
The Other Room Chapter 1


The Wife’s Story“I admit that right from the outset of our marriage I was willing to be the submissive wife. My husband, I knew, had an appetite for the more unconventional practises like tying me up or spanking me. By the end of the first year we had sampled most things, even water sports. Up until then though sex was just between we two but many times we had flirted or teased in front of certain friends who like us were broadminded. My husband, who I shall call Ben, though that isn’t his real name enjoyed me dressing sexily and sometimes I would exhibit myself for the delight of his pals – though not too blatantly. With spirits high from a good night out it would transpire that by midnight we would be left having late drinks with a few friends that hung back – generally male. As the alcohol did its work very often the flirting would get to the stage were I would be giving or receiving little kisses and hugs as we talked or danced and the language and jokes would become very raunchy indeed. Over time I noticed how much all this turned my husband on to the point he encouraged me to be nice to his pals. The turning point was probably when one fellow was celebrating his birthday and we were all back at our place after a night in the bars. “Give him a kiss – for his birthday!” declared one lad loudly. Well I did – a little peck on the cheek then a slightly longer one on the lips. “Give him a proper one – with a bit of passion!” said another. When I caught Ben’s eye it was obvious to me that he was very excited by all this and he actually gave me a nod of approval. Well, I allowed the man to kiss me with a little more zest but the others were disappointed. It seemed the man was reluctant to let himself go in front of an audience and it wasn’t very sexual at all. Though as it was long and drawn out it was enough to fire the imagination of my husband - and I think his friends!It was then that I heard for the first time, “Why don’t you take him into the other room?”My husband was the one who uttered the words and quickly he told us why he had suggested it.

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   Nonchalantly he said that as it was his pals birthday and as he didn’t have a regular girlfriend of his own I should treat him to a “real kiss or two” – whatever that meant. “Seeing as you’re so uptight and don’t like us watching or making fun of your efforts you can go into the other room with Jane. Look on it as a birthday treat from me to you. ”There was a certain charge in the air as I led the man through the door. He however was a little shy and bashful. As I closed the door behind me Ben’s eyes told me he was thinking lustful things – it was really exciting him. In short by that time I was turned on and had to take the initiative with the man who was still nervous. It was partly just fun, flirting – but partly me wanting to take it further. I pressed against him and rotated my hips and pushed my tongue into his mouth. Wanting more I slipped my hand in front of my body and popped open a couple of buttons on my blouse. Drawing back I let him see my lacy bra hoping it would fire him up. I nuzzled my face into his neck and slowly took his hand to place it over my breasts. I whispered to him to it was OK to play with my tits – then I dropped my hand to his crotch to cover the bulge in his pants. We stayed a while – it was the first time that I had felt another man since being married and I loved it. It became very passionate and tense but went no farther than groping.

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   When we eventually and very coyly returned to the main room we were both very bedraggled and flushed. I had forgotten something – to refasten the buttons of my blouse – and what an effect it had! All now sported bulges in their pants – but none were as excited as my husband Ben. “Now what have you two been up to in there?” one of the men laughed. “Done more than have a sloppy kiss I bet!”After that the atmosphere changed and indeed it changed things for good. Over the following days Ben made it clear to me how much he had enjoyed seeing me come out of that room with blouse undone and imagining what I had been doing. He questioned me on what had happened and as I confessed to rubbing the man’s crotch he became amazingly aroused. He made it clear he wanted me to do it again – and I willingly agreed to oblige. It became the normal way to finish off an evening out with those almost handpicked friends staying behind with us. While we were all together the behaviour became raunchier as the game progressed and the men gained confidence knowing it was alright to kiss and feel me. However my husband wasn’t just content just to watch me kissing his friends while they touched my tits or whilst I teased them by seductively unbuttoning my blouse. His kink was that he still wanted me to go into the other room with a man – to push the boundaries of sexual behaviour further. His delight was for me to play with his cock while I confessed what I had been up to – every little detail. I have no idea how he explained things to his friends or whether he swore them to secrecy. Whatever he did say all felt comfortable and willing to play the little game and it went on for a long time. Sometimes, as we all just sat and chatting and drinking at the end of an evening I would find each man taking a turn to sit with me for a while and indulge in what could be described as a petting session.


