Unexpected Encounter
In her groggy state she didn't quite no why, but Annette got the sense that something was amiss, and after slowly opeing her eyes, she was stunned and terrified to find that a tall thin black man was standing not more than five feet from her!!! Since all of her clothing was inside of her tent and she had nothing to cover her body with, and in a display of modesty she covered her firm breasts with her arms and in a very shaky voice stammered,"W-who are you and what do you want!?!" "The name's King, Jeremy King," he replied with a broad smile, "I just noticed your camp and decided to come over and introduce my self!!!" "Where did you come from," she asked nervously!?! "Right over there on the other end of the cove," he explained, "I just got finished pitching my tent and happened to notice your camp!!!" "What are you doing here," she asked, but now a little less afraid than a few seconds ago!?! "Oh, I just thought I'd try a little fishing and maybe some swimming," he replied, "oh well, I just wanted to say hi, I'll see ya," and then he turned around and walked back to his own camp site!!!" Annette sat upright and watched Jeremy King walking away, and while she was a little bit miffed that he'd barge in on her like that, he seemed like a pleasant enough sort, and since he didn't seem to be any kind of threat, she lay back down and went to sleep!!!She wasn't sure how much time had passed when she finally awakened, but one thing that was evident was the savory inviting aroma of freshly frying fish!!! She got to her feet and slipped quietly into the lake for a quick bath, and after drying off and putting on some shorts and a tank top, she wandered over to Jeremy's camp to see just how many of those fish he caught!!! "Hi," she said brightly while coming up behind him, "how goes it!?!" He looked up from his frying pan and with a wide grin replied, "Well, three walleyes in twenty minutes warms the cockles of my heart, please, have seat!!!" The two of them made small talk for a few minutes as the fish continued frying, until Jeremy asked, "Say, the smell of these fish didn't bring you over here did it!?!" She covered her face with her hands to cover her laugh and replied, "Wellllll, that might have had something to do with it!!!" "Here," he said while handing her a plate of fried walleye and potatos, "I just can't stand to see a girl starve!!!"The two of them gabbed away over dinner, pretty much going over the stories of their lives, and incredibly, they both were from the north side of Minneapolis and worked down town, he as a stock broker and she as a systems analyst!!! While the sun disappeared over the horizon, casting a red glow over the gently lapping waves of the lake, all at once Jeremy stood up and announced, "Let's go for a swim," and without waiting for her answer, he stood up and stripped off all of his clothing and ran into the water!!! He dove under the surface and swam out about thirty feet or so, before turning around and yelling, "Come on it, the water's fine!!!" She looked on askance at the thought of skinny dipping with a total stranger, but before she could reply, he shouted back, "Oh, come on Annette, remember I've already seen everything you've got!!!" After rolling her eyes and looking up to the heavens, she slipped off her shirt and shorts and yelled back, "Okay, ready or not, here I come!!!"The two young swimmers cavorted in the water together for the better part of and hour, and after a while Annette began to feel more an more comfrotable with her new friend, so much so, that when he came up behind her and hugged her from the back, instead of recoiling away, she pressed her body against his an allowed him to caress her firm breasts with his large powerful hands!!! While her mind began to spin as he continued his touching, he whispered softly in her ear, "I know this sounds crazy, but I feel that we've known each other for a long time, and while I never believed in love at first sight, it wouldn't take much to convince me otherwise!!!" Her breathing was quickly becoming more labored, and when he gently turned her around and pulled her to him, she offered no resistence as he placed his mouth on hers and kissed her deeply!!! She finally broke way from his grasp, and with strong powerful strokes headed back to the beach where she scooped up her things and ran back to her camp!!! The next morning Annette woke up and wandered down to the lake, while walking slowly in the anke deep water, she casually glanced over to Jeremy's camp, and much to her surprise, found him too wading in the crystal clear water, too!!! Still embarrassed at what had transpired the night before, she was about to turn tail back to her tent when his loud voice called out, "Good morning lady, beautiful day isn't it!?!" "Uh yes it is," she shouted back!!! "How about a little breakfast," he yelled back, "I've got some flap jacks going in pan!?!" "I'm really not hungry," she replied, "maybe some other time," and