NP reviews
Mitglied seit: 24-07-2013Land: ZypernStadt: Nicosia | PN senden |
Alisa reviews 07-05-2024
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2024-05-07 1 hour Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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Overall Alisa is of high standards and justifies her hourly fees comparing with some other girls that have lower rates but in fact are lost money. I will definitely arrange to meet her again before she leaves from Nicosia. Thank you Alisa for the lovely time and I will see you soon.
KIRA VIP reviews 24-03-2024
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2024-03-18 1 hour Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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A very beautifull face with unbeleivable sexy body and an ass to die for it, she makes me horny every time I see her. She takes initiatives but also she follows instructions and you feel that she is there for you to the point that you may beleive that is your girlfriend and she was waitting the time to see you for a long time. She gives plenty of kisses and for me is a girl that you are making love with her not only sex. She is indeed one of my best experience that I have in escort business and when I meet her I always realise that i miss her a lot.
Dear Kira, take care of yourself and please come more often in Nicosia, please….. -
KIRA VIP reviews 26-02-2019
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2019-02-17 1 hours Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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On the session now, she has a perfect shaped silicone breast ‘C cup’ that you want to touch them throughout the meeting, a very sexy ass, the blowjob was wet and deep and during our meeting she was very active and she didn’t say no to anything that I asked and she didn’t looked her watch for the time. Unfortunately I booked only for 1 hour and at the end I wanted to stay more but I didn't have the time to stay.
Thank you Kira for your time. I am looking forward to see you again and I hope to be very soon, kisses, Nicolas.
Sofia reviews 08-12-2018
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2018-10-10 1 hours Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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On the session now, I think I had sex with my girlfriend. My tongue couldn’t stop licking her sweet pussy, then the blowjob was wet and deep. We were both ready for the explosion, and we entered into the action, it was a mutual attraction, you are making love with that woman and not just sex. You feel her body in your body and you are wondering if this is real or you are dreaming. Perfect match. You wish the clock to stop in order to enjoy the moment not for 1 hour but for days and weeks. Everything was perfect, the sex with her was fantastic, kissing, touching, sweet French kisses, an innocent beauty, she didn’t say no to anything that I asked and during our meeting she didn’t looked the watch for the time. Adding to the above the clean towels, the clean shower and the music that she put, I think, I had the most passionable meeting in my life.
I left the room with a big smile on my face and thoughts when to see her again, So guys, please treat her with respect in order to gain the best from her, she is not a porn star for quick session but you can have the best GFE in your life if you are clever enough...
Thank you Sofia for the magic, I will see you soon, kisses, Nicolas.
Adel reviews 09-05-2018
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2018-05-09 60 min Limassol : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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On the session now, I think I had sex with my best girlfriend. She has a perfect shaped silicone breast ‘C cup’ that you cannot stop kissing it and touching it throughout the meeting, then this sweet kissable pussy, my tongue couldn’t stop licking it, then the blowjob was wet and deep. We were both ready for the explosion, and we entered into the action, it was a mutual attraction, you are making love with that woman and not just sex. You feel her body in your body and you are wondering if this is real or you are dreaming. Perfect match. You wish the clock to stop in order to enjoy the moment not for 1 hour but for days and weeks.
Thank you Adel for everything, and I hope I will see you soon.
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2018-02-26 1 hours Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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Having saying the above, it is obvious that you need to treat her well in order receive the most from her in bed and GFE. In my opinion she is not the girl for a quick session but the girl for long term meetings, in order to discover her world and believe me this girl has many things to discuss. Her English are very good so for those who are looking for an ‘escort’ for outing (dinner etc) she is the right one and believe me all the people in the restaurant they will envy you.
On the session now, I think I had sex with my best girlfriend. She has a perfect shaped silicone breast ‘C cup’ that you cannot stop kissing it and touching it throughout the meeting, then this sweet kissable pussy, my tongue couldn’t stop licking it, then the blowjob was wet and deep. We were both ready for the explosion, and we entered into the action, it was a mutual attraction, you are making love with that woman and not just sex. You feel her body in your body and you are wondering if this is real or you are dreaming. Perfect match. You wish the clock to stop in order to enjoy the moment not for 1 hour but for days and weeks.
After we finished she informed me that she is in the business for only 1 year and she has a target to earn some money very quick and to stop as soon as possible because she is not the girl for that job. She also informed me that she may not visit Cyprus again. I was very sad for those information because I thought that I found a girl in Cyprus for regular meetings, but, unfortunately all the good things in life are short term, like happiness. However, I am very happy that I met such girl and I will keep this memories for ever. Thank you Liliana for everything and I wish to change your mind and visit Cyprus again. Kisses.
