Vues totales: 55158 (Ce mois: 61) Créé 19-08-2014 (Modifié: 03-11-2024)


Langue: Anglais  English English English
Incall (réception)    Incall (réception): Chambre d'hôtel
Outcall (sortie)    Outcall (sortie): Visites à l'hôtel uniquement
Orientation sexuelle: Bisexuelle 
Rencontre avec: Disponible pour les hommes  Disponible pour les hommes   
A propos de moi
ULIANA is sweet and hot girl loves sex and new sensations if you want to meet with her and try everything that is in your dreams and thoughts ... do not hesitate...
Zlata is sexy, charming, and passionate lady with elegant style and good sense of humor. She always tris to enjoy her life as much as it possible, she is optimistic and happy. Zlata can offer you a nice, warm, relaxing place to came and enjoy my company.

Shw loves getting her guest to feel comfortable in a non rush session... You can spend time full of passion and unfogettable moments together, because she will treat you like her real boyfriend and make all you dreams came true...

What I like in private life:
 - Striptease,
 - erotic massage,
 - French kissing (kissing with tongue),
 - Classic sex in different positions (with condom),
 - Oral sex (ask before meeting with or without condom),
 - 69,
 - Cum on body,
 - wearing sexy and nice lingerie, stockings, high heel shoes, skirts and dresses by your request.
 - Friendly and easy communication and perfect GFE. 

30 min - 400 tl
1 hour - 700 tl (+ taxi for outcall)
2 hours - 1320 tl (+ taxi for outcall)
3 hours - 1500 tl (+ taxi for outcall)
6 hours - 2000 tl (+ taxi for outcall)
8 hours-2500 tl (+ taxi for outcall)

Quick Booking by SMS: +37282617222 sms and What's up messenger

Informations de contact
Ville de base: 

Écrire un avis View ZLATA-CDC reviews
  • fenasi 27-08-2014
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    27-08-2014 1 heures Ankara
    : 10.0
    : 8.0
    : 3.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec préservatif
    Seins en silicone
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    İlk yorum yazışım umarım yardımcı olur.Eksilerle başlayım ablam öpüşmüyor , condomla flüt çalıyor ve gram inglizce bilmiyor. Hani geçirdiğimiz dakikalara etkisi normalde büyük olur ama bu eksileri kapattı. Bir kere çok güzel bir beyaz bir şal ve siyah iç çamaşırlarıyla karşıladı.Saçlar bele kadar yüzü kesinlikle fotolardan daha güzel ve çekici. Gögusler iyi işçilik ürünü,ama en güzel yeri kalçaları topuklu ayakkabıya gerek duymuyor kalkık durmaları için.İlişkiden zevk alıyor vucudu çok iyi kokuyor.Kokusu çok tahrik edici. İkinci raund geç gelmesine rağmen hiç acelesi yok.Sonuç olarak gidilesi bir hatun.Kapıdan çıkarken pişman olmazsnız
  • JonTurk 21-08-2014
    Date de la rencontreDuréeVilleApparenceServicesCommunication
    20-08-2014 1 heures Istanbul
    : 8.5
    : 9.0
    : 6.0
    Ejaculation en bouche
    Éjaculations multiples (extra ball)
    Avec la langue
    Avec préservatif
    Seins en silicone
    Plusieurs fois permis
    Image réelle
    Kizi cok az sozcuk kullanarak tarif etmeye calissam her halde soyle derdim: Cok sempatik, cok pozitif, cok konuskan :)

    Cok konuskan ama nerdeyse tek kelime bile Ingilizce veya Turkce bilmiyor. Rusca soylediklerinin hepsini anlamaya Google translator yetismez :):)

    Sozlu iletisim aslinda sifir olmasina ragmen 6 puan vermemin nedeni, iletisim icin o kadar caba sarf ediyor ve o kadar sempatik ki, sonucta sozlu olmayan bir iletisim kurabiliyorsunuz :)

    Yatak faslinin ilk yarim saatlik bolumunde isler gercekten berbat ve komikti. Onun yapmaya calistiklarinin hic biri bana uymadi; benim istediklerimi de dil probleminden dolayi ben ona anlatamadim. Ancak israrla gayretlerini surdurdu. Sonra cok mutsuz oldugumu iyice anladi ve daha sonra isi tamamen bana birakti. Boylece sonraki yarim saatlik bolum tam anlamiyla benim istedigim gibi gecti. Yani ilk sadece ilk bolumu degerlendirsem sifir puan vermem gerekirdi ama ikinci bolum icin mutlak 10 puan. Benim icin farkli, bazen biraz garip, ama sonuc itibariyle cok tatmin edici bir gorusme oldu

    Bu arada, 16 ay once bu tip gorusmeleri hobi haline getirdigimden beri tam 200. gorusmem bu gorusme oldugu ve kafamda istem disi da olsa surekli cetele tuttugum icin, su ana kadarki kendi istatistiklerimi cok kisaca yazayim (Kizlar ve istatistikler… Iki sapkinlik ayni bunyede :))

    Bu sitedeki kizlarin sadece 35’ine bir degerlendirme yazmisim. Bu sitede olmayip da, olsaydi yorum yazacagim kabaca 15 tane daha eklesek 50 olur. Ben yapi itibariyle sadece vasatin ustundeki deneyimlerimi yazmayi tercih ediyorum. Yani, vasat, vasata yakin, vasatin alti veya kotu deneyimlerimi, adil olmadigini bilsem de, kimsenin kalbi kirilmasin diye yazmadim. Sonuc olarak yaptigim gorusmelerin aslinda sadece 50/200, yani %25’inden tam olarak memnun kalmisim. Benim kendi tecrubemde, en az %10’u, uste para verseler yanina yanasmasini istemezsin, %25’inde uste para verirlerse dusunursun, %40’inda aslinda burda talep edilen paralarin yarisini ancak verirsin. Insan zamaninin parayla karsiligi olmaz ama madem bu is arz ve talebin oldugu ve bunun da fiyatlandigi bir pazar gibi calisiyor, o zaman benim soylediklerim de kimseyi uzmez umarim

