The Incubus
Tossing and turning, Paige Barlow tried unsuccessfully to find a comfortable sleeping position. She rolled over on her side, only to see the dim red numbers on her bedside clock show that it was now three thirty in the morning. She groaned and said out loud, "Good grief, I have to get up in just three hours, I just gotta get some sleep!" In another fifteen minutes or so, sleep over took her tired body, but it was far from fitful as she tossed and turned, slipping in and out of unconsciousness, caught in that nether world between sleep and awake. As the clock ticked towards five o'clock, something very strange began happening to Paige's body!!! Her vagina became very wet, totally aroused and ready for intercourse, and while she was vaguely aware that something sexual was overtaking her, she was powerless to stop it. Slowly her whole body was enveloped by this "force", this sexual presence that seemed to fill her very existence. She trembled as it rushed through her, making every pore of he skin seem like a mini vagina until she was exuding sexuality in a way she had never felt before!!! Although not conscious, she was aware of everything that happening to her, that feeling that her entire being was a huge sex organ. Then it hit her, she felt something or someone inside of her driving her to the most massive orgasm she had ever felt in her young life! She screamed in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her, ripping away her modest mid western demeanor in the process, and then just as quickly as it started, it was over! Limp as an old dish rag, with sweat popping out all over her, she awoke, barley able to move, all of her energy sapped by the mystical presence!!!She fell back into a deep sleep, not even hearing the alarm clock's loud buzz, as she slept straight through until noon. When she finally came to, she struggled into the bathroom, getting under a cold shower, trying to regain her senses. Still weak as a kitten, she called the office and told them that she wouldn't be in due to illness, and then went to the kitchen to get something to eat. "My god," she thought, "what the hell happened to me last night!" Although her sex life wasn't exactly on fire at the moment, she had enough orgasms through regular sex, as well as masturbation, and while she had heard about wet dreams, but she thought that that was a male thing, at least ways until now, but there was no mistaking it, she had had an orgasm in her sleep! "Well," she opined to herself, "no harm in that I guess," and then commenced cleaning up her lunch dishes until finally feeling more like herself, she went out and ran a few errands, soon forgetting about her experience from the night before.
The next morning she was off to work early, knowing she had a lot to make up because of yesterday's absence, so she hopped on the bus and took a seat about halfway back from the driver.
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She was the ultimate female, and she was being taken by an unknown force! Again, she screamed when her vagina was rocked by the most intense orgasm any female had ever experienced! When she finally opened her eyes, thirty five other passengers were staring at her, wondering what had caused this twenty five year old woman to have what appeared to be an intense sexual episode on a crowded city bus!!! She would have gotten off at the next stop, but as was the case yesterday morning, she couldn't move a muscle, but thankfully by the time the bus reached down town, she had just enough strength to wobble to the exit door and make it to the street. She hoped she could walk the remaining block to her office, but she really wasn't sure that she could!!!When she finally plopped down in her chair, she was still feeling the effects of her on bus orgasm and several of her coworkers stopped by to see if she was okay. She merely nodded and told them that she was still a little weak from the flu and that she would be all right, while not believing those words even as she spoke them! Twice in the last forty eight hours she had been racked by the most vicious orgasms she could possibly imagine, both having left her shaken and trembling, and while she had always had a healthy attitude towards sex, there was something almost sinister about what was happening to her. As good as it had felt, there was an under current of malevolence surrounding the whole affair. The main problem was what was causing it, and what if anything could she do about it if she did find out what was going on! Paige spent the rest of her day immersed in her work, trying not to dwell on whether it would happen again, but the only thing she was sure of so far, was that in both cases she had been sleeping when she was over taken. "Oh great," she thought, "all I have to do is never fall asleep again and everything will be all right!" At six pm sharp she left her office and headed for the bus stop, anxious to get home and take a hot bath and get to bed. She was mentally and physically fatigued, and her usually sharp mind had been dulled by the past days events. While standing by the bus stop, a rather odd thing occurred, that on any other day would have meant nothing to her. An old woman, a bag lady for lack of a nicer term, was approaching her on the sidewalk pushing a shopping cart. In a city the size of Chicago, this was not an uncommon event, so Paige hardly paid any attention to her as she moved haltingly through the rush hour crowd. It wasn't until she was almost on top of her that Paige realized she was trying to make eye contact with her!!! When their eyes met, they locked together, making a cold shiver run down her spine! She tried to look away, but something held her in the gaze of the old woman, a feeling she had previously felt during her two episodes of the last two days. Closer and closer the old woman came, causing Paige to feel that she might actually have a panic attack right there on La Salle Street! When they were but inches apart, the old woman whispered in a husky voice, "You are one of us now, in due course you will understand your place! Incubus!!!!" Just as quickly as she had appeared, the old woman was shuffling off down the street, glancing back at Paige, again causing her to shiver at the mere sight of the old woman's face. "Incubus," Paige thought, as she boarded her north bound bus, "I've never heard that word before, I wonder what it could mean?!?" "Probably nothing," she reassured herself, "she was just an old woman, what the hell would she know!?!"
