Escort Reviews Greece
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28-12-2016 | Client: Pantesak | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 1,5 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-22 |
Cost: | € 230 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Το κορίτσι είναι άγγελος, όμορφη ευγενική με συμπεριφορά GF, με υπομονή κάνει ότι της ζητήσεις χωρίς να φέρνει αντίρρηση και πάντα μέσα στη γλύκα!!!
Επειδή έχω ένα θέμα όταν είναι πιτσιρίκες μ΄ αρέσει να τις γλύφω με τις ώρες, η συγκεκριμένη είναι ότι πρέπει γι' αυτό, καθαρή νέα με ένα ροζ στενό μουνάκι για φάγωμα!!! Εννοείται ότι η κουκλίτσα τελείωσε και με ευχαρίστησε για αυτό πολύ θερμά!!!
Αρκετή κουβέντα στο διάλλειμα, και μπορώ να πω ότι είναι και καλό παιδί, χωρίς υπεροψία και τουπέ.
Δεν περνάω σε σεξουαλικές λεπτομέρειες γιατί ο καθένας τις βιώνει διαφορετικά, με μία φράση εγώ πέρασα φανταστικά και σίγουρα θα ήθελα να είχα μια κοπέλα όπως η Alisa!!!
Best girlfriend experience
Beautiful girl with slim soft body like a model, with passionate behavior, and good Communication.
An angel in my bed.
Alisa i will waiting you for our next date,
Take care sweety!!!
22-12-2016 | Client: panospav | : 9.0 |
: 9.5 |
: 6.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-20 |
Cost: | € 250 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, swallows |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
Δεν είπε όχι σε τίποτε αντίθετα γούσταρε ότι κι αν εκανα !!! Με τελείωσε 3 φορές μετά από πολυ ιδρώτα και εκείνη τελείωσε δεν ξέρω πόσες ... η τελευταία καβαλωντας με τον απίστευτο κωλο της
Pse με gfe μαζί
Τη συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα !!!
Με κράτησε 1 ώρα παραπάνω από το σύμφωνημενο ...δεν κοίταξε πότε ρολόι
Ίσως μόνο μειονέκτημα ότι δε μιλάει καλά αγγλικά αλλά Κάνει όλα τα άλλα
Thank you baby for the great time we had!!!!
22-12-2016 | Client: Trapper | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Volos |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-21 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | With condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
21-12-2016 | Client: Dr Rick | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-19 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
20-12-2016 | Client: Mitch | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Heraklion |
Duration: | 120 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-20 |
Cost: | € 350 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Спасибо большое сладкая Николь!!! :)
20-12-2016 | Client: codfor56 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 120 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-16 |
Cost: | € 250 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
See you soon baby.kisses!!!!!!!!
19-12-2016 | Client: tant | : 1.0 |
: 0.5 |
: 2.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 30 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-19 |
Cost: | € 100 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Only one allowed |
Photo: | 50% fixed in Photoshop |
An mou pis oti den ime san stis fotografies ke eho 50% fotoshop auto simeni oti den me ides pote stin zoi sou.yati eho 2selfi sto site.
18-12-2016 | Client: Minxaouzen | : 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-16 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Μία συνάντηση μαζί της προτείνεται ανεπιφύλακτα, η κοπέλα έγινε το νέο μου στανταράκι μετά από πολύ καιρό τρικιμίας!
17-12-2016 | Client: aris91 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 8.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-17 |
Cost: | € 350 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
17-12-2016 | Client: dimy | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Corfu |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-10-15 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
16-12-2016 | Client: diagnostisk82 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-14 |
Cost: | € 140 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
16-12-2016 | Client: DreamLover | : 7.0 |
: 2.0 |
: 1.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-11 |
Cost: | € 140 |
Kiss: | No |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Don't know |
Photo: | 30% fixed in Photoshop |
Προσπάθησα να τη φιλήσω και να είμαι τρυφερός, αλλά τραβήχτηκε ενοχλημένη.
