Family Friend - Part 11


Chapter 38
Jake sat on the front row of the metal bleachers scratching the toes of his sneakers in the dusty dirt. He was waiting for Kristi so they could go swimming, and hopefully more. When he tried calling Steve, Artie, and Michelle none of them were home. He thought it was a little odd that they would all be away that early in the morning, but didn’t tell Kristi no one else was coming with them to the creek.
He thought back to the scene he’d witnessed with Michelle and Artie. In fact, he couldn’t stop thinking about it and it kept making him hornier and hornier. Jacking off helped, but he needed to get laid!
The rattle of a bicycle on the concrete sidewalk caused him to look up and he saw Kristi pedaling toward him. She wore cut-off shorts and a loose white t-shirt, under which he could make out the red of her bikini top. While her tits were smaller than Michelle’s or Angie’s, she had an otherwise perfect body and a very pretty face. She was a little high maintenance, but what girls weren’t?
He stood up as she coasted over to where he sat next to his own bike.
"Hi, Kristi," he said with what he hoped was a warm smile.
She coasted to a stop and slipped off the seat, her long tanned legs straddling the crossbar of her girl’s ten speed.
"Hi," she replied, looking around. "Where is everyone?"
Jake shrugged. "Dunno. No one was home.

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  " Kristi frowned and he quickly added, "But I’m sure they’ll be along soon. It’s going to be another hot one. They’ll show up sometime. "
He went over and leaned in to give her a kiss on her lips. She smiled and kissed him, then sat back up on the seat of her bike, one foot resting on a pedal.
"Let’s get going. I want to get some sun before it gets too hot. "
Jake picked up his bike and they set off toward the creek. He followed a little behind her, watching her small, perfectly shaped ass. He had to a piece of that!
At one point, she looked back at him, a knowing look in her eye. Jake’s eyes went from her ass to her eyes and he grinned. She stuck out her tongue at him and sped off, forcing him to hurry to catch up. She rounded the turn onto the trail to the creek a few minutes later, one leg stretched out as she took the corner as fast as she dared. Her back wheel skidded sideways slightly, but she kept it under control. A quick glance over her shoulder told her Jake was closing fast and would probably catch her if she didn’t hurry.

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   Aiming her bike between the rocks and roots, she went as fast as she could down the rough trail. However, her relatively fragile ten speed wasn’t built for trail riding and within a few seconds, she could hear Jake right behind her, his mountain bike easily handling the rough terrain.
With a laugh and a squeal from Kristi, they clattered through the wooded trail and burst into the clearing at full speed, Jake pulling up beside her as they emerged from the narrow path. They pedaled hard toward the creek, playing a form of chicken to see who would brake first.
Kristi was the first to skid to a stop, just a few yards from the creek bank. She watched as Jake continued pedaling, standing up on the pedals. With a loud yell, he rode straight off the bank, pushing his bike away as he dropped to the dark water. Kristi watched in muted surprise as he went under the water, his bike splashing a few feet further out in the shallower water. He came to the surface quickly, a huge grin on his face.
"Jake, you nut!" she exclaimed, laughing as she ran over to the bank.
Jake simply laughed and swam over to where his bike lay under the water. He dove down and grabbed it, then swam across to the root ladder, dragging it behind him. Fortunately, it was mostly aluminum and wasn’t very heavy and he was easily able to lift it back up to the grass. Kristi helped him pull it up, then looked at him in his dripping wet clothes.
"You’re crazy!" she said, shaking her head, but grinning. 

   Jake reached out and grabbed her hands. She tried to back away, but he was too fast. He pulled her to him. "No!" she cried, struggling. "You’re all wet!"
He pulled her to him, his wet t-shirt pressing against hers, soaking it and allowing the red bikini to show plainly through the wet white cotton. He wrapped his arms around her and grinned as she continued to struggle, although he could tell she wasn’t serious.
"Relax, it’s a hot day! You need to cool off!" he told her, watching her expression.
She gave a few more half-hearted attempts to free herself, then relaxed and looked at him, shaking her head.
"Now my clothes are all wet!"
He shrugged, not easing up his hold on her. "So take ‘em off. I won’t mind!"
She gave him a short laugh. "Ha! I bet you wouldn’t!"
He adjusted his grip so that his hands dropped almost to her smooth ass. "I will if you will," he said in a low, conspiratorial voice.
She stared at him for a few seconds, then laughed again. "You’d like that, wouldn’t you?"
He dropped his hands a little lower and felt her tense when they rested on her ass cheeks.

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"Very much," he replied, his eyes locked on hers.
For a moment, neither moved or spoke. Jake simply rested his hands on her ass, making no move to remove them. Finally, Kristi spoke softly.
"Jake, I think we should . . . "
He interrupted her, a hint of frustration in his voice. "We should what? Stop before things go too far?"
She paused, studying his face. She could feel the adrenalin starting at the thought of what he was implying. Part of her wanted to shove him away and just get on her bike and leave. But another part wanted to explore this a little more. And that part was winning. She inhaled a deep breath.
"Jake .

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   . . "
Again he interrupted, looking straight into her deep blue eyes.
"Kristi, we’ve known each other a long time. We’ve dated before and I think you know how I feel about you. Why can’t we . . . express our feelings? What have you got against . . . " He paused for second, fixed her with a direct stare and said ". . . sex?"
For a moment, her eyes grew wider and he thought she was going to run off in a fit of rage, but then her expression softened and she looked down.


"I don’t have anything against . . . it," she replied. "It’s just that . . . it’s a big step and Michelle and I decided we wouldn’t do until we were sure we were ready. " She looked back up at him. "We made a pact. "
Jake couldn’t stop the thin smile from creeping across his lips. "Oh, really? What kind of pact?"
She pulled away and this time he let her go. She dropped to the grass, sitting cross-legged in the shade of the oak tree. Jake sat down next to her. She plucked at the grass, then took a deep breath.

