


This story is based on fact. It spans a period of about 10 years. I have used journalistic licence and embellishment to hopefully make the story more readable and interesting. . A reader can likely work out which is fact and which is fiction. Comments welcome.




On campus, I had become friendly with Jack. We took a class together that finished just before lunch. Lucy and I usually met for lunch after that class. While I was waiting for Lucy, sometimes, we would sit and talk about all sorts of things, such as our likes and dislikes, cars, girls, what sort of job we hoped to get, and so on. Jack lived a 30 minute drive from campus, so commuted.


We seemed to have a lot in common. Like me, he did not drink or smoke. Neither was he interested in parties. He preferred to go to the movies.

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   He liked watch videos of the older movies, particularly the old musicals, such as Sound of Music. He said he thought they rarely made movies like that now.


Often Jack would still be with me when Lucy arrived, so he had met her number of times. Lucy had asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said not, but would like to.


During one our talks he asked me what you have to do to hang on to a girl like Lucy. He said he could imagine there would be a lot of guys trying to lure her away, particularly guys up to around 30. Many of these guys were well versed in the art of seduction. They would wine and dine a girl for a while, then split with them and quickly pick up with another. He knew about it because his older brother was one. He was 30 and his current girlfriend was 18.


The next week we were sitting at our usual spot, talking, while waiting for Lucy. He looked up and said he could see Lucy coming down the path. She was walking with 3 guys……. seniors.

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   They were laughing.

As they got closer he pointed and said “see that guy on the right of Lucy. He has a reputation as a womanizer. He is very devious……. always asking girls to have a drink with him………. trying to get them alone………asking for their phone number”. I asked how he was aware of this. He said he knew quite a few girls on campus, who had attended his high school. They had pointed him out.


As they came closer the 3 guys peeled off and minutes later she arrived. I asked Jack to have lunch with us. Later, Lucy said she really enjoyed his company. It was a pity he did not have a girlfriend. She reckoned he would be a good catch for the right girl.




After dinner that night I said I would needed to work on some assignments.

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   I went to my room and sat at the desk. I started to think about the days events. All of a sudden I felt depressed. I was thinking about what Jack had said. “What you have to do to hang on to a girl like Lucy” and how he had explained about professional seducers. I had always thought about vultures, but of my age, not up to 30!


I decided to lie on my bed to relax and hope the feeling would pass. Just the thought of losing Lucy made tears flow down my cheeks. Just then I heard Lucy’s voice say “how are you going?” and her head popped around the door. She could see the tears on my face and asked what was wrong and said “you look so down”.  


She cuddled up next to me and said “I know what will perk you up ………come on share a shower”. She took my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. In seconds, our clothes were off into a heap in the corner and we were in the shower.


In my present state my dick was like a rag doll, completely lifeless. It had never, ever, been like that before when in the shower with Lucy! One look and Lucy immediately knew there was something wrong.


With the warm water running over us she wrapped her arms around me, pulled me so our bodies were touching head to toe.

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   “Tell me what it is, please, we share everything don’t we?”

I told her how I had seen her walking with the guys on the campus and this feeling came over me that I was going to lose her to somebody else.


She looked up to me and gave me such a passionate kiss that I started to feel a lot better. Then she said “Jimmy, I love you………I want you………. I want to share my life with you always…………. what you are thinking is never going to happen…………. . . never, ever, ever think like that again, please………understand? I nodded “ok”. I was feeling much better. Then Lucy said “it feels lonely in here with just the two of us, I should do something about”. She put her hand around my dick. It suddenly came back to life. There were three of us again.


While we were drying off Lucy asked did I remember 2 weeks ago when we came back from visiting. She took my hand and we were on the bed in seconds.

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“My turn……. . you remember I showed you what to do?”  


How could I forget?




Firstly she lay on her back.   This time we put a small dab of baby oil on my finger to get her started.

Finding her spot, I gently massaged it in the way she always liked. It never took Lucy long to orgasm. She was expert at it. One hand always held my hard dick and I could feel each orgasm by her light squeeze. After removing any surplus oil from my finger I opened her lips wide then moved my finger over her spot and slightly inside. I could feel the slipperiness on my finger as I moved it slowly down, out and up along the inside top of her lips, then very lightly around and around. The top inside edge must have been very sensitive because I could feel Lucy’s squeezes on my dick in rapid succession as I continued around it.


Now, she rolled on to her side indicating what she wanted next. Moving in close I became aware of the advantage of being 8 inches. Holding my hand around the base it was easy for to place the top of it anywhere along her open slit. As I rubbed up and down the slipperiness increased even more.

