
CFNM When My Sister Makes Dinner


“Maybe it will be good,” Lily teases. She grabs my erection. “We won’t know unless we try. ” She begins stroking me seriously.

“Okay… okay,” I tell her as I grasp myself and begin pumping. My sister looks down and giggles as she turns to the table and grabs her plate. She positions it in front of me, looks at my pumping hand then up at me with a very dirty grin.

“Waiter, would you cum on my burger please?” she requests in a mock British accent. As always I picture the setting – I am standing nude preparing to jerk myself off onto a hamburger at the insistence of my clothed sister who is sitting at our family dining room table. I look at the plate holding her open cheeseburger situated just in front of me and find it all strangely arousing.

“Mademoiselle, would like special sauce for your meat?” I inquire.

Lily smile broadens. “Just jerk off on my hamburger already!”I feel the spasms begin and move closer to the plate – Lily begins giggling as I point my erection at her open sandwich and shoot onto the meat. An unusual but very pleasing orgasm electrifies me.

She stops giggling and looks up at me with a grand smile. “Imagine one of those windows in a restaurant where you watch the chef prepare food, but you look in and see a row of guys jerking off on sandwiches and stuff.

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  ”While it doesn’t do much for me, my sister’s entitled to her own fantasies. No sooner do I squeeze the final drop out from my cock when Lily slides the dish back in front of her. The whole experience is strangely arousing – I’m still hard as I watch Lily examine the cum-adorned hamburger.

“I’ll bet just a little relish will really bring the flavor out,” she exclaims and shakes a green spoonful on top of my sperm puddle and presses the top of the bun into place. She turns toward me with a very evil look and asks “You want the first bite?”.

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