Folge mir Gesamtansichten: 94938 (Dieses Monat: 173) Erstellt 10-02-2020 (Verändert: 11-02-2020)


Höhe178 cm (5'10" ft)
Gewicht62 kg (136.69 lb)
Sprach: Englisch  English English English English English
  Portugiesisch Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese
    Spanisch  Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish
In–call    In–call: Hotelzimmer
Auswärts    Auswärts: Hotel & Hausbesuche
Sexuelle Orientierung : Homosexuell 
Treffen mit: Verfügbar für Männer  Verfügbar für Männer   
Verfügbar für Transsexuelle  Verfügbar für Transsexuelle    Verfügbar für Schwule  Verfügbar für Schwule    2+  2+   
Ich bin Fetisch

Über mich
BEST PLEASURE IS ALWAYS WITH ME Hello my dears! My name is LISA . I am a young Brazilian princess, super feminine, gorgeous and very sexy. I am thin, super soft and toned skin, no one compares to my gorgeous presence .. I am UNIQUE You can describe me even better after you meet me. I'm here to take you to another reality and fulfill your fantasies. Be at ease, I will satisfy all your wishes and curiosities. Unhurried, I'm active and passive, very submissive, I love receiving tasty and I give myself everything. But when I'm active, I'm willing. I love foreplay. Blowjob massages. Everything to satisfy you to the maximum .. my photos are always current 100% real


Transex LISA . I am a very female Transex and I am 22years old. I am intelligent, sweet, attractive and enjoy a wonderful encounter. I'll get you nice and sexy in my beautiful long-lasting set and with a smile around my face. This is only one entry, a beautiful party that can offer will wait for your call. Description and high level, pleasant and clean environment.

Telefon:+306993413480 (SMS & Anrufe) 
Anleitung:SMS & Anrufe 
E-Mail :Kontakt 
Private Nachricht:PN senden 

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