
Anticipation 2


Kevin wakes up more rested than he's been in a while. He turns over, and realizes he's alone in the bed. He vaguely recalls a conversation they had before passing out, and he told her she was welcome to the fridge if she got up first, since he's off for the weekend, and he planned on sleeping in. He lays for a second, and recalls the evening before, and smiles. He walks downstairs, there's music playing, so Whitney cant hear him. He turns the corner at the bottom of the stairs to go into the kitchen, and sees her washing a dish she must have used for breakfast. "How very kind of her," he thinks. She's wearing one of his ghetto big shirts, which goes down to just above to bottom of her ass. It gives him a teasing view because shes bent over slighly, with her legs spread, and he just barely doesn't see her pussy. He slowly walks up behind her, and grabs her hips, bringing her ass towards him.
"Morning lover, " he says, kissing her neck.
"Morning. " Whitney wipes her hands off, and turns, embracing him in a kiss. They break the kiss, and she points to the table. "I made some coffee. "
"Aah, sweet nectar of life!" Kevin walks over and sits at the table, taking a large sip of coffee.

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"So what are the plans today, sexy?"
"Well, " he begins, wiping the little coffee dribble from his face, "I was thinking, some doggie style, and a sixty-nine. " He gives her a big suggestive smile.
She returns the smile, and says "now that is my kind of plans!"
"But on top of that, maybe I could actually show you that bigscreen downstairs. " He takes another big chug of the coffee, and gets up to put the mug into the sink. "I was thinking we take in the WoW movie. " He turns with a very sly smile to see her reaction.
It hits her a second later, "What? That just finished post! How the hell did you get it?" She looks at him with disbelief.
"Well I don't have the final cut, there's some loose graphics, and a few straight blue screen shots, but Its a production copy. One of my guys landed a gig doing some of the graphics, and I happened to be at his house when he was working on it, and I happened to have my laptop and some dvd software. But I don't like to toot my own horn. " She stands up and runs over and kisses him deeply.
"I'll toot your horn. " She moves her hand down to his waist, slips it under the elastic of his pajama pants, and grabs his dick. She starts stroking it, slowly, kissing him at the same time.

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  " Kevin moans a bit during the kiss, and she moves to her knees, pulling down his pajama pants. She takes his dick, which sprang to life very quickly after she grabbed it, and she takes it into her mouth. Kevin grabs onto a countertop to hold himself up. "Damn, she's good at that," he thinks.
She speeds up a little, then stops, moves off of the dick, and swirls her tongue around the head, licking all down and back up the shaft, only to take the dick back in her mouth. She fondles his balls, continuing the repetitive motion, and quckly brings him to orgasm. "Aaah!" He gets a bit vocal as he cums, and she swallows the whole load. She licks the dick clean, and stands back up, wiping a little dribble off her chin.
"Keep pulling surprises like that out, and you might get more of that right there. " She takes a sip of water that she had pourded earlier, as he goes to pull his pajama pants on. "Leave them off. No one's gonna be coming home right?"
"No, Jay's off visiting family. And I've told people I went out of town on business. " He stands back up, and steps out of the pants, leaving them in their place. He grabs a bottle of Corona from the fridge.

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   "Want anything while we're watching?"
"Grab the whole thing, I'll have a few, I'm sure. "
"Do me a favor, there's a blanket downstairs, could you throw it over the couch? I feel bad leaking all over it, when its not mine. " He chuckles a bit, putting his Corona back in the pack, and grabs the pack instead.
"Yea sure. Hurry up, I don't know how to run that crap down there. " She opens the door to the basement, and flashes her ass at him before walking down.
"Hmm. Tease. " He follows her down, and by the time he puts the sixpack down, she's got most of the blanket on the couch. As she bends over to tuck in the last of it, he looks at her, and sees her pussy, almost daring him. He walks over to her and positions himself behind her, and puts one hand on her hip and the other on her back, gently pushing it down, indicating he wants her to arch it.
"I got so horny sucking you off, and I almost thought you weren't going to catch that. " She bends over further, laying her head on a pillow, and spreads her legs a bit more, so she can arch her pussy to him.
"Oh how could I resist?" He grabs his dick, which had found renewed vigor, and rubs it along her wanting pussy.
"Don't tease, fucker.

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"But it's so, " and between words, he rams his dick into her, "fun!"
"Oh!" She lets out a little yelp, as he starts fucking her. He goes steady for ten minutes, then slows down, and pulls out just to the head. "Don't stop. " She moans the statement out, obviously wanting more. He slaps her ass, hard, and rams her as deep and hard as he can, and she lets out another yelp. "Oh!" Being that he just came, he's not even close, so he starts going hard and fast. He goes for another twenty minutes, and realizes that this must be uncomfortable for her. He slows down, and pulls out.
"Go on the floor, " he says.
"Good, my neck was starting to hurt. " She smiles at him, and gets down on all fours, as he positions himself behind her once again. He runs his fingers up her pussy, and guides his dick up the slit, and puts it in. He goes all out, fast and hard, for another twenty or so minutes, and she tenses up, and moans loudly as she cums. "Aaah!" He continues for a few more strokes, and pulls out, letting her lay down. He moves next to her, kissing her passionately.

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   She breaks the kiss rather abruptly, and says "Did you cum?"
"No. I just came upstairs, so its harder to do two in a row like that. "
She gives him a sly look, and looks down at his dick, still at attention. "Well we just cant have that. " She moves down and puts it in her mouth for a second, then stands up. "Get on the couch. " He doesn't hesitate and sits down on the couch. She moves in front of him, and puts a leg to either side of him, and then kneels down onto the couch, straddling him. "Little guy wants a work-out, we'll give him one. "
She positions her pussy above his dick, and guides the head in. She pauses at the head, and grabs Kevin's head and kisses him deeply. She slams down on top of his dick during the kiss, and starts riding him. The kiss moves to her neck, and continues down to her tits, which he promptly devides between his hand and mouth. He bites her nipple slightly, and she grinds him a bit harder when he does. Kevin sucks on her nipples, as she moves vertically along his dick.

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   After a few minutes, he moves back to take a breath, and she takes the opportunity to give him the workout she promised. She takes a page from several pornos she's seen, and starts moving up and down as fast as she can, sending pulses of pleasure through both of their bodies. Kevin manages to move back to the tits, and continues sucking them as she rides him hard. After another half hour, he feels his dick swell up harder than it was. She feels it, too.
"You almost there, baby?" He finds that he's without words, being that his mouth is full of nipple, and all he can do is mumble and nod, as he continues to almost violently suck and bite her nipples. Whitney speeds up again, catching him off-guard, and forcing him to pull back and draw a deep breath. As soon as he takes the breath, his whole body pulses, and he cums inside her, hard. The sensation shoots through her body, causing her to have another small orgasm, herself.
They're both wiped, and she raises herself up, lets his dick out, and sits back in his lap. They share a passionate kiss, and she moves off him and sits next to him. "So how's about that movie, now?" They both let out a tired chuckle.

. . .

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