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"I shouldn’t have told you that. It was supposed to be a secret. "
Jake shrugged. "Aren’t I your boyfriend?" She nodded, smiling at the word. "Then we shouldn’t keep secrets," he added matter-of-factly. He reached out and took her hand. "If you tell me your secret, I’ll tell you one. A really good one!"
She looked up at him. He grinned and his eyes sparkled with anticipation.
"What secret?" she asked.
His grin widened. "Trust me, it’s good! And it concerns Michelle, too. "
Kristi leaned back, thinking. She’d already told him enough that she knew he wouldn’t let it go until she finally told him the rest. And she was very curious of what secret he might have, although she doubted it would be anything spectacular.

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   Michelle was her best friend, after all. What would Jake know that she wouldn’t?
She sat back up. "All right. But you have to promise not to breathe a word to anyone. " He nodded, leaning forward.
"I swear," he said, holding up his hand in the Boy Scout salute.
Kristi took another breath, then looked down, once again plucking nervously at the grass. "Well, Michelle and I decided that neither of us would . . . do it . . . unless we talked about it first. Kind of a second opinion to keep us from doing something stupid.

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Jake stared at her, as if waiting for more. " . . . and . . . ?"
She looked up at him. "And . . . that’s it. We just agreed to look out for one another. So I can’t do anything without talking to her first. " She thought about what she’d just said, and not wanting him to get the idea that once she talked to Michelle, they could have sex, and quickly added, "That is, if I even wanted to.

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Jake stared at her for a long moment until she averted her eyes. "I see," he said finally. "So, let me get this straight . . . " He paused for a moment, seemingly collecting his thoughts. "If you and I decided we were ready, you wouldn’t be able to do anything until you consulted with Michelle, and got her ok?" Kristi nodded, wondering what part of this he didn’t understand.
"Ok," he continued. "And if Michelle wanted to do it, she would come and talk to you first, right?"
Again, Kristi nodded. Jake’s brow furrowed. "Now, you see, that’s the part I don’t understand. "
She looked at him uncomprehendingly. "Why not?"
He leaned closer, looking very concerned. "Because I have it on good authority that Michelle has already done the deed!"
She looked up at him, her eyes wide, then her expression relaxed and she laughed. "Stop it, Jake.


   That’s how rumors get started. "
He held up his hand once again and placed his other hand on his heart. "I swear it’s true. "
She rolled her eyes. "Jake, please. Is that the big secret you wanted to tell me? Because if it is, it’s total bullshit. I don’t know who told you that, but it’s not true. "
He smiled and shook his head slowly. "No, Kristi, it’s the truth. You want to know how I know?" Before she could respond, he said, "Because I saw her!"
Her mouth dropped open for a brief second, then she shook her head. "Please, Jake!" She started to get up, but he took her hand and pulled her back down.
"I’m serious! And do you want to know who she was doing it with?"
Kristi was beginning to get a little angry. While Angie had driven a small wedge between her and Michelle, she still considered her her best friend, and didn’t like what Jake was saying about her; things she knew couldn’t possibly be true. Before she could answer, he leaned even closer.
"She was doing it with Artie! Right here!" He pointed to the spot a few feet away where he had watched Artie and Michelle fucking the day before.

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Kristi stared at him for a moment, then a smile broke out on her pretty face. "Jake, c’mon. Is that the best you can do? At least make it someone I might possibly believe!"
Jake’s face remained serious and he nodded. "I’m telling you the truth. " He quickly recounted how he had come to witness their coupling. Kristi listened to his tale with an amused smile, still not at all convinced.
"Michelle would never do something like that right here where anyone could see her," she said. "And besides, she would have told me about it afterward even if she didn’t talk to me first. " She shook her head. "Nope, I don’t believe it. "
Jake sighed, trying to think of some other way to convince her was telling the truth. Then it came to him.
"All right, if you don’t believe me, the next time you see Michelle, ask her about Artie’s package. "
Kristi was getting up, but stopped, looking directly at him. "His package?"
Jake nodded and pointed to his crotch.

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   "Yeah, you know; his package. His dick. "
Kristi shook her head and stood up. "I’m not going to ask her any such thing! And why would that convince me, anyway?" She pulled her damp t-shirt off and dropped it to the grass. Her nipples were plainly visible through the bikini top. Jake found himself staring, then managed to pull his eyes away.
"Huh? Well, because . . . " He grinned and held up his hand about ten inches apart. "Our Artie has a secret of his own!"
For a moment, she didn’t grasp what he was saying, then her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. "Are you serious?" she asked in a horse whisper. Jake nodded.
"I couldn’t believe it either," he said, shaking his head. Something about the tone of his voice told Kristi that maybe there was some truth to what he was telling her. 

   But no, even if he was telling the truth about Artie, he could have seen his . . . thing anywhere; the showers at gym, for example. That didn’t necessarily mean Michelle was having sex with him. She shook her head and began to unfasten her cutoffs. Jake could see the strings of her red bikini under them.
"Sorry, Jake. That wouldn’t prove anything. You’ve been hanging out with Artie for years. You could have seen that anytime. "
He was ready for that and already had a backup plan. "Fair enough. But what if I told you I know Michelle shaves, except for a tiny little triangle of hair. "
That stopped Kristi short.