    Iyi oldugum kizlarda genellikle bazi ortak ozellikler dikkatimi cekti. Yuksek sorumluluk bilinci, ne icin para aldiginin farkinda olması, kendisine ve size duydugu saygi bu ozelliklerden bazilari. %5’inde profesyonel bir aktris yetenegi, %5’inde de Allah vergisi bir cinsel istah oldugunu gozlemledim. En kotusu ise sizinle gecirdigi zaman icin sizden ve kendisinden nefret ettigini acikca belli edip, ustune parasini almaktan utanmayanlar

    Ajanslar tarafina gelecek olursak, ozetin ozeti, bence ancak %30’u profesyonel veya profesyonele yakin. Onun disinda sahte profil koyanlar, sizi oyalayanlar, verdigi sozu tutmayanlar, vs. malesef aramadigin kadar bol

    Bir kac defa yazdigim yorumlarin ucu birilerine dokununca yayinlanmadigi oldu. Burasi ilahi adaleti arayabilecegimiz bir platform degil. Ancak, gerek ajanslarin ve kizlarin musteriye yaklasimini, gerekse fiyatlari dengeleyebilmek icin bence musterinin elindeki tek gercek silah yorumlar. Ancak basta kendim icin soyledigim kotu deneyimleri yazmamak gibi, yorumcular da aslinda bu silahi yeterince etkili kullanamiyor. Ya yazmak istemiyor, ya da nasil olsa yazsam da yayinlanmaz diyor. Yorumlarin bir kismi tam palavra, bir kismi bas 10 puani, bir kismi da sacma sapan. Samimi olanlar zaten bir bakista anlasiliyor. Basit bir ipucu olarak sunu da ekleyebilirim. Eger bir kizin profilini epey zamandir burda goruyorsaniz ama hic yorum yoksa, bence epey dikkatli olun derim.

    Son soz… Istatistikleri bosver, eglenmene bak :)


    If I need to describe this girl by using just few words, I would say: very sympathetic, very positive, very talkative :)

    She talks so much, but she doesn’t speak English or Turkish one bit. If you try to translate all what she is saying in Russian, Google translator will boil up :) :)

    The reason I give 6 points rather than 0, despite the fact that she doesn’t speak English is because she is using mimics and all other possible ways of non-verbal communication in a very sympathetic way with an outstanding effort :)

    The first half an hour of the bed session was really messed up and it was weirdly funny. We couldn’t syncronize at all, and I could not communicate my likes and dislikes to her. However, I appreciate her never ending efforts in this period. After thoroughly understood that I am very unhappy, she just let me take the initiative completely. Thus, I could get everything as I wished in the next half an hour session. If it was only the first part’s performance, I would have to rate it with 0, but for the second part, she absolutely deserved 10 points. This was a kind of different, somitems a bit strange, but at the end of the day, a very satisfactory meeting for me

    Now I will write down some simple statistics brifely here, since this was my 200th meeting for the last 16 months, since I began to have such meetings like a hobby. Yeah, my mind keeps counting and keeps classifying, unwilled (Girls and statistics ... Two heresy in the same body :) )

    I have reviewed only 35 girls from escortnews. I would probably have reviewed roughly 15 girls more, who I met out of this platform, if they had profiles here. I don’t prefer to write a review of my average or unpleasant experiences, because I do not wish to make anyone feel sad. I know it is not fair, but just say a defect of my nature. Hecefore, you can conclude I have left fully satisfied only 50/200, which is 25% of my meetings. In my own short experience, I would keep 10% of the girls away from me even if I was paid for my time; I would think about having a meeting with 25% if I would get paid off; and only half of the asked price would be fair enough for 40%. Ethically speaking, you can’t buy someone’s time by money. On the other side, we need to state some facts, hopefully without hurting any feelings, if this is being seen as a market with demand, supply and pricing

    I have noticed some common features of the girls that I got satisfied with. High sense of responsibility, awareness of what for she is being paid off, self-respect, and respect to the time with client are some of these features. The professional geisha-like role playing skills, that only 5% has, and natural born high sexual appetite, which is also 5%, are also differentiating features. The worst of all are the ones who hit it to your face that they are hating themselves for spending time with you, along with hating you for being there, but still requesting the money shamelessly

    As coming to agencies… It seems to me only 30% are professional or semi-professional. Many of rest put fake or misleading profiles, change the meeting time, not well organized, bla bla. Just as if they are playing with you with no respect

    Let me say a few words about reviewers too. I am well aware of the fact that this is not a platform that we to seek divine justice. However, both the agency and the girls' approach to customers, as well as to compensate for the price, I think the only real weapon in the hands of customer is the reviews. But I have already confessed that I am a reviewer who prefers not to write any bad reviews, for one reason or another, we cannot use this weapon effectively enough. Or some of the reviewers believe that it would not be approved if they put down a negative review. Some reviews are totally fake or bullshit. Some are 10points to anyone anytime. Some others are not helpful in any manner or just nonsense. Here I can also add a simple tip. If you keep seeing a girl’s profile here for a long time and without any reviews on it, then you better think twice

    Last words… Forget about statistics, and keep enjoying :)