Total views: 87473 (This month: 78)
Created 24-08-2010 (Modified: 21-08-2019)
View Avrora_LT reviews
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
16-12-2010 |
1 hour |
Athens |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 7.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Bareback Yes, spits it out Active No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed 10% fixed in Photoshop
Με την Avrora ήθελα να βρεθώ εδώ και πολύ καιρό καθώς επεξεργαζόμουν της φωτογραφίες της, επιτέλους αυτήν την φορά η συνάντηση σε ένα κεντρικό ξενοδοχείο έγινε. Το κορίτσι αυτό αν και δεν ήταν ακριβώς το κορίτσι των φωτογραφιών, δεν υστερούσε όμως καθόλου. Ήταν το κορίτσι της διπλανής πόρτας που πάντα θέλεις να μαμήσεις στο ασανσέρ :) . Όμορφα ματάκια, ευχάριστο όμορφο πρόσωπο, ωραία στηθάκια (όχι μεγάλα αλλά καυλιάρικα), τέλειο ξυρισμένο μουνάκι που μοσχοβολούσε και ένας κώλος (όλα τα λευτά και ένα δάνειο :) ). Αν και δεν ξέρει καθόλου αγγλικά το κορίτσι δεν μιλούσε αλλά εκτελούσε. Με λύσσα είχε πιάσει το εργαλείο και έκανε μία φοβερή υγρή πίπα με όλα τα σχετικά ηχητικά εφέ, που και απο μόνα τους καυλώνουν. Η Avrora αν και στην αρχή στεγνή με λίγο γλύψιματάκι το νουνάκι της έφτιαξε
. Το κορίτσι έκανε τα πάντα για να με ευχαριστήσει, άλλαζε στάσεις, φιλούσε παθιασμένα. Το μαμήσι διέρκεσε αρκετή ώρα (μου πήρε όλον τον χρονο μου), και΄ούτε μία στιγμή δεν μου έδωσε να καταλάβω ότι βαρέθηκε, στο τέλος την ανάσκελα και τελείωσα στο πρόσωπο και στο στόμα της. Θα ήθελα να την δοκιμάσω ξανά, ειδικά αν σκεφτείς ότι έκανε 200 Ε η ώρα...
Thanks you dear))
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
10-12-2010 |
1 hour |
Istanbul |
: 7.0 |
: 7.0 |
: 5.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
Without tongue Bareback No Passive No Natural breasts Only one allowed 10% fixed in Photoshop
I met Avrora together w Lolita for a Duo. Avrora was smoking whn I got to the room whch was a definite turnoff due to smoke stink. She has put some weight compared to the photos we were shown. Sex was passive and her english very poor and needed Lolitas translation at all times. She acted like a clerk/memur ddoing wht she was paid for w/o any enthusiasm. As I noted in my earlier review, Lolita was better of the two. OK punt but wont repeat.
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
07-12-2010 |
1 hour |
Istanbul |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Bareback No Active No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed Real picture
Avrora fotoğraftakinden çok daha güzel, bir kere tatlı bir yüzü var ve vücut hatları da çok hoş. Görüşmemiz boyunca performansı çok iyiydi. Oralı süperdi. En kısa zamanda tekrar görmek istiyorum. Teşekkürler tatlım.
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
06-12-2010 |
1 hour |
Istanbul |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Bareback No Active No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed Real picture
She gave me very good service especially I liked her skin it's smooth and tasty. She has good looking, nice tits and pretty face. During 1 hour meeting she did everything what I want from her. I want to see her again =)
Meeting date | Duration | City | Looks | Services | Communication |
04-11-2010 |
1 hour |
Athens |
: 5.0 |
: 5.0 |
: 4.0 |
Kiss Blowjob CIM Sex Anal Breast Extra Ball Photo
With tongue Bareback Yes, spits it out Average No Natural breasts Multiple times allowed 30% fixed in Photoshop
She has more kilos than the pics, and has very average looks. The BJ is OK, the sex average. She is a positive girl with positive attitude and she is clean. She answered the mobile twice during the meeting. Her english is very limited, social time is not possible. I would not see her again.