Sisnebuk reviews
Členem od: 19-02-2018Země: ŘeckoMěsto: Nea Liosia | Odeslat SZ |
Mila reviews 19-02-2018
Datum schůzky Trvání Město Vzhled Služby Komunikace 2018-02-19 1 hours Heraklion : 10.0: 10.0: 9.5Líbání
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I would like share with you guys my experience with
Mila today.
Originally I found this site from a good friend of mine.
I told him what Iam looking for and he shared it with me.
As a person Iam very busy daily so I sure I can’t visit Athens
so easy and find something in Heraklion was needed no matter
the cost.
So thanks to this page I found and managed connect with Mila
which currently is in Heraklion.
Communication was excellent since she was replying to my sms
texts amazing fast almost instant.
The customer can except exactly what he sees in the photos.
No photo shop at all.
Also I need add that she is very kind and no matter my high stress levels she
did great.
In part of services she was very very good again.
I experience a health issue which is called epispadia.
This heath issue’s primary side effect is that from future surgeries
In the area nerves there get destroyed however Milla still did great.
I will sure visit her again!