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   She was in the middle of taking off her shorts and looked up at him. Michelle had shown her her little patch last summer when she first shaved it and there was no way she would have shown anyone else, especially Jake.
"H . . . how do you know about that?" she asked, slowly pulling her shorts the rest of the way off.
Jake watched her, not even trying to hide the look of wanton lust on his face. He looked up at her face as she straightened up, adjusting her bikini. "I told you, I saw her naked. Here. With Artie. Yesterday. "
Now she thought maybe there was some truth to his wild story. While he could have seen Artie anytime, he would have had to see Michelle naked at some point in the past year to know about her bikini area. Was it true then? Was Michelle having sex? And not just having sex; but having sex with Artie, of all people? She remembered teasing her about liking him earlier on the very day Jake claimed to have seen them.

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   Despite her denial that she was interested in him, she never flat-out said she wasn’t.
"Jake, if this is some fabrication to get me to have sex . . . "
He shook his head. "I swear, Kristi, it’s all true. I wouldn’t lie to you just to get you in bed. "
She looked deep into his eyes and sensed he was telling the truth. So what did this mean? Was Michelle sexually active? If so, she broke their pact. She thought of Angie and suddenly it became clear. Somehow she must be responsible, that little slut. First she stole Steve away, and now her best friend. She sighed and sat down next to Jake.
"So, let’s for the sake of argument say you’re telling the truth. How does that affect you and me?"
Jake shrugged.


   "I didn’t say it did. Just that you shouldn’t let Michelle dictate when you have sex. You should do it when you feel ready. " He could sense her slowly giving in to him and didn’t want to lose the momentum. He reached over and rested his hand on her bare knee. "I really like you a lot, Kristi. I always have. And I think you feel that our relationship is closer now than when we dated before. "
She looked down at his hand but made no attempt top remove it. He was right. She had never allowed him to feel her tits before, and hadn’t even considered touching his cock, even if it was over his shorts. Maybe it was time she stopped acting like a little schoolgirl. After all, she’d be starting high school in the fall. She looked up at Jake and was instantly taken by his rugged good looks and sparkling eyes.
"I .

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   . . I don’t know . . . " she said, averting her gaze.
Jake moved his hand further up her thigh but she still made no move to stop him. She felt another surge of adrenalin as his fingers touched the inside of her thigh, moving closer to her hidden treasure. He slid closer to her and reached out, placing his other hand on her shoulder. She lifted her eyes to meet his and before she realized what was happening they were kissing; softly at first, then with more urgency. When he probed at her lips with is tongue, she parted them and took his tongue into her mouth. She was getting more and more turned on by the second and her mind told her to stop before it was too late, but her heart and hormones told her to keep going; to explore these wonderful new sensations she was feeling. She reached up and placed her arms around his neck, pushing her tongue deep into his throat. She heard him murmur his approval and felt a dampness between her legs. Her head screamed for her to stop it, but she couldn’t.

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   It was all too exciting.
Jake kissed her with a passion that he’d never used before, as if trying to devour her mouth. All the while, he moved his hand slowly up her thigh until he was close enough to feel the heat emanating from her clearly excited pussy. He paused there, driving his tongue deep into her mouth. He heard her murmur and decided to make his move.
Cautiously, he lifted his fingers from her flesh and touched them to her bikini clad pussy. He felt her startle and gasp into his mouth, but she continued to kiss him. Taking it as a sign that she was willing, he pressed his fingers tighter into her swollen labia.
Kristi pulled her lips from his and let out a little cry, something between a gasp and a yelp. Her eyes were closed and he watched her face as he began to rub his fingers up and down her pussy. He could smell her musky aroma and felt her bikini getting a little damp. She was clearly enjoying this!
Suddenly her eyes flew open and she reached down, grasping his wrist.
"N . . .

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   no, Jake. Please stop," she whispered, pulling his hand away.
Jake let out a resigned sigh and removed his hand from her pubic area. He looked into her pretty face but she just looked down, not meeting his eyes. He reached out and touched her hand. She shied away, then relented and took his hand, slowly glancing up at him.
"I . . . I’m sorry, I just . . . I’m not ready for that. "
He stared at her for a long moment without speaking. Not ready!? Dammit, his dick was so hard he thought he was going to explode, and she’s saying she’s not ready?! He sat silently for a few more seconds, then slowly got to his feet.

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   Kristi looked up at him, her eyes sad.
"Please, Jake, don’t go?"
He didn’t look at her for a moment, then slowly turned to her. She caught the look of frustration in his eyes before dropping her eyes. She couldn’t help but see the prominent bulge in his shorts and for a few seconds found herself unable to look away from it. Eventually, she looked back up to his face.
"Kristi, I really like you. A lot. But we’re not little kids anymore. I need more from a relationship than necking under the bleachers and copping a feel once in a while. I have needs. "
She swallowed hard, and met his eyes. "Are . . . are you breaking up with me?"
He looked down into her beautiful eyes, already starting to well up.


   Dammit, why did she have to go and start crying? He sighed and sat back down next to her, taking her hand in is.
"I don’t want to, but like I said, I need more. If you’re not ready, then . . . " He left the sentence unfinished. She knew what he meant. If she wouldn’t put out, he’d find someone who would.
"Dammit, Jake, this isn’t fair!" she said, her voice cracking as her tears began to roll down her cheeks. She looked up at him. "You’re asking me to do something I’m not ready to do. "
He sighed and managed to look into her eyes. Why did she have to cry? He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it softly.
"I’m sorry, Kristi. I have to be honest.

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She looked away, trying to blink back the tears. She really did like him and didn’t want to break up with him. And she was certainly physically attracted to him. She looked toward him, her head lowered and her eyes once again focusing on the bulge in his shorts. Tentatively, she reached out her other hand and placed it on his leg. Maybe if she just touched him a little, he’d be happy with that. After all, she’d done that before.
She raised her eyes to his face and saw he was looking down at her hand. He lifted his head up and met her gaze, then smiled warmly. She smiled back, sniffing away her tears, and moved her hand closer to his throbbing hard-on. Her hand touched the tip and she slowly moved along its length. He watched her face as she did, the same smile still on his lips. She began moving back and forth, still going slow. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.
"Mmm .