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   I could see an opaque fluid oozing out. Moving my dick up to her spot I slowly rubbed it in circles. As Lucy now held my hand I could feel her response.


Looking at the head of my dick, so big, sitting on her spot, I wondered how it would even go in there. I seemed like there was just no room at all. I would have to ask Lucy about that – we might have a problem.

Next, I moved my dick a little below her spot, pushing inwards. Being so slippery it slid in so that half the head was obscured. As this was forbidden territory I quickly pulled it out. As I did, the head clipped her spot. I felt Lucy’s squeeze but not release. She whispered “do that again”. So I did, and again, and again. Lucy indicated to me to keep going but I told her that such a sensitive spot could become irritated.


Lucy then settled down, gave me a kiss and, in seconds, was fast asleep.

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I lay for while. I felt I needed congratulations. I had kept control of urges for once. I was sure that holding my dick around the base in order to guide it reduced the usual urges.

I was sure Lucy would be pleased about that too.


However, if she realized that I had let my dick partly enter her was she still going to be pleased? In the pleasure of the moment I did not think she was aware of it.

If needed, I would explain that it was accidental because she was so slippery. I would have to give an undertaking not to do it again.  


I would have liked to stay on the bed with her but I needed to complete those assignments.




Next morning, I was up early and started breakfast prep. Lucy arrived, came to me, gave me a long tight cuddle and said she had slept like a baby all night and felt fantastic. If that sex play had this effect on her I would suggest that we shouldn’t leave it another 2 weeks.


 I decided this was a good time to tell her of my reservations. I told her how I could not see how my dick would fit in her as there did not seem to be any space for it. She said it would not be a problem; 8 inches would fit easily.

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   Her body would stretch to fit it in.


She said my mother had confirmed that for her!


“What? You have been talking to my mother about my size. ”

“It’s not an issue…………. . our mothers have seen you plenty of times” she said.

“Yes, maybe……. . but not with 8 inches sticking out…………. oh,oh, maybe at the pool”.

Lucy replied that they would not have seen that, at the pool, if I had kept control of myself.


I could hardly believe my ears. I wanted to know when all this happened. It suddenly it hit me. It was when we were visiting to tell them we were going to get married. Lucy and our mothers had gone into a huddle in the bedroom for at least an hour.

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   I wanted to know what else she had told them. I guessed it was everything. It had always been like that. Lucy had always told them everything. With my mother, Lucy was just like a daughter.


Needing to know the timing for planning a wedding, Lucy had gone into detail about her fertility planning and how that would influence the date. They knew of Lucy’s ideas on marriage and intercourse, and that to her, it was a changing event from which a relationship had a new, but joint beginning.




Following the formal commitment to each other our mothers thought our relationship would soon change.  

They did not think we could abstain until the wedding, even allowing for our sex play, which they knew all about anyway. They advised her to get condoms straight away. This is where my size came in to the discussion. My mother told Lucy to make sure I got the largest size condoms, not less than 56mm, otherwise it was likely I would not be able to get it on. And, if that happened we would still have intercourse, regardless, because we would be too far gone not to. She should not rely on me in such a situation. After all, I was a male.

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While Lucy was up clearing the table I moved to the lounge and lay back thinking about all this.

It was about 4 weeks or so since we had decided to be married.


Thinking of our sex play I wondered whether Lucy’s resolve was weakening. She had taken us a little step further. I was sure I was not going to be of any support to her in this matter. I was so weak I could not even stop my dick from going hard when I should.


Last night, when it slipped that little further into Lucy, was it really an accident? Was my subconscious telling me to do it? Was it just another sign of how weak I was! On the other hand, tell me what guy would not be weak with Lucy lying naked, invitingly, on the bed in front of them. Maybe I was normal after all!


I was soon to find out!




After we agreed to marry, and in order to confirm her fertility cycle, Lucy had started keeping a chart of the required data. She said she got the chart at the Women’s Centre on campus. It seemed they were much in demand. She was fairly sure that she was on the usual 28 days, but as this could vary it was necessary to confirm it over 3 months.

It was all a mystery to me. I knew that one part of the record keeping involved taking her temperature every morning because she had purchased a special gauge to do it.


She told me that if the record-keeping showed the usual pattern we could bring our marriage date forward, say 2 months. Gee, I liked that idea!


Also, she said, according to the science, males were in their sexual prime at around 18 and females at 20-24.



I would have known this if I had paid more attention in Sex Ed.

Also, I would not have been so concerned about my lack of control. It obviously meant that my mind was genetically pre-programmed to tell my dick ‘this female is ready for impregnation………. go for it’ - and with any female that might agree!!