before he could respond, she jogged out of the water and back to her tent!!! She spent the rest of the day reading and sun bathing while trying to ignore her neighbor, but it seemed that every few minutes she was glancing across the cove to catch a glimpse at what he was doing!!! She didn't know why she was so afraid of him, but something about him made her feel like no man ever had in her twenty eight years of life, and the feelings that swept through her last night in the lake had nearly overwhelmed her!!! She was right in the middle of the last chapter of her book when from out of the corner of her eye she saw him coming through the trees towards her, and even as he approached her, a knot began twisting in her belly!!! "Hi there," he said while entering her camp, "I was kinda hoping we could have been together today!!!" She shivered a little at his closeness, and in a slightly husky voice she replied, "Well um, I had some reading I wanted to get over with, you know how it is!!!" "Sure," he replied slowly, "I know exactly how it is, but what I really want to know is why you're so afraid of me!?!" "I-I'm not afraid of you," she stammered while averting her eyes, "what makes you say that!?!" Without and invitation, Jeremy plopped down of the ground next to her, and while staring out at the water asked softly, "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like when you found the one for you!?!" "Of course I have," she replied softly, "hasn't everyone!?!" "Uh huh," he replied slowly, "and I think I know why you're so scared!!!" She shivered againand asked haltingly, Y-you do, why?!" Now turning his gaze from the lake and looking her right in the eye he answered softly, "Because last night you had that feeling and are worried about who you're having it for, that's why!!!" Nervously she looked away from him, and in a wavering voice replied, "T-that's crazy, that's just not true!!!" "Really," he asked while gently caressing the inside of her tanned thigh, "then why are you shaking like a sixteen year old girl at the mere touch of my hand on your leg!?!" She had no answer for him and he knew it, so gently, he took her head in his hands and after kissing her softly on the lips, whispered in her ear, "I am that man you've been looking for and you are the woman for me!!!"This time she let him have his way with her as he pulled off her shirt and shorts, evoking this response from his own trembling voice, "Y-you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," and as the fury inside of her whirled out of control, he lowered his mouth to her breast and gently sucked her rapidly stiffening nipple!!!" "O-oh, Jeremy," she gasped while cradling his head to her chest, "I want you so much, please, take me!!!" Now quickly standing up as the urgency of the situation over took them, "Jeremy stripped off his own shirt and pants, leaving him naked before her with his erection growing before her very eyes!!! Never in her life had she been so ready for a man to make love to her, and that was an apt description of what was happening, they were about to make love not have sex, and as he climbed on top of her and slid easily inside of her, the first of many orgasms rushed through her now demanding vagina!!! She quickly wrapped her legs around his slim hips, effectively locking him in place, but it was of course completely unnecessay, as he was exactly where he wanted to be and wild horses couldn't have pulled him away!!!Sweetly but forcefully Jeremy moved in and out of her, opening her eyes to what real love making could be, and while she was soaring on the waves of pleasure, he too couldn't believe the love he felt for the slim young woman who was giving herself to him so selflessly!!! Even when lovers are making their sweetest most tender love, there comes a moment in time when the feelings of the heart are replaced with the overwhelming urgency of their genitals, and for Annette and Jeremy that moment had arrived as as if by magic, Jeremy's strokes turned from gentleness into an almost brutal assault on his lover's helpless vagina!!! "My god," she gasped as the invading marauder slammed in and out of her with piston like efficiency, "I-I've never felt so goooooooooood, ohhhhhhhhhhh Jeremy, fuck me, oh yesssssssssss, fuck me harder!!!" Just hearing his lover begging for his member was more than Jeremy could take, and while Annette was holding on for dear life, his whole body stiffened while his stiff penis spit load after load of his sperm deep inside of her, until finally he collapsed on top of her, totally spent and wiped out!!!When he was finally able to speak, he lifted his head and kissed her softly on the cheek and whispered, "Was it good for you, too!?!" With her eyes shiney with tears, she gently nibbled on his ear and whispered back as she felt his rapidly stiffening memeber harding inside of her, "Oh yes, but do it once more, let's make sure!!!"THE END
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