APRIL_SF reviews 11-12-2017
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2017-12-10 30 min Nicosia : 6.0: 7.0: 10.0Kuss
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I am waiting now for the next good thing from that agent. I understand that the agent could not try the employees before release to the clients, so we have these surprises from time to time. Anyhow, it is just my opinion, for some other colleague here April may be the perfect girl, I don't know. -
Vanesa_SF reviews 18-11-2017
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2017-11-11 30 min Nicosia : 8.0: 9.0: 10.0Kuss
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Overall I had a good time with her and I am looking forward when she will be back in Nicosia with the new year in order to meet her again for longer time.
Thank you Safari for the girl. I suggest to my fellows in the website to write reviews, good or bad for the girls from Safari agent because is by far the best agent in Cyprus, despite the fact that some girls are below our expectations because the agent usually sends high standard girls in relation to quality and behavior.
P.S. DO NOT TRUST reviews from website users that have 1-5 reviews in total. Usually they are written by the girls their self or by low quality agents and are completely lies!!! Usually the post date of the 1st review is the same date as the signed up date of the user.
VERONIK_SF reviews 09-11-2017
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2017-11-06 30 min Nicosia : 10.0: 5.0: 5.0Kuss
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Ξεκίνησα από το τέλος για να περιγράψω ίσως την χειρότερη μου εμπειρία με escort girl. Το κορίτσι δεν το έχει καθόλου, λάθος δουλειά κάνει. Είναι τόσα πολλά που θέλω να γράψω που δεν ξέρω τελικά αν αξίζει να ασχοληθώ μαζί της. Βαριόταν να μιλήσει, τσιμπούκι σχεδόν ανύπαρκτο, φιλιά δεν δίνει, στο κρεβάτι δυσανασχετούσε κάθε φορά που έμπαινα μέσα της, με το παρακάλιο να αλλάξει στάση, 5 λεπτά πριν το τέλος μου είπε φτάνει, πρέπει να τελειώσεις και τραβήχτηκε πίσω και μου ζήτησε να τον παίξω μόνος μου, και άλλες πολλές μαλακίες που έκανε κατά την διάρκεια που σε ξενερώνει με το καλημέρα.
Θα μου πείτε ρε μαλάκα γιατί δεν έφυγες από την αρχή? Θα μάθετε την απάντηση όταν την δείτε. Είναι μοντέλο, πανέμορφη, τέλειο κορμί, που λες, θα την γαμήσω και χαλάλι τα νεύρα που θα κάνω μαζί της. Τελικά για να γράφω αυτό το review σημαίνει ότι ακόμα έχω τα νεύρα μου μαζί της μετά από 4 μέρες (και να σημειώσετε ότι την επομένη μέρα πήγα με την Marina από το ίδιο γραφείο για να μου φύγουν τα νεύρα αλλά ακόμη τίποτα). Καλή τύχη σε όσους την δοκιμάσουν.
Ella reviews 13-05-2017
Treffdatum Dauer Stadt Aussehen Dienst Mitteilung 2017-05-12 1 hours Nicosia : 10.0: 10.0: 10.0Kuss
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I was not excited at all with the idea to meet her and I was late for the meeting for 15 minutes. When I found her block of flats I thought that something is wrong here. It is a very luxury building to have an escort girl here. Anyway I sent again a text to confirm her apartment number and I was thinking what to say in case someone else is in the flat (ie not that escort girl). She opened the door and I was shocked from her beauty, face, eyes, body, style. I asked her to confirm if she is ELLA and she said yes, come in... and I entered to the paradise, a very clear and luxury apartment, a sexy girl with sexy clothes and me for 1 hour.
Everything was perfect, her attitude, her energy, her smile, the sex with her was fantastic, kissing, touching, she didn’t say no to anything that I asked and during our meeting she didn’t looked her watch or her mobile. Adding to the above the clear towels, the clear shower, the dressing room, the music, we had the perfect meeting.
I left with a smile and thoughts when to see her again, I am sure that she worked in modeling in the past and she is new in escort services. So guys, please treat her with respect in order to gain the best from her, she is not a porn star but you can have the best GFE in your life if you are clever enough...
Thank you ELLA for the magic, I will see you soon, in Paris next time, for long meeting, kisses, Nicolas.