Now,………. knowing this, confirmed that I was not abnormal at all.




One morning, before leaving for class I had a phone call from my mother. After a short chat, I passed the phone to Lucy.  

Lucy relayed the essence of the conversation.


 How is the planning going? 

Answer:  Good, have not missed one day.

Does Jimmy understand what it is all about?

Answer:  No. I will explain it to him later?

Did you get the condoms in case needed?

Answer:  No. I will get Jimmy to get them today.

Remind him to get only big size.

Keep them handy. Put some in each bedroom.

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Answer:  Will do.  




So, I was delegated to go to drugstore and get these condoms. I would have rather Lucy do it. I wondered who usually does it; the male or female.


I finally found the condoms after much searching. I saw lots of labels - Ribbed, Superthin, Lubricated etc, but no large size. When I had walked in to the shop I had noticed an Assistant, she looked young: I thought 16 years old. I was hoping she would not come and ask me what I wanted!


Just then, right behind me a young voice asked “can I help you find what you are looking for?”

I jumped a mile. She looked me up and down then went to the bottom shelf, stood up with 2 packets in her hand and said “is this what you want, Large Size - Standard or Superthin?”


I could hardly speak. I took the Superthin out of her hand. Next she picked up a box from the shelf and said “you will need this too…………. . the cashier is just over there”. The box read ‘Personal Lubricant’. Now, with 2 boxes in my hand I went to pay the cashier.

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   To my horror there was another 16 year old girl at the register. If she did not know what was in the bigger box, she soon did. When scanned, the display window of the register showed, in big letters that could be read from the back of the shop – LARGESIZE CONDOMS.


Now every girl in the shop would know I needed large size.

I would be too embarrassed to come back!

If more were needed Lucy would have to get them.




The next few weeks were a busy time for us both. Regular classes, midterms and extra work shifts.

Our sex play was usually reserved for our share-a-shower nights. We spent a lot of time just cuddling and kissing in bed.


Our schedule had now become less hectic. Friday night came and we felt a lot more relaxed. We had a quick share-a-shower.  




Lucy jumped on the bed naked and said how good she felt. She pulled her knees up and opened her legs so I could clearly see her spot shrouded by the beautiful dark curly hair. I ran my fingers through the hair, over her tummy to her breasts.

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I circled her breasts lightly brushing over her nipples. I loved the way her breasts touched perfectly in the middle, just blending one to the other. Not even a hair would fit between them. When standing, without a bra, they touched each other for about 2 inches forming a natural cleavage.


She put her hands around her breasts and pushed them together and upwards. The nipples were standing up waiting for me. I lent over took a nipple in my mouth and stated sucking it gently. Next I used my tongue to circle the nipple. I could feel it increase in size. She held my hand and I could feel her unmistakable squeeze. I did the same on the other nipple. She said that they felt so nice, they were tingling.




Lying with her eyes closed she said “I feel like having something special tonight”, then pulled  pillows under her bottom and back so that she was raised.


 She indicated to me to sit opposite her close enough so my dick would reach her spot. My legs went alongside her body and her legs over mine.

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   I liked this position. I was looking front on at her open legs, showing every detail of her slit. She put her fingers just inside her, and moved them round. When she took her fingers out I could see the secretions on them. Taking hold of my dick she let her fingers caress just the head. Around and around. As it became less slippery she put her fingers back to get more.

Next, holding my dick at the base I rubbed the front of the head up and around her slit, concentrating on her spot which was clearly swollen up. Just as well she was raised on the cushion, because I had a job to get my dick to bend down enough to reach. A couple of times I lost my grip and it flew up as though it was on a piece of elastic.


Lucy put her hand over and took control of the head of my dick. Moving it up to just below her spot she pushed it inside so that the head completely disappeared. I could not believe my eyes nor how easily it went in. Then, she pulled it out and pushed it back in and out several times so that it became extremely slippery.

She said to me “you do it now…… but no further than that……………are you ok? .

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  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . if you think you are going to come, and can’t stop, pull it out quick!”


I did not need any coaxing. I pushed it in, building up a slow rhythm. Looking at how far it was in her, I could see that I still had 6 inches left to go. How would it all fit in when the time came?

The feel of it moving in and out was not like anything I had ever experienced before. The warmth, the slipperiness, the all encompassing light pressure surrounding the head was magic.


I looked at Lucy’s face. She was lying back with her eyes half closed, obviously enjoying the moment. Her hand was holding on to my leg. I could feel her intermittent squeeze.

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   When I indicated it was time to stop. She blew me a kiss “ok, but a little more first”.