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   . . very nice," he murmured.
She began to move a little faster. His shorts were beginning to dry in the stifling heat and she noticed a small wet spot near the tip start to form and grow bigger. She was so caught up in watching it grow that she didn’t see his hand reach out and take hers. Once again, their eyes met.
"Take it out," he whispered, placing her hand back on his bulge.
Kristi swallowed hard. This was as far as she’d ever gone with anyone, ever. She had never touched, or even seen a real cock in the flesh before.
"Jake, I . . . " she started to say as she lifted her hand. 

   He placed his hand over hers and gently put it back.
"We don’t have to . . . go all the way if you’re not ready," he said softly, his eyes on hers. "But couldn’t you just . . . do something? I’m so turned on right now. "
She thought for a moment, then licked her lips and looked down at where her hand was. Would it be so bad? She’d heard of other girls giving hand jobs and they didn’t think it was such a big deal. A little messy, but not so bad.
Or did he mean a blow job? Now that was something completely different. She wasn’t sure she could do that. It seemed so disgusting! He spoke again, interrupting her thoughts.

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"Please, baby. I need some release. " He raised his hips and began to work his bathing suit down. She looked around, wondering if they should be doing this out in the open.
"Wait, Jake," she said, still looking around. He paused, his hands hooked in the waistband of his shorts. She looked back at him. "Let’s go somewhere less open, please?"
Relieved that she didn’t ask him to stop or take him home, he smiled and nodded. He stood up, pulling his shorts back up, then reached out for her hand and pulled her to her feet. They kissed briefly then separated. Jake looked toward the woods where he had hidden to watch Artie and Michelle.
"This way," he said, taking her hand and leading her off. She followed, still uncertain of what she was getting into. All she knew for certain was that she didn’t want him to break up with her. Steve was with Angie, and if Michelle was indeed with Artie, she’d have no one if Jake left her.

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   And there was no way she was going to be the one who was alone!
They made their way into the trees, ducking and moving around low-hanging branches. Jake paused, looking around, then spotted a patch of grass behind two thickly branched spruce trees. He led Kristi over to it.
When they reached the spot, he turned to face her, his hard-on pushing at the fabric of his shorts. Kristi looked up at him, then her eyes dropped again to his shorts. He took both of her hands and placed them on the waistband of his shorts, watching her face. She felt the fabric and the elastic under her fingers, then slipped her fingers under it, his flesh warm on them. She looked up at his face again, and he smiled, nodding. She took a deep breath and began to work his shorts down.
Chapter 39
As Kristi slowly lowered Jake’s shorts, she couldn’t take her eyes from his cock as it slowly came into view. The tip was still in his shorts and she watched as it was slowly revealed to her starting at the base. It was different than what she’s imagined, with rough bumps and a large blue vein running the length of it. Jake was watching her, that same little smile on his face. When she had his shorts low enough to clear the tip, she startled when it popped up, pointing almost straight up.
He helped her take his shorts the rest of the way off, then sat down on them, his hard cock pointing straight up.


   Kristi stood watching him until he beckoned to her.
"Come here. "
She came ut of her daze and moved over to where he sat completely naked on the grass. Her eyes were glued to his cock and she could see the precum starting to ooze from the hole in the tip. It was so big; at least it looked big to her. How was that ever going to go . . . inside her without hurting? It didn’t seem very likely at all.
He reached up and took her hand, pulling her to the grass next to him. She dropped to her knees beside him, only a arm’s length from his throbbing cock, her eyes still riveted to it.
"Here," he said, placing her hand on it.
She tentatively touched it, amazed at it’s hardness. She looked up at him, surprise on her face.
"Is it always .

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   . . like this?"
He smiled wider and shook his head. "No. Only when I get . . . excited. "
She looked back at her hand now wrapped around the hard shaft. She could almost feel his pulse through it and the fluid was starting to run down, coming ever closer to her hand. She looked back to him.
"What do I do?"
He placed his hand on hers and began to move it up and down. "Just stroke it, like this. "
He pulled his hand free and Kristi began pumping it on her own, her hand becoming wet with his secretions. A strong musky scent reached her nostrils; a not unpleasant scent.

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   She looked up at him while continuing her first ever hand job. He was smiling at her and nodding.
"Yes," he whispered, then closed his eyes, leaning back on his arms.
Kristi looked back down at her small hand stroking his cock, then back up to the contented look on his face. Was she really giving him this much pleasure just from what she was doing? Maybe this sex thing wouldn’t be such a big deal after all. It excited her to think she was doing this to him just by this simple act.
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice his hand reach up and cup one of her small breasts until it was already there. She looked down at it, then over to him. He was smiling at her, his fingers kneading the soft flesh gently. She decided not to try to stop him. After all, she allowed him to feel her tits before. Besides, it felt good!
"Take it off," he whispered.
She looked at him, unsure of what he meant.
"Your bikini top," he said, nodding to her chest. "Take it off.

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   I want to see them. Touch them. "
She looked down at her diminutive chest, then fearfully back up at him. No one had ever seen her tits before.
"Come on, baby," he said, his fingers teasing her rock-hard nipple. "I promise you won’t regret it. " He winked at her and gave her that irresistible grin.
At first she was going to say no, then thought about it. It felt pretty good when he felt her over her bikini. It must feel even better on her bare breasts. Besides, she was already here with him in the woods jerking him off. What harm would showing him her tits do?
She began to remove her hand from his cock to do it, but he stopped her. "I’ll do it. " He reached around behind her and tugged at the tie that held it on. It came apart easily and fell free before she even had a chance to try and catch it.

