Total views: 41637 (This month: 174)
Created 18-11-2019 (Modified: 11-11-2024)
Livia Bella
100% verified photos!All photos are genuine - approved and confirmed by staff.
View Livia Bella Reviews
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
19-09-2023 |
60 |
Saint Julian's |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Without condom Yes, spits it out Active No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed Real picture
Let me start from here, she is a very, very beautiful women for me. She has an incredibly beautiful body, tight, no fat, literally like a stone. You can't get enough of it. She's a clean, clean, fresh, clean women who takes very good care of herself. I consider myself very lucky to have the chance to be with such a women.
For me, the most important performance is oral and oral performance is really good, very juicy, without touching the teeth, without testicular mestis, without tiring, doing his best. You can only go for oral. In sex, the image is super in every position, but especially in doggy.