With the grip I had around my dick, plus holding myself upright together with the concentration on moving my dick in and out, I found that I was able to control my urges, of which I had had many.


I could see Lucy was closing her eyes so I moved to beside her. She took hold of my hand, gave it a squeeze and was asleep in seconds.


This would set the pattern for future sex play. Towards the end of play Lucy would say “your turn”. Releasing the grip around the base of my dick plus a couple more short ins and outs I was soon squirting. I could easily have pushed it right in but Lucy trusted me. I knew I had not yet received an invitation. However, there were times missed when Lucy said it was too risky.




In discussions with her mother it was decided that the wedding would be a simple affair.


It would be held at Lucy’s home, on a Saturday morning.

A Celebrant would do the ceremony in the beautiful backyard garden.

The guest list would be small, mainly family.

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   Both sides of the family were small, particularly as our mothers were sisters.

My Aunt would arrange a caterer to do the lunch and would be held in the big snooker room at the rear of the house.

As the cost of the wedding would be minimal both our parents had offered to assist with the down payment on a house or apartment, when we had finished our studies.


We had decided not go on a honeymoon. Perhaps have a short holiday, away, later. Lucy had wanted to return to the apartment, amongst familiar surroundings.


We had decided to drive down the day before, Lucy staying at her house and I at mine, and to return to our apartment late afternoon.




With classes, work and end of term exam revision it was no time before we were close to the wedding date.

Our mothers had driven up for a day so they could take Lucy shopping for a dress. All I knew about it was that Lucy did not want a wedding gown, but something shorter, and it had to be white.

The dress went back with our mothers to be readied for the day.




Lucy continued updating her fertility chart. She said that based on current data she had worked out a wedding date just after our exams.


A couple of days before the wedding she sat me down and produced a calendar marked in colored blocks. She said that it was most important that I thoroughly understood everything.

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   “You don’t want to hear the patter of little feet yet………. do you?” This had to be a joint effort.

‘Patter of little feet’! Those words had me all ears; Lucy would get my undivided attention!


Basically the chart showed when you could have sex and when you couldn’t – unless you wanted to hear that ‘patter’.


It showed 10 days safe, although really 8,

8 days zilch,

And, then 10 days safe.

However, Lucy said the 8 day zilch time might be able to be reduced once fertility pattern was confirmed over a longer time period. The wedding date was marked with a big black circle on the calendar. According to Lucy, it worked out extremely well, such that we would have the last 10 days followed by the second 10 days with 2 days out in the middle.


If we cannot or do not want to abstain for that period then alternatives need to be worked out. Number 1, is the use of the condom. Other than that, further options would have to be considered.


A thought then popped into my head. I had never read anything about all this in the Jackie Collins book I remembered. Nor in the sexy movies.




Then she asked whether I would want to use a condom. I did not know.

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   I had never had one on. She said I should try one and see what it felt like – to get the box I had bought and lie on the bed. “Drop your pants……. . you dick must be hard to put it on”……… I knew that……I had watched this part carefully when I did Sex Ed.

“It‘s soft Jimmy, I’ll give you a hand to get it up”. I seemed to be nervous about all this. It took longer than usual to get it up, which was normally instantaneous when Lucy got hold of it.


Lucy tore open the sealed packet and gave to me. I was so nervous my dick started to flop. Lucy saw it was now drooping badly and said “you’ll need to make it harder”. Easier said than done. I had told her before, that it had a mind of its own. “………I’ll help”. Next, she pulled off her top, came closer and wiggled her breasts in front of my nose.


   Nothing much changed. Then, she removed her jeans and pants and I was looking at that dark curly haired triangle. Looking her up and down naked I became aware of a rapid change for the better. In seconds I was as hard as could be………. back to my old self……phew………. . what a relief……. . I was beginning to think I needed medical care.


Lucy handed me the condom. By now the head of my dick was really hard and quite fat. I knew it had to be rolled down, so, with Lucy watching carefully I started to roll it. It would not seem to unroll. Only with Lucy’s help, her 2 fingers on one side, mine on the other, was I able to unroll it. It was very tight until we got it over the head, then we both succeeded to unroll it to the bottom.

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It still felt very tight. I looked on the little packet it came in. It clearly said ‘large size’. Lucy thought the manufacturers might have put ‘regular’ size in the ‘large’ packet by mistake and suggested we find a different brand. On the other hand I may have grown. How old are you before your dick stops growing? Lucy said she would have to measure it again. It was quite a while since she last did it.