   The others would carry on chatting or enjoy watching until they became aroused and demanded a “turn” with me. As we got more outlandish I would fully unfasten my blouse and tease them giving a little dance. My husband would ask me leave it unfastened for the rest of the evening to let his friends take in the sight. Needless to say the bra’s I wore had become more and more flimsy and see through. More and more now when the atmosphere had become really charged up and a man was getting really carried away the suggestion would come up. “Why don’t you take him into the other room?”It was always the same – the tension - the expectancy – sometimes I sensed envy and jealousy from the other men because it wasn’t their “turn”. Now no one joked and asked what we had been doing – it was known now that to go into the other room was purely to indulge in sexual activities with me - their friend’s wife. Of course now it was more than just putting my hand over bulging trousers. While most wanted to expose my tits and play and suck whilst I masturbated them others liked to pull my skirt up over my hips and would get to their knees kissing my thighs and fingering my hole spending ages just looking and touching. The first time I told my husband of a man pulling up my skirt and how he kissed between my legs over my panties and hose it was he who excitedly told me that in future I should wear stockings and lacy panties to give the men more access. I enjoyed my sexual freedom and now I was asking men to perform oral sex on me until I reached orgasm. I had no qualms about telling Ben that in the other room I had taken off my panties and held the head of one of his friends between my legs and virtually fucked his face till I came! So too I was usually willing with most of them to return the favour and take their cocks in my mouth swallowing their “cum”. Another favourite activity and one that excited Ben immensely was when a man masturbated while I knelt before him having taken out my tits. For his pleasure – and the others - I would walk back into the room with blouse undone and wet stain blatantly showing. The thrill experienced as my husband and his friends watched me lead a man from the room or as we re-entered was incredible – almost as exciting as what went on in-between!I was now their sex toy and it was always assumed that at the end of a Saturday night they would all be free to take some sort of sexual pleasure with me.

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   I was never asked – but as I have admitted I was always the submissive one. In front of my husband men would play with my tits, get me to pull my skirt high to show my panties, tell me to spread my legs wide – but still Ben would want me to take someone into the other room. Then things changed again which pushed us more into the world of perversion. Up to now I had not allowed anyone to actually fuck me – Ben had told me not to. One day he told me that I should – he wanted me to let men fuck me then for me to relate the details. He also said we should find other games to play but I didn’t ask him what sort. In fact it was the first time I protested and refused his request – and he went berserk – he dragged me upstairs and spanked me, very hard. Not happy with that he brought out a strap and “leathered” my bare arse. By the end of that session I promised to do anything he asked!It was as though the men knew of Ben’s kink – they must have been given a clue at least. Now as I was requested to put my hand inside the pants of one of his friends while the others chatted – and of course watched – one would tell me to go into the other room with him. In there they would waste no time now in either asking, or telling me to take off my panties and fucking me hard. Something else had changed too – it wasn’t just one lucky one – one night when I was putting my panties back on to return to the lounge the man stopped me. “Leave them off!” he said curtly. The way he looked told me he was confident my husband would have no objection. I obeyed and when we entered the sitting room he pushed me on the knee of another of his friends – at the same time making sure my skirt was riding high.

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   Again it was as though the others knew something I didn’t – the room went quite quiet. Positioned so I was facing the others the man whose knee I was sat on let his hand creep up my thigh. I moved to restrict him but then saw Ben’s face – I had better obey. There was heavy breathing as the men watched and a couple of them actually began to play with their cocks. “I can feel the sperm running out of your cunt!” he said mockingly making the others grin. Then he slowly pulled my skirt up to show the entire room my bare pussy while he fingered me. It was then that I noticed Ben – he had taken out his penis and was smiling as he watched and pulled slowly on it. That evening all six men individually took me into the room to fill me with their sperm. So that’s how it went on – for several years. Sometimes there would be a break – as though they had become bored – nothing would happen for months. Always though the games would start up again and I will freely admit that at times if nothing happened for a while I would miss the sex. As time passed I knew that Ben was harbouring even more perverted thoughts. Before I had become pregnant with our first daughter there was a time when he would encourage two men to grope me together while he watched. I would be seated in front of him with legs spread wide while one man had his hand in my cunt and the other had my tits out. He would tell them to make me masturbate them before being taken into the other room.

