
Erika and the headmaster part 6


     A week later, the headmaster informed Erika that Bethany Crister had been caught smoking marijuana again, a fourth offense. Stage four punishment was called for, and Erika listened intently to Mr. Smith, as he outlined what he had planned for Bethany's punishment.

     Five minutes before classes ended for the day, Erika made her way to Mr. Smith's office. In his private bathroom, she stripped naked, and got set up as Mr. Smith had outlined for her. She cracked open the door just a bit, and watched and waited.

     Five minutes later, and Mr. Smith led Bethany in, and she knew what she was going to get.

     "Miss Crister, you've been punished three times, and yet here we are again, for a fourth offense. This is the last punishment you will receive, you will be  expelled, and your parents will be very unhappy. I heard them talk about sending you away to one of those military style boot camps, to see if that will straighten you out. "

     Erika could see her face get very pale, and she looked like she was about to beg for another chance, but Mr. Smith cut off her pleas.

     "Miss Crister, please, save you breath.

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   You've had more than enough chances to change your ways, and I warned you that a fourth offense would mean expulsion, no exceptions. And, your last round of punishment. Drop your panties Miss Crister, and bend over my desk, you need more caning!"

     As she took position, Erika slipped out, and Mr. Smith smiled as he saw her totally naked, except for the harness and 10 inch strap-on dildo she was sporting. He handed her the cane, and Erika trembled with excitement, Bethany bent over the desk, her skirt flipped up, panties on the floor, Bethany's white, perfect cheeks, draped over the desk, that instrument in her hand, ready to give Bethany's sexy ass the whipping of a lifetime.

     "Brace yourself, Miss Crister!"

     Erika drew it back, and whipped the cane forward. Bethany howled as it made contact, and Erika quickly drew back and hit her ass again, Bethany's second howl of pain filling the room. A red haze of lust descended, and Erika gave Bethany's ass the paddling of a lifetime, she caned those cheeks again and again, Bethany's shrieks of pain filling the office, as Erika swung the cane, over and over, watching the red marks criss-cross her ass. Erika silently counted out 24 strokes, 4 sets of "six of the best", and saw the results, Bethany's sexy ass had become fiery red, burning globes of blazing agony. She tossed the cane aside, and quickly spread some lube over her dildo.

     Mr. Smith said, "Stay right where you are Miss Crister, your punishment is not complete.


     Erika pulled apart her ass cheeks, saw the tight rose shaped pucker of her asshole, it fired her up, she placed the lubed dildo against her tight asshole, and slammed it in. Bethany howled as she got her tight back door plugged, Mr. Smith had busted her asshole virginity the last time, but it was no less painful to get her tight asshole raped, and Erika drove in, painfully parting the tight walls of her asshole, until she was buried right to the hilt.

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   Grabbing Bethany tightly by the hips, Erika pulled back and drove in again, Bethany's howls of pain filling the room as Erika slammed against her well whipped ass cheeks, raping Bethany's tight asshole. In, out, in, out, Erika with alive with pleasure as she fucked Bethany, raping that incredibly tight teen asshole. Bethany was getting reamed out, not knowing that she was getting a dildo rape from Erika, and she was stunned at Mr. Smith's staying power, how he could ass fuck her, and resist the need to explode. She wanted him to cum, and get it done with, but that was not going to happen. Finally, Mr. Smth gave a loud grunt, and Erika slammed it in deep one last time, holding it there, as Mr. Smith gave grunts of pleasure that sounded like he was pouring his load into Bethany's ass. Erika withdrew, and quickly stepped back into the private bathroom, as Mr. Smith took charge.

     "There we are, Miss Crister, your last round of punishment. Your parents will be contacted by me personally this evening, you are officially expelled, and you will vacate your room no later than Friday evening. I will make sure your parents are aware of the time, so they can make whatever arrangements that they see fit. "

     He led her out of his office, and Erika could hear little cries of pain from the Nurse's office, as he placed the cooling ice packs on her well whipped ass. Her moans of pain drifted away, as the ice took away the worst of the sting.

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     Erika was on fire with lust, whipping Brthany's ass, then fucking her had turned her into a raging volcano of lust. When Mr. Smith returned, she was ready for him.

     "Fuck, I feel like I'm gonna blow! Fuck my cunt, then whip my ass, and then fuck it, just like Bethany got!" Erika panted.

     Mr. Smith grabbed her, bent her over, and rammed his cock up her cunt. Two strokes was all it took, and she could feel the spasm of orgasm rippling wildly through her lower belly.

     "Fuck, oh fuck yeah, cumming oh my fucking god, YES!"

     Erika felt like she was turning inside out as her cunt exploded, fuck, it felt almost like an assault.

Mr. Smith waited until her orgasm had spent its force inside her, then withdrew before he could cum.

     "Grab your ankles, Erika, so you can get what you need!"

     "Yes, yes, give me exactly what Bethany got, whip my ass then fuck it!"

     In a few moments, Erika was once again howling with pleasure, as Mr. Smith wielded the cane, tanning her ass cheeks with praticed strokes, Erika's ass getting the stinging, burning, whipping pleasure she needed, the hard strokes starting the fire going in her horny cunt once again. She urged him on to give her as many strokes as Bethany got, and 24 hard strokes punished her ass, making her almost delirious with pleasure. Erika felt her ass become a burning, stinging red nest of painful whips, she could imagine the welts that would criss cross her ass, and she urged Mr. Smith on.

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     "Yeah, oh yeah, now, fuck my ass!" she grunted.

     Erika could feel him pull apart her ass cheeks, and he started to lick at her tight hole. Erika moaned, the pleasure of having her tight rim licked made her speechless. She then felt his well lubed cock press against her, and the pain as his cock forced its way in. She howled, a mix of pain and pleasure at the feel of that 9 inch log splitting her open. She let out another howl of mixed pain and pleasure, as he buried his cock balls deep in her asshole, smacking against her burning, well whipped ass. It almost made her go crazy, she was beyond coherent speech, only able to make grunts and howls of pleasure as Mr. Smith fucked her ass, in and out, over and over, making her head spin. Mr. Smith reached around, shoved two fingers up her gushing hole, and masturbated her wildly, pinching her hard clit between his fingers and twirling them around her throbbing button, and Erika screamed as she exploded, very hard, her pink opening gushing her juices wildly, she was in another world of mind filling pleasure, dimly aware as Mr. Smith grunted, and he exploded, blowing spurt after spurt deep inside, Erika shuddered with pleasure as she felt his thick whitish cream filling her dark cavern. The tight clamp of her ass around him sucked every drop out of his cock.

     A few minutes later, Erika was in the nurse's office, ass up, having ice packs applied to the burning fire of her well whipped ass, knowing that later on that night, her masturbation session would be so much more intense, with the memory of her throbbing ass being caned, and well fucked asshole providing excellent stimulation.


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