I told Lucy I did not like the feel of it on. Lucy rubbed her hands up and down it. She said it felt smooth enough, although, she was not impressed with the idea of putting foreign material inside her. Then Lucy suggested that we test how it felt for me. She took the tube of lubricant and smeared some all over it and proceeded to rub as she always had.


Usually, it never took long for me to start feeling good. It usually depended on whether she was using 2 hands or one. Once she put her second hand on I would go in a flash.

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After rubbing up and down the condom she looked at me to see my reaction. I said it felt ok but was not like doing it on bare skin. Lucy put more lubricant on, then her second hand. What she normally expected just did not happen. It took quite a while before I started to slowly get that feeling and then squirted into the little bulb at the bottom.


Now it was time to remove the condom. “You’ll have to let it go down, I think, so you can roll it up” said Lucy. But, how long would that take? I had hardly softened. Lucy suggested I walk around a bit………go and make a cup of coffee! That idea did work, but getting the condom off was as difficult as getting it on.


By the wedding date we had not needed to resort to use of the condom.




As planned, we arrived the day before. My mother was at Lucy’s house. All three went into a huddle in the bedroom almost immediately. I was expected to look after myself. Later I went with my mother to our house.

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   Going to my old bedroom, I laid on the bed reminiscing of the fun times Lucy I spent together there. I had an early night to be ready for our big day.


Set up in the backyard of Lucy’s was a small white marquee with chairs on a timber base. A red carpet roll extended from the garden path to the marquee.

For the ceremony, Lucy walked to stand beside me. She looked so beautiful in a white dress which contrasted with her dark hair, that I went a little weak at the knees. With formalities over it was a relaxing time at lunch.


After catching up with family one sees only on special occasions it was time for us to drive back to the apartment.




Arriving back, a quick snack was all that was needed.

“Want to watch some TV?”  I asked. She shook her said.

“What do you want to do then?” She pointed to her bedroom.


In minutes the three of us were in the shower. Lucy was quickly on to the bed, on her back.

In seconds, I was in position between her propped legs.

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   As my hard dick neared her slit she stopped me with her hands on my shoulders and said “wait I want to look at it first…………now, I want to watch it go in me”.

Then with three fingers held behind my head she guided my dick into her. As the head disappeared from view, she took her hands off my dick, watched as long as she could and said “push it in slowly……. that’s good…………. now, bring yourself up a wee bit higher so that you can feel it pressing on my pubic bone and spot………. that’s right …………. perfect……………. it feels beautiful all ready…………. come right in……. as far as you can.

She had her hands on each of my buttocks exerting a little pressure indicating to me to keep coming. Then her hands signaled me to start by a small backward pressure. I moved in and out at medium pace, making sure I kept some pressure on her spot. I held back as much as I could. Inevitably I squirted with force - one, two, three, four times.

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Now I knew I had definitely gone to heaven.


As I started to move back Lucy said “don’t take it out yet……. . come back in. . . . . . . . . . . .

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  let’s roll on to our sides and stay together”.


With our pubic area still touching, my dick was deflating. Lucy said that it would not slip out- it was too long. Hanging down soft it was 7 inches. It did not stretch much when it went hard.


Lying together, touching in this way with my dick still inside, was if we were one.


Lucy had an arm around me and was whispering in my ear telling how she liked intercourse. She told me that she had felt me go four times. She had counted the squirts as the warmth entered her each time. It was worth the wait!


I had never thought sex could be so exhausting. I just waited for my energy to return. After some 15 minutes I could feel a light pressure surround my dick, easing off and on. Lucy was using her vaginal muscles to massage me. As she gradually increased the pressure on and off…. .

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   on and off, I could feel my dick start to get hard again. Lucy felt it too. She whispered “do you want to go again”. With that we flipped again to her back and I regained my position. My dick stayed fully into her all the time!  I thought that I might not be able to go again so soon, but I did! An advantage of youth, no doubt.

This time Lucy said to take it out before it went soft. She wanted to watch it come out of her. Slowly I withdrew it. It was glistening with the secretions on it. Lucy put her hand around it and briefly rubbed it up and down gently.


As I rolled on to my back my mind raced backwards. Firstly, to the undertaking I had given to my Uncle, ‘to look after Lucy’, and then to today’s ceremony, ‘to have and to hold, from this day forward’. By allowing me to enter the most sacred part of her body Lucy had given herself to me completely. In a way, we had been together for 10 years all ready. Now, I had sole responsibility for her for the rest of our lives.

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   I saw this as an easy job. It was fun to be with Lucy……… there was never a dull moment.


We cuddled up close and were asleep in minutes.

A perfect end to a perfect day!















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