Total views: 163940 (This month: 2174)
Created 09-05-2024 (Modified: 03-03-2025)
100% verified photos!All photos are genuine - approved and confirmed by staff.
View Suzi Reviews
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
03-03-2025 |
30 |
Trikala |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom Yes, spits it out Brutal Yes Silicone tits Multiple times allowed Real picture
Απίστευτο κορίτσι !! Χαμογελαστό, καθαρό!Όμορφο προσωπάκι,εξωγήινο κωλαρι, εξαιρετικό στήθος, φοβερό πάθος στο κρεβάτι και μια από τις καλύτερες πίπες που μου έχουν κάνει!! Απλά εξαιρετικά!!
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
29-01-2025 |
60 |
Corfu Kerkyra |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom No Active Yes Silicone tits Only one allowed Real picture
Sono rimasto impressionato dalla bellezza di questa ragazza brasiliana, è stata la cosa più bella di questa vacanza in Grecia, un raggio di sole direttamente dal Brasile.
Sensualità, bellezza e una performance di qualità altissima, spero di incontrarla ancora in qualche altro viaggio.
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
31-01-2025 |
60 |
Corfu |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 8.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom No Active No Silicone tits Multiple times allowed 10% fixed in Photoshop
Colombiana... Στήθος σιλικόνη με πολύ φυσικό κ ωραίο πιάσιμο, κοιλιακοί μάρμαρο, κωλος φυσικός σφιχτός η θέα ήταν ανεκτίμητη! Χείλη φουσκωμένα όσο πρέπει...! Το κορίτσι είναι δεκτική σε ότι πεις και μου έκανε τα χατίρια όλα! Καλή πίπα,στις στάσεις συμμετέχει σε όλο το σενάριο και της αρέσει το γλυφομούνι! Το καλύτερο απ'όλα το boobfuck ..όλα τα λεφτά και εκεί έκανα την κατάθεση μου...!
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
09-12-2024 |
60 |
Ioannina |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom No Active Yes Silicone tits Don't know Real picture
Meeting her is the most incredible thing that has happened to me. In fact, spending time with her was truly incredible.
He welcomed me as if we already knew each other and a mutual liking was immediately established. Aesthetically she is perfect, every man's dream and the thing that makes her unique is her way of looking, speaking and being so infinitely sexy in every movement of her body, a girl of supreme class and elegance.
With her I truly lived a girlfriend experience and I thank her again for all the beautiful emotions she made me experience.
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
07-10-2024 |
1 hour |
Santorini Island |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom Yes, spits it out Active Yes Silicone tits Only one allowed Real picture
Beautiful girl, tall, perfect body, spectacular breasts and butt! Young and friendly, nature was particularly generous with this girl, certainly one of her most successful masterpieces. Gorgeous with a face that seems painted by a great artist and a fabulous body. I can say that it was a fantastic experience that satisfied me from the first to the last moment, even talking to her was very pleasant, she is an intelligent and very interesting person as well as a beautiful girl, in the future I hope to be able to meet her again.