Το χειρότερο ήταν ότι μύριζε αλκοόλ σα να είχε πιει χωρίς σταματημό.
Στοματικό απαράδεκτο και μηχανικό, και μετά καμια απολύτως συμμετοχή... Ήδη έκλαιγα τα λεφτά μου. Με προσπάθεια (δικιά μου μόνο) τα κατάφερα και έχυσα.
Στο επόμενο δίλεπτο κι ενώ είχαν περάσει σκάρτα 40 λεπτά μου λέει με τα απειροελάχιστα εώς ανύπαρκτα Αγγλικά ότι θέλει να φύγει για να πάει σπίτι.
Τι να της πεις? ΟΧΙ κάτσε? να κάνεις τι μαζί της?
Έφυγε λοιπόν και αμέσως έστειλα μήνυμα στο γραφείο το οποίο φυσικά με έγραψε στα αρχίδια του.
Κορίτσια που δεν είναι επαγγελματίες και γραφεία που δε σέβονται τα χρήματα που τους σκάμε. να πάνε στον κουβά! Δεν αξίζει!
Βέβαια μπορεί κάποιος άλλον να έχει καλύτερη εμπειρία με την Eva, αλλά θα έλεγα ότι δεν το έχει και δεν την αρέσει καθόλου αυτό που κάνει!
Σύστασή μου: ψάξτε αλλού εάν θέλετε να έχετε πιθανότητες να περάσετε καλά!
Dream lover νομιζω οτι δεν τα λες οπως εγιναν. κααρχας εμεις δεν γραφυμε κανεναν στα αρχιδια μας οπως αναφερεις εκτος αν το αξιζε. καλυτερα πες τι ζητουσες απο την κοπελα και πως την εκβιαζες . ντροπη σου ειλικρνα . Οταν λοιπον θα μιλας για το γραφειο που με κοπο δημιουργησαμε και δουλευουμε και σεβομαστε τον κοσμο απο το 2011 καλυτερα να προσεχεις τι λες.
15-12-2016 | Client: Mav70New | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-14 |
Cost: | € 250 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
15-12-2016 | Client: Grestal | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Larissa |
Duration: | 120 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-02 |
Cost: | € 300 |
Kiss: | Without tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Having the best memories from previous meetings and given the fact that she was present in the same city , I arranged with just a couple of SMSs the meeting ..
She was punctual and dressed discretely but in a very tempting way , I would say ..
The fact that she came with out underwear ..woke up the beast inside me
In no time we were with out clothes kissing each other with passion and me enjoying her magnificent BJ performed by a natural talent of the big Rumanian school ( I am sure she has a PHD on BJ )
Traditionally I am not reefing to details of what had happened between concerned adults , but I would simply say that this lady knows what a man wants ..she is perfect in all aspects not only in bed but also in communication
The ideal partner
Be careful you can easily fall in love with her just with her smile
See you soon my sweet lady
15-12-2016 | Client: Chet Baker | : 8.0 |
: 9.5 |
: 9.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-12 |
Cost: | € 260 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Average |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Don't know |
Extra Ball: | Only one allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |

15-12-2016 | Client: vasthegreek | : 10.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-01 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
14-12-2016 | Client: vasthegreek | : 8.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 180 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-08-17 |
Cost: | € 300 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
13-12-2016 | Client: Βάαλ | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-13 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Thank you Nicole and many kisses!
13-12-2016 | Client: Taz444 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-12 |
Cost: | € 120 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Don't know |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
13-12-2016 | Client: Wheelie | : 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-11 |
Cost: | € 170 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Don't know |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
Very good usage of English .
Good social time and
Nice feminine body with curves!
