Sex in different position multiple times allowed in the meeting, oral without or with condom, 69 position, erotic sensual and relaxing massage, masturbation show, foot fetish, light mistress role, cum on body, Extra: cum face/mouth +30e.
1h - 180
1.5h - 250
2h - 350
3h - 500
Please only SMS in english (0030)699 67 27 067 from 12:30 - 01:00
1.The name of model you want to meet(Anna)
2. Meeting day, time and duration
3. Meeting in model place or Your place (address, bell, floor or hotel)
Base city: | Bucharest |
Meeting date Duration City Looks Services Communication 15-10-2012 90 min Athens : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kiss
Extra Ball
Without tongue
With condom
Natural breasts
Multiple times allowed
Real picture
Η Άννα είναι από αναλογίες ότι αναγράφει το site και από εμφάνιση επίσης. Τα μαλλιά της είναι λίγο πιο κοντά από ότι βλέπεται στις φωτογραφίες όμως δεν αλλάζει η γενική εικόνα. Τσαχπίνα, παιχνιδιάρα με φωνούλα καυλωτική και στήθος φυσικό σκέτη τρέλα!!!! Κωλάρα που δυστυχώς δεν δίνει. Επιδερμίδα άψογη καθώς μόλις 19χρονών.
Η Φλώρα πιο ψηλή, αντιπρωσοπευτικά τα νούμερα που γράφονται στις αναλογίες του site. Μουνάκι παιδικό με καλοσχηματισμένα χείλη και πρόσωπο όλα τα λεφτά όπως ακριβώς βλέπετε στις φωτογραφίες. Τι έκανα? Είχα το ένα μωράκι αριστερά και το άλλο δεξιά μου. Χάιδευα τα μουνάκια τους και έγλυφα πότε το ένα βυζί της άννας πότε της φλώρας. Γούσταραν και υγρενόντουσαν. Φιλί δεν έπεξε πολύ καθώς τα μοσχοβολιστά κορμάκια τους με ενέπνεαν να τα γλύφω και να τα περιποιόυμε διαρκώς. Όταν έκανα σεξ με την Άννα ή φλώρα κοιτούσε και μαλακιζότανε με ερεθιστικά γελάκια κάυλας και όταν γαμούσα την φλώρα η άννα χάιδευε με το να χέρι το στήθος μου και το άλλο το δικό της.
Συμπέρασμα. Δεν ήταν το hardfucking που έχω κάνει σε άλλες περιπτώσεις αλλά ήταν ένα απίστευτα καυλοτικό ραντεβουδάκι με δυό φοιτητριούλες που δύσκολα πετυχένεις στην αγορά εκτεθειμένες προς γάμευση.
Kisses babies..! Keep going on to make happy greek lovers! -
Meeting date Duration City Looks Services Communication 12-10-2012 1 min Athens : 4.0: 2.0: 7.0Kiss
Extra Ball
With condom
Natural breasts
Only one allowed
50% fixed in Photoshop
Very nice FAKE review! Do not explain NOTHING about girl's service and appearence. Moreover agency do not have Russians or Ukraine Girls like punter says that many times tried. FAKE - LIE! -
Meeting date Duration City Looks Services Communication 27-08-2012 1 hours Athens : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kiss
Extra Ball
Without tongue
With condom
Natural breasts
Don't know
Real picture
Hello to everyone!
I would like to offer my personal review of Anna, the girl I had the chance to meet a few hours ago in Athens, because I feel she deserves praise and I believe she has earned it.
First of all, Anna is the person you see in the photographs. A beautiful young girl with a great figure. She is slim and curvy in the right ways and standing next to her is enough to make any man feel the heat for good. Measurements from heaven and freshness of a schoolgirl combine in a way I have rarely met in my experience. I had her standing for a while so that I could admire her body the proper way. Her breasts and legs and buttocks could easily stand as a blueprint for ancient greek goddess statues and her skin is so soft that a texture of fine silk is the only thing that came to mind. I find that the best asset is that nothing on her is fake, but that her body is all natural, the way every woman should be. And then there is her face. Cute and youthfull, with subtle characteristics and an optimistic, sweet, reassuring smile. Hair matching the style of a head-turner complete the image, looking nice both let loose and tidied in a hair clip. The memory of a lovely, well-disposed, easy-going angel is what I have taken home from this meeting and what I hope to find again in the next few days or when she visits Athens again.
I don't want to give away details of our time together, but it was like being with my girlfriend who saw me stressed and wanted to make me relax and have a good time. This is what Anna did and this is why I am writing this review and think that she has absolutely earned a clearly positive reference. I only have to note that she was being extra careful because she had a dental operation and she is absolutely justified.
Communication with the office was easy, clear and accurate, and I must say that the operator was extremely polite, which also counts as a major positive point and certainly deserves a fair share of credit. The operator's conduct was perfect and contributed to my desire to write the present review. I should note that in my opinion both the girl and the agency deserve nice treatment, matching their own nice behavior. I personally think the hotel was very good, and there were no problems with the reception. I found ample parking space in the neighborhood, perhaps because it is August, but all the better for someone living far away from there as in my case.
Overall, I think Anna is highly recommended and a fantastic opportunity for hard-working men who want to get away for a while from everyday life and remember their college time. I for once had a great time and hope to see Anna again in the next few days, or at least the next time she visits Athens. And if that doesn't work out, I am pretty sure I will run across her somewhere in Europe, in one of my future business trips.
Honey, thank you for a remarkable experience!
Many kisses,