Total views: 41034 (This month: 19)
Created 21-08-2011 (Modified: 21-08-2019)
Gender | Female | Age | 21 | Height | 165 cm (5'5" ft) | Weight | 48 kg (105.82 lb) | Hair | Brown | Eyes | Grey |
Tattoos | No |
Piercings | No |
Language: |
English |
Russian |
Sexual Orientation: |
Bisexual |
Meeting with: |
Available for men |
Available for couples |
View Vladislava reviews
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
24-09-2011 |
2 hours |
Thessaloniki |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 8.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Bareback Yes, spits it out Brutal No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed Real picture
Fantastic meeting with a fantastic lady! Actually I met her twice. She is exactly like her new photos. In reality her face is even more sweet in real life and her body is amazing. She is slim but also with curves at the right places. Her ass is simply unbelievable!!!
Intimate time was one of the best I have had! She is very relaxed and smiling. Slow deep kisses at the beginning and slow BBBJ after with ball licking! Just amazing. In sex she started very slow, very erotic, going faster as time progressed. Totally GFE and this is what she likes and this is what I wanted. Absolutely worth the money!
Το κορίτσι είναι απαιχτο! Προσωπο φανταστικό, σωμα μικροκαμωμενο αλλα ταυτόχρονα καλοσχηματισμενο, πολύ σφιχτό και νεανικό. Βυζάκι 18χρονου πεταχτό και φυσικό. Κώλος απιστευτος πανέμορφος! Στο σεξ όπως τα λέω παραπάνω, για μένα αξίζει γιατί είναι εντελώς GFE σε συμπεριφορά. Το μόνο μείον τα κάπως περιορισμένα αγγλικα της αλλά σε καμία περίπτωση δεν είναι πρόβλημα.
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