Very good active sex without phony screaming
Thanks so much, hope to see you again
13-12-2016 | Client: belarus | : 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-13 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | Without tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
12-12-2016 | Client: cfulover | : 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Corfu Kerkyra |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-04 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
12-12-2016 | Client: Pascal27 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Heraklion |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-03 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | With condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
My queen you are samethning else you are great and i love you to see you again !

Thank u my dear ,see you soon
11-12-2016 | Client: Ambassadores | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-11 |
Cost: | € 300 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, swallows |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Just meeting up with her, makes you excited and horny. It is like having the ultimately sexy girlfriend and have fun with her at the same time, all the time. She makes sure to wear what you like, and always remembers your desires. The time flies when you meet up with her, in an encounter you do not wish to end. Her soft touch, her silky skin, her always trained thin figure, the always carefully selected expensive lingerie and the voluptuous breasts, prepare you for the time of your life. Her deep-throat, should be taught in sex-universities. When you loose your penis in her velvet mouth and soft or hard deep-throat starts (depending on your desires), you pray for it, not to stop. The active sex is something that one cannot fake, rather than accept the fact, that Jessica enjoys her job.
I can only comment on two things, her passionate participation in sex, which lets you forget that you are with an escort, and the divine curves of her body, which when moved (in the only way she knows how to) dazzles you beyond emptying your load, rather emptying your mind and forgetting even your name.
This is a luxury worth every penny, and I don't think I will deprive it from myself, for as long as she is around!
As they say in the movie comments: Sex:10, Participation:10, Looks:10, Special Effects:10! Would you see her again... definitely!!!
Thanks Jess
10-12-2016 | Client: dimitris35 | : 8.5 |
: 9.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-08 |
Cost: | € 240 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
nice girl value for money
09-12-2016 | Client: Dimitris | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Heraklion |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-08 |
Cost: | € 350 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
08-12-2016 | Client: maverick198313 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 120 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-06-30 |
Cost: | € 450 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
08-12-2016 | Client: manolo90 | : 10.0 |
: 1.5 |
: 4.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Chania |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-06 |
Cost: | € 120 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, swallows |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Don't know |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
07-12-2016 | Client: Hugo | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-01 |
Cost: | € 240 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Im normal guy ,i dont prefer pse,i like to feel like im with my girlfriend,she was the girl who make feel like this,dont was machine like some girl,
her kiss was very nice ,end we do 69 ,i believe she like that ,i likeit too,all the time she was nice end aktiv,thank you for her ,i hope i can see her soon in Athens,
07-12-2016 | Client: Mythos84 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Rhodes |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-25 |
Cost: | € 170 |
Kiss: | No |
Blowjob: | With condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Thanks so much, see you, kisses
05-12-2016 | Client: JOHN BANIAS | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 24 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-03 |
Cost: | € 0 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Συναντησα τις κοπελες το Σαββατο σε σημειο που τις βολευε την ωρα που συμφωνησαμε και με το αμαξι μου πηγαμε στο ξενοδοχειο (check in 3 το μεσημερι) . Παραγγειλαμε απο room service κατι να φαμε , κοουβεντουλα , τσιγαρακι (μονο εγω και η Ναγια και στο μικρο μπαλκονι διοτι απαγορευται εντος δωματιου), ντουζακι , χαλαρωμα και ξεκινησαν οι δυο πρωτοι γυροι . Στον πρωτο γυρο τιμησα τα μουνακια τους και με την σειρα τους τιμησαν τον πουτσο μου με τα στοματα τους . Τελειωσα στο στομα της Δαφνης με την Ναγια να μου γλυφει τα αρχιδια . Ντουζακι και μετα απο λιγη ωρα κουβεντουλε αρχισε ο δευτερος γυρος, τα κοριτσια αρχισαν να γλυφονται μεταξυ τους και εγω τσιμουκωνα ποτε την μια και ποτε την αλλη , μετα εκανα περα την Δαφνη , εβαλα στα τεσσερα την Ναγια και μπηκα στο κωλαρακι της οπου και τελειωσα .
