment, if however brief. Since only a stray bomb ever landed in her neighborhood, the excitement was over almost as quickly as it had started. While she hated to admit it, there were times she wished that a few more explosions would have hit near her so she could experience a longer period of elation. Little did she know that she would get her wish sooner than later as her good friend Brenda invited her into the city for some shopping and dinner, and since she lived in the Soho district, she would be in the general proximity of some of London's heaviest attacks.
It was a little after lunch and the two women were walking arm in arm down one of London's busy thoroughfares.

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   Monica marveled at the fact that while the nation was under siege, most citizens tried to go about business as usual, actually showing disdain for the Nazi bombardment. It was just about at that very moment that the wail of sirens shattered the midday air. "It's an air raid," yelled Brenda, trying to make herself heard over the intense noise of the sirens, "follow me," she shouted, and grabbed Monica by the arm while leading her down and entrance to the subway. Thousands of other Londoners swarmed like ants into the underground refuge, packing into the narrow hallways and platforms, all trying to escape the destruction that was about to engulf the city. The first rumble seemed far away, much like the explosions Monica experienced at her own home. Looking at Brenda, Monica remarked, "That wasn't too bad, almost like home," but before Brenda could reply, a huge explosion shook the entire area, causing the lights in the subway to flicker on and off, and so for the first time Monica was in the middle of a real blitz! The noise and shaking of the earth caused her pussy to lurch, and the feeling was absolutely unbelievable! As several more explosions shook the subway, Monica felt her cunt contracting and her nipples hardening. She lay her head on Brenda's shoulder and ground her pelvis and chest hard her friend's body, and when she felt Brenda pushing back, she realized she wasn't alone in her desire to feel the earth move! As the bombing intensified, both women experienced jarring orgasms, and while breathing hard, Monica whispered, "I feel like such a tart, but the sound of those explosions make me so randy!!!" When Brenda didn't answer, she realized her friend was in the middle of another climax, so when Brenda moaned into Monica's ear as her cunt was racked by yet another cum, Monica nibbled on her ear, driving her friend absolutely over the edge!!! When the siege was finally over the two women left the subway and headed back to Brenda's flat for some tea, and it was decided that it would be best if Monica spent the night rather than make the long trip back to her own flat.
That evening, sitting opposite one another in large easy chairs, they waited for the inevitable wail of the sirens and the ensuing rumble of exploding bombs. At the first whir of the siren, both women involuntarily felt their vaginas dampen in anticipation of the explosions. Their breathing became shallow, and their pulses quickened as the bombing commenced, and although she couldn't figure it out, with each explosion her vagina contracted uncontrollably, lurching and jumping towards an orgasm. Looking over at Brenda, and seeing that her friend had removed her panties and put her legs up over the arms of her chair, completely exposing her genitals like a cheap harlot made Monica's head spin! Standing up, she removed all of her clothing and walked over to Brenda, got down on her knees, and pushed her face into Brenda's steaming cunt, tonguing her clit, to the first of several very hard orgasms!!! Monica had a hairy pussy, but Brenda was absolutely hirsute! The thick fur ran all the way from the crack of her ass up to her belly button, and as she ate, Monica slipped her hand between her legs and furiously jerked on her own clit, while her tits jiggled back and forth, her nipples grew hard and taut. When she was about to have her own climax, Brenda pushed her back onto the floor and stuck two fingers into Monica's cunt and fingered her to a stunning orgasm. Monica loved to fuck, but a close second was having a finger or two inside of her pussy, and Brenda knew exactly how to finger a hot snatch! When both of them were totally satiated, they lay in each other's arms, cuddling and kissing each other. Brenda took a nipple into her mouth and nursed on one of Monica's big tits, causing Monica to have yet another orgasm. Between the bombs and Brenda's body, Monica was in a state of sexual heaven!
Laying together in each other's arms, it was decided that Monica would move in with Brenda, and while it would have been safer and smarter to move into Monica's flat in the suburbs, they couldn't experience that ultimate rush, when the bombs came falling down!!!

THE ENDFor more great stories check out the forums http://www.

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