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   Jake took in her bare breasts then smiled up at her.
"Beautiful!" he whispered as he reached up and gently caressed the soft, supple flesh.
She closed her eyes as his fingers brushed across her nipple, her hand still on his cock but moving only intermittently. He didn’t seem to care, his hands moving across first her left tit, then over to the right. She couldn’t believe how good it felt! She closed her eyes, a slight smile coming to her lips.
Jake noticed her expression and grinned. She was starting to come around. If he played his cards right, just maybe she’d give in and finally fuck him!
He continued to caress her breasts, paying particular attention to her nipples. He’d never gone this far with a girl before, but had received plenty of advice from his older brothers on what to do to get them excited. Nipples and clit, they had told him over and over. Learn how to work them and she’d be putty in your hands. So far the nipples seemed to be working.
He adjusted himself so he was closer. She took that as a sign that she was neglecting his cock and began pumping it a little faster. When she closed her eyes, once again caught up in the wonderful feelings he was creating, he moved closer and took one of her hard nipples between his lips.


Her eyes flew open in surprise, then softened. Damn, that felt good! She smiled at him and tentatively laid her free hand on the back of his head, gently urging him to continue sucking her tit. He had no intention of stopping right now and suckled first one, then the other. He licked and sucked on the hard little nubs, teasing them with his tongue and teeth. All the while, his hand continued to squeeze the delicate flesh. This was all wonderful and he was thoroughly enjoying her tits, but his balls were crying for release. He lifted his head from her delicate breast.
"Faster, Kristi," he sighed, putting his hand on hers and moving it faster on his slick shaft.
She increased her strokes, and he moaned in obvious pleasure. She was doing a great job, even though it was a first for both of them. It felt so much better when someone else beat your dick off. This felt great, but he wondered if she would do any more. He’d often fantasized about getting a blow job. Would she do it? He was very aroused and would soon be cumming in her hand, but an idea came to him.
"Baby, that feels really good, but I don’t think it’s going to be enough," he said, his fingers moving across her smallish tits.

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Kristi froze in mid-stroke. What did he mean by that? She looked over at him, his face no longer the twisted look of intense sexual pleasure it had been earlier.
"Wh . . . what? What do you mean?"
He sighed and looked down at her hand on his rock hard shaft. "I’m just not feeling it anymore. " He gave her a look of hopefulness. "Could you, maybe, . . . suck on it?"
Her jaw dropped and a look of horror came over her face. "Wh . . .

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   what? No! Uh-uh! Not that!" She released his cock and began to pull away, but he had a grip on her arm. She tried to pull away, but he held her fast.
"Jake! Let me go!" she cried, trying to twist her arm free.
Resignedly, he released her and she stood up, grabbing her bikini top as she did. He watched as she started to put it back on, frantically trying to come up with a way to keep her there. Then more of his brother’s advice came to him.
"Wait, Kristi, I’m sorry. You didn’t let me finish. "
She glared at him as she reached behind her back and retied her bikini top. "Oh, trust me, we’re finished!" She shook her head. "How can ask me to do that? It’s . . . it’s disgusting!"
He quickly stood up, his still hard cock bobbing straight out in front of him, and took her hands in his. "No, no, it isn’t. 

   And I would of course be returning the favor!"
She just stared at him, his words slowly penetrating her angry and hurt mind. "Returning the . . . what the hell are you talking about?!"
He paused for a few seconds, giving her a chance to calm down a little, then replied, "Well, guys aren’t the only ones who can enjoy oral sex, you know. " He gave her what he hoped was his most charming and irresistible smile. "I bet I can make you feel real good. " When she didn’t reply, only continued to stare in disbelief at him, he added, "I’ll even do you first if you want. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it to me. "
Her look changed just slightly, but he picked up on it. "Look, Kristi, everyone’s doing it. It’s no big deal. " He grinned again. "I bet I can make you squeal in pleasure!"
She looked at him. While the thought of putting his .

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   . . thing in her mouth was still disgusting, the idea of him going down on her was somehow intriguing. She’d heard stories of oral sex and the girls who claimed to have had it done to them said it felt amazing, almost too good to be true. It sounded like heights of pleasure she had never imagined. Sure, she’d masturbated a few times and it felt great, but oral sex was rumored to be so intense they said it felt like they might black out. That might be worth exploring!
But could she do it to him? She still didn’t think so. But the idea of him going down on her somehow made it seem not so . . . repulsive. He was looking at her, waiting for her reply.
"Jake, I . . .

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  " she began.
"C’mon, Kristi. It’ll be fun. " He gave her another dazzling smile and licked his lips, the tip of his pink tongue moving seductively around them. She found herself giving in.
"If I say ok, and this doesn’t mean I am; you go first and if I still don’t want to, I don’t have to. " She folded her arms across her chest defiantly. "That’s the deal. "
He thought about this for a second and figured he better cut his losses and not force the issue. But maybe a little compromise wasn’t out of the question.
"How about if you don’t want to give me a blow job, you still finish your hand job?"
She considered this and nodded. "Ok, deal. "
He grinned at her. "Now you need to get naked too!"
She frowned and looked down at herself. That was something she hadn’t thought about.


   For the first time in her life, a boy was going to see her naked. Jake stepped closer, his cock waggling.
"Come on, Kristi. Let’s see the goods. "
She took a deep breath, then reached behind her back and untied her bikini top once again. She pulled it free and let it drop to the grass. She looked up at him standing completely naked before her. He gestured toward her bottoms and after a moments hesitation she began to wriggle the skimpy thong down. She tried not to think of his eyes watching her as it cleared her neatly trimmed pussy, then pulled it off and stood up, dropping it to the grass with her top. She forced herself to meet his eyes and he grinned at her before his eyes moved over her naked body, slowly taking it all in. She fidgeted nervously, moving her hands from her breasts to her pubic area.
Finally, Jake stepped forward and took her shaking hands. "Try to relax, Kristi. I think you’re going to like this. " At least he hoped she would.