Μετα απο τους δυο γυρους καναμε ντουζακι και τα κοριτσια φοροντας διαφορα εσωρουχα που ειχαν μαζι τους βγαλαμε πολλες φωτο σε ολα τα μερη της σουιτας .
Κατα τις 10 το βραδυ πηγαμε για φαγητο σε εστιατοριο κοντα στο ξενοδοχειο και κατα της 12 γυρισαμε στο ξενοδοχειο οπου εγιναν αλλοι 2 γυροι . Στον πρωτο εγω ξαπλωμενος με την Δαφνη απο πανω στο στομα μου να την γλυφω και η Ναγια πισω της καβαλα στον πουτσο μου μεχρι που τελειωσα μεσα της . Ντουζακι χαλαρωμα και μολις ενιωσα και παλι δυνατος αρχισε ο δευτερος γυρος . Η Ναγια αρχισε να γλυφει την Δαφνη ενω εγω την τσιμπουκωνα , μετα εβαλα στα τεσσερα την Δαφνη και μετα απο αρκετο σφυροκοπημα τελειωσα μεσα της .
Η ωρα ειχε παει 3:30 ξηερωματα Κυριακης εγω δεν αντεχα αλλο και πηγα για υπνο στην σοφιτα . Αφησα τα κοριτσια να βγαζουν selfies μπροστα στον μεγαλο καθρεφτη του δωματιου . Τα τρελλοκομεια θελανε να κατεβουνε και να βγαλουν γυμνες φωτο διπλά στο Χρισουγεννιατικο δεντρο που ηταν στην reception του ξενοδοχειου !!!!!! Μου ειπαν οτι κοιμηθηκαν κατα τις 4:30 μια ωρα μετα απο εμενα .
Την αλλη μερα με δυσκολια σηκωθηκαμε κατα τις 10 το πρωι και πηγαμε για πρωινο . Η Δαφνη μου ζητησε και την εβγαλα μερικες φωτο στην πισινα του ξενοδοχειου . Ανεβηκαμε στο δωματιο κατα τισ 11 και εαν και θελαμε ολοι να ξανακοιμηθουμε μαζεψαμε τα πραγματα μας και στις 12 καναμε check out και φυγαμε .
Περασα υπεροχα , τα κοριτσια ειναι φανταστικα , για ενα σ/κ ξεχασα οτι προβλημα με απασχολουσε και ηταν μια απο τις καλυτερες εμπειριες της ζωης μου (μεχρι την επομενη φυσικα) !!! Δεν μετανιωσα ουτε για ενα ευρω απο αυτα που εδωσα και μολισ μπορεσω το ραντεβου αυτο θα επαναληφθει !!! Να ειστε καλα κοριτσια μου και τα ξαναλεμε συντομα !!!!
04-12-2016 | Client: gg1988 | : 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-23 |
Cost: | € 250 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Brutal |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Silicone |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Θα προσπαθήσω να ξαναπάω όταν έρθει πάλι
I met Jolie in her previous tour in Athens, late November!
To begin with, I asked for a teacher outfit which was really great and suits her well (especially the glasses)!!!
Looks-Body: I think she is better than her pictures! long black hair, great eyes, perfect boobs and a sexy ass!!!
Communication: Great knowledge of english language and she can discuss really anything. Suitable for longer dates as well.
Action: After my arrival and a quick shower, we started a great roleplay with her as a teacher and me as her student. She was really active on this and she acted really well showing a slight dominant side which I found really sexy! After some foreplay (me on her, facesitting etc), we had sex on a desk in her room changing two positions in which she participated in a high level with moves and dirtytalk. I couldn't resist and I finished inside her. After a really short pause (because I wanted to be short) with some chatting, I showed her how much I wanted a second round. She was eager and ready for this from the first second and after some footplay (she is really great in that, wth super sexy toes, red nails) we started having sex again. We changed more positions this times and she enjoys having control with cowgirl and reverse cowgirl watching herself in the mirror! After a bit of missionary, we changed to doggy where I wanted to cum so hard. The view from behind was the best! I didn't ask for anal but if someone likes it, he SHOULD ask for it. I finished with loud moans inside her and I needed some seconds tofind my breath after this experience!
