Auntie Pam - Kate’s first older man
My name is Pamela, known to my sexy friends as Auntie Pam. I’m 44, single and a size 14, and have been told I’m a yummy mummy although I don’t have any children. I live in West Sussex, I’m bi, love giving and receiving oral, playing with toys and enjoy both anal and vaginal fun. Roll play is something I really enjoy, some may say my tastes are a little perverse being a mature woman who loves having sexy fun with younger men and couples. I’d also like to be in touch with other mature women that like having fun with young men too.
Kate’s first older man
Kate had said she would like to try a foursome with and me, Marcus and a gentleman friend of mine, Robert. She had meet Robert a number of times before and thought he was good looking for an older man and had got on well with him. Robert and I aren’t an item but are very good friends and have a sexual relationship from time to time. I knew it wouldn’t be hard to get him to join in as he had always said Kate was very attractive and what man wouldn’t want sex with a beautiful young woman.
On the night in question, all four of us were in the lounge, rather than just stripping off we decided to play a game to add to the fun. We had two dice, if you rolled two even numbers you had to take an item of clothing off, two odd numbers and you could nominate someone else to take something off, and if it was an odd and an even you could ask a truth or dare to the person of your choice.
Marcus rolled first and got even two even numbers, so took his shirt off.
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This went on until Marcus and I were naked and Robert and Kate just had their undies on. Marcus rolled and got to ask a dare or truth, he dared Robert to take Kates panties of with his teeth. Kate stood up with Robert kneeling in front of her, I held Roberts hands behind his back. First he griped one side of her panties and pulled them down a little then the other until he finally managed to get them to her knees, revelling her shaven pussy, Kate then helped to slip them off and kicked them away. This left Robert the only one with his pants on, it was my turn so I cheated and got an odd and an even making Robert take off his pants, his hard cock popped out.By now everyone was very relaxed and the nerves had gone so we changed the game a little. We all threw the dice, whoever got the highest number could choose what we did next for the next minute. Robert won the first round and got me to suck his cock for one minute while Kate and Marcus watched, I found being watched a horny turn on. Next I won and got Marcus to lick my pussy, as he licked me Kate sucked on Roberts cock. Soon the dice were forgotten and Marcus and Robert were getting their cocks sucked and played with. Kate and I took turns in who we sucked and at one point I got both cocks in my mouth. Then Kate and I sat back on the sofa, our legs open wide, Marcus between mine and Robert licking Kates pussy. Marcus took me by the hand and moved us away to the other sofa, saying let’s leave them to it and have some fun on our own.
Kate and Robert had moved in to a 69, with her on top, her tight arse down on his face as she gobbled his hard cock. Both Marcus and I found it a turn on watching her young body and his mature cock.
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Grabbing a couple of condoms from the bowl on the table I throw one over to them and kept one for Marcus. Kate and Robert rolled onto the floor, Robert was now on top. His head pressing hard on her pussy and his cock filling her mouth. We moved next to them, I unwrapped the condom and put in on Marcus, positioning myself on all fours so we could watch them as Marcus fucked me from behind. Kate reached for the other condom and put in on Robert, sitting back, her pussy almost suffocating him, then switching round so she was mounted on his cock. Her small tight arse lifting up and down, Marcus was in time with her as she slid down his pole Marcus pushed into me. Kate then sat upright, we could see his cock in her tight pussy forcing the lips apart as she slid up and down on him. I said to Marcus “Go get you cock sucked as she rides him”, taking the condom off, he stood astride Robert and pulled Kate head on his cock. She really enjoyed getting two cocks in her, pussy and mouth full. I squatted on Roberts face, lowering my wet pussy on his mouth. As he licked I flooded and gushed my juices on him, making him cough and splutter. Marcus moved so his cock was between Kate and me, we both leaned forward and licked his cock together. Kate cum on Roberts cock, puffing and panting as we licked and sucked Marcus. “My turn” I said, let me have some of Roberts cock, Kate got off and I straddled him, his cock was hot and hard. I whispered to Robert “don’t worry you can finish off in Kate, I know you want to”.bellalina athens greece
Marcus had got a condom back on and with Kates legs up around her ears was pounding her pussy. We moved into the same position, I was laying next to Kate our legs being help up and wide apart. I said “time to swap”, and Robert and Marcus swapped. Kate and I clasped each other’s hand as they filled our pussies with hot cock. I’m not sure who was the louder when Kate and I cum, Marcus pumping first with Robert cumming soon after.Knackered we lay on the floor, my pussy still tingling and Kate gasping for breath. Kate was still gripping my hand tight as Robert pulled out and off her. I asked her “was that good”, “god yes” she replied my clit’s still throbbing and I couldn’t take another inch.
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