The Beginning Of A Brief Affair


I can still remember that day so very clearly, I can still hear the rain falling outside and the taste of the sweat on his skin. It was four months before my seventeenth birthday and I had been staying with friends during the school holidays, as I was working in another town a few hours away from home.

The day started out pretty much the same as every other. My supervisor picked me up at 5am and we headed off to work. We drove the hour or so that we drove each way every day, talking, flirting and teasing… it was harmless fun to pass the time I had assured myself – but I knew that there was an attraction between us, at least I was sure of my attraction for him.

My Supervisor was 25 years my senior and married, but for the first time in my life I felt a need, I felt the flush of my arousal race across my skin whenever I thought of him, I could feel myself moisten in expectation in the close confines of the ute every morning and each afternoon. I couldn’t explain it, or understand the attraction I had felt for him, I wasn’t sure if it was just that he was the first man that had actually treated me as a young woman instead of a child, or if it was just a case of a simple crush.

We arrived at work and met up with the other 6 people in our crew, and headed out to start the days jobs, but things quickly changed when the skies opened and we were caught out working in the rain. It was one of those storms that came from nowhere and left behind fallen tress and flash flooding. We all raced in different directions, most went back to their cars and a couple headed for a large tree, but the Supervisor and I were further away and headed straight for a small shed nearby to try and find some shelter from the rain and wind. We were unable to speak to one another, as the heavy rain drowned out even our thoughts as it collided with the tin on the small storage shed.

Every now and then I felt his eyes watching me, only to flick away once I caught him. It took a little while for it to dawn on me that I was standing there with my wet clothes clinging to my body, hiding nothing from his gaze. I turned instantly trying to hide my embarrassment from him, and moved towards the opening of the shed. Surprised at my own shyness I tried to understand why I had turned from him, hadn’t I wanted him to see me like that, to feel his eyes on my flesh, wasn’t this the very moment I had been dreaming about these past few months?

Lost in my thoughts, I jumped the second I felt his fingers brush along the length of my arms before they came to rest on my shoulders. After what seemed like an eternity had passed, his lips softly grazed my neck as his arms came around to pull me closer to his body. 

   At this very moment, there was no longer any denial to the attraction that was between us – I knew I wanted him and I could feel his want pressing against my arse as he pulled me even closer.

The need coursing through my body took over as I pushed myself against him, a small moan passed my lips as his tongue began to trace the path of the rain over my skin, a burning desire clouding my thoughts as his hands slowly came down to cup my breasts. It was one of those perfect moments, as he held me and whispered in my ear how long he had dreamt of this, how many times he had thought of just taking me instead of taking me home each afternoon, and then just how much he wanted me and the things he wanted to do. I clung to him as I felt the first waves of pleasure rush over my body, just from his lips on my neck, and his hard cock pushing against my arse, as he whispered to me everything I wanted to hear.

Coming back down from my little high, I noticed that the rain had slowed and feared that this would signify the end of our encounter. And it was. Outside the shed we could hear some of the others that we worked with coming out of their hiding places, and the moment passed.

His hands fell away from me and he stepped back to rearrange himself before he headed out from our own hiding place. Just as he approached the door, he stopped and pulled me to him once more his mouth almost on my own. . .

“Next time, we will do this properly”

And then his lips were on mine. The passion that was building during this kiss threaten to engulf me, and the fires were fanned as he moaned into my mouth, but it seemed as soon as that kiss began it was over and he was no longer standing there in the seclusion of the shed with me.

The next hour passed in a blur, as the scene replayed in my head over and over again. The memory of his lips on my neck sent a blush across my skin.

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   I checked to make sure no one was watching me as I didn’t want to have to explain what was going on, but I caught his gaze once again and a smile crossed those very lips that I was thinking of, my blush deepened and all I could hear was his laughter.

We surveyed the damage, and the decision was made that it was too wet to work so we all packed up for the day and were preparing to make our way back home again. I was nervous about the hour-long journey back to town, so I silently sat in the ute and kept my eyes straight ahead on the road. He seemed to understand my nervousness and kept quiet and never made an issue of it. We were 30 minutes from the outskirts of town, when he did finally break the silence.

“Do you want me too?”

It was a softly spoken question, almost hesitant and his eyes never left the road as he waited for my reply. I looked over at him, watching his fingers grip the steering wheel tighter and remembered the feel of them on my skin, and I knew I did. All I could do was nod and slide myself closer to him on the seat. A smile touched his lips once more as he put his arm around me. I was enjoying the closeness, and took the opportunity to drive him as crazy as he drove me earlier.

Watching the look of sheer concentration, his determination to keep his eyes on the road, I twisted myself around a little and as my lips met his neck, my hands found his zipper. I heard him tell me a couple of times that he was going to end up hitting a tree if I kept this up, but I seen this as a challenge – he told me before that he had wanted to pull over and take me on the side of the road, and I was trying to see if I could get him to that point.

We were now 15 minutes from town, and I had still not been able to get him to pull over. I wanted him so much at this point, that I just didn’t want him to take me home and pick me back up again in the morning, and with that thought in mind, I replaced my hand on his cock with my mouth. Within seconds I smiled to myself as I felt the ute slow and then stop on the side of the road.

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   I never stopped, but I did feel him moving – trying to get something out of his pocket.

So there we were, parked on the side of the road… my head in his lap, one of his hands gripping my head and the other holding his phone as he tried to keep it together long enough to tell his wife that he would not be back in tonight as he got caught by a washed out bridge.

I swallowed his cum and she swallowed his lie, and then he pulled me back up beside him again, kissed me and turned the ute around. I looked at him questioningly and he explained that his family owned a farm about 2 hours away and that his brothers would not ask any questions….