After some chatting, I left with a huge smile on my face and a wish to see her again soon!
03-12-2016 | Client: alkischania | : 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Chania |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-03 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Average |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
02-12-2016 | Client: kokkaki | : 1.5 |
: 1.0 |
: 0.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 90 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-25 |
Cost: | € 180 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 100% fixed in photoshop |
02-12-2016 | Client: KOKBO | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-12-01 |
Cost: | € 200 |
Kiss: | No |
Blowjob: | With condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
01-12-2016 | Client: Grapnel | : 2.0 |
: 1.5 |
: 5.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-28 |
Cost: | € 100 |
Kiss: | Without tongue |
Blowjob: | Don't know |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Average |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 50% fixed in Photoshop |
30-11-2016 | Client: Giorgos35 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Larissa |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-30 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, swallows |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Don't know |
Photo: | Real picture |
30-11-2016 | Client: petrospetros91 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 9 nights |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-23 |
Cost: | € 1000 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | With condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | Yes |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Only one allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
28-11-2016 | Client: Paris65 | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-20 |
Cost: | € 140 |
Kiss: | Without tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
26-11-2016 | Client: tetri | : 4.5 |
: 2.0 |
: 6.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Heraklion |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-24 |
Cost: | € 140 |
Kiss: | No |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 30% fixed in Photoshop |
Very skinny with pimples on her ass and very bad smelling breath, i didnt want to kiss her because her mouth stank bad...She dont like her job she and she is rude...I dont recomend this girl.worst escort i have been with ever.
20-11-2016 | Client: Gakis | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-10-18 |
Cost: | € 170 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
18-11-2016 | Client: deanblack | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 2 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-17 |
Cost: | € 450 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, swallows |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Πηγα στο δικο τους χωρο, μετα απο συνενοηση με sms. Με το που μπαινω με καλοσοριζουν με χαμογελα και ρουφχητα φιλια. Παω για ενα ντουζ, και βγαινοντας με πιανουν στα φιλια και χαδια στο κρεββατι και σκεφτομαι μεσα μου οτι ουτε μου ζητησαν τα λεφτα. Τις σταματαω λεγοντας οτι πρεπει να σας πληρωσω πρωτα γιατι εμενα μου αρεσουν οι καθαρες δουλειες, και μου λενε δεν πειραζει, να πληρωσω στο τελος. Εμεινα!!!
Και ξεκιναμε. Τα κοριτσια ειναι πιο ομορφα απο τις φωτογραφιες. Η Λικα ειναι μιση Ασιατισσα και μιση Ρωσιδα, πανεμορφη, ψηλη και καληγραμμη, με μικρο βυζακι και τουμπανο κωλαρακι. Η Μαριαννα ειναι πανεμορφη, ψηλη με DD βυζαρες φυσικες και ωραιο θεοστρογγυλο κωλαρακι. Και οι δυο μοσχομυριζαν, φρεσκιες.
Μετα απο απαιτηση δικη μου ξεκινησαν ενα λεσβιακο. Πολυ παθος μεταξυ τους με καλη χημεια και απολυτως καυτο το θεαμα. Καβλωσα!!!