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   According to his brothers, it wasn’t complicated, but he’d never done it before and was a little nervous about screwing it up. He pulled her naked body to his, their flesh pressing together. His hard cock slid up her stomach, leaving a smear of precum on her soft skin. They kissed, a little hesitantly at first, then began to get into it, their tongues darting. Jake let his hands move across her smooth back and down to her perfect little ass, gently cupping and caressing each cheek and pulling her closer.
Kristi was a little unsure. This all seemed to be happening so fast. What was she doing alone in the woods naked with a boy? As Jake began kissing her tenderly and his hands moved over her delicate skin, she felt herself giving in to the amazing feelings. She could feel the soft head of his cock moving along her belly and the heat of the hard shaft pressing on her skin. The feeling was unlike any she’d ever experienced before. Just the idea of his cock touching her in such an intimate way caused her pussy to leak a little and she found herself becoming more and more turned on by what they were doing as her inhibitions slowly eased. She kissed him back, pushing her tongue out to meet his, and actually found herself wanting him to keep going and touch her in other places.
As if reading her thoughts, Jake broke off the kiss and looked into her deep blue eyes. They remained like that for a long moment, their arms around each other. Finally he smiled and stepped back.

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"Come on, lay down," he said softly, indicating the grassy area.
She looked over at it and swallowed hard. She could feel her heart beating rapidly and was at the same time scared and curious. Jake knelt down and kissed her stomach, then tugged downward gently on her hand. As if in a daze, she got to her knees in front of him, her entire body trembling with nervous excitement.
"Just relax," he said with a smile as he brushed her hair from her face. "You’ll love this. "
She managed a smile, then at his urging lay back on the cool grass. It felt soft on her bare skin and the tiny blades tickled her flesh. She lay back with her knees up and together, looking up at him with wide, scared eyes.
He placed his hands on her knees and pushed them slowly apart, opening her sweet little pussy. She closed her eyes and licked her lips, her heart pounding faster than she could ever remember. She felt his soft lips kissing her inner thighs; first one, then the other, moving closer and closer to her now very wet virgin pussy.
When he was so close she could feel his warm breath on her swollen lips, she opened her eyes and looked down at him. She could see his tousled hair between her legs, still damp from his dip in the creek.

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"Jake, I . . . " she began, then let out a long breath as his tongue flicked out and touched her swollen labia. "Ohhhhh . . . " She moaned, once again closing her eyes. It felt so good and all she wanted now was for him to do it again.
He moved closer to her dewy slit, her scent filling his senses and driving him on. He had never smelled an excited pussy before and he found it completely intoxicating. He flicked out his tongue and licked her without hesitation and was rewarded with a taste of her sweet juices and a moan of pleasure from her. He smiled to himself and did it again, this time lushing his tongue into the folds of her labia a little. She stiffened, then relaxed and sighed contentedly. Apparently he was on the right track!
He licked his lips and lifted his head.

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   She was lying back, her hands twisted in the grass and her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and lifted her head slightly so she could meet his eyes, then smiled.
"Is it ok?" he asked.
She nodded. "Yes, please, don’t stop!" Her voice was raspy, breathless. He smiled and went back to her wonderful little twat, once again licking it from top to bottom. Kristi lay back and closed her eyes, reveling in these new exciting feelings.
Jake was also enjoying himself. He was actually liking doing this. When his brothers first told him about cunnilingus, he thought it was a little gross and wasn’t certain he’d be able to do it. But he was getting so turned on by Kristi’s reaction to what he was doing he forgot all about it being gross. He actually liked the taste of her pussy; the smooth wetness of her delicate pink flesh, and the hard little nub the he assumed was her clit because every time his tongue touched it, she let out a small gasp.
Kristi was becoming lost in her own erotic feelings. She could feel herself moving closer and closer to release, but it was nothing like when she masturbated. No, this was much more intense.


   Her entire pubic area was tingling, every nerve on high alert. She could feel the pressure building inside her; increasing with every flick of Jake’s wonderful tongue. Her hands went to her breasts and rubbed her hyper-sensitive nipples, which only served to increase the sensations in her pussy. she knew this was going to be an orgasm like no other she’d ever experienced.
She began to rock her hips against his tongue, increasing the speed of his licking. She was getting closer; ever closer. Her body was on fire, every neuron firing in her brain. Her thoughts became cloudy, her mind focusing only on her ultimate release. She was moaning constantly, becoming louder as her orgasm neared.
Jake couldn’t believe the effect he was having on her. He never would have ever imagined innocent little Kristi acting in such a manner. She was thrusting her pussy upward to meet his mouth, rocking herself against his tongue so that he hardly had to move. All the while, her breathing was becoming heavier and she was moaning steadily. Her body twisted and writhed under him until she finally went stiff, her hips thrust upward. A long cry escaped her lips, eventually fading to nothing and he felt a warm, somewhat bitter fluid seep into his mouth.