After a long hot soaking in the tub, Paige felt immeasurably better. She ordered Chinese, watched a little TV, leafed through a magazine, called her best friend Caitlin, and made plans for a little shopping trip tomorrow afternoon. A relaxing weekend, that's what she needed, and she was off to a good start! The droning sound from the TV, along with a glass of wine too many, and before she knew it, Paige was sound asleep on the sofa.
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Almost immediately the same sinister force enveloped her! Her vagina, wet with sexual desire, her breathing becoming shallow, her pulse quickening as unbridled lust swept through her. She was only conscious that it was happening again, the only difference being that she didn't try to fight it, instinctively knowing it was hopeless to do so!!! Again her body responded in a most female way, giving of herself to the on rushing orgasm! This time, however, she sensed more of a presence, of something making her feel like the mother of all things! What was it, what could it be!?! Her vaginal walls began to contract as the orgasm spread through her entire being, until finally the climax ebbed, leaving Paige a disheveled sweaty mess and her mind slowly clearing. There was no doubt about it now, these orgasms came only when she was sleeping! What on earth was the matter with her! My god, she just couldn't keep on this way! The only odd thing that happened to her over the first few days was her encounter with that bag lady. "What was it she said," thought Paige, "incubus!?!" "What a funny sounding word, I wonder if it even is a word!!!" After such a sexual explosion, Paige decided she needed another shower. Her body was damp with sweat, and her vagina dripping wet from the intense experience! After her shower, Page went to her dictionary hoping to find the meaning of the word "incubus", but what she found frightened her, but her common sense told her it was an impossibility! Her dictionary described an incubus as a demon who has sexual relations with sleeping women, the resulting offspring becoming witches, warlocks, or sorcerers. "No way," she spoke out loud, "just fairy tales and folklore!!!" Even as she spoke, though, she had this terrible feeling that what the old woman had said was true. How could she have possibly known that Paige was having nocturnal orgasms? Why were these orgasms so devastating? Why only when she was sleeping? So many questions, so few answers, an now it was time for bed. Paige felt a feeling of helplessness come over her. She was almost sure that she would be assaulted again in her sleep, but her need for sleep was overpowering as well. Slowly she climbed into bed, pulled the covers up to her neck, and then waited. As usual, a person doesn't even realize when they slip off to dreamland, and Paige was no exception. She just drifted off, and was soon snoring quietly in regular breaths. This time she felt "him" enter her body through her vagina, instantly soaking her panties with secretions, her whole body becoming inflamed with lust! This time it seemed to be communicating directly with her, making it's presence overtly known. It was as if it was telling her exactly what it was doing to her, and that she was going to take it and like it! By now, the fourth such occurrence, Page had become more accustomed to the intense sexual excitement that she was feeling, and incredibly it was now becoming almost like a drug for her, nothing else compared to the feeling that the incubus could give her! She could feel his demonic passion filling her up, and she finally gladly relented, now almost begging "him" to take her as "his" own! Her vagina shook as the pleasure built to unbelievable heights! Her clitoris seemed to be as large as the universe, with the incubus wrapping itself around it, driving her to even greater sexual heights! When her orgasm erupted, her entire body was wracked by the most incredible feeling on the face of the earth, at that moment she knew she was "his"! This time he lingered in her body, almost as if to say you are mine forever!When she was finally conscious, what the old woman had said to her made perfect sense. She was one of them now, and the incubus was her universe! She put her hands on her stomach and felt a presence in her womb.
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Something was growing inside of her, she wasn't sure what, but she lay down again, and fell into a deep fitful sleep. If he entered her, that was fine, because she welcomed him now, if not, she had his seed growing inside of her. Either way, she was his, and would do his bidding forever!THE ENDBe sure to check out the forum for more great stories http://www. sexstoriespost. com/forums/index. php?and also our new story site www. bluestories. com.
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