Μπαινω στο σοου κι εγω. Με πιανουν πρωτα απ ολα στα φιλια με πολλη γλωσσα και κατεβαινουν σιγα σιγα στον πουτσο μου και αρχιζει διπλο τσιμπουκι βαθυ, παθιασμενο και αρχιδογλυψιμμο. Μετα ξεκινησαμε 69, η με την μια η την αλλη και συνεχιζαν το τσιμπουκι και οι δυο. Τα μουνακια τους ειναι τοσο γλυκα. Και μετα ξεκινησε το γαμησι με οτι σταση βαζει ο νους σου. Σε καποια φαση, μετα απο δικη μου απαιτηση, στηθηκαν στα τεσσερα και οι δυο και αρχιζα εν' αλαξ να γλυφω τις πισω τρυπες τους και και να τις βαζω κολοδακτυλο ταυτοχρονα. Αυτο το σημειο το τονιζω για ενα συναδελφο που ειπε στη δικη του κριτικη οτι η Λικα δεν τον αφηνει να της βαλει ουτε δακτυλακι. Φιλε μου, μπορει να ειναι η δουλεια των κοριτσιων, αλλα το κωλοδακτυλο θελει προετοιμασια και ευαισθησια. Σιγα σιγα.
Για να μη σας κουραζω, πρεπει να τις κανετε μια επισκεψη και να δειτε δυο πραγματικες μουναρες που αξιζουν τα λεφτα και εχουν μοναδικο σκοπο τους να σας ευχαριστησουν απολυτα. Θα τις κανω επισκεψη την αλλη εβδομαδα στη Θεσσαλονικη.
Φιλακια κοριτσια.

18-11-2016 | Client: travelboy | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-17 |
Cost: | € 250 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Don't know |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Communication and sex was excellent.
I will meet them for sure next time
17-11-2016 | Client: arostaki | : 4.5 |
: 4.5 |
: 4.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-01 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | No |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Average |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Don't know |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | 10% fixed in Photoshop |
16-11-2016 | Client: Professor | : 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 2 days |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-12 |
Cost: | € 2000 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
She is a brunette angel with great hot model-like body and UNBELIEVABLE blue eyes that when u look at them u fall in love . Eyes are killer. Got to be real careful not to fall in those deep blue eyes. Magnificent beauty! fantastic smile, tender skin, long legs. I am regretful because i saw this charming beauty and i am addicted to her now.
Excellent English, good sense of humor, social time pass by very pleasant.
Vasiliki is a rare jewel and a unique personality. I wish her the best for her life and future and I am looking to meet her again . I can tell that our meetings will remain in my memory forever. Thank you for this moments.Thank you Vasiliki for coming into my world and changing my life!!!
Thank you for all my little princess .
Thank you! See you very soon! :-)
16-11-2016 | Client: boydika | : 8.0 |
: 8.5 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Ioannina |
Duration: | 30 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-10-30 |
Cost: | € 100 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Passive |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Not that girl |
15-11-2016 | Client: dimi2323 | : 7.0 |
: 8.0 |
: 8.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Thessaloniki |
Duration: | 1 hours |
Meeting date: | 2016-09-14 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | Not available |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
15-11-2016 | Client: Prince doux | : 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 30 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-14 |
Cost: | € 320 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | No |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Best experience ever
RITA is of an exotic beauty natural sex bomb.
Nice smile, very good in sex, makes you feel comfortable with a nice atmosphere.
Really can't tell which one is better. I like THEM BOTH TOGETHER. They make great team.
15-11-2016 | Client: Prince doux | : 9.5 |
: 10.0 |
: 9.5 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 30 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-14 |
Cost: | € 320 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | In face |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Best experience ever!
Friendly and sexy girls made me feel comfortable from first moment. Sex great, Alena likes licking very much
Highly recommended!
14-11-2016 | Client: lefteristhegreat | : 9.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Country: | Greece |
City: | Athens |
Duration: | 60 min |
Meeting date: | 2016-11-01 |
Cost: | € 150 |
Kiss: | With tongue |
Blowjob: | Without condom |
CIM: | Yes, spits it out |
Sex: | Active |
Anal: | No |
Breast: | Natural |
Extra Ball: | Multiple times allowed |
Photo: | Real picture |
Thank you for the wonderful time we spent together. Hope to see you again. Kisses!!!