Total views: 84244 (This month: 48)
Created 17-03-2010 (Modified: 13-01-2025)
View Luly_E reviews
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
21-03-2010 |
1 hour |
Thessaloniki |
: 5.0 |
: 3.0 |
: 5.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
No Covered No Passive No
Multiple times allowed 30% fixed in Photoshop
Well i believe that many of us would like to meet that kind of girl by looking at the pictures,maybe because of that "asian" look,but i have to say that the girl is just not into that business.
First of all she doesn't understand almost anything,you need to speak russian to explain what you want,second she doesn't provide any of the "standard" services and third but last,she doesn't look like the pictures.
I would prefer to spend my money on another girl.