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Kristi knew it wouldn’t be long, even though this was her first real non-self induced orgasm. She could feel it growing; the pressure increasing exponentially until she finally released with a low guttural cry. Her body went stiff as the orgasm enveloped her, then she began bucking and twisting on the grass. She grit her teeth together as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced washed through her. She was aware of Jake eventually pulling his mouth from her spasming pussy, yet she continued to cum for several more seconds. As the sensations eased, her body began to relax, occasionally twisting and jerking on the grass. Her breathing was labored and heavy and she finally dropped limply to the grass, her chest rising and falling steadily; completely spent and totally satisfied.
Jake kept his mouth on her pussy as long as he could until her erratic movements forced him to back off. He watched in silent amazement as she continued to cum, her beautiful body writhing on the grass until she finally ceased moving and lay still, her chest rising and falling, her legs spread wide, and the steady rhythm of her breathing the only sound she made. He watched her for a long time, wondering if he should do anything. This was all new to him too and he wasn’t sure if she was all right.
Finally, her eyes flickered open and she looked down at him, a dreamy smile on her lips. She lifted her arms and feebly gestured for him to come to her. He crawled up and she embraced him, pulling him close.
"That was incredible!" she whispered in his ear.

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   She could feel his hard cock pressing against her leg and suddenly wanted him like she had never wanted anything in her life. She was about to tell him so and then reconsidered. She was in no condition to make a rational decision about that right now. No, as much as she wanted him to fuck her until she came again, she had to keep in control. She pulled back and looked into his pale blue eyes. He smiled at her and she returned his smile.
"Are you sure you’re ok?" he asked, a concerned look in his eyes.
She nodded. "Oh, yes. Very ok!"
His look softened and he kissed her quickly on the lips. She licked her lips, tasting herself on them, then lay back, her body still buzzing from the intense orgasm. He watched her, unsure of what to do next. She had him harder than he’d ever been before and he wanted her badly, but didn’t want to blow it. He decided to allow her to make the next move. He needed release badly and was certain he would at least get a hand job, if not something more, if he played it cool. 

They lay together on the grass for several minutes without speaking. Jake was getting pretty anxious and was reconsidering his decision to let her make the next move when she turned to him and spoke.
"Well, you lived up to your end of the deal, so I guess it’s my turn. "
She pushed herself up on her arms and looked at him, then allowed her eyes to drift down to his still very hard cock. She gently pushed him so that he was lying on his back, his erect dick pointing straight up, and began to move down so that she could easily reach it.
Jake watched her until she reached out and began to move her hand up and down his throbbing hard-on, then lay his head back, his eyes still watching her face. She was concentrating on his cock, watching as her hand moved along it, as if fascinated by it. As if sensing him watching her, she looked back at him and smiled.
"Am I doing it right?"
He nodded. "Y . . . yeah! Feels . . .

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She nodded, still smiling, and turned her attention back to her work. He closed his eyes and lay back, enjoying her soft touch. After a few moments, she paused and he opened his eyes to see why. Just as she looked up at her, he saw her lean over him and the next second felt her warm tongue on the tip of his cock.
"Ohhhh, god!" he cried out, amazed at how good it felt.
She raised her head back up and resumed stroking him, her tongue licking her lips. "Did you like that?"
He nodded. "Fuck, yeah!"
She smiled and looked back down at his large purple head. What made her do it, she wasn’t sure. But something came over her and she wanted to lick it; taste it; suck on it. The taste wasn’t great, but it wasn’t that bad either. His reaction to it made her want to try it again. She glanced back over at him and saw he was once again lying back with his eyes closed, enjoying her hand job. Feeling very naughty, she leaned over again and this time she placed her lips on the soft tip.
Jake responded by softly moaning.

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   Her soft, warm lips on his sensitive head almost made him cum right then and there. When she began moving them around, he reached down and gently pulled her head up. She looked up at him, puzzled.
"You don’t like it anymore?"
He shook his head, desperately trying to ease the feeling of impending ejaculation.
"N . . . no, that’s not it. " He managed to get back under control, although he did discharge a large amount of precum, which oozed from the hole in the tip and ran down the side of his hard shaft. "You almost made me . . . " He gestured toward his throbbing dick.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, then gave him a curious look. "Isn’t that what you want?"
He smiled and nodded.


   "Yes, but I didn’t want to . . . cum in your face. "
She nodded, trying to imagine what that would have been like. She’d never seen a guy cum before, of course, and had no idea what to expect. She knew semen came out of his cock, but that was it. She had no idea how much or what it was like. She felt his hand on hers and he moved it back to his hard cock, then looked up at him and saw him smile at her. Without saying a word, she took him in her hand and started to stroke him again, still thinking about how he had almost cum in her mouth.
Jake closed his eyes as her warm hand once again pumped his aching cock. His near orgasm had relieved the urge to cum somewhat and he was hoping she might try to suck him again. But she only continued her hand job, which really wasn’t all that bad at all, and decided just to enjoy it. He felt certain that he’d get another chance later if he let her do what she wanted.
She kept up a steady pace, her eyes moving from his face to his cock.

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   All the while, precum seeped out and coated her hand and his shaft. The scent of him filled her senses and urged her on.
After only a few minutes, he began to feel the familiar stirrings in his balls. He leaned up on his elbows and watched as the pretty blonde jacked his cock, still looking back and forth from his face to his cock. She smiled at him.
"Are you ok?"
He nodded, licking his dry lips. "Y . . . yeah. Almost there," he panted.
She held his eyes for a few more seconds until he closed them, his face contorting into an almost pain-like grimace.
"Oh, fuck!" he groaned through clenched teeth.
She watched, fascinated as his face became flushed and he groaned even louder. A second later, she felt a warmth on her hand and looked down to see a milky white fluid spurting from his cock and running down over her hand.

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   Startled, she quickly let go of his cock, but he grabbed her hand and pushed it back.
"P . . . please, don’t stop!" he gasped.
Hesitantly, she ignored the warm, sticky mess and resumed jerking him off. He sighed and leaned back, moaning and shaking while his seed continued to ooze from his hard cock.
After a few seconds, he relaxed and opened his eyes, smiling at her. She still held him and managed to smile back.
"W . . . wow!" he said, his eyes moving over her naked body. "That was great, Kristi!"
She looked down at his cum splattered stomach and her own sticky hands and was thankful he hadn’t cum when she was kissing his cock. This stuff was everywhere and the thought of it in her mouth almost turned her stomach.

