Celkem zobrazení: 67543 (Tento měsíc: 30) Vytvořen 22-08-2012 (Upraven: 19-04-2021)


Výška155 cm (5'1" ft)
Váha44 kg (97 lb)
Jazyk: Angličtina  English English English
K ní    K ní: Hotelový pokoj
Eskort u klienta    Eskort u klienta: Návštěvy doma i na hotelu
Sexuální orientace: Bisexuální 
Schází se s: Dostupné pro muže  Dostupné pro muže    Dostupné pro ženy  Dostupné pro ženy   
Dostupné pro páry  Dostupné pro páry   
O mně

I like in my private life:

Classical sex, 
Sex In Different Positions, 
Erotic massage,
Light domination, (Role Playing)
Kissing with tongue, 
Oral without condom, 
Cum on body, 
Cum In Face,

Cum in mouth

cople m/m m/w. 

Extra I like:

Golden shower (give) +50


My rates for my personal time like escort!:

30min 150e

1hour 200e

2hours 350e

3hours 500e

Read my reviews on greek 

Cestuji do
USA Východní Evropa
Kanada Austrálie
Karibik Asie
Latinská Amerika Afrika
Skandinávie Střední východ
Západní Evropa   
Kontaktní info
Domovské město:Pouze provázím po městě 

Napsat hodnocení View Kleo_AF reviews
  • KLeo 23-11-2012
    Datum schůzkyTrváníMěstoVzhledSlužbyKomunikace
    21-11-2012 3 hod Athény
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Udělat se do pusy
    Opakovaný sex
    S jazykem
    Bez kondomu
    Na obličej
    Přírodní ňadra
    Povoleno opakování
    Skutečný obrázek
    Kleo is a girl with Korean origin, but born and raised in Moskow. So her looks is Asian, but her attitude is more open and free. She has a completely hairless body (everywhere!), apart of her long, silk, black hair. Her skin is sensitive and perfect, with brown nipples and brown pussy lips.
    As usual with Asian girls, she leaves herself to you, to do her whatever you want, whenever you want it, for so long as you want it (no anal), as long as you are polite and carefull. I took the lead with her and we had a passionate 3-hour sex, anly with a break for shower (including of course french kissing, leaking, massaging from me to her). A surprise is how hot and responsive she was! She came at least 3 times (me 2 times), moaning with pleasure all the 3 hours! Her pussy is normal size and can accept heavy and long pounding (20cm my tool). She accepts also fingering, as long as you are clean.
    I'm not very fond of Asian girls, but Kleo is an exception! I hope I see her again!