
Happy Birthday Son


I was like any other teenager i guess. Outgoing, concentrated on my studies, made a lot of friends at school. Most kids liked me. I had by the time i reached my 18th birthday a wonderful girlfriend, and a prospectus path in life. However one thing bothered me.
I was slowly but surley falling for my own father. It sounds wierd and creepy a guy to fancy his own dad, geez it should even be his own mother - surley not his father?! at the very least.
I became also to doubt my own sexuality. Did i like guys because of this? I don't think so purley for the reason how the fuck could something come of it. it's just the mind playing tricks.
However, It drove me literally to dispair that i couldn't hold it that much longer. Something had to be done.
My 18th birthday was coming up soon, and i had joined countless forums and sites discussing problems like this. How to get round it etc. One lad suggested talking to my mum about it.
I ended up doing this.

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I was ready to go to bed one evening as she was sat there finishing off markings ome text books and i brought it up.
"Mum" i said shyly
"Yes hunny?" she replied
"What would you say if i told you that i found dad likeable in a way i shouldnt?" i blushed
"Do you mean?" she said nodding her head "sexually?"
"yes" i put my head into my hands "It's wrong and bad but i love him"
"Awww" she got up and put my head in her arms. "It shows affection, that you care"
"Really? I'm surprised that your not shocked!" i replied
"Why should i be shocked hunny? I guess we can't help who we fall for, or what we turn out to be"
"I really love him mum, but it's never going to work" i said "He's my own father and anyway he would never succumb to it would he?"
"I think your right" she said "In a realm of fantasy"
I looked deeply upset and just blurted out "Fantasy alright, i even wanted him to seduce me as a birthday present"
"I think we'll call it a night" she said "Go on up you go Sweetie"
And that was the last we ever spoke of it for weeks.
On 8th of October, i planned to go cinema with my mates but this was all cancelled becuase it was a cock up on their behalf.
Mum did not want to see me duly upset so she arranged a family meal. There was Vicky my girlfriend, my brother, mum and dad. It was a good evening everyone was joking and laughing, and i did not think of the thoughts once more. On retrospect however dad was very quiet at the meal.
Cake was brought out, songs were sung and i even made a farwell teenager speech afterwards. making everyone laugh till they ached.
Soon after 11, we started making our way home. We dropped Vicky home, and i kissed her goodnight and mentioned i would see her saturday.
Soon enough we arrived home to a houseful of presents. I quickly changed into my Pj's and raced to the packages.


  There were a few from Nan, mum, Scotty me bro, Vicky and friends from school - it was great.
However it was a bit sad that i didnt get any from dad. "Thanks for the joint present from you two" i said to them, trying to work out why dad hadn't bothered.
Did mum tell him and he partly wanted to disown me for what i wanted out of him and life. That would devestate me for sure!
"No. . that's just from your mother. You got your present from me. . the meal. . and everything" he smiled
Well that was the end of that talk i thought in the recess's of my mind. He thinks his contribution was a meal - I somehow doubted now he was to make love to me.
My dad was 45, and quite a masculing man. As an ex-builder he had the muscles to show it.

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   He looked slightly younger however the signs of strain were noticable. He was completley bald and sported a beard-cum-moustache. This made me quivver with lust.
Soon enough we finished the last bits of cake, and bro went up first as he was planning a trip the following day. Dad gave excuses that he was shattered and went up. I instantly pulled the forlong face. Mum went into the kitchen.
I constantly thought about what i said to mum and should have really kept it to myself. Mum came back from the kitchen with a smiled look.
"Did you have a nice birthday" she said
"Yeh it was awesome" i said in a tone that contradicted.
"Well. . i" but before she could finish Dad came through the door dressed in his dressing gown.
"You ok Hunny?" she said "Why you back down couldn't sleep"
"Well. .

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  " "I was gonna go to bed when i realised something" he replied looking puzzled
"Oh Mike what was that?"
"Well when i was 18, i really really really wanted a motorbike, and do you know by the time it hit midnight without receiving it, i broke into tears. Thinking my dreams would never come true. "
"and. . " she said smiling
"Well Chris i feel if you have a dream mate it should come special for a sweet guy like you"
I quivvered.
With that stood in the doorway, he undid his robes and let them drop to the floor. he was stark naked, and his cock was fully erect.
"happy birthday mate, this is your real present from me"
I looked at mum and whispered "Thank you"
"it's ok sweetie he's all yours. . " she smiled
He walked over and gave out his hand and held me up. "Happy birthday Son"
And with that lent forward with a kiss, a long passionate embrace. My tounge dived in instantly and i could see he was enjoying it from his member.
I withdrew, and he said "I think its time for you to try your present out" he grabbed the top of my head and pushed me down. "Be the first guy that's tasted your daddy!"
I knelt down and instantly put his cock in my mouth. he was so hard it was unbelievable.

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   I sucked and sucked, pummling at his cock, moaning with pleasure.
"I think our boy likes this Cass" he laughed.
I sucked and sucked, and licked his shaft,tickling his head. I managed to look up and he smiled. "Enjoying it mate?" he said
I nodded and returned to sucking it again. I could hear his rytham grow faster and faster and soon enough he began to push harder into my face.
"Mike, i think you better slow down, i don't think he can handle. . " but before she could finsih dad juddered and a hot flow of cum came cascading down my throat. I gobbled up every last drop of it.
I smiled up wiping off the excess and he said "Would you like more?" i nodded and with that he said "lets go to the dining room"
He led us all in even mum to the dining room,where she sat down with her books. Dad smiled as he said "Ok Chris, can you lean and strech your arms over the table for me"
I did as i was told. Arched over the tables dad was able to enter his cock into my ass "Happy birthday son. . ugh.

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  . hope you like this!"
He went slowly into my ass and my face turned to pain "it hurts daddy!" i said
"Believe me mate. . it will pass"
I looked up to mum and could see her smiling "Your Daddy loves you sweetie - What a present. Not everyday someone asks their father for sex, and a sweet young lad like you!"
He began to pump harder and harder which resulted me in screaming "oh Daddy!" and in oen feel swop picked me up and put me against the wall. My arms wrapped around his shoulders he fucked as we kissed.
"Awww" said mum smiling again "I'm gonna cum again Cass"
"Oh please do daddy will make me very happy"
He shot his load right in my ass, i just kept kissing and kissing.
he brushed my hair out my eyes and said "I do love you" i said the same and we hugged his cock still wedged in my arse.
He tunred and said to my mum "you know Cas, i wont be sleeping with you every night i guess - Chrissy wants his fun!"
I walked up and whispered "Daddy wanna try my cock?"
He smiled "be a pleasure hunny" and opened his mouth for my cock.
part two soon


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