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   One night as one man stood up and I prepared to follow him my husband surprised us all. “Both of you take her – take her together!”I was led into the small lounge and fucked hard by one and at the same time the other used my mouth. Ben was overcome with lust and I had to tell him every detail many times. Another occasion was when one night we had gone back and I was pouring the drinks. “Take your skirt off!” demanded Ben in front of the others. I did so and finished handing the drinks then he spoke again. “Now take off your panties!” I have to admit that this aroused me too – because there was something different about this night – two other men who I had never met before had joined us for the late drinks. Over the years I had enjoyed the sex a lot more than I admitted to Ben. Inevitably though in spite of the variations it had become stale and predictable – the same faces. Incredibly the buzz I got from standing in the middle of that room and letting my skirt fall to the floor in front of those strange men thrilled me intensely. When I looked at their faces as Ben commanded me to take my panties off it made me almost come there and then. Pretending to look shy and nervous – which turned them on even more – I stood in front of them with legs open wide enough to let them see my open cunt. I enjoyed their stares and waited patiently for the expected command. “She’s very obliging – likes to please our guests!” said my husband. “Darling – show them the other room,” he added quietly.

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  I felt all eyes on my arse as I walked in front of the men into the second lounge. After sucking each in turn for a while I manoeuvred both so cunt and mouth were filled at the same time – and I really enjoyed it! For the first time in ages I eagerly and enthusiastically waited in the room while all the others duly took their turn, singly or double. Ben made me confess all – how much I had enjoyed the different cocks – how I got a thrill from performing in front of new men. After we had talked he had got me to admit that I was just as perverted as he and I would be willing and very happy if he found other different men to join us. I told Ben I loved having strange cock and he fucked me like never before. It caused things to fall flat for a while because as we both had admitted needing new thrills the usual faces almost made it boring. Some men though started to move on and left the area but it left three friends who from time to time joined us. Ben had banned sex with others for another reason – we had had a child and for a while we went back to being “normal”. We still indulged once in a while and even met a couple of men one night who we invited back to our place. I think finding ourselves with these men drinking late at night rekindled thoughts and desires as we remembered the past years. It was unplanned but I could read Ben’s mind when I went off to put on something more comfortable!Talking stopped when I re-entered the room – the men sat with gaping jaws. I could see they wondered whether or not I realised just how see through my silky nightgown was and they looked at Ben as though waiting for him to point out my discretion. Of course he didn’t and as I walked around replenishing drinks he tried to keep the conversation flowing normally. Underneath I had kept on stockings and suspenders but removed my bra making the effect more erotic. Ben made sure that I sat next to him right opposite the two men and after waiting for their arousal and lust to build up as they ogled me he began telling them what a “good sporting wife” I was.

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   His terminology confused them a kittle but as he affectionately put his arm around me and drew me toward him I let my gown fall open showing my legs almost to my crotch. They were definitely interested and I couldn’t wait for the chance to let them fuck me. My husband kissed me while he told them how good I was and soon the kisses between us had become very passionate indeed. While all laughed and joked the atmosphere was one of sexual arousal – then I raised the stakes. I let my knee swing open just enough to let them glimpse my pussy. As the next half hour was carefully stage managed by Ben I found myself doing a slow dance with one man in front of me while the other sat listening to Ben making remarks about my “hell of a body”. The two halves of my gown had almost separated and both men strained their eyes trying to catch the detail of my most private bits. I had become incredibly turned on. As the men removed their jackets and took turns to dance and smooch with me Ben made a suggestion. “Why don’t you go into the other room and show them the photo album we keep in there?”We did indeed have an album of sexy photos of me but I knew that’s not what he really meant. I began to tingle and took a deep breathe as I sauntered through the door into the small lounge – I heard Ben suggest that one of them should accompany me. Turning slowly to face the man as I opened the drawer containing the book I discreetly at the same time slipped one half of the top of the gown over my left bosom baring my nipple. I stood silently in front of him and listened to his heavy excited breathing as he realised I was offering myself to him. Very seductively I took hold of the loose sash holding my gown together and gently pulled until the garment separated showing my naked body save for my stockings and suspenders. In a whisper he asked, “What about your husband?”In a whisper I replied, “Don’t worry about him.

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  ”He gently pushed me backward and sat me on the chest of drawers – then took out his penis letting his pants fall to the ground. As he pushed his cock inside me I wrapped my legs around his waist and put both arms around his shoulders to balance – then he began to fuck me – very hard!I wasn’t at all surprised when after only a couple of minutes the door opened and in walked the man’s friend with eyes agog. For a little while he watched unbelievingly until he had the urge to approach me and knead my breasts, then taking out his cock placed my hand around the shaft. When I felt a spurt of fluid shoot inside me I knew they would waste no time to swap over and soon I was being well fucked by the second man. There was no doubt about my liking for new cock and what a session it led to with Ben my husband when the men had left!”We will stop here as this was the point that the wife, Jane, needed time to reflect. Next time we shall hear how the boundaries of their unusual sex life were pushed back even further. .

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