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   Tentatively, she lifted her hand to her nose and took a sniff of the musky smelling excretion. She turned up her nose and looked at him, grimacing.
"This stuff stinks!" she said, wiping her hand on the grass.
Jake grinned and chuckled. "I hear some girls like it," he replied.
"Well, not me!" she replied.
She finished wiping her hand off, then found her bikini bottoms and stood up to pull them on. Jake watched her slip her long legs through the skimpy thong and pull it up. Then she picked up her top and held in place, turning so her back was to him, and held her hair aside.
"Would you mind tying my top?"
He stood up, his softening dick waggling, and retied the string. "How do you know if you’ve never tried it?"
She turned around, giving him a disgusted look. "Ewww! You’re kidding, right?"
He shook his head and reached down for his own shorts. "No, not at all," he replied as he stepped into them and pulled them up. "I’ve heard some girls swallow it and actually like doing it. "
She stared at him for a moment, then shook her head, laughing.

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   "Right. Sure they do!"
She turned to walk back to the clearing, but he took her arm and turned her back to face him. "I’m serious. If you don’t believe me, look it up on the net. "
She studied his face for a few seconds, then shook her head. "If you think I’m doing that because it’s on some internet porn site, you’re nuts!" She shook his arm loose and turned again toward the clearing. This time he let her go and followed her. No point in pushing the issue. He was making headway and didn’t want to scare her off.
"All right, I’m not asking you to," he said as they made their way through the thick foliage and back to the clearing. They were still alone, which kind of surprised Jake. It was almost noon and he was certain that by now the others would be here. What were they doing, he wondered?
"Good," she replied. "Because it’s not going to happen. "
He sighed.


   Well, at least he had gotten her naked and gave her an incredible orgasm. That may loosen her up a little and pave the way for more adventures.
"Wanna take a swim?" he asked, knowing she’d refuse. He needed to get cleaned up so he was going in whether she did or not.
"I think I will," she replied, surprising him. She caught his look. "I need to wash this . . . stuff off of me. "
He nodded, smiling to himself. She could wash it off, but the scent would stay with her for a while. They jumped in and quickly cleaned up. Kristi immediately got out, but Jake paddled around for a bit, enjoying the cool water. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out why she would rather bake in the hot sun all day than cool off with a refreshing swim.

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   He decided he’d never figure her out and it wasn’t worth trying to do. He climbed up the ladder and went over to where she was sitting on her towel, brushing her wet hair. She looked so good with the water still beading on her tanned skin.
He sat down cross-legged beside her and watched her finish with her hair. She tried to ignore his lustful stares, but eventually turned to him.
He shrugged and grinned. "Nothing. You just look really nice. "
She managed a smile and put her brush in her small backpack, then leaned over and kissed him.
"I have to go soon," she said after they separated.
He looked up and judged by the sun it was sometime around noon. "It’s still early. Can’t you stay a little longer?"
She shook her head. The truth was she had nowhere she had to be and would have enjoyed spending a few more hours here with him. But she didn’t trust herself to be alone with him right now.

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   If she was willing to get naked and put her lips on his . . . thing, then jerk him off, there’s no telling what might happen if they stayed here alone together. And as much as she thought she might like what might happen, she didn’t think she was ready for it yet.
"I promised my Mom I’d do some chores," she lied, not meeting his eyes.
The look of disappointment on his face was evident, but he quickly recovered, giving her an almost convincing smile.
"Ok. Do you have to go now?"
She nodded and slipped her t-shirt back on. It had dried in the time they were fooling around, but her still wet bikini quickly dampened it again. Despite that, she pulled on her shorts and collected up her backpack.
"I’m sorry, but I promised. "
He picked up his own clothes and picked up his pack. "It’s ok, I understand. "
She could tell how disappointed he was, but held her ground and went over to where they had left their bikes. 

   As they made their way up the path in silence, she thought again about what they’d done. She still couldn’t believe she had allowed it go so far. She didn’t really regret it, but was thankful it hadn’t gone any further. Was she ready to go all the way? Maybe. But was Jake the one? She looked ahead at him. His back was smooth and well toned and he was certainly handsome. And she really did like him. She needed to talk to Michelle. They had always talked about guys together and really needed her opinion.
And what about Michelle? Was Jake right about her losing her virginity? To Artie, of all people? That was something else she needed to confirm, but wasn’t sure how to bring it up. She didn’t want to get Jake in trouble for spying on them, so she’d have to approach the subject subtly.
They reached the street and turned toward the school, still riding in relative silence. She stole a quick glance at Jake and he seemed lost in thought. He caught her look and gave her a quick smile, but said nothing. He must be as caught up in what happened as she was, and it was some comfort to her that he appeared not to be taking it too lightly.

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They arrived at the school and stopped at the bleachers.
"Ok, then, I guess I’ll see you later," she said, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah," he replied. "I’ll call you. "
She nodded. "Ok, bye. " The leaned in and gave each other a quick peck on the lips.
"See ya," Jake said as she pedaled away.
He watched her go until she rounded the side of the school, then got on his bike and pedaled slowly in the other direction. Where was everyone? They must all be off together; Steve and Angie, and Michelle with Artie. He shook his head, still finding it hard to believe that Artie had landed someone like Michelle. It had to be because of that huge dick he was sporting. Why else would a beautiful girl like Michelle be interested in geeky little Artie?
He sighed and pointed his bike toward the center of town. At least he was making some headway with Kristi. Hopefully she would soon give in and he too would lose his virginity.

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. . . more to come - stay tuned.
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